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The release of N and P from the sediment of two ditches, one (A) dominated by filamentous algae and the other (B) by water-lilies, was estimated by core and enclosure experiments. The release rates for ditch A tended to be higher than those for ditch B. Sediment cores covered by a filamentous algae layer released about 1.5 times more N and P than those from which the layer had been removed. During the incubation of the cores in the dark at 20°C for 2–3 weeks, about 10% of the N in the filamentous algae layer was mineralized. The mineralization could be described as a first-order reaction with a rate constant of about 0.2 d–1. On average the cores of ditches A and B released about 40 mg mineral N and 3 mg.m–2.d–1 soluble reactive phosphorus. Defining the release from the sediment in the enclosures as the net increase of N and P in the water phase and in the vegetation minus the input, a negative net release,i.e. net accumulation of N and P in the sediment, was found over the summer half of the year. The negative values were due to the significant N and P input, resulting from pumping ditch water into the enclosures in order to compensate for downward seepage. From the enclosure experiments a downward seepage rate of 14 mm.d–1 and an external load of about 6 g.m–2 total N and 0.6 g.m–2 total P during the summer half of the year —i.e. 33 mg.m–2.d–1 N and 3 mg.m–2.d–1 P. respectively — was calculated for the ditches. Tentative gross release rates — based on the sum of the positive net release of N and P into the water phase over 1–2 weeks intervals and the net increase of N and P in the vegetation — converted to 20°C and allowing for underestimation of the primary production by a factor of 5, amounted to 58 mg mineral N and 7 mg.m–2.d–1 soluble reactive phosphorus during the summer half of the year. Combining the rates estimated by cores and enclosures and converting them to rates at the mean water temperature during the summer half of the year, the release of mineral N and soluble reactive phosphorus roughly amounted to 40 and 4 mg.m–2.d–1, respectively. The release rates as well as the external load indicated a relatively low eutrophication of the ditches.  相似文献   
The trials to use Azolla as a green manure for rice culture were made in the Niger basin.Azolla pinnata (Niger isolate) was used for the experiments. The effect of phosphorus on the growth and N2-fixation was examined in the field and in the laboratory. The growth rate and N content were maximum with P 3.1 ppm culture solution under laboratory conditions. The threshold P content for the growth was 0.5–0.6% in the dry matter. Maximum N content was 4.1% in the laboratory culture. In the field culture, the effect of P fertilizer on the growth and N yield of Azolla was tested. The split application of 6.5 kg P ha−1 per 13 days was most effective in stimulating the growth of Azolla. One kg of P as triple superphosphate produced 3.66 kg N in the Azolla. Maximum growth rate and N content in the field trials was 4.3 days (doubling time) and 2.3%, respectively. The lower productivity in the field in comparison with the laboratory culture was considered to be due to higher temperature and light intensity. the growth of Azolla was suppressed in the hot season in the Niger basin. The growth rate and N content were reduced during the high temperature period over 30°C on an average. The effect of inoculation of Azolla on rice yield was tested in the field experiment. The grain yield was increased 27% by Azolla incolation over the treatment without Azolla inoculation in — N fertilizer treatments. While the growth of Azolla with rice plants did not attain saturated density (1.8 kg fresh weight m−2), the effect on the grain yield was comparable to 40 kg N ha−1 as urea.  相似文献   
A study was undertaken to isolate some fungi exhibiting phosphate-dissolution ability, and to test whether these fungi are capable of increasing the amount of available P in a calcareous soil treated with rock phosphate (RP) or with triple superphosphate (TSP) and its subsequent uptake by sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench).Penicillium sp. and twoAspergillus foetidus (Naka) isolates significantly increased the availability of P in soil treated with RP or TSP during the growing season.Penicillium sp. isolate was more effective in increasing available P in the soil treated with RP or TSP than were Aspergillus isolates. However, the dry matter and P uptake responses to inoculation with these fungi were better in the soil treated with RP than in soil treated with TSP. In the TSP treated soil, the fungi achieved their maximum P releasing capacity two weeks earlier than in soil treated with RP. Positive and significant correlation coefficients among available P, P uptake and dry matter production at different periods of the growing season were observed following inoculation. However, none of these variables were found to be significantly correlated with the fungal populations.  相似文献   
Foliar phosphorus content and mycorrhizal infection of dipterocarp seedlings growing in a 61-year-old forest plantation (site A) and a selectively logged forest (site B) were determined. Mycorrhizal infection levels were high–83.7% forShorea bracteolata and 95.0% forS. leprosula at site A, and 77.8% forS. leprosula and 86.3% forS. curtisii at site B. The seedlings all had similar foliar phosphorus contents although available soil phosphorus at site B was half that at site A. Significant correlations were obtained between foliar phosphorus content and percentage mycorrhizal infection at site B only.  相似文献   
