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Exposed riverine sediments (ERS) by four rivers in Scotland and northern England were sampled for beetles in 1996 and 1997. One hundred and sixty rove beetle (Staphylinidae) species lists were analysed using ordination and classification techniques in order to identify habitat groups within and between catchments and to assess which factors were affecting species assemblage distribution. There were major differences between the species assemblages of ERS by rivers of highland and lowland catchments. Within catchments, assemblage distribution was mainly influenced by the position of sites within the catchment; vegetation cover and sediment composition had less influence. The number of rove beetle habitats was not the same as those for ground and phytophagous beetle groups, indicating that conservation considerations should take into account variations in ERS habitat diversity. A considerable number of records of nationally rare and scarce rove beetle species were recorded, most on ERS by rivers and tributaries unaffected by river management or engineering.  相似文献   
Luo H  Wang K Q 《农业工程》2006,26(8):2432-2442
Soil seed bank plays an important role in the composition of different plant communities, especially in their conservation. Although soil seed bank, aboveground vegetation and their relationship have been the subject of much recent attention, little is known about the size and species composition of the soil seed bank and about the aboveground vegetation in the semiarid hillslope grasslands. There is limited understanding of how these components interact to determine the importance of seed banks in regeneration. In this study, the size and species composition of a soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation have been assessed in an experiment using 36 vegetation quadrats and 108 soil samples in terrace, slope, gully, and grazing land. This land represents a range of habitats within a hillslope grassland in Jinshajing hot-dry river valley of Yunnan, China. Terrace, slope, and gully represent restored sites and grazing land typifies unrestored sites. Twenty-one taxa in the seed bank were identified with a median and median density of 7 species/m2 and 5498 seeds/m2, respectively, whereas in the aboveground vegetation, 19 species were observed with a median and median density of 6 species/m2 and 1088 plants/m2, respectively. Both seed bank density and aboveground vegetation density among grazing land, gully, slope, and terrace differed significantly. There was an absolutely high proportion of herbaceous species in the seed bank and aboveground vegetation. Gramineae predominated over both seed bank and vegetation. The most frequent seeds and plants were Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv that had the highest individual number, importance value, and biomass. In the seed bank, the seeds of Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv accounted for 50.68% and 33.10% of the total seeds, respectively. In the aboveground vegetation, the individual number of Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv accounted for 55.66% and 29.86% of the total, respectively. The biomass of Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv accounted for more than 70% of the total, reaching 206.71 g/m2 and 147.76 g/m2, respectively. Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv had the highest importance value of 193.01 and 159.99, respectively. Density, biomass, species richness, species diversity, and evenness were the highest in terrace land, whereas these were lowest in grazing land. Similarities between the seed bank and the aboveground vegetation were moderately high and not very different among slope, gully, and terrace lands, while for grazing land, they tended to increase when the restorative stage progressed. This result contrasts with some other studies where the seed bank contributes very little to the seedling flora and the vegetative growth clearly overwhelms sexual reproduction. The hypothesis about significant functional correlation between soil seed bank density and aboveground vegetation density is conformed. Correlation between soil seed bank density and aboveground vegetation density can be described in quadratic and cubic curves. The strong similarity between the vegetation and the seed bank is attributed to a large proportion of the species Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv., which are seed profusive and whose seeds have a significant viability in the ground. The high density, biomass, species richness, species diversity, and uniformity of the reclaimed site are related to the sufficiency of heat and water supplies for species establishment and growth in the site, which partly reflects the effective efforts for hillslope grassland restoration. It is believed that the efforts for vegetation restoration have altered the microhabitat conditions of the site and have provided a favorable habitat for species to establish and grow.  相似文献   
川渝77县长防林(一期)工程的综合效益评价与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文利用中国生态林业工程综合评价指标体系对川渝77县长防林一期工程的效益进行了综合评价。迄今综合效益提高了6倍,到2010年提高约9倍。还对川江各支流的林分结构调整与新建长防林提出了建议。  相似文献   
