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We conducted a regional ecological risk assessment for a near shore marine environment in northwestern Washington State using the Relative Risk Model. The objectives of this study were threefold: (1) to analyze cumulative impacts from multiple sources of chemical and non-chemical stressors in the near shore region and upland watersheds of Cherry Point (2) to determine the utility of Monte Carlo type uncertainty analysis in a rank-based regional risk assessment and (3) to investigate the effects of model habitat characterization on risk estimates. We used geographic information systems to compile and compare spatial data to determine ranks for sub-regions within the study area. By quantitatively combining ranks with exposure and effects filters, we estimated total relative risk between sub-regions and relative contributions of stressors. Finally, we used Monte Carlo analysis and an alternative ranking scheme to evaluate the effects of model and parameter uncertainty on risk predictions. The regional risk assessment results suggest the major contributors of risk are vessel traffic, upland urban and agricultural land use and shoreline recreational activities. This assessment demonstrated the applicability of regional risk assessment to marine near shore regions and the benefit of Monte Carlo analysis in describing uncertainty in a Relative Risk Model regional risk assessment.  相似文献   
Chemical fractionation methods may be capable of providing an inexpensive estimate of contaminant bioavailability and risk in smelter-contaminated soil. In this study, the relationship between metal fractionation and methods used to estimate bioavailability of these metal contaminants in soil was evaluated. The Potentially BioAvailable Sequential Extraction (PBASE) was used for Cd, Pb, and Zn fractionation in 12 soils contaminated from Pb and Zn mining and smelting activities. The PBASE procedure is a four-step sequential extraction: extraction 1 (E1) is 0.5 M Ca(NO3)2, E2 is 1.0 M NaOAc, E3 is 0.1 M Na2EDTA, and E4 is 4 M HNO3. Metal bioavailability for two human exposure pathways, plant uptake (phytoavailability) and incidental ingestion (gastrointestinal, Gl, availability), was estimated using a lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) bioassay and the in vitro-Gl Physiologically Based Extraction Test(PBET). Metal in the PBASE E1 fraction was correlated with lettuce Cd (P < 0.001) and Zn (P < 0.05) and was the best predictor of Cd and Zn phytoavailability. Only total metal content or the sum of all PBASE fractions, ΣE1–4, were correlated (P < 0.001) with PBET gastric phase for Pb. The sum of the first two PBASE fractions, ΣE1–2, was strongly correlated (P < 0.001) with Pb extracted by the PBET intestinal phase. The PBASE extraction method can provide information on Cd and Zn phytoavailability and Gl availability of Pb in smelter-contaminated soils.  相似文献   
This article investigates how environmental trade-offs are handled in life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies in some Nordic companies. Through interviews, the use and understanding of weighting methods in decision making was studied. The analysis shows that the decision makers require methods with which to aggregate and help interpret the complex information from life-cycle inventories. They agreed that it was not their own values that should be reflected in such methods, but they were found to have different opinions concerning the value basis that should be used. The analysis also investigates the difficulties arising from using such methods. The decision makers seemed to give a broader meaning to the term weighting, and were more concerned with the comparison between environmental and other aspects than the weighting of different environmental impacts. A conclusion is that decision makers need to be more involved in modeling and interpretation. The role of the analyst should be to interpret the information needs of the decision maker, and help him or her make methodological choices that are consistent with these needs and relevant from his or her point of view. To achieve this, it is important that decision makers do not view LCA as a highly standardized calculation tool, but as a flexible process of collecting, organizing, and interpreting environmental information. Such an approach to LCA increases the chances that the results will be regarded as relevant and useful.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments with Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis revealed that hunger level had a significant effect on the first detection of bait, the number of baits located and attacked, the time required to locate and attack baits and handling times. In all cases, feeding motivation and efficiency increased with hunger. Light level influenced general locomotory activity and location and attacks on baits, but not detection or handling times. The effect of light was interactive with fish hunger level. Hungry fish could locate and consume baits in all light levels, ranging from daylight conditions to near darkness (10−8 µmoles photons m−2 s−1), but location, attack and handling times were all significantly elevated in low light conditions, and attack rates were significantly reduced. In the dark, only 50% of the baits were located and only 17% were attacked. Performance metrics were relatively similar among three higher light treatments (10−5, 10−3 and 10−1 µmoles photons m−2 s−1) where bait location and attack were more efficient. Active space and effective area associated with baited fishing gear will vary because hunger and light levels affect variation in bait detection, locomotion and feeding behaviour. Consequently, fishing activity and stock assessments that depend upon bait may be compromised by spatial and temporal variation in prey abundance, time of day, season, depth and other environmental variables that influence feeding motivation and efficiency.  相似文献   
This study investigated the relationships between fish condition and environmental variables in Barbus sclateri from semi-arid freshwater ecosystems in the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula. Two main habitats were studied: semi-arid streams characterized by strong seasonal fluctuations in flow level (droughts and floods) and reservoirs (artificial ecosystems characterised by waters of high conductivity). The mass–length relationships were used to test differences in fish condition between nine stream populations and five reservoir populations of B. sclateri from the Segura River basin. The relationships between seven ecosystem variables (conductivity, oxygen concentration, water temperature, pH, seasonal water flow, submerged vegetation and sub-basin location) and fish condition were analysed. The ecological variables that accounted for most of the variation in fish condition were seasonal water fluctuation and water conductivity. The condition of B. sclateri populations may be a good indicator of fish habitat quality in Mediterranean semi-arid freshwater ecosystems and should be considered when such populations are subjected to sports fishing regulations, recovery plans or any other management programme.  相似文献   