NMR spectroscopy with the use of non-penetrating paramagnetic probes permits in situ determination of the composition of the outer surface of phospholipid vesicles. The method was employed to follow the phospholipid exchange between phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylcholine vesicles induced by a postmicrosomal protein fraction from rat liver. The effects of these proteins on the lipid bilayer and the structure of the vesicles produced by exchange were studied.  相似文献   
The antibiotic cerulenin inhibited the incorporation of 14C-acetyl-CoA by 67% at a concentration of 9 × 10?6 M but not that of 14C-HMG-CoA into the non-saponifiable fraction in a cell-free extract of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cerulenin markedly inhibited the activity of partially purified HMG-CoA synthase. No inhibition of acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase activity was observed in the same preparation of HMG-CoA synthase. Therefore, cerulenin inhibition of overall sterol synthesis may be accounted for by the specific inhibition of HMG-CoA synthase activity.  相似文献   
A pot experiment was conducted in the greenhouse to determine and compare the responses of rice (Oryza sativa L. var, IR 36), maize (Zea mays L. var. DMR-2), and soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. var. Clark 63) to soil water stress. Leaf elongation, dawn leaf water potential, transpiration rate, and nutrient uptake in stressed rice declined earlier than in maize and soybean. Maize and soybean, compared with rice, maintained high dawn leaf water potential for a longer period of water stress before leaf water potential. Nutrient uptake under water stress conditions was influenced more by the capacity of the roots to absorb nutrients than by transpiration. Transport of nutrients to the shoots may occur even at reduced transpiration rate It is concluded that the ability of maize and soybean to grow better than rice under water stress conditions may be due to their ability to maintain turgor as a result of the slow decline in leaf water potential brought about by low, transpiration rate and continued uptake of nutrient, especially K, which must have allowed osmotic adjustment to occur.  相似文献   
The effect of natural and artificial reduction on P extractability from soils used for rice production and the relation of these values to response to fertilizer P were investigated. Soil solution P increased from a mean of 3.8 mg P·kg?1 soil for naturally oxidized slurries of 28 soils to 19.8mg P·kg?1 when the soils were naturally reduced. The mean values were further increased to 40.8 and 45.3 mg·kg?1 when the soils were reduced with 0.1M Na2S2O4 and 0.2M Na2S2O4, respectively. These P-values compare with 18.2 mg kg?1 when the dry soils were extracted with Bray No. 1 extractant. When the yields of rice were correlated with solution and extracted P, the R2's for the quadratic relationships were 0.40**, 0.31*, 0.34**, 0.30*, and 0.55** for the naturally oxidized, the naturally reduced, 0.1M Na2S2O4, 0.2M Na2S2O4 and Bray No. 1, respectively. The Cate-Nelson calculation confirmed the superiority of the weak acid Bray extractant and the critical value of 8.6 mg P·kg?1 soil needed for satisfactory yields of rice. There was little response of rice to added fertilizer P on soils with solution P-values greater than 0.09 mg P·l?1 in oxygenated soil slurries. Some soils with solution P of this order and high amounts of Bray No. 1 extractable P still gave modest responses to fertilizer P. Although natural or chemically induced reduction increased soil solution P, it did not improve prediction of yield response of rice to added fertilizer P.  相似文献   
The Kromme is a small estuary in rural eastern Cape, South Africa with a relatively unpopulated and undisturbed catchment. Physical and chemical variables including the major nutrients and E. coli were examined. It was found to be a well oxygenated, well mixed estuary with some stratification in its upper reaches. Nutrient levels were generally low with nitrate values higher in winter than during summer. While no overt seasonality was detected for phosphorus, levels were comparatively high. Faecal E. coli levels were low with a mean count of 26 per 100 ml for the estuary. Along the Kromme, nutrients were highest at the confluence of the Geelhoutboom tributary suggesting it was a major nutrient contributor. At the head of the Kromme, silicate and E. coli were significantly linked to riverflow, while nitrate was correlated with rainfall. In the Geelhoutboom, only nitrate was correlated with riverflow and rainfall. When nutrient gradients (total inorganic nitrogen, total phosphorus and silicate) were correlated against salinity, significant relationships were observed for nitrogen and silicate (Kromme and Geelhoutboom) and for phosphorus along the Geelhoutboom, but not the Kromme, reflecting differences in sub-catchments. An overall N:P atomic ratio of 0.89:1 was found for the system, with more nitrogen relative to phosphorus at the head of the Kromme and vice versa for the Geelhoutboom and mouth. The Kromme is low in nitrogen, conservative in silicate and low in phosphorus while the Geelhoutboom supplies nitrogen, phosphorus and silicate to the system. Although there may be nutrient absorption by sediments in the upper estuary, and by macrophytes in the lower estuary, the Kromme may be classified as a non-conservative mesotrophic marine-dominated estuary which probably exhibits some nutrient recycling.  相似文献   
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