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The author summarizes the research contributions to photosynthesis made by him, his graduate and postdoctoral students, visiting scientists and by his collaboration with other photosynthesis workers during 1964–1994. The development of isolation procedures and biochemical/biophysical characterization of antenna pigment-proteins and photochemical reaction centers are described together with the author's education and experiences as a scientific researcher. Some anecdotes hopefully add insight into what it was like to be in this area of science during the period.  相似文献   
Two six-week laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate effects of pesticides and microcosm size on benthic estuarine macroinvertebrate recolonization. Sediments fortified with the pesticides (fenvalerate: controls, 5 (low) and 50 μg g−1 wet sediment (high); endosulfan: controls, 1 (low) and 10 μg g−1 wet sediment (high)) were fine-grained, organically rich (approximately 3.5% organic carbon and 22% dry weight) material. Relative dominance of the four most abundant taxa in both experiments was consistent among treatments with few exceptions. The amphipod,Corophium acherusicum, dominated abundance in both experiments. In the fenvalerate experiment, large trays (400 cm2) contained significantly (p<0.05) more total number of taxa (TNT) than small microcosms (144 cm2) but tray size was not significantly related to total number of organisms (TNO). When size was adjusted to a common unit area, small trays contained significantly more TNO than large containers. Adjusted abundance of small trays was 2.5 times that of large containers; a ratio close to that of microcosm sizes (i.e., 2.8). This result suggests that larval supply may have been inadequate to ‘aturate’ the available sediment in large containers. Fenvalerate significantly reduced abundance in the high treatment compared to both controls and low treatment but low treatment was not significantly different from controls. The amphipod,Corophium acherusicum, accounted for most of the decrease in abundance in response to fenvalerate. The holothruroid,Leptosynpta sp. and the polychaete,Mediomastus ambiseta, increased in abundance significantly with increased concentration of fenvalerate. Combined effects of actual microcosm size and concentration of endosulfan were not significant for TNO or TNT. As in the fenvalerate experiment, adjusted abundance of small microcosms was 2.6 times that of large trays which approximated the ratio of unit area between microcosm sizes. Abundance of a few taxa responded significantly to adjusted and unadjusted unit area. Abundance of the tunicate,Molgula manhattensis, increased significantly with increased concentration of endosulfan. Abundance was affected by sample location (e.g., interiorvs exterior cores) within microcosms. Abundance adjusted to unit area resulted in significantly greater TNO in externalvs internal cores. This has importance for sequential sub-sampling of microcosms to determine temporal dynamics. Statistically significant effects were measured in benthic community structure associated with microcosm size; however, the magnitude was relatively small. There appears to be no major biological reason to select one microcosm size over the other for screening for contaminant effects. Where feasible, the small trays provide savings in sample preparation and analysis, allow more replicates where laboratory space is limiting and generate less chemical waste. These benefits may be off-set by less ‘artifacts’ associated with edge effects of larger microcosms and the need for a larger mass of sediment to accommodate additional analytical requirements (e.g., thin vertical surficial samples to refine contaminant exposure at the sediment/water interface).  相似文献   
Environmental variables and macroinvertebrate communities are studied in two sites of the Lower Rhône River, the main channel and a lateral, occasionally connected dike field. Environmental variables and faunistic communities allow discrimination the two compartments. The environmental and faunistic differences the two sites change over time. The physical and chemical differences are significantly correlated with water discharge of the main channel. The faunistic ones are significantly correlated with the temperature of the dike field water. The connections between the main channel and the dike field could be very important to maintain a high heterogeneity of the habitat, and for recolonization of the main channel after a perturbation.  相似文献   
