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Genetic variation in natural populations of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) was studied using haplotypes detected by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of two genomic regions (p20 gene and segment A, located in ORF1a). Analysis of 254 samples from 125 trees, collected at 12 different sites, yielded 8 different haplotypes for p20 and 5 for segment A. The most frequent haplotype of p20 was predominant at all sites, but several sites differed in the predominance of segment A haplotypes. At most sites, the homozygosity observed for the p20 gene tended to be higher than expected in a neutral evolution, whereas the opposite was true for segment A. Comparison of the populations at different sites showed that 44 of the 66 possible population pairs were genetically distinct for segment A, but only six pairs differed for the p20 gene. Analysis of molecular variance grouping trees by site, scion variety, rootstock or age, showed that variation in segment A was significantly affected by site, tree age and rootstock, and that variation between trees in each group and within trees was even more important. In contrast, variation in p20 was affected only by site and rootstock, each factor contributing to < 2% of the variation. The data suggest that sequence variations in segment A must be functionally less important and that it has less evolutionary constraints than p20. Detection of different haplotypes in neighbour trees or in samples from the same tree may help explain part of the variability observed in CTV symptom expression.  相似文献   
The Strait of Gibraltar has been proposed to be the divide between two marine biogeographical regions, the Mediterranean Sea and the Northeast Atlantic. Intraspecific studies have shown, for several of the examined species, a reduction of gene flow between the two basins. The present study examines genetic variation at nuclear and mitochondrial loci in five marine teleost species belonging to the family Sparidae. Four samples for each species were analysed spanning the Northeast Atlantic and the Mediterranean. For all individuals 17 allozyme loci were scored and a combined single strand conformation polymorphism-sequencing approach was used to survey approximately 190 bp of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop region. All five species share similar biological features. For three species, namely Lithognathus mormyrus, Spondyliosoma cantharus, and Dentex dentex, large mtDNA divergence was observed between Atlantic and Mediterranean samples. Little or no mtDNA differentiation was found in the other two species, Pagrus pagrus and Pagellus bogaraveo. Allozyme data revealed strong differentiation when comparing Atlantic and Mediterranean samples of L. mormyrus and D. dentex, moderate for P. pagrus, and no differentiation for P. bogaraveo and S. cantharus. These results provide evidence for a sharp phylogeographical break (sensu Avise) between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean for two (or possibly three) sparid species of the five investigated. At the same time, the obtained results for the other two species raise the question on which ecological/historical factors might have caused the observed discrepancy in the geographical distribution of genetic variation among otherwise biologically similar species.  相似文献   
Many viral fusion-mediating glycoproteins couple alpha-helical bundle formation to membrane merger, but have different methods for fusion activation. To study paramyxovirus-mediated fusion, we mutated the SV5 fusion (F) protein at conserved residues L447 and I449, which are adjacent to heptad repeat (HR) B and bind to a prominent cavity in the HRA trimeric coiled coil in the fusogenic six-helix bundle (6HB) structure. These analyses on residues L447 and I449, both in intact F protein and in 6HB, suggest a metamorphic region around these residues with dual structural roles. Mutation of L447 and I449 to aliphatic residues destabilizes the 6HB structure and attenuates fusion activity. Mutation of L447 and I449 to aromatic residues also destabilizes the 6HB structure despite promoting hyperactive fusion, indicating that 6HB stability alone does not dictate fusogenicity. Thus, residues L447 and I449 adjacent to HRB in paramyxovirus F have distinct roles in fusion activation and 6HB formation, suggesting this region is involved in a conformational switch.  相似文献   
