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In a patch of hermaphroditic plants, with a low level of pollen migration between patches, a prevailing wind creates a gradient, within the patch, in the strength of local competition among pollen for reproductive success. This leads to a sex ratio gradient, with a male (pollen) bias in downwind individuals, which can be quite strong even for large patches. The effect can be understood as follows: downwind individuals have relatively low reproductive value and respond by putting more resources into the gamete (pollen) with the best long-range (extra-patch) reproductive success.  相似文献   
Aim  To demonstrate that incorporating the bioclimatic range of possible contributor plants leads to improved accuracy in interpreting the palaeoclimatic record of taxonomically complex pollen types.
Location  North Tropical Africa.
Methods  The geographical ranges of selected African plants were extracted from the literature and geo-referenced. These plant ranges were compared with the pollen percentages obtained from a network of surface sediments. Climate-response surfaces were graphed for each pollen taxon and each corresponding plant species.
Results  Several patterns can be identified, including taxa for which the pollen and plant distributions coincide, and others where the range limits diverge. Some pollen types display a reduced climate range compared with that of the corresponding plant species, due to low pollen production and/or dispersal. For other taxa, corresponding to high pollen producers such as pioneer taxa, pollen types display a larger climatic envelope than that of the corresponding plants. The number of species contained in a pollen taxon is an important factor, as the botanical species included in a taxon may have different geographical and climate distributions.
Main conclusions  The comparison between pollen and plant distributions is an essential step towards more precise vegetation and climate reconstructions in Africa, as it identifies taxa that have a high correspondence between pollen and plant distribution patterns. Our method is a useful tool to reassess biome reconstructions in Africa and to characterize accurately the vegetation and climate conditions at a regional scale, from pollen data.  相似文献   
The flora and fauna of Europe are linked by a common biogeographic history, most recently the Pleistocene glaciations that restricted the range of most species to southern refugial populations. Changes in population size and migration, as well as selection, have all left a signature on the genetic differentiation. Thus, three paradigms of postglacial recolonization have been described, inferred from the patterns of DNA differentiation. Yet some species, especially wide-ranging carnivores, exhibit little population structuring between the proposed refugia, although relatively few have been studied due to the difficulty of obtaining samples. Therefore, we investigated mitochondrial variation in pine martens, Martes martes, in order to understand the extent to which they were affected by glacial cycles, and compared the results with an analysis of sequences from polecats, Mustela putorius. A general lack of ancient lineages, and a mismatch distribution that is consistent with an expanding population, is evidence that the present-day M. martes and Mu. putorius in central and northern Europe colonized from a single European refugium following a recent glaciation. There has also been interspecific mitochondrial introgression between M. martes and the sable M. zibellina in Fennoscandia.  相似文献   
Aims Our aim is to reconstruct decadal scale development of historical landscapes during the last 1000 years by means of fossil pollen analysis of annually laminated lake sediments, and detailed historical maps and documents. Location Lake Rõuge Tõugjärv (Estonia), a small lake with annually laminated lake sediments situated in a dense prehistoric setting. Methods The chronology of the palaeodata is based on the annual laminations supported by AMS 14C and 210Pb dating and 137Cs, 241Am, and spheroidal carbonaceous particle marker horizons. The time‐scale and resolution allows fine sampling (the pollen samples generally comprise 3.5 years) and vegetation change reconstruction. Relevant source area of pollen (RSAP) of the lake was estimated, and the statistical zonation, rate of change, palynological richness, and DCA and PCA ordinations were generated on the basis of the pollen data. The historical calibration data set (maps, numerical information on population, domestic stock, farmland division, etc.) is based on archival material preserved in the Estonian Historical Archives. Results The topmost part (0–180 cm) of the sediment column of Lake Rõuge Tõugjärv, covering the last 1000 years, is visibly laminated carbonaceous gyttja. The varve chronology extends from ad 2000 to ad 1339, with a cumulative ± 9‐year error estimate. Beyond this the chronology is extrapolated using the 14C date and varve age–depth estimations. The simulation of the RSAP of Lake Tõugjärv shows that the major portion of the pollen loading originating from local vegetation is derived from plants growing within 2000 m of the sampling site. The pollen record divides into five statistically significant subgroups, which fall on the PCA plot into three clusters reflecting the general openness–closedness of the landscape. During the period between ad 1000 and 1200 (RT 1) the Rõuge area was generally wooded with birch, spruce and pine forests. The advancement of extensive farming gradually opened up the landscape between ad 1200 and 1650 (RT 2 and RT 3). The maximum openness of the landscape was reached between ad 1650 and 1875 (RT 4), with the most open period