Crustacean plankton in Høylandet   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Crustacean plankton was studied in 12 lakes in theHøylandet area in 1986–87. Basic lake characteristicsare elevation 134–415 m, surface area 9–530 ha, pH 5.9–7.1,conductivity (25 °C) 12–40 µS cm-1 andSecchi depth 4–9 m. Number ofspecies present varied between 3 and 11. Populationnumbers between 4000 and 400 000 per m2 andbiomasses were within the range 30 to1800 mg m-2 dry weight. Cladocera dominated overCopepoda in lakes with allopatric brown trout (Salmo trutta L.), on the contrary to lakes also populatedby Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)). Thesevariations are caused by differences in elevation,lake morphometry, water quality, fish predation andthe general distribution of the species. The largestlakes at lowest elevation were richest in species. Theacid sensitive genus Daphnia was represented by 3species. The lakes Storgrønningen (530 ha) andRøyrtjønna (27 ha) were sampled monthly in theice-free seasons of 1986–89, and Storgrønningen moreintensively from June to November in 1987 and 1988. The same6 species of Cladocera and 5 of Copepoda were presentin both lakes. Their life cycles were traditional orknown from several other Scandinavian lakes. Meanseasonal biomasses were of the range600–750 mg m-2. At the species level, there wereconsiderable variations between years inStorgrønningen and particularly in Røyrtjønna. Noeffects of human impacts on the crustacean planktonwere found. The Høylandet lakes are representative forScandinavian oligotrophic to almost ultra-oligotrophiclakes. Storgrønningen is well qualified as a referencesystem. The between year variations in Røyrtjønna areso extreme, that any human impact could only be traced at alevel causing the extinction of species.  相似文献   
Mangrove zooplankton of North Queensland,Australia   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
McKinnon  A. D.  Klumpp  D. W. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,348(1-3):127-143
Food consumption, growth, fish length distributions,population sizes and habitat use of the salmonids intwo lakes in the Høylandet area were studied in1986–89. The allopatric brown trout (Salmotrutta L.) in the tarn Røyrtjønna (27 ha) fed mainlyon organisms at the lake surface , crustaceanplankton, Trichoptera and Chironomidae. Only 5% ofthe trout reached an age of 6 years and a length of25 cm. Sexual maturation started at age 3 and a lengthof 14 cm. Through mark – recapture technique thenumber of trout >10 cm was estimated to 115 ha-1.Growth, fish length frequencies and sexualmaturation of the sympatric brown trout and Arcticcharr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) in LakeStorgrønningen (530 ha) were not much different. TheStorgrønningen charr fed chiefly on zooplankton whichby volume represented 33% for the trout. The foodconsumption of Storgrønningen trout was at maximum inJuly with 2.06 mg food (d.w.) per g live fish and forcharr in September with 1.26 mg food. The maximumsize-independent growth rate of trout was 5.2%day-1 in late June, and for charr 4.1%day-1 in late July. Seventy percent of theirseasonal growth took place before 15 August. The charrstayed mainly deeper than 3-4 m, at water temperatures<15 °C. Brown trout stayed mainly the littoralzone and in near surface water of the pelagic. Thenumber of pelagic charr was estimated hydroacusticallyto 50 ind. ha-1. The charr spawn in thelake. Mean numbers of juvenile trout in the twolargest tributaries were 26 and 48 per 100 m2.Their annual length increment was 2.8–3.4 cm. Noindication of acidification or other human inducedimpacts were found. The lakes and their tributariesrepresent complex aquatic systems, representative forpristine oligotrophic Norwegian lowland lakes.John W. Jensen died shortly after easter in 1996  相似文献   
Wagner  Bálint M. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,344(1-3):57-63
I determined whether selection of breeding sites by thered-neckedgrebe Podiceps grisegena (Boddaert, 1783) was affectedbycompetition for food with fish. During 1987–89, ten ponds inScania, southern Sweden were investigated, five with(breedingsites) and five without breeding red-necked grebe(non-breedingsites). I quantified the biomass of fish and macrozoans(here:larger invertebrates and small vertebrates) and measured thephysical and chemical conditions of the ponds.Breeding sites had significantly lower relative fish abundancethannon-breeding sites. They were either devoid of fish or hadonly nine-spined sticklebackPungitius pungitius. The biomass (dry weight) ofmacrozoans,many of which represent a food resource for grebes, was 16timesgreater at breeding than at non-breeding sites. The physicalandchemical conditions of the ponds did not differsignificantly.These results are consistent with the hypothesis thatcompetitionfor macrozoans occurs between red-necked grebe and fish andthat adense population of many fish species caused red-necked grebestoavoid otherwise acceptable breeding sites.  相似文献   