Indolicidin, ILPWKWPWWPWRR-NH(2), a short 13-residue antimicrobial and cytolytic peptide characterized from bovine neutrophils, has the calmodulin-recognition 1-5-10 hydrophobic pattern (indicated by amino acids in bold), is cationic, and thereby fulfills the requirements to interact with calmodulin. Hence, we have investigated the calmodulin-binding properties of indolicidin. Indolicidin interacted with calmodulin with fairly high affinity in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. However, when bound, the peptide did not adopt helical conformation. Indolicidin also inhibited calmodulin-stimulated phosphodiesterase activity with IC(50) values in the nanomolar range. Replacement of either the proline residues of indolicidin with alanines or tryptophan residues with phenylalanines did not affect binding to calmodulin. However, these replacements had distinctive effects on the conformations of the bound peptides. While the alanine analog of indolicidin adopted predominantly alpha-helical conformation, the phenylalanine analog remained largely unordered. Differences in the ability of these analogs to inhibit the calmodulin-stimulated phosphodiesterase activity were observed. While the alanine analog was capable of inhibiting the activity with IC(50) values comparable to that of indolicidin, the phenylalanine analog did not inhibit the activity. Our results indicate that ability to adopt amphiphilic alpha-helical structure is not a prerequisite for binding to calmodulin and also binding does not necessarily result in inhibition of calmodulin-stimulated enzyme activities.  相似文献   
We calculated occurrences of all dinucleotide and trinucleotide microsatellites in the human, mouse, and yeast genomes. The microsatellites were considered separately not only according to the repeated dinucleotide or trinucleotide and the microsatellite length but also according to the starting/terminal nucleotide. The analysis showed that dramatically non-equal amounts occurred in the human genome of microsatellites that differed only by the terminal nucleotides. For example, the 23-mer (TTG)(7)TT occurs 635 times in the human genome whereas (GTT)(7)GT is present only three times in the human genome though the two 23-mers share a 22 nucleotide sequence. The dramatically non-equal occurrences of microsatellites differing only by the terminal nucleotides are observed for most dinucleotide and trinucleotide microsatellites and in all analyzed genomes. We suppose that the strikingly non-equal genomic occurrences of these closely related microsatellites originate from conformational properties of DNA.  相似文献   
Chondroitin and chondroitin sulfates belong to the family of glycosaminoglycans. They are most widely distributed in animal tissues, where they are involved in structural functions and in cell-cell communication. Their basic structures consist of a disaccharidic repeating unit of beta-D-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-galactose (GalNAc), this latter being sulfated at different positions. Molecular mechanics has been applied to calculate the adiabatic energy maps for each of the constituting disaccharides of chondroitin, chondroitin 4-sulfate, and chondroitin 6-sulfate using the MM3 force field. Based on these maps, higher levels of structural organization have been simulated. On one hand, the disordered state is studied through a Metropolis-based algorithm; the resulting chains present a behavior of semirigid polymers, with an order of stiffness: chondroitin 4-sulfate > chondroitin > chondroitin 6-sulfate. On the other hand, the exploration of the stable ordered forms leads to numerous helical conformations of comparable energies. Several of these conformations correspond to the experimentally observed ones. The ability of coordination with cations has also been explored, resulting in a preferential stereospecificity for calcium ions when compared to sodium ions.  相似文献   
The N-terminal 1-34 fragments of the parathyroid hormone (PTH) and parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) elicit the full spectrum of bone-related biological activities of the intact native sequences. It has been suggested that the structural elements essential for bioactivity are two helical segments located at the N-terminal and C-terminal sequences, connected by hinges or flexible points around positions 12 and 19. In order to assess the relevance of the local conformation around Gly(12) upon biological function, we synthesized and characterized the following PTH(1-34) analogues containing Aib residues: (I) A-V-S-E-I-Q-F-nL-H-N-Aib-G-K-H-L-S-S-nL-E-R-V-E-Nal-L-R-K-K-L-Q-D-V-H-N-Y-NH(2) ([Nle(8,18), Aib(11), Nal(23),Tyr(34)]bPTH(1-34)-NH(2)); (II) A-V-S-E-I-Q-F-nL-H-N-L-Aib-K-H-L-S-S-nL-E-R-V-E-Nal-L-R-K-K-L-Q-D-V-H-N-Y-NH(2) ([Nle(8,18), Aib(12),Nal(23),Tyr(34)]bPTH(1-34)-NH(2)); (III) A-V-S-E-I-Q-F-nL-H-N-L-G-Aib-H-L-S-S-nL-E-R-V-E-Nal-L-R-K-K-L-Q-D-V-H-N-Y-NH(2) ([Nle(8,18), Aib(13), Nal(23),Tyr(34)]bPTH(1-34)-NH(2)); (IV) A-V-S-E-I-Q-F-nL-H-N-Aib-Aib-K-H-L-S-S-nL-E-R-V-E-Nal-L-R-K-K-L-Q-D-V-H-N-YNH(2) ([Nle(8,18), Aib(11,12), Nal(23),Tyr(34)]bPTH(1-34)-NH(2)); (V) A-V-S-E-I-Q-F-nL-H-N-L-Aib-Aib-H-L-S-S-nL-E-R-V-E-Nal-L-R-K-K-L-Q-D-V-H-N-Y-NH(2) ([Nle(8,18), Aib(12,13),Nal(23),Tyr(34)]bPTH(1-34)-NH(2)). (nL= Nle; Nal= L-(2-naphthyl)-alanine; Aib= alpha-amino-isobutyric acid.) The introduction of Aib residues at position 11 in analogue I or at positions 11 and 12 in analogue IV resulted in a 5-20-fold lower efficacy and a substantial loss of binding affinity compared to the parent compound [Nle(8,18), Nal(23),Tyr(34)]bPTH(1-34)-NH(2). Both binding affinity and adenylyl cyclase stimulation activity are largely restored when the Aib residues are introduced at position 12 in analogue II, 13 in analogue III, and 12-13 in analogue V. The conformational properties of the analogues in aqueous solution containing dodecylphosphocholine micelles were studied by CD, two-dimensional (2D) NMR and computer simulations. The results indicated the presence of two helical segments in all analogues, located at the N-terminal and C-terminal sequences. Insertion of Aib residues at positions 12 and 13, or of Aib dyads at positions 11-12 and 12-13, enhances the stability of the N-terminal helix of all analogues. In all analogues the Aib residues are included in the helical segments. These results confirmed the importance of the helical structure in the N-terminal activation domain, as well as of the presence of the Leu(11) hydrophobic side chain in the native sequence, for PTH-like bioactivity.  相似文献   
