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The karst landform in southern China is renowned for its high levels of species diversity and endemism. Globally, karst ecosystems are under threat from unsustainable anthropogenic disturbance and climate changes and are among the most threatened ecosystems worldwide. In this study, we used the typical karst endemic genus in southern China, Primulina Hance, as a model to identify areas within the karst landform with high diversity and to investigate congruence between phylogenetic and species‐based measures of diversity. Using phylogenetic information and species distribution data, we measured geographical patterns of diversity with four metrics: species richness (SR), corrected weighted endemism (CWE), phylogenetic diversity (PD), and phylogenetic endemism (PE). Our results revealed a high spatial congruence among SR, PD, and PE, with hotspot areas identified in the Nanling Mountains (i.e., north Guangdong and northeast Guangxi) and southeast Yungui Plateau (i.e., north and southwest Guangxi), whereas the hotspots of CWE are comparatively uniform throughout the geographic extent. The categorical analysis of neo‐ and paleoendemism identified a pattern of mixed neo‐ and paleoendemism in numerous grid cells, suggesting that karst areas in southern China have acted as both “museums” and “cradles” of plant evolution. Conservation gap analysis of hotspots revealed that the majority of prioritized hotspots (>90%) of the genus are outside of protected areas, therefore indicating the limited effectiveness of national nature reserves for the karst flora. Overall, our results suggest that the karst flora merits more conservation attention and SR can be an effective surrogate to capture PD in conservation planning.  相似文献   
蝙蝠是很多病原微生物的自然宿主, 全球多项研究表明蝙蝠是巴尔通体(Bartonella species)的主要宿主。为了解滇西南地区蝙蝠中巴尔通体的流行特征, 我们于2015-2017年间在云南省4个地区应用网捕法捕获蝙蝠3种305只。经种类鉴定后采集肝脾组织, 提取核酸, 通过TaqMan实时荧光定量PCR方法检测巴尔通体的tmRNA基因ssrA, 并进行测序鉴定和系统发育分析。结果发现172只蝙蝠检出该基因, 总感染率为56.4%; 其中临沧、西双版纳、保山和瑞丽4个采样点的蝙蝠感染率分别为50.0% (22/44)、61.7% (29/47)、62.1% (18/29)和55.7% (103/185)。中菊头蝠(Rhinolophus affinis)、小菊头蝠(R. blythi)和棕果蝠(Rousettus leschenaultii)的感染率分别为50.0% (22/44)、62.1% (18/29)和56.9% (132/232), 差异没有统计学意义(χ2 = 1.135, P = 0.567), 表明巴尔通体在云南当地的蝙蝠种群中高度流行。定量PCR扩增产物2次扩增后测序获得37个巴尔通体ssrA序列, 属于10个系统发育分支, 其中1个为伊丽莎白巴尔通体(B. elizabethae)、特利波契巴尔通体(B. tribocorum)和克拉斯诺夫巴尔通体(B. krasnovii)的近缘种。其余序列与已知巴尔通体距离较远, 与亚洲、欧洲和美洲等其他地域来源于蝙蝠的巴尔通体近缘。遗传多样性分析显示, ssrA基因的核苷酸多样性指数(π)为0.11381 ± 0.00928, 基因型多样性指数(Hd)为0.985 ± 0.010, 形成29个基因型(单倍型), 说明云南蝙蝠巴尔通体具有丰富的遗传多样性。通过对本研究标本与全球相关序列的系统发育网络重建, 分析全球蝙蝠巴尔通体的地理和宿主分布特征, 可以看出巴尔通体与蝙蝠之间存在显著的宿主特异性关联。因此可初步确定蝙蝠-巴尔通体具有协同进化特征, 同时受到地理隔离的影响。  相似文献   
Filamentous green algae Chaetophorales present numerous taxonomic problems as many other green algae. Phylogenetic analyses based on nuclear genes have limited solutions. Studies with appropriate chloroplast molecular markers may solve this problems; however, suitable molecular markers for the order Chaetophorales are still unknown. In this study, 50 chloroplast genomes of Chlorophyceae, including 15 of Chaetophorales, were subjected to single protein-coding gene phylogenetic analyses, and substitution rate and evolutionary rate assays, and PCR amplification verification was conducted to screen the suitable molecular markers. Phylogenetic analyses of three chloroplast representative genes (psaB, tufA, and rbcL) amplified from 124 strains of Chaetophorales showed that phylogenetic relationships were not improved by increasing the number of samples, implying that the genes themselves, rather than limited samples, were the reason for the unsupported Topology I. Seven genes (atpF, atpI, ccsA, cemA, chlB, psbB, and rpl2) with robust support were selected to be the most suitable molecular markers for phylogenetic analyses of Chaetophorales, and the concatenated seven genes could replace the time-consuming and labor-intensive phylogenetic analyses based on chloroplast genome to some extent. To further solve the taxonomic problems of Chaetophorales, suitable chloroplast markers combined with more taxon-rich approach could be helpful and efficient.  相似文献   
In his Commentary (Manger PR. 2009. Subglacial cetaceans and other mathematical mysteries: a Commentary on “A quantitative test of the thermogenesis hypothesis of cetacean brain evolution, using phylogenetic comparative methods” by C. Maximino. Mar Fresh Behav Physiol. 42: 359–362) on my paper (Maximino C. 2009. A quantitative test of the thermogenesis hypothesis of cetacean brain evolution, using phylogenetic comparative methods. Mar Freshwater Behav Physiol. 42:1–17), Dr Paul Manger noted four errors in the quantitative analysis of the relationship between cetacean encephalization quotients (EQs) and water temperatures, which I suggested was a test of his thermogenesis hypothesis (Manger PR. 2006 Manger, PR. 2006. An examination of cetacean brain structure with a novel hypothesis correlating thermogenesis to the evolution of a big brain. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc, 81: 293338.  [Google Scholar]. An examination of cetacean brain structure with a novel hypothesis correlating thermogenesis to the evolution of a big brain. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. 81:293–338). These referred to incorrect raw data on water temperatures for two species, odd use of midpoint temperatures as independent variable, lack of inclusion of data on Mysticeti and the use of a differently derived EQ and midpoints instead of the EQs proposed by Manger and temperature ranges; Dr Manger proposed that these errors invalidate the analysis, with special emphasis in an observation that, since my paper did not address the relationship between EQs and temperature range, it did not actually test the thermogenesis hypothesis. In this Reply, I apologize for the mistakes which were made, and show that re-analysis using all the proposed alterations do not qualitatively or quantitatively alter the final result. I also argue that the relationship between phylogenetically correct EQs and midpoint temperatures is a better test of the thermogenesis hypothesis than the relationship between non-phylogenetic EQs and temperature ranges.  相似文献   

