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Home range and habitat use of male Reeves’s pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) were studied during winter of 2001∼2002 and 2002∼2003 in the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve, Henan Province. Results from five individuals of Reeves’s pheasant with over 30 relocations, indicated that the average size of home range was 10.03 ± 1.17 hm2 by Minimum Convex Polygon method, 8.60 ± 0.35 hm2 by 90% Harmonic Mean Transformation method, and 9.50 ± 1.90 hm2 by 95% Fixed Kernel method. It was observed that the winter range is smaller than that in the breeding season. The mean core area of the home range was found to be 1.88 ± 0.37 hm2. Although the habitat composition of the core area varied greatly for individuals, a large part of the habitats used were composed of confier and broadleaf mixed forests, masson pine forests, fir forests, and shrubs. Habitat use within the study area was non-random, while habitats within home ranges were randomly used. Habitat use was dictated by tree diameter at breast height, shrub height and coverage at 2.0 m. The proximity between forests and shrubs were also found to be important in providing refuge for the birds during winter. Recommendations for conservation management include protecting the existing habitats in Dongzhai National Nature Reserve, increasing suitable habitat for Reeves’s Pheasant through artificial plantations (e.g. firs), and restoring some parts of the large shrub area into forests. __________ Translated from Biodiversity Science, 2005, 13 (5) [译自: 生物多样性, 2005,13(5)]  相似文献   
连作杨树人工林地力衰退可能与土壤中累积的酚酸存在密切的关系。土壤氮素供应是决定杨树生长发育的重要因素, 而硝态氮是土壤无机氮化合物的主要形式之一。研究酚酸作用下杨树对硝态氮的吸收利用对于揭示酚酸化感机理、明确林地改良的途径和方法具有重要意义。以欧美杨‘I-107’ (Populus × euramericana ‘Neva’)水培苗为试验材料, 采用改良Hoagland营养液培养, 以二代杨树连作人工林土壤酚酸的实际含量为参照浓度(X), 设置5个酚酸浓度水平(0, 0.5X, 1.0X, 1.5X, 2.0X), 分析不同浓度酚酸混合物对杨树硝态氮吸收利用的影响。分别在酚酸处理后第1、5、10、20、30和40天测定分析与硝态氮吸收利用密切相关的生理特性。试验结果表明: 酚酸处理导致根系伤害度明显提高, 根系活力受到酚酸物质的明显抑制, 处理后第40天各处理间表现出显著差异(p < 0.05); 48 h动态测定发现酚酸物质对硝态氮的吸收存在显著的抑制作用(p < 0.05); 处理后第40天, 低浓度酚酸(0.5X, 1.0X)导致硝态氮在植株体内发生积累, 而高浓度酚酸(1.5X, 2.0X)导致植株硝态氮含量下降; 酚酸物质明显抑制植株硝酸还原酶活性, 处理后第40天各处理间表现出显著差异(p < 0.05), 酚酸物质处理后期则引起亚硝态氮含量的升高。酚酸浓度与处理时间对杨树水培苗硝态氮的生理效应关系可以用多元线性模型描述。  相似文献   
Revegetation is a traditional practice widely used for soil and water conservation on the Loess Plateau in China. However, there has been a lack of reports on soil microbial–biochemical indices required for a comprehensive evaluation of the success of revegetation systems. In this study, we examined the effects of revegetation on major soil nutrients and microbial–biochemical properties in an artificial alfalfa grassland, an enclosed natural grassland, and an artificial shrubland (Caragana korshinskii), with an abandoned cropland as control. Results showed that at 0–5, 5–20, and 20–40 cm depths, soil organic carbon, alkaline extractable nitrogen and available potassium