Zhang M  Zhang L  Cheung PC 《Biopolymers》2003,68(2):150-159
Seven water-insoluble (1 --> 3)-beta-D-glucan fractions TM8-1 to TM8-7 with weight-average molecular mass M(w) ranged from 2.22 to 77.4 x 10(4) obtained from the sclerotia of Pleurotus tuber-regium were carboxymethylated to produce the water-soluble fractions CTM8-1 to CTM8-7 with M(w) ranged from 3.87 to 87.8 x 10(4). The degree of substitution (DS) of CTM8 fractions was analyzed by ir and elemental analysis (EA) to be 0.3-0.68. The M(w) and the intrinsic viscosity [eta] of the CTM8 fractions were measured by size-exclusion chromatography combined with multiangle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS), MALLS, and viscometry in phosphate buffer solution (PBS) at 37 degrees C. The dependencies of [eta] and radius of gyration (z) (1/2) on M(w) for the CTM8 samples were found to be [eta] = (8.82 +/- 0.03) x 10(-3) M(w)(0.78 +/- 0.04) (cm(3) g(-1)) and (z) (1/2) = (3.09 +/- 0.05) x 10(-3) M(w)(0.75 +/- 0.06) (nm) in the M(w) range from 3.87 x 10(4) to 53.2 x 10(4). Based on current theories for wormlike chain model, the conformational parameters of the CTM8 were obtained to be 790 (nm(-1)) for M(L), 9.6 (nm) for q, which were higher than those of the native TM8 fractions, suggesting a more extended flexible chain of CTM8 in PBS. On the whole, the CTM8 fractions showed higher antitumor activity than their corresponding TM8 fractions. In view of data from molecular parameters and bioactivity, the antitumor activity of the CTM8 fractions may be correlated to its water solubility and relatively extended chain.  相似文献   
The tertiary structure of the pain modulating and anti-opiate neuropeptide, human neuropeptide AF (NPAF) (the sequence is AGEGLNSQFWSLAAPQRF-NH(2)), was determined by (1)H-NMR. The structure of NPAF was determined in two solvent systems, namely 50%/50% trifluoroethanol-d(3)/H(2)O (TFE/H(2)O) and in the cell membrane mimetic micelle, sodium dodecylsulfate-d(25) (SDS). The receptor for NPAF is an orphan G-protein coupled receptor, and the micellar SDS solvent system was used to emulate the cell membrane surface in line with the Cell Membrane Compartments Theory proposed by R. Schwyzer (Biopolymers, 1995, Vol. 37, pp. 5-16). In both solvent systems, NPAF was found to be primarily alpha-helical within the central portion of the molecule, from Asn(6) to Ala(14). The N-terminus was random in both solvent systems. In the SDS solution, the C-terminal tetrapeptide was structured and formed a type I beta-turn, whereas in TFE/H(2)O it was unstructured, showing the importance of the C-terminal tetrapeptide in receptor recognition. NPAF was found to associate with SDS, and was shown to be near the surface of the micelle by spin label studies with 5-doxyl-stearic acid.  相似文献   
Caldesmon is a component of the thin filaments of smooth muscles where it is believed to play an essential role in regulating the thin filaments’ interaction with myosin and hence contractility. We studied the effects of caldesmon and two recombinant fragments CaDH1 (residues 506–793) and CaDH2 (residues 683–767) on the structure of actin–tropomyosin by making measurements of the fluorescence polarisation of probes specifically attached to actin. CaDH1, like the parent molecule caldesmon, is an inhibitor of actin–tropomyosin interaction with myosin whilst CaDH2 is an activator. The F-actin in permeabilised and myosin free rabbit skeletal muscle ‘ghost’ fibres was labelled by tetramethyl rhodamine-isothiocyanate (TRITC)–phalloidin or fluorescein-5′-isothiocyanate (FITC) at lysine 61. Fluorescence polarisation measurements were made and the parameters ΦA, ΦE, Θ1/2 and N were calculated. ΦA and ΦE are angles between the fiber axis and the absorption and emission dipoles, respectively; Θ1/2 is the angle between the F-actin filament axis and the fiber axis; N is the relative number of randomly oriented fluorophores. Actin–tropomyosin interaction with myosin subfragment-1 induced changes in the parameters of the polarised fluorescence that are typical of strong binding of myosin to actin and of the ‘on’ conformational state of actin. Caldesmon and CaDH1 (as well as troponin in the absence of Ca2+) diminished the effect of S-1, whereas CaDH2 (as well as troponin in the presence of Ca2+) enhanced the effect of S1. Thus the structural evidence correlates with biochemical evidence that C-terminal actin-binding sites of caldesmon can modulate the structural transition of actin monomers between ‘off’ (caldesmon and CaDH1) and ‘on’ (S-1 and CaDH2) states in a manner analogous to troponin.  相似文献   
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