Despite the rapid mutational change that is typical of positive-strand RNA viruses, enzymes mediating the replication and expression of virus genomes contain arrays of conserved sequence motifs. Proteins with such motifs include RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, putative RNA helicase, chymotrypsin-like and papain-like proteases, and methyltransferases. The genes for these proteins form partially conserved modules in large subsets of viruses. A concept of the virus genome as a relatively evolutionarily stable “core” of housekeeping genes accompanied by a much more flexible “shell” consisting mostly of genes coding for virion components and various accessory proteins is discussed. Shuffling of the “shell” genes including genome reorganization and recombination between remote groups of viruses is considered to be one of the major factors of virus evolution.

Multiple alignments for the conserved viral proteins were constructed and used to generate the respective phylogenetic trees. Based primarily on the tentative phylogeny for the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which is the only universally conserved protein of positive-strand RNA viruses, three large classes of viruses, each consisting of distinct smaller divisions, were delineated. A strong correlation was observed between this grouping and the tentative phylogenies for the other conserved proteins as well as the arrangement of genes encoding these proteins in the virus genome. A comparable correlation with the polymerase phylogeny was not found for genes encoding virion components or for genome expression strategies. It is surmised that several types of arrangement of the “shell” genes as well as basic mechanisms of expression could have evolved independently in different evolutionary lineages.

The grouping revealed by phylogenetic analysis may provide the basis for revision of virus classification, and phylogenetic taxonomy of positive-strand RNA viruses is outlined. Some of the phylogenetically derived divisions of positive-strand RNA viruses also include double-stranded RNA viruses, indicating that in certain cases the type of genome nucleic acid may not be a reliable taxonomic criterion for viruses.

