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K. Kumar S, N. Gupta, A. Rajwanshi, K. Joshi and G. Singh Immunochemistry for oestrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and HER2 on cell blocks in primary breast carcinoma Objective: Steroid receptors and human epidermal growth receptor 2 (HER2) have been used for predicting response to treatment in breast cancers. Fine needle aspiration cytology can provide highly cellular material and can be used for such analysis. The present study was undertaken to assess the reliability of oestrogen and progesterone receptor (ER, PR) status and HER2 as demonstrated by immunochemistry (IHC) on cell blocks from breast carcinoma cases, in comparison with histological sections. Methods: IHC for ER, PR and HER2 was performed on cell blocks and their corresponding tissue sections of 50 primary pre‐chemotherapy breast carcinomas. Positivity for ER and PR was scored according to the Allred scoring system. Strong membranous positivity in more than 30% of tumour cells was considered positive for HER2. The tumours were classified as luminal A, luminal B, HER2‐over‐expressing and triple negative on the basis of ER, PR and HER2 status and results on cell blocks compared with histological sections. Results: Correlation between immunostaining on cell blocks and the corresponding tumour tissues revealed a concordance rate for ER, PR and HER2 of 90% [Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.79], 94% (r = 0.86) and 90% (r = 0.76), respectively. Including five cases in which cell blocks were either ER or PR positive, 43/50 cases (86.0%) could be correctly classified on cell block immunostaining alone. The main reasons for seven discordant cases included technical errors (sampling error and staining error) and interpretational error in HER2 evaluation on cell blocks; the core biopsy was inadequate in one, and apparently false negative for HER2 in another. Conclusion: Cell blocks are useful in the assessment of hormone receptor status and HER2 by IHC, especially in cases of locally advanced breast cancer for planning neoadjuvant chemotherapy. It is highly recommended to have good quality cell blocks and quality control of their interpretation.  相似文献   
N. Gupta, A. Barwad, K. Katamuthu, A. Rajwanshi, B. D. Radotra, R. Nijhawan and P. Dey Solitary fibrous tumour: a diagnostic challenge for the cytopathologist Background: Solitary fibrous tumour (SFT) is an uncommon spindle cell tumour that can occur in a variety of locations. Cytological features of this tumour have only rarely been reported in the literature. We describe the cytomorphological features of SFT with an emphasis on diagnostic pitfalls. Methods: We retrieved nine cases of histopathologically proven SFT. Three cases had sampling error with inadequate smears and, therefore, six cases with adequate cellularity were analysed for cytological findings. The cytomorphological features and the differential diagnoses on fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) are discussed. Results: No definitive cyto‐diagnosis of any of these cases was possible because of the morphological overlap with various soft tissue tumours and other tumour types. There was one false‐positive case, in which the possibility of sarcoma was suggested due to the presence of scattered atypical cells. Cytologically, the smears from the SFTs showed spindle to plump cells embedded in metachromatically staining dense ropy collagen material. The cells usually had oval to spindle shaped nuclei, bland chromatin and wavy elongated pale staining cytoplasm. Conclusion: A diagnosis of SFT on cytology smears is challenging. Careful attention given to certain cytological features in an appropriate clinicoradiological setting and application of immunochemistry, including CD34 and CD99 immunostaining on cytological samples, can help in the diagnosis of SFT in some cases. It is important to consider cytological overlaps of this tumour in order to avoid false‐negative or false‐positive results.  相似文献   
用兔抗人催乳素多克隆抗体和鼠抗人催乳索受体单克隆抗体对文昌鱼神经系统、哈氏窝和其它组织进行免疫组织化学研究。结果显示:催乳素免疫活性细胞及催乳素受体定位在文昌鱼脑泡、神经管、哈氏窝、轮器、内柱、消化管和性腺(卵巢和精巢),表明催乳素在文昌鱼有广泛分布,并且从进化观点来看,证明催乳素是一种高度保守的古老激素。双重免疫染色进一步揭示催乳素及其受体免疫反应阳性物质共存于同一卵母细胞胞膜和胞质以及精巢中精原细胞、初级与次级精母细胞和Sertoli细胞。研究结果首次证明了文昌鱼脑泡和哈氏窝以及其它组织能够合成和分泌催乳素,表明像脊椎动物一样,催乳素可能参与调节文昌鱼体内代谢和对环境的适应以及性腺发育,提示文昌鱼可能出现原始的脑泡-哈氏窝(催乳素)-靶细胞调控轴的雏形。本研究为文昌鱼哈氏窝内分泌学以及催乳素的起源与演化提供新的基础资料。  相似文献   
Objective: The morbidity and mortality of the dependent elderly that result from aspiration pneumonia have been recognised as a major geriatric health problem. The tongue has an extremely large surface area and due to its papillary structure can retain considerable quantities of food, and thus can support and harbour a large bacterial population. The purpose of this study was to gain more information on the microflora of the tongue surface and to assess the existence of oral infectious pathogens potentially causing respiratory disease in nursing home residents. Subjects and methods: The tongue bacterial flora of 69 nursing home residents were examined to identify microorganisms by the culture method. Results: Thirteen species of microorganisms were detected from the tongue in this study. In 41 of 69 subjects (59%), potential respiratory pathogens, had colonised the tongue surface. Conclusion: The results of the present study revealed that bacteria that commonly cause respiratory infection colonised the tongue of nursing home residents, suggesting that it may function as a reservoir of potential respiratory pathogens to facilitate colonisation on the oropharynx.  相似文献   
