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Several lines of evidence suggest that the X chromosome plays a large role in intrinsic postzygotic isolation. The role of the Z chromosome in speciation is much less understood. To explore the role of the Z chromosome in reproductive isolation, we studied nucleotide variation in two closely related bird species, the Thrush Nightingale ( Luscinia luscinia ) and the Common Nightingale ( L. megarhynchos ). These species are isolated by incomplete prezygotic isolation and female hybrid sterility. We sequenced introns of four Z-linked and eight autosomal loci and analyzed patterns of polymorphism and divergence using a divergence-with-gene flow framework. Our results suggest that the nightingale species diverged approximately 1.8 Mya. We found strong evidence of gene flow after divergence in both directions, although more introgression occurred from L. megarhynchos into L. luscinia . Gene flow was significantly higher on the autosomes than on the Z chromosome. Our results support the idea that the Z chromosome plays an important role in intrinsic postzygotic isolation in birds, although it may also contribute to the evolution of prezygotic isolation through sexual selection. This highlights the similarities in the genetic basis of reproductive isolation between organisms with heterogametic males and organisms with heterogametic females during the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   
紫茎泽兰根区土壤酚酸类物质组成及其对土传病菌的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
紫茎泽兰根系释放的化感物质是导致其土壤环境发生变化的重要因素,可为其成功入侵提供有利条件.以空白土样为对照,提取健康和感染棉蚜的紫茎泽兰根区土壤酚酸类化感物质,采用GC-MS分析其组分和相对含量.结果表明:不同处理根区土壤酚酸类化感物质的种类没有变化,但相对含量发生了改变.其中,虫害处理土样中苯甲酸和对羟基苯甲酸的相对含量均显著高于对照,但对羟基肉桂酸的相对含量显著低于对照,且苯甲酸、对羟基苯甲酸和对羟基肉桂酸的相对含量在3种处理土样中的比例存在差异.用上述3种物质单体及它们在3个处理土样的比例复配进行抑菌试验发现:在较低浓度(50~150 mg·L-1)下,3种化感物质对5种土传性病菌有显著的抑制作用,但复配后对5种病菌的抑制作用各不相同,虫害处理的复配对其中3种病原菌的抑制作用均低于对照和健康植株.  相似文献   
溪流潜流层大型无脊椎动物生态学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张跃伟  袁兴中  刘红  任海庆   《生态学杂志》2014,25(11):3357-3365
溪流潜流层是溪流表层水和地下水相互作用的群落交错区,生物多样性丰富,是溪流生态系统的重要组成部分.大型无脊椎动物位于潜流层食物网的顶层,直接影响着潜流层物质和能量动态,是河流健康潜在的指示生物,调节着潜流层的环境净化和生态缓冲功能,对溪流生态系统发挥着至关重要的作用.潜流层大型无脊椎动物类群按生活史划分为偶入动物、非典型潜流层动物和典型潜流层动物.潜流层孔隙大小、孔隙水流速、溶解氧、温度、可利用的食物源、渗透系数和水力停留时间是影响大型无脊椎动物在潜流层分布的主要因素.对于潜流层这样一个特殊的生态界面,针对不同的研究目的应该选择合适的取样和调查方法.潜流层大型无脊椎动物的生活史和生活史对策,在溪流生态系统物质循环和能量流动中作用的定量化分析,基于潜流层大型无脊椎动物的河流健康评价体系,以及潜流层作为“庇护地”对于大型无脊椎动物分布和进化的生态学意义,都值得进一步关注和深入研究.  相似文献   
Nitrogen fixation, the biological reduction of dinitrogen gas (N2) to ammonium (NH4+), is quantitatively the most important external source of new nitrogen (N) to the open ocean. Classically, the ecological niche of oceanic N2 fixers (diazotrophs) is ascribed to tropical oligotrophic surface waters, often depleted in fixed N, with a diazotrophic community dominated by cyanobacteria. Although this applies for large areas of the ocean, biogeochemical models and phylogenetic studies suggest that the oceanic diazotrophic niche may be much broader than previously considered, resulting in major implications for the global N-budget. Here, we report on the composition, distribution and abundance of nifH, the functional gene marker for N2 fixation. Our results show the presence of eight clades of diazotrophs in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) off Peru. Although proteobacterial clades dominated overall, two clusters affiliated to spirochaeta and archaea were identified. N2 fixation was detected within OMZ waters and was stimulated by the addition of organic carbon sources supporting the view that non-phototrophic diazotrophs were actively fixing dinitrogen. The observed co-occurrence of key functional genes for N2 fixation, nitrification, anammox and denitrification suggests that a close spatial coupling of N-input and N-loss processes exists in the OMZ off Peru. The wide distribution of diazotrophs throughout the water column adds to the emerging view that the habitat of marine diazotrophs can be extended to low oxygen/high nitrate areas. Furthermore, our statistical analysis suggests that NO2 and PO43− are the major factors affecting diazotrophic distribution throughout the OMZ. In view of the predicted increase in ocean deoxygenation resulting from global warming, our findings indicate that the importance of OMZs as niches for N2 fixation may increase in the future.  相似文献   
