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Sink regions play a central role in determining assimilate distribution patterns. Two factors are discussed which have a strong effect on the sink strength of a sink, viz. phloem unloading and turgor-sensitive transport. Sink strength may be defined as the capacity of phloem in the sink region to import assimilates from other parts of the plants and to release the imported substances into the sink apoplast.A stem parasitized by Cuscuta represents a very strong sink. A review is presented of data on enhanced phloem unloading, at the site of attachment of Custuta. Recent data on metabolically controlled sucrose and amino acid unloading into the seed coat apoplast of developing legume seeds show a remarkable parallel with phloem unloading in a parasitized Vicia faba stem. Data on turgor-sensitive sucrose and amino acid transport into developing seeds are presented, which throw new light on the pressure flow theory of phloem transport.  相似文献   
The energization of the active sucrose release from bean seed-coat halves was investigated. For this purpose, seed coat tissues adjacent to the apoplastic space were exposed to a variety of treatments and proton and photosynthate release were measured. Fusicoccin (10–5 moll–1) stimulated proton pump activities. Orthovanadate (2×10–4 moll–1) and abscisic acid (10–5 moll–1) diminished the proton extrusion evoked by fusicoccin. Fusicoccin inhibited sucrose release, whereas orthovanadate and abscisic acid stimulated it. Addition of 100 mmoll–1 K+ had a promotory effect on photosynthate unloading, fading away with time. This extra unloading was linearly related to an enhanced proton loss. It was concluded that the photosynthate unloading apparently is not a proton/sucrose antiport and that a pump-leak system for photosynthate release is unlikely. A tentative model for photosynthate/proton symport not directly linked to proton pumping is presented as the mechanism of unloading.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone - DTE diethioerythritol - FC fusicoccin - MES 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid monohydrate - NEM n-ethylmaleimide - PCMBS p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid - TRIS 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl) propane-1,3 diol - VAN sodium orthovanadate  相似文献   
The results of studies on assimilate and water transport in the developing caryopsis of rice are summarised. Evidence is presented for a symplastic movement of solutes as far as the aleurone layer. However, transport into the apoplast at the nucellus/aleurone interface appears to be a necessary step due to the absence of plasmodesmata at this site. It is suggested that water leaves the caryopsis during grain filling by the isolated cell walls of the pigment strand, the suberised walls of these cells functioning to isolate the apoplast from the symplast and thereby allowing opposing fluxes of water and assimilates to occur in the dorsal region of the grain.  相似文献   
Four collections of three species ofTrimenia and one collection ofPiptocalyx were studied; early-formed and later-formed wood was analyzed for oneTrimenia. Liquid-preserved material permitted analysis of mucilage and starch storage in wood ofT. neocaledonica andP. moorei. BecausePiptocalyx is scandent whereasTrimenia is arborescent, wood differences relative to evolution of a climbing habit could be examined.Piptocalyx contrasts withTrimenia in having wider vessels, more numerous per mm2, resulting in a conductive area five times greater per unit area than that of theTrimenia woods averaged.Piptocalyx has appreciably fewer bars per perforation plate and thus much greater conductive area per perforation plate than have the species ofTrimenia. Rays inPiptocalyx are much taller and wider than those ofTrimenia. Wood ofTrimeniaceae is highly primitive in its scalariform perforation plates, scalariform lateral wall pitting on vessels, relatively long vessels elements, and heterocellular rays. Imperforate tracheary elements are septate nucleate fibertracheids (or even libriform fibers) rather than tracheids, but loss of borders on pits (and thus lowered conductive function of the imperforate tracheary elements) can be explained by the development of these elements into starchstoring cells. Some fiber-tracheids inT. neocaledonica are enlarged mucilagecontaining cells. Details of vessel structure inTrimeniaceae are similar to those ofMonimiaceae (s. s.), but similarity to some other lauralean (annonalean) families may be found: in mucilage presence,Trimeniaceae resembleLauraceae rather thanMonimiaceae. Wood ofTrimeniaceae may be regarded as highly mesomorphic, corresponding to the moist habitats in which all of the species occur.  相似文献   
Two species ofPenaeaceae (Penaea mucronata andSaltera sarcocolla), a unique South African family ofMyrtales, were investigated embryologically.Penaeaceae clearly agrees with otherMyrtales in its basic embryological characteristics, and further is characterized by its highly specialized features: ephemeral endothecium, 16-nucleatePenaea-type embryo sac, and unique ovular form. A wider range of affinities of families includingPenaeaceae, Oliniaceae, Rhynchocalycaceae, Alzateaceae, andCrypteroniaceae sensu stricto, as well as a possible common divergence from an ancestral line leading toLythraceae and/orMelastomataceae, are discussed on embryological and other grounds.  相似文献   
Leaf architectural pattern has been studied in 27 genera and 35 species of the Acanthaceae. The major venation pattern conforms to pinnate camptodromous with eucamptodromous or festooned brochidodromous secondaries, pinnate craspedodromous inAcanthus ilicifolius and acrodromous inLepidagathis trinervis. Intersecondary veins are common. The marginal ultimate venation is looped. The areoles are variable in size. The vein endings are usually simple, linear or cuved or divide once or twice dichotomously. Isolated vein endings, tracheids, isolated free vein endings and extension cells are observed. Transfusion tracheids are seen inDicliptera verticillata. Miniature vessel elements with simple perforation plates are noticed lying free in the areole or at the end of tracheids inSeriocalyx scaber andThunbergia grandiflora.Elytraria acaulis, Nelsonia canescens andStaurogynae zeylanica exhibit venation pattern shown by majority of the taxa studied, of the Acanthaceae.  相似文献   
The remarkable diversity of fruits inValerianella andFedia is revealed by a comparative morphological and anatomical analysis. Characters are evaluated in regard to a new systematic grouping. The knowledge on dispersal biology is summarized and supplemented. Finally, salient features of fruit differentiation are discussed.
3. Teil der Publikationsserie Beiträge zur Systematik und Evolution vonValerianella undFedia (Valerianaceae) (vgl.Ernet 1977a, b).  相似文献   
Summary Pectic strands are shown to connect the lower stomatal ledges and to develop across the posterior chamber of a number of plant species. Similar strands are formed between guard cells and subsidiary cells, and between epidermal cells.  相似文献   
The root anatomy of eight woody genera of the Caprifoliaceae cultivated in the British Isles was investigated. Special emphasis was placed on the characters that can most easily be used to identify roots from this family. These were found to be:(i) in the bark, the arrangement of phloem fibres or stone cells (if present) and (ii) in the xylem, the type (scalariform or simple) and shape of vessel perforation plates, type and arrangement of cells in rays and the presence or absence of spiral thickening (especially on fibre tracheids). Vessel characters were found to be inconstant in samples of some species grown in different environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Abstract. Cyperus longus L. , which has a widespread but disjunct distribution throughout Europe and extends northwards into Britain, was found to be a C4 species based upon its Kranz leaf anatomy, low CO2 compensation point and the labelling of malate as an early product of 14CO2 fixation. The photosynthetic characteristics of C. longus are similar to many other C4 species with a high maximum rate of photosynthesis (> 1.5 mg CO2 m −2 s −1) and a relatively high temperature optimum (30–35°C), but unlike many C4 species the rate of photosynthesis does not decline rapidly below the optimum temperature and a substantial rate (0.6 mgCO2 m−2s−1)occursat 15°C. Leaf extension is very slow at 15°C and shows a curvilinear response to temperatures between 15 and 25°C. Leaves extend at a rate of almost 4 cm d−1 at 25°C.  相似文献   
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