Sixty-eight commercial bottled mineral waters (64 brands, 68 different 'best-before dates') were tested for the presence of bacteria and fungi. Six samples were Legionella antigen positive and six were Legionella pneumophila PCR positive. Two samples were both Legionella antigen and L. pneumophila PCR positive. Legionella cultures were negative. Although the PCR might have detected only dead Legionella cells, the PCR has been described to detect specifically viable but not culturable (VBNC) L. pneumophila cells as well. Whether VBNC bacteria may be present in bottled mineral waters and the risk for infection this may pose for severely immunocompromised patients should be investigated.  相似文献   
Li M  Wu G  Liu C  Chen Y  Qiu L  Pang Y 《Molecular biology reports》2009,36(4):785-790
As an insect pathogen, Photorhabdus luminescens possesses an arsenal of toxins. Here we cloned and expressed a probable toxin from P. luminescens subsp. akhurstii YNd185, designated as Photorhabdus insecticidal toxin (Pit). The pit gene shares 94% nucleotide and 98% predicted amino acid sequence identity with plu1537, a predicted ORF from P. luminescens subsp. laumondii TT01 and 30% predicted amino acid sequence similarity to a fragment of a 13.6 kDa insecticidal crystal protein gene of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). The pit was expressed as a GST-Pit fusion protein in E. coli, most of which was insoluble and sequestered into inclusion bodies. The inclusion bodies were harvested and dissolved. The resultant protein was purified and the Pit was cleaved from the fusion protein by thrombin and purified from GST then used for bioassay. Pit killed Galleria mellonella (LD50, 30 ng/larva) and Spodoptera litura (LD50, 191 ng/larva) via hemocoel injection. Relative to a control that lacked toxin, Pit did not significantly increase mortality of S. litura and Helicoverpa armigera when introduced orally, but the treatment did inhibit growth of the insects. The present study demonstrated that Pit possessed insecticidal activity.  相似文献   
Objectives:  Given the advances in renal imaging modalities in the recent years, a greater number of renal cell carcinomas (RCCs) with tumour size of <3 cm are being detected radiologically. Consequently, there is a pressing need for accurate typing of RCCs which, in turn, will aid in selection of cases of nephron-sparing surgery.
Methods:  A total of 31 cases of renal masses with available fine needle aspiration (FNA) material and concomitant histopathology details were retrieved. They included 27 RCCs (17 clear cells, eight papillary and two chromophobe), one oncocytoma, one liposarcoma and two benign lesions – one xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XPN) and one benign cyst. Two investigators reviewed all FNA material. The degree of concordance between cytological typing and histological typing was assessed.
Results:  There was excellent agreement between the FNA typing and the final diagnosis, with correct classification in 28 of 31 cases. Among the three discordant cases, two were RCCs. The first was a papillary RCC (PRCC) that was misdiagnosed on FNA as clear cell RCC. Another case that was typed as a PRCC on final histopathology was diagnosed 'suspicious cells' on FNA. The third case was an XPN that was misdiagnosed on FNA as RCC with necrosis.
Conclusions:  There is an excellent concordance (90.3%) between the FNA diagnosis and the final histological diagnosis, especially in RCCs. There is a tendency for misdiagnosis with PRCC. Lesions with extensive necrosis and relatively insufficient diagnostic material on FNA specimens must be interpreted with caution. Better concordance might be observed with more extensive sampling.  相似文献   
The British Society for Clinical Cytology Code of Practice on fine needle aspiration cytology complements that on exfoliative cytopathology, which was published in the last issue ( Cytopathology 2009; 20 :211–23). Both have been prepared with wide consultation within and outside the BSCC and have been endorsed by the Royal College of Pathologists. A separate code of practice for gynaecological cytopathology is in preparation. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology is an accepted first line investigation for mass lesions, which may be targeted by palpation or a variety of imaging methods. Although FNA cytology has been shown to be a cost-effective, reliable technique its accurate interpretation depends on obtaining adequately cellular samples prepared to a high standard. Its accuracy and cost-effectiveness can be seriously compromised by inadequate samples. Although cytopathologists, radiologists, nurses or clinicians may take FNAs, they must be adequately trained, experienced and subject to regular audit. The best results are obtained when a pathologist or an experienced and trained biomedical scientist (cytotechnologist) provides immediate on-site assessment of sample adequacy whether or not the FNA requires image-guidance. This COP provides evidence-based recommendations for setting up FNA services, managing the patients, taking the samples, preparing the slides, collecting material for ancillary tests, providing rapid on-site assessment, classifying the diagnosis and providing a final report. Costs, cost-effectiveness and rare complications are taken into account as well as the time and resources required for quality control, audit and correlation of cytology with histology and outcome. Laboratories are expected to have an effective quality management system conforming to the requirements of a recognised accreditation scheme such as Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd.  相似文献   
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