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This cross-sectional study aimed to identify and quantify up to 42 target species colonizing the early biofilm of dental implants restored with titanium or zirconia abutments. A total of 720 samples from 20 healthy individuals were investigated. Biofilm samples were collected from the peri-implant sulci, inner parts of implants, abutment surfaces and prosthetic crowns over a functioning period of 30 days. Checkerboard DNA–DNA hybridization was used for microbial detection and quantitation. Clinical characteristics (probing depth, bleeding on probing, clinical attachment level and marginal bone loss) were also investigated during the monitoring period. Genome counts were low at the implant loading time point for both the abutment materials, and increased over time. Both the titanium and the zirconia groups presented similar microbial counts and diversity over time, and the microbiota was very similar to that colonizing the remaining teeth. Clinical findings were consistent with a healthy condition with no significant difference regarding marginal bone loss between the two materials.  相似文献   
Lipofuscin accumulates with age within secondary lysosomes of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells of humans and many animals. The autofluorescent lipofuscin pigment has an excitation maximum within the range of visible blue light, while it is emitting in the yellow-orange area. This physico-chemical property of the pigment indicates that it may have a photo-oxidative capacity and, consequently, then should destabilize lysosomal membranes of blue-light exposed RPE. To test this hypothesis, being of relevance to the understanding of age-related macular degeneration, cultures of heavily lipofuscin-loaded RPE cells were blue-light–irradiated and compared with respect to lysosomal stability and cell viability to relevant controls. To rapidly convert primary cultures of RPE, obtained from neonatal rabbits, into aged, lipofuscin-loaded cells, they were allowed to phagocytize artificial lipofuscin that was prepared from outer segments of bovine rods and cones. Following blue-light irradiation, lysosomal membrane stability was measured by vital staining with the lysosomotropic weak base, and metachromatic fluorochrome, acridine orange (AO). Quantifying red (high AO concentration within intact lysosomes with preserved proton gradient over their membranes) and green fluorescence (low AO concentration in nuclei, damaged lysosomes with decreased or lost proton gradients, and in the cytosol) allowed an estimation of the lysosomal membrane stability after blue-light irradiation. Cellular viability was estimated with the delayed trypan blue dye exclusion test. Lipofuscin-loaded blue-light–exposed RPE cells showed a considerably enhanced loss of both lysosomal stability and viability when compared to control cells. It is concluded that the accumulation of lipofuscin within secondary lysosomes of RPE sensitizes these cells to blue light by inducing photo-oxidative alterations of their lysosomal membranes resulting in a presumed leakage of lysosomal contents to the cytosol with ensuing cellular degeneration of apoptotic type. The suggested mechanism may have bearings on the development of age-related macular degeneration. © 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.  相似文献   
Absorption spectra of the D1-D2-cytochrom b559 complex at 4°C were investigated at pressures up to 300 MPa. Pressure effects were mostly reversible and independent of the detergent used (CHAPS or dodecyl--D-maltoside). Red-shifts were observed under pressure for the chlorophyll Qy- and the -carotene S0 S2 bands. The relatively small Qy-shift of approximately 0.15 cm-1/MPa is an indication for the absence of strongly coupled chlorophyll dimers within the reaction center and supports earlier reports from low-temperature measurements (Chang HC, Jankowiak R, Reddy NRS and Small GJ (1995) Chem Phys 197: 307–321). The carotene red-shift (seen in CHAPS) is much larger (0.5 – 0.6 cm-1/MPa) and within the range observed for excitonically coupled chlorophylls. However, since carotenes are more sensitive to changes of refractive index, we do not consider this evidence for excitonically coupled carotenes. Varying the pH and the detergent induced only small effects. Pigment exchange using high pressure instead of elevated temperature was not possible under the conditions tested.  相似文献   
That repeated copulation with the same partner within a singlefertile period is beneficial to the male is generally accepted,but why it should be adaptive to the female is controversialand clear evidence supporting any hypothesis is lacking. Hunteret al. (1993) presented seven hypotheses explaining repeatedmating from the female perspective. Four of them are consistentwith the occurrence of male refusal to copulate: females mighttrade copulations for (1) immediate and or (2) future materialbenefits, or use mating as a mechanism for (3) mate-guardingand or (4) mate-assessment. To test these hypotheses in a populationof crested tits Parus cristatus, we collected data on variationin female solicitation rate, proportion of male refusal, andextra-pair paternity. We found that (1) female solicitationrate was independent of male condition, (2) the proportion ofmale refusal was higher in poor-condition males and (3) femalespaired to poor-condition males sought extra pair paternity.These findings agree with predictions stemming from the mateassessment hypothesis. Therefore, it is suggested that, in crestedtits, male response to female copulation solicitation reflectsmale condition and is used by females to assess male quality  相似文献   
