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Abstract Saxifraga cernua, a perennial herb distributed throughout the arctic and subarctic regions, shows high levels of dark respiration. The amount of respiration exhibited by leaves and whole plants at any temperature is influenced by the pretreatment temperature. Plants grown at 10°C typically show higher dark respiration rates than plants grown at 20°C. The levels of alternative-pathway respiration (or cyanide-insensitive respiration) in leaves of S. cernua grown at high and low temperatures were assessed by treating leaf discs with 0.25 mol m?3 salicylhydroxamic acid during measurements of oxygen consumption. Alternative pathway respiration accounted for up to 75% of the total respiration. Tissues from 20°C-grown plants yielded a Q10 of 3.37 for normal respiration, and of 0.97 for alternative-pathway respiration. Tissues from 10°C-grown plants yielded a Q10 of 2.55 for normal respiration, and of 0.79 for alternative-pathway respiration. The alternative pathway does not appear to be as temperature sensitive as the normal cytochrome pathway. A simple energy model was used to predict the temperature gain expected from these high rates of alternative-pathway respiration. The model shows that less than 0.02°C can be gained by leaves experiencing these high respiration rates.  相似文献   
Summary Border fragments of the octopine Ti-plasmid were tested for their ability to restore tumorigenicity of an avirulent mutant carrying a deleted right border. It was found that neither introduction of left border fragments nor that of small right border fragments at the position of the deletion resulted in a complete restoration of oncogenicity. However, insertion of a larger right border fragment in the deletion mutant gave fully oncogenic strains. In the latter case sequences to the right side of the right border repeat were found to be responsible for a complete restoration of oncogenicity. Also a left border repeat inserted together with this enhancer sequence fully restored the oncogenicity of the deletion mutant. The enhancer-sequence on itself was not able to mediate the transfer of the T-region to the plant cell. Border fragments inserted in inverted orientation in the deletion mutant were able to mediate the transfer of the T-region to the plant cell, but at a reduced frequency.  相似文献   
Summary The chromosomal genes chvA and chvB of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which mediate attachment to plant cells, were found to be essential not only for tumour induction but also for the formation of root nodules on plants.  相似文献   
Calli were initiated from flower buds, gynoecia and inflorescence segments of Haworthia magnifica v. Poelln. and subcultured on solid medium. Two liquid culture steps were necessary to prepare the calli for the isolation of protoplasts capable of sustained cell divisions. Plants were regenerated from protoplast-derived calli. The influence of both the osmolality of the culture media and exudates on the viability of protoplasts and protoplast-derived cell colonies is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, plants were regenerated from 4 to 5 month old callus cultures originally derived from seedling explants. Somaclonal...  相似文献   
Production of phaseollin was measured in cell suspension cultures and whole plants of Phaseolus vulgaris. In suspension cultures phaseollin appeared when there was no further increase in cell mass. Cells transferred to a medium without auxins yielded three times higher phaseollin concentrations than cells grown in their presence. Addition of autoclaved fungal mycelia or polysaccharides as elicitors resulted in an increased phaseollin concentration in the cell suspension.In whole plants phaseollin could be detected only after the plants were challenged by a fungus which caused lesions (browning) of the upper root neck region, Rhizoctonia solani. Treatment of non-infected plants with autoclaved fungal mycelia or other elicitors did not induce phaseollin production. However, when they were added before or together with the pathogenic fungus, the elicitors further increased phaseollin concentration in the root neck regions of the plants. This indicated that the pathogenic fungus was important for the penetration of the elicitors to inner plant tissues where phaseollin (and probably other phytoalexins) is produced.  相似文献   