were higher in natural grassland and artificial shrubland compared with artificial grassland and abandoned cropland. Soil microbial biomass C (Cmic) and phosphorous (Pmic) substantially decreased with depth at all sites, and in abandoned cropland was significantly lower than those of natural grassland, artificial grassland, and artificial shrubland at the depth of 0–5 cm. Soil microbial biomass N (Nmic) was higher in artificial shrubland and abandoned cropland compared with that in natural and artificial grasslands. Both Cmic and Pmic were significantly different between the 23‐year‐old and the 13‐year‐old artificial shrublands at the 0–5 cm depth. The activities of soil invertase, urease, and alkaline phosphatase in natural grassland and artificial shrubland were higher than those in artificial grassland and abandoned cropland. This study demonstrated that the regeneration of both natural grassland and artificial shrubland effectively preserved and enhanced soil microbial biomass and major nutrient cycling, thus is an ecologically beneficial practice for recovery of degraded soils on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
栽培大豆和野生大豆耐盐性及离子效应的比较   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
以国际上常用的耐盐大豆(Glycine max L.)品种Lee68为对照,在发芽期和苗期两个阶段,利用发芽指数、指害指数和耐盐系数等指标对一年生具盐腺野生大豆(Glycine soja L.)和部分栽培大豆(Glycine max L.)及某些野生大豆品系或品种的耐盐性进行了比较,讨论了耐盐指标的可行性。从离子效应方面比较了Na^ 和Cl^-对大豆发芽率的影响,并对具盐腺野生大豆的耐盐机理进行了初步分析。结果表明,大豆品种的耐盐性在发芽期和苗期无一致相关性。轻度等渗胁迫下,Na^ 对种子发芽率的抑制作用大于Cl^-,而重度等渗胁迫下则相反。通过减少由根系吸收的Na^ 、Cl^-向叶片的运输,维持叶片中较高含量的K^ ,减轻盐离子毒害,可能是具盐腺野生大事耐盐的主要生理机制之一。  相似文献   
碳氮源对转基因鱼腥藻Anabaena sp.PCC7120培养的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
对碳源、氮源种类和用量对转rhTNF-α基因鱼腥藻7120(Anabaena sp.PCC7120)培养的影响进行了研究,发现最适碳源为蔗糖,最适氮源为NaNO3,最佳用量分别为9g/L和2.25g/L,此时生物量远高于自养方式,达2.52g/L,比相同条件下在BG-11培养基培养高71.66%,ATNF-α表达量为16%-22%,生物活性为10^5U/mg。  相似文献   
Land tenure has been considered one of the key factors that define patterns and change in land-use systems. This paper examines the implications of land reform for household decisions regarding patterns of land use, agricultural intensification, and forest conservation. We look at an Amazonian caboclo settlement in the Lower Amazon that had experienced land reform by the end of the 1980s. Results show that defined land tenure is not enough to guarantee agricultural intensification and forest conservation. In fact, several factors working at different scales are affecting land-use change in the region. At the settlement level, privatization of upland forest has led to an overall increase in cultivated land—pasture and annual crops—and increasing deforestation rates. However, at the farm-property level, different systems of agricultural production—intensive, extensive, or abandonment of land—occur according to availability of labor, and capital, and access to different natural resources.  相似文献   