in the late eighteenth century. Historical maps from 1684 and 1870–99 and available quantitative data on population, domestic stock, farmland division, etc. show the same trend. The pollen data covering the last 125 years, and maps from 1935 and 1995, show the reduction of arable land in RSAP of the lake under investigation and the reduction of open land to an extent comparable with the end of the seventeenth century. Main conclusions The formation and development of the cultural landscape at Rõuge over the last 1000 years is characterized by rapid changes in floristic richness and rates of vegetation change attributed to certain historic processes in the RSAP. Five phases of landscape and social development are clearly distinguished during the last 1000 years. The decadal scale vegetation response to human‐induced forcing agrees with historical maps and documents and could be used for past landscapes prior to the period with solid historical data.  相似文献   
The tapetal development ofCichorium intybus L. is investigated using LM and TEM and discussed in relation to the development in other species. During the second meiotic division the tapetal cells become binucleate and lose their cell walls. They intrude the loculus at the time of microspore release from the meiotic callose walls, which means that a locular cavity is never present in this species. During pollen development they tightly junct the exine, especially near the tips of the spines. During the two-celled pollen grain stage they degenerate and most of their content turns into pollenkitt. Until anther dehiscence they keep their individuality, which means that these intruding tapetal cells never fuse to form a periplasmodium. The ultrastructural cytoplasmatic changes during this development are discussed in relation to possible functions.  相似文献   
A headfire upward along the crest to the peak of a foothill during February 1988 had been prescribed to lower the possibility of a wildfire during the dry season on the Jefferson National Forest. Some surface litter plus annual and perennial stems on one-half of a stand of Pinus pungens/P. rigida had been destroyed. Subsequent development of ectomycorrhizal sporophores of basidiomycetes was recorded regularly within equal areas of burned and unburned portions and within a nearby unburned stand of P. virginiana. Each plot had a few ectomycorrhizal hardwoods, mainly Quercus spp. First fruiting was noted under burned P. pungens 3 weeks after a general rain in mid-July and after 4 weeks under both. By the end of November, when fruiting ceased, 138 separable taxa had been collected of which 95 had been identified. A list of the fungi and data on current and previously reported host associations, occurrence on each of the substrates, times and frequencies of fruiting, periodicity of genera, and variations in weather conditions are presented.  相似文献   
Plantations of radiata pine (P. radiata D.Don) on soils previously under legume based pastures have a high incidence of stem deformity compared with forest soils. A comparison of soil properties and tree nutrition of 5 to 7 year-old radiata pine on former pastures in the first part of the study showed that stem deformity was strongly correlated with mineralisation of soil N and in particular with nitrification. Other soil properties that have changed as a result of pasture improvement, e.g. pH, available P and Mn, were only partially correlated with stem deformity. In the second part of the study, the role of N availability and other soil properties in the expression of deformity was further investigated in a separate field experiment on soils formerly under native eucalypt forest, tobacco cropping, and improved pasture. Young radiata pine plantings were treated with lime, phosphorus, and nitrogen applied as urea and sodium nitrate. Liming increased soil pH by around 1.5 units, raised exchangeable Ca2+ and decreased available Mn. Soil mineral N content was only marginally affected by liming. Superphosphate increased soil available P and raised levels of P in foliage. Changes in soil pH, availability of P, Mn, and B did not affect growth or stem deformity at any of the sites. In contrast, application of N fertilisers at 200 and 600 kg N ha-1 increased mineral N content and stimulated nitrification, particularly at the forest site. The high rate of N fertiliser increased basal area at the forest site by 45%, but also raised the level of stem deformity from 12% to 56%. At the tobacco and pasture sites, this treatment did not increase growth and did not significantly raise stem deformity above the already high basic level of deformity (63%). Implications of stem deformity in young plantations of radiata pine on potential utilisation later in the rotation are discussed.  相似文献   
Four xylanase preparations that are commercially available, namely Cartazyme from Sandoz, Ecopulp from Alko-ICI, Irgazyme from Ciba-Genencor and Pulpzyme HB from Novo Nordisk, were tested in bleaching experiments of kraft pulps from Pinus radiata. The main objective of this study was to optimize a reduction in the consumption of chlorine dioxide in the bleaching sequences C90/D10EoDED, C70/D30EoDED and D100EDED. Enzymatic treatments led to savings of ClO2 between 3.5 and 3.9 kg per air-dried tons (ADT) in the three bleaching sequences, without affecting the target brightness of the pulps. In these assays, some minor although reproducible differences in the performance of the enzymes were observed. In most cases, xylanase treatment partially affected the beatability of the pulps, measured as the number of revolutions in the PFI mill required to reach the same tensile index as the respective controls.  相似文献   
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