Hypothetical evolutionary scenarios for positive-strand RNA viruses are proposed. It is hypothesized that all positive-strand RNA viruses and some related double-stranded RNA viruses could have evolved from a common ancestor virus that contained genes for RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, a chymotrypsin-related protease that also functioned as the capsid protein, and possibly an RNA helicase.  相似文献   

Recent work, based on morphological and cytotaxonomical information, claimed the independence of Plantago brutia Ten., a narrow endemic of South Italy, with respect to Plantago media L. Here, we present a further evaluation of the systematic relationships occurring between these two taxa as revealed by molecular studies. We sampled P. brutia in most of the known populations and P. media in several European stands, from Sweden to the Iberian Peninsula and Balkans. We then investigated the relationships among the sampled populations by using as molecular markers the internal transcribed spacer regions ITS1 and ITS2. Furthermore, we considered cpDNA to gain further insight into the relationships among P. brutia/P. media populations. Based on nrDNA data, P. brutia appeared to be nested within the P. media complex, but as a well distinct subunit. This is congruent with a subspecific rank for this taxon within P. media. The cpDNA revealed the occurrence of several haplotypes in the studied material. Most of the assessed haplotypes were exclusive for single populations and thus phylogenetically uninformative. Nonetheless, we have found some haplotypes that are shared by different cytotypes or populations throughout the species range, suggesting possible explanations for the phylogenetic relationships occurring between P. brutia and the autopolyploid complex P. media.  相似文献   

Diatom genome sequences clearly reveal the presence of different systems for HCO3? uptake. Carbon-concentrating mechanisms (CCM) based on HCO3? transport and a plastid-localized carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC appear to be more probable than the others because CAs have been identified in the genome of many diatoms. CAs are key enzymes involved in the acquisition of inorganic carbon for photosynthesis in phytoplankton, as they catalyze efficiently the interconversion between carbon dioxide and bicarbonate. Five genetically distinct classes of CAs exist, α-, β-, γ-, δ- and ζ and all of them are metalloenzymes. Recently we investigated for the first time the catalytic activity and inhibition of the δ-class CA from the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii, named TweCA. This enzyme is an efficient catalyst for the CO2 hydration and its inhibition profile with sulfonamide/sulfamate and anions have also been investigated. Here, we report the detailed biochemical characterization and chemico-physical properties of the δ-CA of T. weissflogii. The δ-CA encoding gene was cloned and expressed in Artic Express cells and the recombinant protein purified to homogeneity. Interesting to note that TweCA has no intrinsic esterase activity with 4-nitrophenyl acetate (pNpA) as substrate although the phylogenetic analysis showed that δ-CAs are closer to the α-CAs than to the other classes of such enzymes.  相似文献   
Understanding how species traits evolved over time is the central question to comprehend assembly rules that govern the phylogenetic structure of communities. The measurement of phylogenetic signal (PS) in ecologically relevant traits is a first step to understand phylogenetically structured community patterns. The different methods available to estimate PS make it difficult to choose which is most appropriate. Furthermore, alternative phylogenetic tree hypotheses, node resolution and clade age estimates might influence PS measurements. In this study, we evaluated to what extent these parameters affect different methods of PS analysis, and discuss advantages and disadvantages when selecting which method to use. We measured fruit/seed traits and flowering/fruiting phenology of endozoochoric species occurring in Southern Brazilian Araucaria forests and evaluated their PS using Mantel regressions, phylogenetic eigenvector regressions (PVR) and K statistic. Mantel regressions always gave less significant results compared to PVR and K statistic in all combinations of phylogenetic trees constructed. Moreover, a better phylogenetic resolution affected PS, independently of the method used to estimate it. Morphological seed traits tended to show higher PS than diaspores traits, while PS in flowering/fruiting phenology depended mostly on the method used to estimate it. This study demonstrates that different PS estimates are obtained depending on the chosen method and the phylogenetic tree resolution. This finding has implications for inferences on phylogenetic niche conservatism or ecological processes determining phylogenetic community structure.  相似文献   
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