Previous studies on recovery in hyporheic communities have found that communities rapidly return to pre-disturbance levels. However, most of these studies have concentrated on small floods or ones with short return periods. I studied the impact of a large 1 in 6 year flood on the hyporheic community at 2 sites in the Hunter River, a large coastal river in New South Wales with a mean daily flow of 15 m3 s−1. The flood peaked at 1270 m3 s−1 and afterwards invertebrate densities at the 2 sites were 83 and 67% less than they were before. Recovery to pre-flood densities was slow but was aided by increases in the oligochaete and cyclopoid populations. At Site 1, there was a boom in oligochaete and cyclopoid numbers 61 d after the flood, but the communities resumed their pre-flood densities by Day 139. Recovery at Site 2 took 139 d. Most groundwater taxa (stygobites) living in the hyporheic zone did not recover from the disturbance when compared to non-stygobites. Apart from Microturbellaria and the harpacticoid Parastenocaris sp., numbers of all stygobite taxa continued to decline after the flood, becoming absent after 61 d. The poor recovery of stygobites is probably due to their adaptations for survival in the relatively stable groundwater environment. This study shows that hyporheic communities are sensitive to large bed-moving floods and supports the hypothesis that ecotonal species with a strong affinity to one ecosystem can be poor at recovering from disturbances that occur in an adjacent ecosystem.  相似文献   
We investigated spatial changes in the isotope ratios of the plankton food web in Lake Chany, Siberia, Russia, especially at an estuarine transition zone of the lake. The δ13C values of particulate organic matter (POM) varied among the sampling sites, and increased with increasing pH of the lake water. This may reflect a shift by phytoplankton from using CO2 to using bicarbonate for photosynthesis with increasing pH. The δ13C values of zooplankton community also changed at each site along with those of the POM. This was indicative of carbon isotope changes of plankton food webs between the stations along an environmental gradient.  相似文献   
任颖  何萍  徐杰  贾娇 《生态学杂志》2017,28(6):1843-1850
根据滦河流域河岸带56个样点的植被调查,研究入侵植物种类,其组成特征、空间分布,及其与环境因子的关系.结果表明: 滦河流域河岸带共记录入侵植物26种,属12科19属,其中菊科和苋科植物为优势科,占入侵植物总数的50%,一年生植物占总数的73.1%,反枝苋、大狼杷草、小藜是出现频数最高的3种植物;样点的入侵种数、入侵强度与海拔呈显著负相关;人类活动强度对入侵植物分布有显著影响,人口密集、交通便利、人类活动频繁的平原区,水库众多的浅山区,以及中游段旅游业发达的承德市周边山区是入侵植物集中分布的区域;人口分布较稀的高原地区只出现几种宽生态幅的入侵物种.总体上,滦河流域河岸带入侵等级高的植物主要分布在400 m以下的中低海拔地区,除反枝苋外,其他高等级入侵物种尚未扩散进入高海拔地区.  相似文献   
Due to concerns about data quality, McKechnie, Coe, Gerson, and Wolf ( 2016 ) questioned the conclusions of our study (Khaliq et al., 2015 ) published in this journal. Here, we argue that most of the questioned data points are in fact useful for macrophysiological analyses, mostly because the vast majority of data are explicitly reported in the peer‐reviewed physiological literature. Furthermore, we show that our conclusions remain largely robust irrespective of the data inclusion criterion. While we think that constructive debates about the adequate use of primary data in meta‐studies as well as more transparency in data inclusion criteria are indeed useful, we also emphasize that data suitability should be evaluated in the light of the scope and scale of the study in which they are used. We hope that this discussion will not discourage the exchange between disciplines such as biogeography and physiology, as this integration is needed to address some of the most urgent scientific challenges.  相似文献   
Abstract Stony downs consist of grassy areas that alternate with areas that have a substantial stone cover. The stone-covered areas are impermeable, and most rain falling on them runs off, substantially increasing the effective rainfall in adjacent grassy areas. As a result, 20–25 mm of rain on stony downs wetted the soil around the grass to a depth of 140–170 mm and allowed sustained grass response. This is much less than the 35–40 mm of rain required for the same response on red clay or grey clay plains. Grasses respond very rapidly after rain. Some have green shoots the day after rain, and all have responded by the second day. Ephemerals dry off in 4–6 weeks, but most tussock grasses still have some green foliage 8–10 weeks after rain. Deeper rooted tussock grasses remain green for so long because most of the moisture that reaches deeper roots after rain remains there. Most moisture loss is through the soil surface and is recognizable as a drying front that descends through the soil profile. Soil above the drying front is nearly air dry (<5% moisture) while soil below the front has substantial moisture (14–16%). By about a month after rain in summer, the drying front is at a depth of about 80–120 mm. This is near the tips of the roots of ephemeral grasses and the ephemerals then dry off rapidly. Only the tips of the leaves of deep rooted grasses like Mitchell grass (Astrebla spp.) dry off. Their leaves continue to remain mostly green during most of the second month after rain and they do not dry off completely until the third month when the drying front reaches the bottom of the main root system.  相似文献   
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