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Development of hypesthesia, a loss of sensitivity to stimulation, is associated with impaired regeneration of peripheral sensory fibers, in which Schwann cells play a key role by secreting nerve growth factor (NGF). Recent clinical trials indicated that an inhibitor of aldose reductase (AR), the rate-limiting enzyme in the polyol pathway, significantly improved hypesthesia in diabetic patients. The fact that AR is localized in Schwann cells led us to investigate the role of the polyol pathway in NGF production of isolated Schwann cells. Among various endogenous factors examined, increased production of NGF was demonstrated in the cells treated with neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) for 24 h. NT-3-induced NGF production was significantly suppressed when cells were cultured in the medium containing high glucose. In these cells, the levels of glutathione (GSH) and cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB) were reduced, whereas the level of activated nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) was elevated. These changes were abolished when an AR inhibitor fidarestat was included in the medium. NT-3-induced NGF production was further attenuated in the cells treated with an inhibitor of GSH synthesis. Together, the enhanced polyol pathway activity under high-glucose conditions seems to elicit reduced NT-3-induced NGF production in Schwann cells. Enhanced oxidative stress linked to the polyol pathway activity may mediate this process.  相似文献   
Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant that successfully treats many neuropathic pain syndromes, although the mechanism of its antihyperalgesic action remains elusive. This study aims to help delineate gabapentin's antihyperalgesic mechanisms. We assessed the effectiveness of gabapentin at decreasing mechanical and cold hypersensitivity induced in a rat model of neuropathic pain. Thus, we compared the effectiveness of pre‐ or post‐treatment with systemic or intrathecal (i.t.) gabapentin at reducing the development and maintenance of the neuropathic pain symptoms. Gabapentin successfully decreased mechanical and cold hypersensitivity, both as a pretreatment and post‐treatment. Furthermore, both i.t. and systemic administration of gabapentin were effective in reducing the behavioral hypersensitivity; however, the i.t. administration was superior to the systemic. We also examined gabapentin's effects at inhibiting hindpaw formalin‐induced release of excitatory amino acids (EAAs) in the spinal cord dorsal horn (SCDH) both in naïve rats and in rats with neuropathic pain. We present the first evidence that gabapentin reduces the formalin‐induced release of both glutamate and aspartate in SCDH. Furthermore, i.t. gabapentin reduces the enhanced noxious stimulus‐induced spinal release of glutamate seen in neuropathic rats. These data suggest that gabapentin reduces neuropathic pain symptoms by inhibiting the release of glutamate in the SCDH.  相似文献   
Serious adverse cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death, and stroke, frequently result from rupture of atherosclerotic plaques with superimposed thrombosis and exhibit a pronounced circadian rhythmicity, peaking in the morning hours. Two potentially synergistic mechanisms play a pathogenic role in the circadian variation of arterial thrombotic events. A morning surge in sympathetic activity alters hemodynamic forces and predisposes vulnerable coronary atherosclerotic plaques to rupture. Day-night variations of hemostatic and fibrinolytic factors result in morning hypercoagulability and hypofibrinolysis, promoting intraluminal thrombus formation at the same time when the risk for plaque rupture is highest. Diabetic patients have a very high cardiac event rate but fail to show normal circadian fluctuations in the occurrence of myocardial infarction. Alterations in the circadian variation autonomic tone, blood pressure, and the thrombotic-thrombolytic equilibrium have been documented in diabetic patients. These include reduced or absent 24-h periodicity in autonomic tone, fibrinolytic activity, and thrombotic tendency, and a blunted decline in nocturnal blood pressure. Disruption of these circadian rhythms explains the lack of significant circadian distribution of cardiac events in diabetic patients. Moreover, the loss of these normal biorhythms results in a continuous susceptibility to thrombotic events throughout the day and may contribute to the excess cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in these patients. (Chronobiology International, 18(1), 109-121, 2001)  相似文献   
Abstract: Diabetic encephalopathy, characterized by structural, electrophysiological, neurochemical, and cognitive abnormalities, is observed in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and non-IDDM (NIDDM). Identification of early biochemical lesions potentially may provide clues pointing to its pathogenesis. Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are neurotrophic factors that recently have been implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy. Because IGF-II is the predominant IGF in adult brain, we tested the hypothesis that IGF-II gene expression is decreased in the CNS in both IDDM and NIDDM. Brain and spinal cord were isolated from streptozotocin-diabetic rats, a model of IDDM with weight loss and impaired insulin production. IGF-II mRNA content was measured by northern and slot blots. After 2 weeks of diabetes, IGF-II mRNA content per milligram of tissue wet weight, as well as per unit of poly(A)+ RNA, declined significantly (p≤ 0.05) in brain and spinal cord. Insulin replacement therapy partially restored IGF-II mRNA levels in brain, cortex, medulla, and spinal cord. The obese, hyperinsulinemic, and spontaneously diabetic (fa/fa) Zucker rat was used as a model of NIDDM. Brain weight (p < 0.025) and IGF-II mRNA contents (p < 0.01) were significantly decreased in (fa/fa) versus lean nondiabetic (+/?) rats. Therefore, the decline in IGF-II mRNA levels in diabetic brain was independent of the type of diabetes, the direction of change in body weight, and the insulinemic state. We speculate that this early biochemical lesion may contribute to the development of diabetic encephalopathy.  相似文献   