Human activities such as land clearing and intensive land use around water bodies, particularly wetlands, have a detrimental impact on water quality and quantity, aquatic plant communities, and associated wetland fauna. Lake Alexandrina and Lake Albert are internationally significant Ramsar wetlands located at the terminus of the Murray River, Australia's longest river system. Agriculture, water regulation, and extraction and droughts have had a detrimental impact on native plant communities in the lakes. We studied the influence of young (<1–3 years) and old (8–11 years) plantings of a native sedge (bulrush), Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani, to facilitate the establishment of aquatic plant communities in comparison with remnant and control sites. We also measured how planting structure (height, stand width, and stem density) changed with age in comparison with remnant sites. Results suggest that as plantings age they get substantially wider and have a greater maximum height, although do not reach similar stand widths by 11 years when compared to remnant areas. However, old plantings do not differ from remnant habitats in relation to aquatic plant species richness, counts of aquatic plants, and community composition. Young plantings have substantially less abundant and diverse plant communities, but are developing on a similar trajectory to old plantings. It is likely that planting sedges along lake shorelines causes a breakwater effect that facilitates the recolonization of wetland plants between the planted area and the water's edge. Management agencies should consider restoring native sedges to increase aquatic biodiversity, and potentially reduce erosion.  相似文献   
The key elements of the flow regime of the Waipara River on the east coast of New Zealand, that affected fish abundances were the timing of floods and the magnitude and duration of low flows. Generally, fish abundances were highest in early summer, and lowest at the beginning of winter. Spring floods opened the river mouth, allowing recruitment of diadromous fish species, and non‐diadromous fish species spawned after the floods in spring or early summer. Reductions in fish abundances over summer and autumn were consistent with the magnitude and duration of low flows, with significant reductions in the year of lowest flow and little change in abundance in the year when low flows were highest. Variations in fish abundances during periods of low flow were consistent with the amount of instream habitat available, such that abundances of species with high velocity preferences decreased during periods of low flow, whereas abundances of species with low velocity preferences increased.  相似文献   
Observations of bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) in Florida Bay, Florida, between 2002 and 2005 revealed the use of three distinct foraging tactics. The goal of this study was to identify ecological correlates with tactic use and describe the impact of foraging specializations on the overall habitat use and distribution patterns of this dolphin population. Foraging tactics showed strong association with contrasting environmental characteristics, primarily depth. Locations of two of these tactic groups were spatially repulsed. Analyses of sighting histories of individual dolphins observed at foraging events determined that dolphins which employed one tactic never employed the other, and vice versa . Although bottlenose dolphins have plastic foraging behaviors, dolphins in Florida Bay appear to specialize in one tactic and subsequently limit their overall distribution patterns to coincide with habitats that facilitate success using that foraging tactic. This study demonstrates how foraging behavior can be an ecological determinant of overall dolphin habitat use patterns and works to create spatial structure within a population due to consistent mapping of tactics onto environmental variation. These foraging specializations potentially impact the social and demographic patterns of this dolphin population. The possible evolutionary mechanisms behind this intraspecific variation, including resource limitation and social learning, are considered.  相似文献   
The study of the dynamics of mollusc populations of the Saône and its two main tributaries, the Doubs and Ognon, over several years has provided us with the opportunity of highlighting the consequences of climatic warming and especially of the heatwave of 2003 on these organisms. From 1987 to 2003, the mean temperature of the waters of the Saône upstream of Lyon (Couzon) increased by 1.5°C. In addition, the summer of 2003 was the hottest since 1500 at least. We used correspondence analysis to identify structure change in mollusc data dating from September 1996 to December 2004. The results revealed: (1) during the period from September 1996 to July 2003, a significant progressive change in the mollusc community structure of the Saône upstream of Lyon, probably linked to the increase of temperature; (2) from July to August 2003 during the heatwave, a sudden change in the structure of mollusc communities and a significant decrease of species richness and density of gastropods and bivalves. During 2004, mollusc density and particularly that of Pisidium remained dramatically low. Similar observations were performed at four other sites along the Saône and in the lower reaches of its two main tributaries. This suggests that the resilience of the mollusc populations (i.e., the speed with which they return to a predisturbance state) to the heatwave is low. In this way, as different climatic models have predicted an increase in the frequency of summers as hot as that of 2003 during this century, more than half the mollusc species currently inhabiting the potamic area of the Saône, Doubs and Ognon, and probably other large rivers, are probably directly threatened with extinction.  相似文献   
