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Floral determination in the terminal bud of the short-day plant Nicotiana tabacum cv. Maryland Mammoth has been investigated. Plants grown continuously in short days flowered after producing 31.4±1.6 (SD) nodes while plants grown continuously in long days did not flower and produced 172.5±9.5 nodes after one year. At various ages, expressed as number of leaves that were at least 1.0 cm in length above the most basal 10-cm leaf, one of three treatments was performed on plants grown from seed in short days: 1) whole plants were shifted from short days to long days, 2) the terminal bud was removed and then rooted and grown in long days, and 3) the terminal bud was removed and then rooted and grown in short days. Whole plants flowered only when shifted from short days to long days at age 15 or later. Only rooted terminal buds from plants at age 15 or older produced plants that flowered when grown in long days. Only terminal buds from plants at age 15 or older that were rooted and grown in short days produced the same number of nodes as they would have produced in their original locations while buds from younger plants produced more nodes than they would have in their original locations. Thus, determination for floral development in the terminal bud, as assayed by rooting, is simultaneous with the commitment to flowering as assayed by shifting whole plants to non-inductive conditions.Abbreviations LD long day(s) - SD short day(s) - DN dayneutral  相似文献   
Summary In gene-for-gene systems, specificity of hostparasite interactions is most often estimated qualitatively using the symbols +, –, (i.e. susceptibility and/or resistance). In large sets (interaction patterns) it becomes impossible to analyze numerous data by mere comparison. This is overcome by application of cluster analysis. In our experiments the methods in question were used to estimate the data obtained in a study on interactions between more than 220 Lactuca sativa cultivars and 12 Bremia lactucae physiological races (isolates) of Czechoslovak origin. The matrix of similarity coefficients was analyzed by hierarchical clustering. Similarity and/or dissimilarity of host R-genotypes was graphically expressed using the method of two principal components. The results obtained are related to genetic constitution of race specific resistance of the host and the possibility of predicting effective resistance sources.  相似文献   
Iodinated vinculin, metavinculin and α-actinin were used to probe the interaction of these proteins with electrophoretically separated cytoskeletal proteins. Using the gel overlay technique, we detected strong binding of 125I-vinculin and 125I-metavinculin to α-actinin, 175 kDa polypeptide, talin, vinculin and metavinculin themselves, and moderate binding to actin.125I-α-actinin was capable of interacting with vinculin and metavinculin. The specific binding of 125-I-α-actinin to vinculin and metavinculin immobilized on a polysterene surface was also demonstrated. We suggest that the ability of vinculin and α-actinin to form a complex may be realized in microfilament-membrane linkages.  相似文献   
Summary Voltage-dependent K channels could be identified in on-cell and excised patch-clamp records on membranes of isolated plant cell vacuoles. The current through a membrane patch is dominated by a channel population with a conductance of about 121 pS in symmetrical 250mm KCl solution. The single channel adopts at least two conducting levels the 121-pS state being most frequently observed. The channel shows outward rectification, representing a cation flux into the vacuoles. The rectification appears to be caused by a vanishing open probability and a short channel lifetime at hyperpolarizing voltages. A selectivity ratio of potassium over sodium of about 6 was derived as an estimate. Occasionally, an additional population of K channels with a single-channel conductance of approximately 18 pS is observed. This channel type exhibits outward rectification as well.  相似文献   
许纲  钦俊德 《昆虫学报》1987,(4):359-366
实夜蛾属(Heliothis)的棉铃虫(H. armigcra)和烟青虫(H. assulta)是近缘种,幼虫期取食多种相同的植物,其中含有不同的次生物质.本项工作是在人工饲料中分别加入0.5%的烟碱、番茄苷、棉子酚、丹宁酸等饲养早期六龄的幼虫,测定它们对生长和食物利用的影响.结果表明这些次生物质对两种幼虫有不同的作用:烟碱对棉铃虫没有明显影响,但对烟青虫的取食却有一定的刺激作用.丹宁酸、棉子酚、番茄苷可抑制两种幼虫的生长,而以番茄苷抑制烟青虫的生长最为显著.番茄苷主要通过抑制取食来影响幼虫的生长,而丹宁酸和棉子酚则具有降低消化率的作用.通过次生物质对这两种幼虫效应的比较可知,棉铃虫有较大的忍耐力.  相似文献   
The phytogeographical territories of Israel and Sinai are revised using a large mass of species distribution data. With the help of chorotype frequencies for 25 km2 individual squares in Israel, territories were defined on the basis of the first two most frequent chorotypes. The similarity of boundaries in the resulting phytogeographical map with a physiognomic map suggests that the latter may be used in preliminary stages of the preparation of plant geographical maps.  相似文献   
Feeding responses of the oligophagous tobacco hornworm to allelochemicals prevalent in their host plants were determined in food choice-tests using filter paper discs laced with a test solution or water (control). Six solanaceous alkaloids, tomatine, tomatidine, solanine, solanocapsine, atropine and nicotine, were tested and only tomatine and solanocapsine were found to influence preference behavior. Solanocapsine (5 mM) deters feeding whereas tomatine (1 mM) stimulates feeding slightly. No synergistic effect of either tomatine or tomatidine with sucrose was found.The responses to tomatine are affected by previous feeding experience. Tomatine slightly stimulates feeding in larvae reared on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), but slightly deters feeding in larvae reared on Jerusalem cherry (Solanum pseudocapsicum). Such induced preference is absent for the other alkaloids tested, which indicates that these alkaloids do not by themselves induce preferences for the plants containing them.The non-alkaloid allelochemicals, chlorogenic acid, rutin, and 2-tridecanone also influenced food choice behavior. Chlorogenic acid is slightly stimulatory at its natural concentration (1mM), but strongly deterrent at higher concentrations. Rutin stimulates feeding in a concentration-dependent manner. Its activity must be due to the glycosylated structure, because both the aglycone (quercetin) and the sugar moiety (rutinose) are neutral. Removal of the glucose part of rutin, as in quercitrin, results in feeding deterrent activity. 2-Tridecanone is neutral at its concentration in cultivated tomato (1 mM), but strongly deterrent and toxic at higher concentrations. Preference behavior is not affected by solanesol, GABA, and a mixture of host plant compounds stimulatory for anothe solanaceous-specific feeder, the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata).We conclude that the prevalent solanaceous alkaloids and other allelochemicals tested do not play important roles in food selection of the tobacco hornworm, although some may make small contributions.