The epidermis of the mudskipper Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus consisted of three layers: the outermost layer, middle layer and stratum germinativum. Extensive vascular capillary networks were present near the superficial layer of epidermis and outermost layer. The diffusion distance between the vascular capillaries and the surface of epidermis was c . 1.5 ± 0.9μm. The middle layer consisted of small or voluminous cells swollen by epidermal cells. Due to the swollen cells, the thickness of the epidermis increased and the epidermis appeared web-like. The swollen cells contained tonofilaments, lucent contents and desmosomes. Fine blood capillaries were also discernible in this layer. Well-developed lymphatic spaces containing lymphocytes existed in the stratum germinativum. Numerous blood capillaries were present under the basement membrane. The dermis consisted of a stratum laxum and stratum compactum, and there was a definite area with acid mucopolysaccharides and a small scale in the stratum laxum. The skin had an epidermal pigment cell, dendritic melanophores (-cytes) containing melanin granules within their cytoplasm, and two kinds of dermal pigment cells, melanophores and colourless pigments containing reflecting platelets.  相似文献   
1. The use of morphological gill abnormalities of hydropsychid larvae was assessed in Hydropsyche siltalai larvae exposed to cadmium in the laboratory and Cheumatopsyche lepida and H. pellucidula larvae collected from a polluted river. Two biomarkers were evaluated: (1) Hydropsychid abnormality incidence (HAI), referring to the proportion of individuals with at least some abnormalities, and (2) Hydropsychid gill abnormality indice (HYI), referring to the average number of abnormal gill tufts for all individuals. 2. Abnormality–contaminant relations for both biomarkers were established by studying gill responses along gradients of increasing cadmium and organochlorine concentrations. A cadmium gradient was verified in laboratory exposures, whereas the concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxin (PCDD), dibenzofuran (PCDF) and diphenyl ether (PCDE) of the aquatic moss Fontinalis antipyretica were used as measures of an organochlorine gradient in the field. 3. Morphological abnormalities were easily distinguished as heavy darkening, malformation and/or reduction of single gill tufts. Darkening of the gills appeared to start either at the basal or distal ends. 4. A marked increase of HYI values with increasing Cd concentration reflected a clear abnormality‐contaminant relation, whereas the mere dicotomic classification of larvae as normal or abnormal (HAI) was less informative. High values of both HAI and HYI were associated with high contamination. A significant positive correlation was found between organochlorine concentration in mosses and biomarker values for H. pellucidula, but not for C. lepida. 5. We conclude that HAI indicates deleterious effects, but fails to quantify the severity of degradation. Use of individual gill tufts, as response units in deriving HYI, revealed a simple solution to the quantification problem. Further research into the ecological meaning, physiological background and patterns of gill abnormality is recommended for assessing the applicability and relevance of hydropsychid gill biomarkers.  相似文献   
SUMMARY 1. Diatoms were collected from 49 sites located on 23 rivers and identified to species. We defined 26 attributes of the diatom assemblage on the basis of tolerance and intolerance, autecological guild, community structure, morphological guild and individual condition. 2. We grouped sites into three geographical regions on the basis of altitude, land cover and use. Within each region, we tested for an association between diatom attributes and human disturbance. 3. We selected nine attributes for inclusion in a multimetric index, the river diatom index (RDI): percentage of valves belonging to species sensitive to disturbance, percentage of valves belonging to species very tolerant of disturbance, eutrophic species richness, percentage of valves belonging to nitrogen heterotrophic species, percentage of valves belonging to polysaprobic species, alkaliphilic species richness, percentage of valves belonging to species that require high oxygen, percentage of valves belonging to very motile genera and percentage of deformed valves. 4. The RDI was significantly correlated with measures of human disturbance made at the site (conductivity, percentage of fine sediments and number of human activities) and at the catchment level (percentage of urbanisation and agriculture in the upstream catchment). 5. The percentage of the total variance of RDI related to transect location was very small (1%) compared with among‐site differences (73%) and time of sampling (26%). The RDI could reliably detect approximately three categories of biological condition based on annual monitoring and potentially more if sampling were restricted to the same month each year.  相似文献   
The organelle ultrastructure and photosynthetic pigments of a new isolate of the picoplanktonic alga Pelagococcus subviridis Norris from the East Australian Current was compared with the North Pacific Ocean type species. No differences in the ultrastructure of the two isolates were observed. Mitosis was studied in detail in the Australian strain, and showed two unusual features: the de novo appearance of centrioles prior to mitosis, and the formation of a small, extra-nuclear spindle. The major carotenoids in both strains were fucoxanthin and a 19′-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin-like pigment, with diadinoxanthin and diatoxanthin as secondary pigments. Several minor carotenoids have not yet been identified. In addition to chlorophylls a and c2, a new chlorophyll c derivative (chlorophyll c3), present in both strains, was separated by high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC). The Australian isolate, unlike the type material, showed no evidence of chlorophyllase activity during cell harvest and extraction. While the pigment composition suggests affinities with certain newly examined prymnesiophytes, organelle ultrastructure indicates Pelagococcus to be a member of the Chrysophyceae. Mitosis is, however, atypical of both Prymnesiophyceae and Chrysophyceae, and if this picoplanktonic alga is to be retained in the Chrysophyceae it must be seen as a most unusual member.  相似文献   
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