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An integumental anatomy for the lycaenid butterfly Glaucopsyche lygdamus is presented. Comparisons with other lepidopteran taxa are made to rectify the homology of parts and contrast anatomical divergences within the Lycaenidae. A general terminology based on Snodgrass is given, to replace many of the specialized and often synonymous terms restricted to the Lepidoptera. Many common anatomical svnonyms are also given. Several reinterpretations of the anatomy and homology of various integumental regions are discussed. A previously unreported cuticular anomaly on abdominal tergum 2 of male Polyommatinae (Downey's area) is described. The following new or newly combined terms are used:postgenal-occipital area, postgenal-occipital protuberance, dorsal temporal sulci, postantennal projections, pronotal projection, infraepisternal-basisternal plate, paracoxal-marginopleural sulci, dorsal epimeral sulci, ventral epimeral sulci, secondary coxal sulci, ventral subcostal-radial process, lateral secondary sclerite and Downey's area.  相似文献   
A reconsideration of the reptilian relationships of Archaeopteryx   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cladistic relationships of Archaeopteryx , the earliest known bird, are re-examined and previous hypotheses of relationships evaluated. The morphology of Archaeopteryx is redescribed. New interpretations of the fossils are presented, particularly in regard to the morphology of the pectoral girdle, manus, pelvic girdle, tarsus and pes. These new interpretations challenge some of the phylogenetic hypotheses recently presented and a new version of thecodontian relationships is suggested.  相似文献   
Among oxidases, cytochrome oxidase has been localized in mitochondria of all phloem cells, catalase has been visualized in parenchyma peroxisomes and peroxidase has been localized in cell walls and in several cell organelles. In angiosperms, peroxidase is present in all phloem cell walls; it is sensitive to cyanide inhibition excepted in sieve areas and around plasmodesmata between sieve tubes and companion cells. In some species, this cyanide resistant oxidasic activity can be localized without exogenous H2O2. Peroxidase is localized on ribosomes, inside vacuoles, on the tonoplast and often on the plasmalemma in companion cells and differentiating sieve elements. In young sieve cells some dictyosomes can exhibit a strong peroxidasic activity. In mature parenchyma cells peroxidase can be associated with ER cisternae but not with vacuoles.  相似文献   
Analyses of successively collected fractions of phloem exudate of Yucca flaccida, and of Yucca fruits picked at various stages of growth, together with experiments on transpiration from fruits, have led to the following conclusions:
  • 1 During fruit growth potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus compounds, and nitrogenous substances are delivered to the fruit by both the xylem and the phloem. These solutes move also easily in radial direction between the xylem and phloem part of the vascular bundles. Actually they can be regarded as constituents of one stream of nutrients.
  • 2 The overall efficiency of conversion of vascular-fluid dry matter into mature-fruit dry matter is approximately 61 %.
  • 3 During its whole period of growth the fruit transpires an amount of water vapour of at least 6 times its own mature fresh weight.
  • 4 Estimates could be made for the relative contributions of xylem and phloem in the delivery of fruit constituents. 18% of the water imported by the fruit during its growth had a phloem, 82 % a xylem origin; 89% is transpired, 11 % retained as a fruit constituent. At least 94 % of the dry matter, 69% of the potassium, 56% of the magnesium, 26% of the phosphorus, and 7% of the calcium of the average fruit have been delivered by the phloem. The translocation of nitrogenous substances occurs probably partly in a more indirect way with temporary storage in inflorescence parenchyma.
25 species of lichens have been collected in semidesertic to desertic areas of Iran. On the basis of spatial relations to the substrate and anatomical features of the thallus three main groups (one with a subdivision based on colour and morphology of the thallus) can be differentiated. Selective advantages and peculiarities in connection with the desert habitat are pointed out, such as inverse thallus-structure, a dense network of skeletal hyphae in the substrate in otherwise epilithic species, proliferating areolae of the thallus, immersed pycnidia with trichogynes and brownish spores in groups with usually colourless spores. Most of the species are wide-spread in arid and often also in humid regions; only one species,Verrucaria buschirensis J. Steiner, seems to be endemic. The prevalence of cyanophilic lichens in deserts may have phylogenetic reasons, as these groups appear to date back to periods without higher vegetation and a desert-like environment.
Herrn Prof. Dr. L.Geitler zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
弄拉典型峰丛岩溶区青冈栎叶片形态特征及对环境的适应   总被引:23,自引:6,他引:23  
邓艳  蒋忠诚  曹建华  李强  蓝芙宁 《广西植物》2004,24(4):317-322,331
选取广西弄拉典型峰丛洼地生态系统中不同地貌类型的青冈栎 (Cyclobalanopsisglauca)叶片进行形态解剖特征比较分析 ,结果表明 :( 1 )峰丛洼地生态系统中不同地貌青冈栎叶片形态解剖特征差异显著。山顶青冈栎叶片部分表皮结构 (角质膜、表皮毛、表皮细胞、气孔 )趋向旱化。山顶青冈栎下表皮毛比山腰青冈栎的浓密且长。两者叶片的厚度和宽度、上表皮细胞个数、气孔指数、下表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度存在着显著性差异 ;位于山顶的青冈栎受到水分的胁迫 ,在形态解剖上呈现出中生偏旱的结构。 ( 2 )青冈栎的各种形态解剖指标说明在岩溶区青冈栎的抗旱性主要是通过抵御干旱来适应水分的胁迫 ,并主要取决于减少蒸腾失水和维持水分吸收能力两个方面  相似文献   
利用光学显微镜和石蜡切片技术对生长在盐碱地的大车前和平车前的营养器官进行了比较解剖学研究。结果表明二者的解剖结构存在差异:平车前根的木栓层较大车前的狭窄,栓内层细胞层数较少;平车前叶表皮的细胞角质膜较薄,孔下室较小,构成维管束鞘的薄壁细胞较大车前小,束鞘细胞两层。二者都具有适应盐渍环境的结构特征:营养器官中通气组织发达;根结构中薄壁组织和木栓发达;叶表皮角质层发达。  相似文献   
Cabomba aquatica has been found for the first time in India. Both, submerged and floating leaves are epistomatic. The stomata are anomocytic and perigenous in their development. The metaxylem vessel elements have simple perforation plates and spiral side wall thickening. Vessel elements are found in roots, rhizomes and aerial stems. The venation pattern is of two types like the dimorphic leaves. On the basis of these and other featuresCabomba deserves family rank.  相似文献   
国家二级保护植物翅果油树营养器官结构的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
系统研究了国家二级保护植物翅果油树(Elaeagnus mollis Diels)营养器官的结构,结果表明:根表皮外有2.4~36.7μm的粘液质层,对着韧皮部的内皮层细胞含有黑色物质,与粘液质层的形成有关.茎的皮层中有一层排列整齐紧密的椭圆形细胞,类似于内皮层.髓细胞中含有大量的針晶.次生木质部为典型的环孔材,具有多列同型射线.栅栏组织发达,叶细胞含有大量針晶,栅栏组织与海绵组织之比为1.96,具有旱生结构特性.  相似文献   
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