Germinated seeds from 11 populations of green alder [ Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh] sampled in four Canadian provinces were analysed for electrophoretically demonstrable diversity of 10 enzymes encoded by 15 structural loci. Of these, nine were polymorphic, and on average, 52% of the loci per population were polymorphic. Assuming a diploid model of expression, average level of expected heterozygosity was 0.11 with nearly all populations in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the set of polymorphic loci analysed. No significant inbreeding and associated subpopulation structuring were noted. Rates of gene flow appeared high within and among populations. Although little divergence was observed among populations, genetic and geographical distances between populations were related. Discriminant and cluster analyses revealed a pattern of genetic variation associated with geography. Populations from northern Quebec were poorly differentiated, whereas western populations from Alberta exhibited a larger degree of genetic differentiation. Introgresive hybridization with the sympatric species Alnus sinuata (Regel) Rydberg and partial isolation in the West are suggested as an explanation for this larger differentiation. The occurrence and significance of rare alleles is discussed in relation to the importance of geographical distance in the process of population differentiation in this species.  相似文献   
For three acid soils from Santa Catarina, Brazil, lime application and time of incubation with lime had little effect on the adsorption of added phosphorus. In two soils with high contents of exchangeable aluminium, solution P and isotopically exchangeable P were decreased by incubating with lime for 1 month: phosphorus was probably adsorbing on freshly precipitated aluminium hydrous oxides. In one soil with less exchangeable aluminium, P in solution was increased by liming. After 23 months lime increased solution and exchangeable P possibly due to crystallization of aluminium hydrous oxides reducing the number of sites for P adsorption. All these changes were however small. In a pot experiment, lime and phosphorus markedly increased barley shoot and root dry matter and P uptake. Although liming reduced P availability measured by solution P, isotopically exchangeable P and resin extractable P, it increased phosphorus uptake by reducing aluminium toxicity and promoting better root growth. The soil aluminium saturation was reduced by liming, but the concentration of aluminium in roots changed only slightly. The roots accumulated aluminium without apparently being damaged.  相似文献   
H. Lehn  M. Bopp 《Plant and Soil》1987,101(1):9-14
Five plant species were cultivated on a soil from the Neckar alluvial fan near Heidelberg (FRG) polluted by the emissions of a cement plant. Thallium, cadmium and lead concentrations in seedlings and mature plants were determined by atomic absorption analysis. AdditionallyBrassica napus L.napus was grown on soils containing 5 different concentrations of heavy metals, achieved by mixing two similar soils, from the same area but with different metal concentrations. Thallium and cadmium were shown to be taken up by roots whilst lead which was also absorbed, was deposited mainly on the plant surface. However during cultivation in the winter months, a remarkable deposit of lead via the roots was found. Thallium in the soil from a anthrorogen source was more available to plants than thallium of geological origin. During the lifetime of a plant concentrations of thallium and cadmium were always highest in the seedling. The decrease in metal concentration with maturity depended on the plant species and the element, but was not a function of the metal concentration in the soil.  相似文献   
Floral determination in the terminal bud of the short-day plant Nicotiana tabacum cv. Maryland Mammoth has been investigated. Plants grown continuously in short days flowered after producing 31.4±1.6 (SD) nodes while plants grown continuously in long days did not flower and produced 172.5±9.5 nodes after one year. At various ages, expressed as number of leaves that were at least 1.0 cm in length above the most basal 10-cm leaf, one of three treatments was performed on plants grown from seed in short days: 1) whole plants were shifted from short days to long days, 2) the terminal bud was removed and then rooted and grown in long days, and 3) the terminal bud was removed and then rooted and grown in short days. Whole plants flowered only when shifted from short days to long days at age 15 or later. Only rooted terminal buds from plants at age 15 or older produced plants that flowered when grown in long days. Only terminal buds from plants at age 15 or older that were rooted and grown in short days produced the same number of nodes as they would have produced in their original locations while buds from younger plants produced more nodes than they would have in their original locations. Thus, determination for floral development in the terminal bud, as assayed by rooting, is simultaneous with the commitment to flowering as assayed by shifting whole plants to non-inductive conditions.Abbreviations LD long day(s) - SD short day(s) - DN dayneutral  相似文献   
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