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Sewage disposal in aquatic environments can have significant impacts on assemblages of organisms. There have been few field investigations on effects of sewage disposal on fish larvae. Data on abundances of larvae, current velocities and the size and shape of sewage plumes from point-source shoreline outfalls off Sydney (Australia) indicated that alongshore currents could transport large numbers of fish larvae into plumes, potentially affecting their health. Assemblages of fish larvae in surface sewage plumes differed to those in distant shelf (control) waters, but no such impacts were detected for assemblages in subsurface (20 m depth) waters beneath plumes. No predictable negative or positive numerical responses of fish larvae to sewage disposal were detected. Abundances of fish larvae fluctuated greatly in space and throughout time, and responses appeared to vary between taxa, outfalls and sampling periods. However, the large inherent level of natural spatial and temporal variability in abundances of larvae confounded the detection of possible impacts. Future field investigations need to focus on effects of sewage disposal on the health and condition of fish larvae. Designs for future field-based studies are discussed.  相似文献   
Climate change vulnerability assessment is a complex form of risk assessment which accounts for both geophysical and socio-economic components of risk. In indicator-based vulnerability assessment (IBVA), indicators are used to rank the vulnerabilities of socio-ecological systems (SESs). The predominant aggregation approach in the literature, sometimes based on multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT), typically builds a global-scale, utility function based on weighted summation, to generate rankings. However, the corresponding requirement for additive independence and complete knowledge of system interactions by analyst are rarely if ever satisfied in IBVA.We build an analogy between the structures of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and IBVA problems and show that a set of techniques called Outranking Methods, developed in MCDA to deal with criteria incommensurability, data uncertainty and preference imprecision, offer IBVA a sound alternative to additive or multiplicative aggregation. We reformulate IBVA problems within an outranking framework, define thresholds of difference and use an outranking method, ELECTRE III, to assess the relative vulnerability to heat stress of 15 local government areas in metropolitan Sydney. We find that the ranking outcomes are robust and argue that an outranking approach is better suited for assessments characterized by a mix of qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative indicators, threshold effects and uncertainties about the exact relationships between indicators and vulnerability.  相似文献   
We present new ideas about motor control in the human central nervous system and about pathophysiological mechanisms of Parkinson's disease, and we describe the Posturo-Locomotion-Manual (PLM) method, which is a new technique utilizing optoelectronic camera recording for objective, fully quantitative, and standardized assessment of human motor performance. In the PLM test, recordings of body movements are made during a simple motor task, where the subject repeatedly moves a small object from its starting position on the floor to a shelf located at chin height a few steps forward. The duration of the postural (raising up), locomotor and the goal-directed manual phase of the forward directed body movement is automatically calculated by a small computer as well as the degree of coordination (simultaneity) of these phases. The technique has high resolution and has been used for clinical assessment of motor performance, drug testing, and so on, in neurological and geriatric practice.  相似文献   
The pelagic fish stock (mostly lavnun, Mirogrex terraesanctae) of Lake Kinneret was assessed using HADAS, a newly developed echo-counting analysis system. Total fish numbers (during Mar–Apr) were estimated to be 61 million in 1987, 218 million in 1988, 120 million in 1989, and 69 million in April 1990. The total fish number for March 1981 was recalculated from published data and estimated at 170 million. The decline in total numbers between 1988 and 1990 resulted primarily from a decrease in the relative abundance of the smallest size classes of fish. Since fish abundance apparently declined between 1981 and 1990, the decline in zooplankton standing stocks documented during these years cannot be attributed to higher fish predation caused by larger fish stocks. The HADAS estimates of lavnun population size are large enough to account for the known catch of lavnun.Contribution from Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research, Ltd. This research was supported in part by the Israeli Water Commissioner, the Israeli Electric Company, and by a grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development.  相似文献   
Food consumption is one of the main routes of human exposure to organochlorine pesticide residues (OCPRs). To assess the potential health risks associated with OCPRs contaminants due to freshwater organism consumption, a number of vegetables, prawn, snail, and fish were collected from Khlong 7 (canal), Rangsit agricultural area, Pathum-Thani Province, Thailand. The samples were extracted using a multiresidue extraction method and then analyzed by gas chromatography with microelectron capture detector (μ -ECD). The results show that low concentrations of OCPRs were detected in parts per billion (ppb) levels. Based on a plausible worst-case scenario, the local population could be at risk for cancer due to consumption of fish contaminated by α -, β -HCH, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, dieldrin, DDD, DDE, and DDT. Likewise, individuals may be at risk from consumption of Lanchester's freshwater prawn Macrobrachium lanchesteri, freshwater snail Filopaludina mertensi, swamp morning-glory Ipomomea aquatica, neptunia Neptunia oleracea, and water lily Nymphaea lotus because these species all contained elevated concentrations of α -, β -HCH, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, and dieldrin.  相似文献   