Abstract: p53-knockout mice provide a useful model to test the role of p53 in the neurotoxic effects of drugs in vivo. To test the involvement of p53 in methamphetamine (METH)-induced toxicity, wild-type mice, as well as heterozygous and homozygous p53-knockout male mice, were administered four injections of three different doses (2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 mg/kg) of the drug given at 2-h intervals within the space of 1 day. METH caused a marked dose-dependent loss of dopamine transporters in both the striatum and the nucleus accumbens of wild-type mice killed 2 weeks after drug administration. However, this METH-induced decrease in dopamine transporters was attenuated in both homozygous and heterozygous p53-knockout mice, with homozygous animals showing significantly greater protection. The possibility for p53 involvement in METH-induced toxicity was also supported by the observation that METH caused marked increases in p53-like immunoreactivity in the striata of wild-type mice and very little change in heterozygous p53-knockout mice, whereas no p53-like immunostaining was detected in the homozygous p53-knockout mice. Further support for p53 involvement was provided by the fact that METH treatment caused significant decreases in dopamine transporter mRNA and the number of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive cells in the substantia nigra pars compacta and the ventral tegmental area of wild-type but not homozygous p53-knockout mice killed 2 weeks after cessation of METH administration. These results provide concordant evidence for a role of the tumor suppressor, p53, in the long-term deleterious effects of a drug acting on brain dopamine systems.  相似文献   
GUILLAUME, MICHÈLE, LEIF LAPIDUS, PER BJÖRNTORP, ANDRE LAMBERT. Physical activity, obesity, and cardiovascular risk factors in children. The Belgian Luxembourg Child Study II. Physical activity was measured in relation to cardiovascular (CV) risk factors in a randomly selected population of 1028 children from Province de Luxembourg in Belgium, a mainly rural area with a high prevalence of such risk factors among adults and children. Physical activity was estimated as participation in sport activities, a major indicator of leisure-time physical activity in schoolchildren, and physical inactivity was estimated as frequency and duration of television (TV) watching. Boys participated more frequently in sport activities than girls did (p=0. 001). A majority of the children watched TV daily. After age adjustment, bodyweight (girls, p<0. 012; boys, p<0. 027) and, in boys, body mass index (BMI) (p<0. 039) were related to days per week of TV watching. No significant relationships with other CV risk factors remained after adjustments for BMI. In analyses of independent contributions of age, TV watching, and sports activity on CV risk factors, age showed highly significant relationships. In boys, TV showed relationships with BMI (P<0. 04) and (borderline) with systolic blood pressure, independent of age and sports activity, whereas the latter was significantly related to subscapular skinfold (p<0. 04) and (borderline) with triceps skinfold and cholesterol. In girls, no significant independent contributions to risk factor associations were found. The father's education was directly associated with sports activities, whereas the mother being a housewife showed negative relationships to physical activity and positive to TV watching in their children, suggesting socioeconomic influence on the activity patterns of children. Furthermore, registrations suggested less physical activity in the most rural part of the area. It is concluded that children in this mainly rural area watch TV frequently. In boys, physical inactivity, measured both as TV watching and as registrations of sports activities, contributes independently to body fat mass. In girls, no contribution or weaker contributions of physical inactivity were found. This suggests that contributory factors leading to obesity might be different in girls and boys.  相似文献   
Homogenates of specific brain regions of three sensory systems (auditory, olfactory, and visual) were prepared from pigmented Long-Evans Hooded rats and assayed for amino acid concentrations and activities of glutaminase, aspartate aminotransferase (total, cytosolic, and, by difference, mitochondrial), malate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, and choline acetyltransferase. Comparing the quantitative distributions among regions revealed significant correlations between AAT and aspartate, between glutaminase and glutamate, between glutamate and glutamine, and between AAT plus glutaminase, or glutaminase alone, and the sum of aspartate, glutamate, and GABA, suggesting a metabolic pathway involving the synthesis of a glutamate pool as precursor to aspartate and GABA. Of the inhibitory transmitter amino acids, GABA concentrations routinely exceeded those of glycine, but glycine concentrations were relatively high in brainstem auditory structures.  相似文献   
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