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is one of the most common diabetic chronic complications. There is an increased attention directed towards the role of angiogenic factors including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and anti‐angiogenic factors including soluble endoglin (sEng) as contributors to diabetic microvascular complications including neuropathy. The purposes of this study were to determine the role of these angiogenesis regulators in the prognosis of DPN. The study group included 60 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and 20 clinically healthy individuals. The patients were divided into two groups. Group I included 20 T2DM patients without peripheral neuropathy, and Group II consisted of 40 T2DM patients with DPN. In all groups, plasma VEGF, sEng and endothelin‐1 (ET‐1), nitric oxide and ET‐1 mRNA were estimated. Plasma levels of VEGF, sEng, ET‐1 and nitric oxide were significantly elevated in diabetic patients (Groups I and II) compared with healthy control subjects, with a higher increase in their levels in patients with DPN compared with diabetic patients without peripheral neuropathy. Measurement of plasma levels of angiogenesis‐related biomarkers in high‐risk diabetic patients might identify who later develop DPN, thus providing opportunities for early detection and targets for novel treatments. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
75-year-old patient with a history of acenocumarol anticoagulated atrial fibrillation, which shows pain, functional impotence and right lower limb paresthesias after fall. Studies evidenc evertebral fracture L5 and haematoma on right iliac muscle, proceeding to surgical drainage, suspension of acenocumarol, and onset of apixaban. After treatment persisted femoral neuropathy, which not allowed complete functional recovery.DiscussionFemoral neuropathy as possible cause of compressive hematoma over iliopsoas muscle or secundary to lumbar canal stenosis and contact with L4 root. In both of the misit posible to observe weakness of proximal lower limb musculature. Haematoma was suspected due to lower back pain, flank mass and hypovolemia. Handlingis based on the severity of the symptomatology, from conservative to surgical drainage to reduce sequelae and bleeding complications. Apixaban has shown a higher safety profile. Stabilization of lumbar fracture allowed partial functional recovery.  相似文献   
In this review article I explore the suitability of human epidermal neural crest stem cells (hEPI‐NCSC) for translational medicine. hEPI‐NCSC are multipotent somatic stem cells that are derived from the embryonic neural crest. hEPI‐NCSC are located in the bulge of hair follicles where they persist postnatally and into adulthood. Because of their location in the hairy skin and their migratory behavior, hEPI‐NCSC can be easily isolated as a highly pure population of stem cells without the need for purification. Furthermore they can be expanded ex vivo into millions of stem cells, they do not form tumors in vivo, and they can undergo directed differentiation into crest and noncrest‐derived cell types of clinical relevance. Taken together, these characteristics make hEPI‐NCSC attractive candidates for cell‐based therapies, drug discovery, and disease modeling. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 102:221–226, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
目的:糖尿病周围神经病变(DPN)是糖尿病最常见的慢性并发症之一,危害严重,而大部分患者早期无症状,以致延误了早期诊断,失去了早期治疗的机会.目前DPN的筛查方法众多,但尚无确定有效的筛查方法.震动感觉阈值检查(VPT)在发达国家已广泛应用于糖尿病神经病变的临床筛查,但目前国内很少应用.本文旨在探讨VPT对老年糖尿病周围神经病变的临床应用价值.方法:采用数字震动感觉阈值检查仪、128 Hz音叉检测40例老年2型糖尿病患者(DM组)和36例非糖尿病老年人(对照组)的VPT和音叉震动觉,与神经传导速度(NCV)进行对比分析.结果:40例DM组中有周围神经病症状18 人(45%),音叉震动觉减弱17例(42.5%),VPT异常21例(52.5%),NCV异常24例(60%).以NCV检查结果作为诊断金标准,评价VPT的敏感性79.2%,特异性87.5%.结论:VPT检查是一种特异、敏感、有效、简便的DPN早期筛查方法,能及早发现严重并发症的高风险人群,适合常规的门诊筛查.VPT检测结合临床症状、体征,能更方便、可靠地诊断老年糖尿病周围神经病变,对于DPN的疾病风险、早期干预、评价预后非常重要.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial tRNA 3’-end metabolism is critical for the formation of functional tRNAs. Deficient mitochondrial tRNA 3’-end metabolism is linked to an array of human diseases, including optic neuropathy, but their pathophysiology remains poorly understood. In this report, we investigated the molecular mechanism underlying the Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON)-associated tRNAAla 5587A>G mutation, which changes a highly conserved adenosine at position 73 (A73) to guanine (G73) on the 3’-end of the tRNA acceptor stem. The m.5587A>G mutation was identified in three Han Chinese families with suggested maternal inheritance of LHON. We hypothesized that the m.5587A>G mutation altered tRNAAla 3’-end metabolism and mitochondrial function. In vitro processing experiments showed that the m.5587A>G mutation impaired the 3’-end processing of tRNAAla precursors by RNase Z and inhibited the addition of CCA by tRNA nucleotidyltransferase (TRNT1). Northern blot analysis revealed that the m.5587A>G mutation perturbed tRNAAla aminoacylation, as evidenced by decreased efficiency of aminoacylation and faster electrophoretic mobility of mutated tRNAAla in these cells. The impact of m.5587A>G mutation on tRNAAla function was further supported by increased melting temperature, conformational changes, and reduced levels of this tRNA. Failures in tRNAAla metabolism impaired mitochondrial translation, perturbed assembly and activity of oxidative phosphorylation complexes, diminished ATP production and membrane potential, and increased production of reactive oxygen species. These pleiotropic defects elevated apoptotic cell death and promoted mitophagy in cells carrying the m.5587A>G mutation, thereby contributing to visual impairment. Our findings may provide new insights into the pathophysiology of LHON arising from mitochondrial tRNA 3’-end metabolism deficiency.  相似文献   
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