Résumé Des experiences de choix de chenilles oligophages de M. sexta ont été réalisees avec des disques de papier filtre imbiles d'eau ou de solutions des substances allélochimiques dominantes dans les plantes consommées. Sur les six alcaloïdes de solanées examinés: tomatine, tomatidine, solanine, solanocapsine, atropine et nicotine, seuls la tomatine et la solanocapsine ont influé sur le choix; la solanocapsine (5 mM) empêche la prise de nourriture, tandis que la tomatine (1 mM) la stimule légèrement. Aucun effet synergique de la tomatine ou de la tomatidine n'a été observé en présence de sucrose.La réponse à la tomatine est modifiée par la prise de nourriture antérieure. Elle stimule légèrement l'alimentation de chenilles élevées sur tomates (Lycopersicon esculentum), mais dissuade légèrement les chenilles élevées sur Solanum pseudocapsicum. II n'y a pas d'action induite semblable avec les autres alcalïdes examinés, ce qui indique que ces alcaloïdes ne peuvent pas induire par eux-mêmes de préférences pour les plantes qui les contiennent.Des substances allélochimiques non-alcaloïdes: acide chlorogénique, rutine, et 2-tridécanone, influent aussi sur le comportement de choix alimentaire. L'acide chlorogénique est légèrement stimulant à sa concentration naturelle (1 mM), mais fortement dissuasif aux concentrations supérieures. La rutine stimule la prise de nourriture en fonction de sa concentration. Son activité doit être due à sa structure glucosylate, puisqu'aussi bien l'aglycone (quercitine) que la moiteé sucrée (rutinose) sont neutres. La suppression de la partie glucose de la rutine, comme dans le cas de la quercitine, a un effet dissuasif. A sa concentration dans la tomate cultivée (1 mM), le 2-tridécanone est neutre, mais il est fortement dissuasif et toxique à des concentrations supérieures.Le comportement de choix n'est pas modifié par le solanésol, le GABA, et par un mélange de composés végétaux stimulant un consommateur spécifique de solanées, comme le doryphore (Leptinotarsa decemlineata).Nous pouvons conclure que les principaux alcaloïdes et autres substances allélochimiques des solanées que nous avons examinés n'interviennent pas d'une façon importante, mais peuvent avoir une influence secondaire, dans les choix alimentaires de Manduca sexta.
Parathyroid hormone (PTH), the plasma concentration of which is raised in uremia, has been suggested as one of the agents responsible for the myocardial changes commonly seen in uremia. The effect of intact [1–84] PTH on rat heart cells grown in tissue culture has been studied. Addition of the hormone to the media significantly stimulated beating rate. The stimulation was directly proportional to the amount of PTH in the medium. Excessively high concentration of PTH caused immediate cessation of the beating, which was reversed by the addition of calcium to the medium. The extent of stimulation by PTH was inversely proportional to the calcium concentrations in the medium. Isoproterenol and phenylephrine at excessively high concentrations in the medium did not mimic the PTH effect either alone or together with PTH. When beating ceased due to verapamil the effect was not reversed by the addition of calcium to the medium.Calcium added to the myocytes seen after beating ceased reversed the effect and the cells started to beat again. Cells kept for a longer period in the arrested state were not revived by the addition of calcium.  相似文献   
The first total synthesis of glycosphingolipids isolated from wheat flour has been achieved in a regio- and stereo-controlled manner.Abbreviations THF tetrahydrofuran - DMF dimethylformamide Part 53 in the series Synthetic Studies on Cell Surface Glycans  相似文献   
The effect of different extraction methods on the composition of samples of soluble cuticular lipids (SCL) of Citrus aurantium L. was investigated. The variation of extraction yields, when whole leaves were immersed in solvent, was studied as a function of solvent type and duration of immersion. Cuticular waxes were also quantitatively extracted from isolated cuticular membranes of C. aurantium and their composition was compared to that of samples obtained by the immersion method. Significant differences were observed. Higher carbon number homologues of the aliphatic constituent classes were discriminated against when whole C. aurantium leaves were extracted by immersion. The alkyl ester fraction was almost entirely lacking in extracts from whole leaves. The dependence on carbon chain length of the saturation concentrations in chloroform of major aliphatic SCL constituents was determined. The results are discussed in terms of the major physico-chemical processes involved in the extraction of SCL.  相似文献   
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