昆虫保幼激素促进家蚕杆状病毒系统的基因表达   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杆状病毒表达载体系统(Baculovirus Expression VecterSvstem,BEVS)的一个最大优点是外源基因的高效表达(Hy-perexpression).但是,不同的外源基因在BEVS系统中的表达水平相差很大,较低的如α-干扰素,表达量为1~5mg/L培养细胞;高的如β-半乳糖苷酶,表达量可达600mg/L培养细胞.外源基因在BEVS系统中表达量受到诸多因素的影响,如细胞的类型与质量,外源基因蛋白的性质,启动子序列的完整性,是否为融合蛋白等[1].如何使外源基因在BEVS系统中高效表达,是近年来该领域中研究最活跃的方向之一.已证实家蚕杆状病毒的表达量受宿主遗传型的影响,最低和最高的遗传型相差达7倍以上[2].林水中等发现家蚕饲料中添食适当浓度的硫酸铜可提高外源基因单位表达量10%左右[3].杆状病毒在复制循环中表现出两种类型:芽生病毒和包涵体病毒,其中芽生病毒引起宿主体内不同组织间的感染,包涵体病毒则引起宿主之间感染[1].杆状病毒基因组中蜕皮激素尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖基转移酶(egt)基因影响激素在宿主体内的平衡[4],egt基因通过糖基化作用使蜕皮激素失活,打破宿主体内的激素平衡,延长幼虫期,以利于病毒的增殖[5].家蚕血淋巴中保幼激素(Juvenile hormone,JH)的滴度同样决定着幼虫发育的进程[6],本文通过体表使用保幼激素,以研究保幼激素对家蚕核型多角体病毒和宿主之间的相互关系及对外源基因表达量的影响.  相似文献   
草丁膦对转bar基因水稻GS酶活性和光合功能的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
喷施草丁膦后,对草丁膦无抗性水稻Cypress(未转bar基因)叶片的谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性先受到抑制,随后叶片内NH 4积累上升,叶绿素含量、PSⅡ原初光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、光能转化效率(ΦPSⅡ)和叶片叶绿素荧光的光化学猝灭系数(qp)下降,光合速率显著降低;最后引起植株死亡.另一方面,Cypress PB-6(转bar基因抗草丁膦水稻)的GS酶活性在喷施草丁膦后虽然先被抑制,但随后能恢复至正常水平,接着NH 4积累下降,草丁膦对叶绿素含量、荧光参数Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ、qp的影响被解除,光合速率恢复到正常水平,整个植株生长正常.  相似文献   
We measured the uptake of carbon and inorganic nitrogen in nutrient-enriched water samples during 15-days incubation in summer in Lake Nakanuma, Japan. We calculated daily variations in neutral sugars and amino acids of the phytoplankton and estimated the efficiency of the increases in sugars and amino acids relative to photosynthetic activities. Only a small portion of carbon incorporated via photosynthesis was used for synthesis of sugars and amino acids during the incubation periods. The percentage increase in neutral sugars plus amino acids compared to photosynthetic rates ranged from 3.7 to 26.9% with an average of 12.8%. These findings suggest that large amounts of photosynthates were not used for the synthesis of cell components of phytoplankton and were lost through processes such as excretion and respiration.  相似文献   
京津冀城市群土地利用变化对地表径流的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市化的显著特征之一是地表景观格局被人为改变,大量硬化地表覆盖、取代了原本自然或半自然的土地覆盖类型,极大地干扰了区域水文循环过程。其中,最直接的体现是对地表径流过程的影响。城市群作为当前我国城市化的重要模式,其聚集连片的扩张模式,对区域地表径流过程的干扰尤为严重。以京津冀特大城市群为研究区域,应用长期水文影响评价模型(L-THIA),以1980、1990、2000、2010、2015年5期土地利用数据、土壤数据以及1950—2015年逐日降雨数据为输入,模拟计算了不同土地利用/覆被格局对多年平均地表径流量的影响。结果表明,(1)经过率定的L-THIA模型能够较为准确地模拟京津冀城市群地区的地表径流分布特征,模型模拟误差在±10%内;(2)1980—2015年,京津冀城市群地区不透水地表面积急剧增加,其净增长值为12690.14 km~2。北京与天津等超大城市不透水地表面积增加最明显;(3)随着土地利用格局的变化,京津冀地区地表径流量呈逐年增长趋势。1980—2015年,京津冀城市群地区地表径流量的绝对增长值为17.84亿m~3,增幅11.83%。其中,1990—2000年及2010—2015年期间地表径流年均增长率较大,分别为0.36%与0.46%。对地表径流贡献较大的土地利用类型为耕地和不透水地表,其5期土地利用情景下的平均产流占比分别为35.38%、22.71%;(4)城市尺度上,不同城市的标准化年均径流深(NAARD)存在较大差异。天津、石家庄的产流能力较强,承德、衡水等城市的产流能力较弱,北京市的标准化年均径流深处于中等水平。另一方面,不同城市标准化年均径流深增长规律也存在较大差异。1980—2015年,天津市的NAARD增长最多,承德市增长最少,北京市的NAARD增长处于中等水平。本文对于京津冀城市群水文过程的时空演变研究以及国土空间优化指导具有参考意义。  相似文献   
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