The scaling of metabolic rate with the size of algae has been discussed and researched at length. The observation that algae usually have exponents b in the equation R = a· W b (where R is the specific growth rate, W is the organism [cell] biomass, and a and b are constants) equal to or higher than the value of −0.25 for many other organisms is generally related to resource-saturated (maximal) values of R. Recent work has shown that the exponent b for light-limited growth is more negative than −0.25. This was predicted from considerations of the package effect in photon absorption, as modulated by the volume-specific pigment content of the cells, and the photosynthetic unit size. Further work is needed to extrapolate these findings to fluctuating light environments. This minireview puts the recent work into a broader context and suggests how further work could quantify the roles of optical thickness and of spatial and temporal variations in the radiation field in determining metabolic rates.  相似文献   
When dealing with potentially contaminated regions, simple tools are needed to identify in a fast and first approach the areas of the highest concern. In this work we propose a new, intuitive, easy-to-use and versatile tool to accomplish this task. This tool comprises the calculation of a new cumulative index, the Normalised-and-Weighted Average Concentration (NWAC) and its visualisation on a map of the area investigated using a colour based code. The NWAC is a cumulative index that is calculated for each sample using the concentration of freely selected contaminants present in that sample. The NWACs can be used to sort samples in a scale from 0 to 10 according to their contaminant content. A colour-based visualisation of the NWACs on a map facilitates an easy identification of the areas of higher concern within the studied region. The methodology has been exemplified in a case study, for example, the estuary of the Nerbioi-Ibaizabal River (Bilbao, Basque Country) using a representative set of sediments and their metals and metalloids content. The NWAC values obtained have been compared to the corresponding values of mERMq, another cumulative index of general acceptance and frequently used to estimate the toxicity of sediments, with comparable results.  相似文献   
In recent years, heavy metal pollution accidents have occurred in many regions of China, and the public has become increasingly concerned about its health. Based on a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency model and using Monte Carlo simulation techniques, this article presents a procedure for health risk assessment of heavy metal pollution. A case study was conducted in the Qixia lead and zinc mining area. Based on the magnitude of heavy metal contamination in the mine factory, vicinal Qixia scenic site and village, the potential health risk calculated for a lifetime of exposure (through ingestion and dermal contact) was determined as the cumulative carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risk for workers, tourists, and local residents (including children and adults), respectively. The risk assessment indicated that the carcinogenic risk is not significant. However, Pb poses a significant cumulative non-carcinogenic risk, which tends to be serious for workers. Additionally, local children are more vulnerable than adults to the risks associated with heavy metal contamination. Accordingly, risk alleviation and preventive measures should be taken, especially for children and workers.  相似文献   
Empirical data on learners’ conceptual progression is required to design curricula and guide students. In this paper, we present the Reference Map Change Coding (RMCC) method for revealing students’ progression at a fine-grained level. The method has been developed and tested through the analysis of successive versions of the productions of eight cohorts (N = 100 total) of high school biology students groups, involved in a year-long inquiry-based learning design. Concepts and causal links expressed in students’ gradually refined explanations of biological phenomena are charted onto reference model maps. Trends within variability in all cohorts are measured by a consolidated Prevalence Index (cPI) counting the occurrence of each item across all versions of the students’ explanations. Results of a case study presented reveal great variability in patchwork progressions. Learners’ diverse and often surprising conceptual paths challenge the view of learning as a linear process. For example, some items consistently appear later, thereby offering empirical evidence of slow spots that require attention. We discuss possible causes, educational implications, and show that our method offers crucial insight into the process of learning as it happens. We finally argue that RMCC also could become a follow-up tool for interested teachers.  相似文献   
Environmental health is an essential component of quality of life in modern societies. Foliar dust contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) that may have harmful effects on human health. The PAHs concentration of foliar dust is useful to assess environmental air pollution. Our results indicate that: (1) the highest levels of PAHs were distributed in urban areas, with a mean of 3430.23 ng·g?1, lower mean concentrations were found in suburban (2282.12 ng·g?1), and rural areas (1671.06 ng·g?1). (2) Diagnostic ratios and principal component analysis were used to identify the sources of PAHs: Gasoline vehicle traffic emissions were the predominant source in urban areas, along with coal and coke combustion. In suburban areas, the main sources were petroleum combustion (especially liquid fossil fuels) and coal combustion. Coal and wood combustion were the primary source of PAHs in foliar dust in rural areas. (3) The incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR), estimated based on the results of this study indicate that urban residents were potentially exposed to high cancer risk via both dust ingestion and dermal contact. We conclude that urbanization has significant effects on the PAH concentrations of foliar dust, illustrating the importance of trees in improving air quality in urban areas.  相似文献   
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