Soil ingestion was estimated over seven consecutive days in a soil tracer‐based mass‐balance methodology in 12 children, aged 1 to 3 years. The children had been identified by parents as likely high soil ingesters based on retrospective observation of daily soil ingestion behavior over the past 30 d. While one of the 12 children displayed high soil ingestion (0.5 to 3.05 g/d) on 4 of 7 d, median soil ingestion rates for the 12 children were comparable to those published in other soil ingestion studies of young children selected for studies based on age and not assumed or observed soil ingestion behavior. The lack of ability of parental judgments to predict high soil ingestion rates represents both an important observation and a significant limitation in current methods to efficiently and accurately identify children who ingest high amounts of soil.  相似文献   
A model was constructed to estimate cancer risks associated with PM10‐bound polycydic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from Kuwait oil lakes. The design of the risk model was based on a conceptual “chain of events”; leading from levels of PAH compounds in oil lakes, erosion of oil dust and input into the atmosphere, to contaminant concentration in air, to actual human exposure in residential areas. Uncertainties in the “chain of events”; model were addressed using Monte Carlo techniques. To identify the exposure duration of concern [duration beyond which risk becomes unacceptable (i.e. Risk > 10‐6)], four exposure durations were tested 10, 20, 40, 70 years. 40 years was identified to be the exposure duration of concern based on the 95th percen‐tile of the risk distribution. As a result, the acceptability of risk was specified in terms of a single constraint on the 95th percentile of the risk distribution evaluated after 40 years of exposure: 0 < Risk (40 y)0.95 ≤ 10‐6. Based on this constraint, it was estimated that a removal rate of 217, 793.27 m3/year to be an adequate action for risk management. The northern oil lakes were identified as the lakes of most concern when inhalation exposures are considered.  相似文献   
Despite the dominant role service industries play in modern society, those industries have by and large not been involved in the strong efforts underway to create environmentally responsible operations. Part of the reason is that the role of these industries as driving factors in resource flows has not been recognized. Perhaps more important, no common framework for assessing the environmental responsibility of service industries has been established. This article provides such a framework and applies it to a generic service industry: automotive repair. Among the results are that evaluation must take different forms for different types of services, and that the approaches of service industries to the use of buildings and equipment will require innovative solutions quite unlike those advocated for the "greening" of manufacturing operations.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a computer-based method for providing product designers with real-time environmental impact assessment. In this concurrent modeling approach, environmental experts build life-cycle models, define their interfaces, and publish them as distributed objects on the Internet. Traditional designers integrating these objects into their design models have access to the impact assessment methods provided by the environmental expert. In this paradigm, the focus shifts from providing techniques that let non-expert designers perform life-cycle impact assessments to tools that facilitate timely communication and information transfer between designers and appropriate environmental experts. Establishing real-time communication between the product design models and the environmental life-cycle models is the primary focus of this paper. Methods for establishing and maintaining the interaction between life-cycle and product design models are described. A beverage container design example illustrates how this collaborative approach can use environmental and traditional design goals to determine effective tradeoffs between design alternatives.  相似文献   
Plastics recycling, especially as prescribed by the German Ordinance on Packaging Waste (Verpackungsverordnung), is a conspicuous example of closing material loops on a large scale. In Germany, an industry‐financed system (Duales System Deutschland) was established in 1991 to collect and recycle packaging waste from households. To cope with mixed plastics, various “feedstock‐recycling” processes were developed. We discuss the environmental benefits and the cost‐benefit ratio of the system relative to municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration, based on previously published life‐cycle assessment (LCA) studies. Included is a first‐time investigation of energy recovery in all German incinerators, the optimization opportunities, the impact on energy production and substitution processes, an estimation of the costs, and a cost‐benefit assessment. In an LCA, the total environmental impact of MSW incineration is mainly determined by the energy recovery ratio, which was found on average to reach 39% in current German incineration plants. Due to low revenues from additional energy generation, it is not cost‐effective to optimize the plants energetically. Energy from plastic incineration substitutes for a specific mixture of electric base‐load power, district heating, and process steam generation. Any additional energy from waste incineration will replace, in the long term, mainly natural gas, rather than coal. Incineration of plastic is compared with feedstock recycling methods in different scenarios. In all scenarios, the incineration of plastic leads to an increase of CO2 emissions compared to landfill, whereas feedstock recycling reduces CO2 emissions and saves energy resources. The costs of waste incineration are assumed to decrease by about 30% in the medium term. Today, the calculated costs of CO2 reduction in feedstock recycling are very high, but are ex‐pected to decline in the near future. Relative to incineration, the costs for conserving energy via feedstock recycling are 50% higher, but this gap will close in the near future if automatic sorting and processing are implemented in Germany.  相似文献   
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