Habitat network connectivity influences colonization dynamics, species invasions, and biodiversity patterns. Recent theoretical work suggests dendritic networks, such as those found in rivers, alter expectations regarding colonization and dispersal dynamics compared with other network types. As many native and non‐native species are spreading along river networks, this may have important ecological implications. However, experimental studies testing the effects of network structure on colonization and diversity patterns are scarce. Up to now, experimental studies have only considered networks where sites are connected with small corridors, or dispersal was experimentally controlled, which eliminates possible effects of species interactions on colonization dynamics. Here, we tested the effect of network connectivity and species interactions on colonization dynamics using continuous linear and dendritic (i.e., river‐like) networks, which allow for active dispersal. We used a set of six protist species and one rotifer species in linear and dendritic microcosm networks. At the start of the experiment, we introduced species, either singularly or as a community within the networks. Species subsequently actively colonized the networks. We periodically measured densities of species throughout the networks over 2 weeks to track community dynamics, colonization, and diversity patterns. We found that colonization of dendritic networks was faster compared with colonization of linear networks, which resulted in higher local mean species richness in dendritic networks. Initially, community similarity was also greater in dendritic networks compared with linear networks, but this effect vanished over time. The presence of species interactions increased community evenness over time, compared with extrapolations from single‐species setups. Our experimental findings confirm previous theoretical work and show that network connectivity, species‐specific dispersal ability, and species interactions greatly influence the dispersal and colonization of dendritic networks. We argue that these factors need to be considered in empirical studies, where effects of network connectivity on colonization patterns have been largely underestimated.  相似文献   
We analyzed the phytoplankton present in the lower sector of the Salado River (Buenos Aires, Argentina) for 10 years (1995–2005) and detected significant changes occurring in chlorophyte abundance and species richness during La Niña event (1998–1999), which period was analyzed throughout the entire basin (main stream and tributaries). We compared the physicochemical and biologic variables between two El Niño–La Niña–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) periods – El Niño (March 1997–January 1998) and La Niña (May 1998–May 1999) – to identify possible indicators of a relationship between climatic anomalies and chlorophyte performance. Chlorophyte density increased during the La Niña. Under normal or extreme hydrologic conditions, mobile (Chlamydomonas spp.) and nonmobile (Monoraphidium spp.) chlorophytes codominated. These species belonged to Reynolds's functional groups X1 and X2, those typical of nutrient‐enriched environments. Comparative analyses between El Niño and La Niña periods indicated significant differences in physicochemical (K+, dissolved polyphenols, particulate reactive phosphorus, alkalinity, pH) and biologic (species diversity and richness, phytoplankton and chlorophyte total densities) variables between the two periods at all basin sites. During the La Niña condition, species richness was greater owing to interconnected shallow lakes and drainage‐channel inputs, while the Shannon diversity index was lower because of the high abundance values of Monoraphidium minutum. A detailed analysis of the chlorophytes in the entire basin, indicated that changes in density and species dominance occurred on a regional scale although diverse chlorophyte assemblages were identified in the different sectors of the Salado River basin. After La Niña event, the entire basin had the potential to revert to the previous density values, showing the resilience to global environmental changes and the ability to reestablish the general conditions of stability.  相似文献   
River connections via artificial canals will bring about secondary contacts between previously isolated fish species. Here, we present a genetic consequence of such a secondary contact between Cobitis fish species, C. lutheri in the Dongjin River, and C. tetralineata in the Seomjin River in Korea. The construction of water canals about 80 years ago has unidirectionally introduced C. tetralineata into the native habitat of C. lutheri, and then these species have hybridized in the main stream section of the Dongjin River. According to the divergence population genetic analyses of DNA sequence data, the two species diverged about 3.3 million years ago, which is interestingly coincident with the unprecedented paleoceanographic change that caused isolations of the paleo‐river systems in northeast Asia due to sea‐level changes around the late Pliocene. Multilocus genotypic data of nine microsatellites and three nuclear loci revealed an extensively admixed structure in the hybrid zone with a high proportion of various post‐F1 hybrids. Surprisingly, pure native C. lutheri was absent in the hybrid zone in contrast to the 7% of pure C. tetralineata. Such a biased proportion must have resulted from the dominant influence of continually introducing C. tetralineata on the native C. lutheri which has no supply of natives from other tributaries to the hybrid zone due to numerous low‐head dams. In addition, mating experiments indicated that there is no discernible reproductive isolation between them. All the results suggest that the gene pool of native C. lutheri is being rapidly replaced by that of continually introducing C. tetralineata through a hybrid swarm for the last 80 years, which will ultimately lead to the genomic extinction of natives in this hybrid zone.  相似文献   
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