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The induction of CAM in Pedilanthus tithymaloides (Euphorbiaceae) under water-limited conditions was evaluated by following diurnal oscillations of CO2 fixation, titratable acidity and malic acid content in the leaf extracts. CAM induction was assessed by measuring the activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), NADH-malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and phosphoenolpyruvate caroxykinase (PEPCK) in the leaves as well. Drought resulted in large increases in the nocturnal acid accumulation and rates of CO2 uptake in the leaves of P. tithymaloides. The drought-induced CAM activity tended to be reversible after re-watering. Nevertheless, under well-watered conditions, plants of P. tithymaloides showed day time CO2 uptake patterns with less pronounced diurnal oscillations of organic acids. Our data indicate that although P. tithymaloides is a CAM plant, environmental variables like drought induce photosynthetic flexibility in this species. This type of plasticity in CAM and metabolic versatility in P. tithymaloides should be an adaptation for prolonged survival under natural adverse edaphic and microclimate situations.  相似文献   
AIMS: To demonstrate the expression of two overlapping genes lmbJ and lmbIH in Streptomyces lincolnensis and to document LmbJ and LmbIH protein levels during the lincomycin production phase. To analyse presumable function of the LmbIH protein. METHODS AND RESULTS: Lincomycin production was monitored by thin-layer chromatography, proteins LmbJ and LmbIH were assayed in the cell-free extracts of S. lincolnensis by immunodetection. LmbJ occurred at stable level (2-4 mg x g(-1) of total proteins) for a long time period (36-96 h of cultivation) covering the whole production phase. This fairly corresponds to the catalytic function of the protein in the antibiotic biosynthesis (N-demethyllincomycin methyltransferase). On the contrary, LmbIH reached the detectable level (0.1 and 0.7 mg x g(-1)) just for a short period at 60-72 h. CONCLUSIONS: The absence of LmbIH protein at a detectable level during the major part of the antibiotic production phase casts doubt on its possible catalytic function. Rather a different connection with the final biosynthetic steps, e.g. regulatory, can be envisaged. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Expression of a newly found putative regulatory gene was demonstrated during production of industrial antibiotic, lincomycin.  相似文献   
Copper is an essential element necessary for normal function of numerous enzymes in all living organisms. Uptake of copper into the cell is thought to occur through the membrane protein, SLC31A1 (CTR1), which has been described in a variety of species including yeast, human and mouse. In this study, we present cloning, gene structure, chromosomal localization and expression pattern of the Sus scrofa SLC31A1 gene, which encodes a 189 amino acid protein. The (SSC) SLC31A1 gene is organized in four exons and spans an approximately 2.3 kb genomic region. We have localized the gene to chromosome 1q28-q2.13 using a somatic cell hybrid panel. This region shows conservation of synteny with human chromosome 9, where the human SLC31A1 (CTR1) gene has been localized. Expression studies suggest that SLC31A1 mRNA is transcribed in all tissues examined.  相似文献   
AIMS: To optimize the production of linolenic acid by disrupted mycelia of Mortierella isabellina. METHODS AND RESULTS: Effects of incubation conditions such as incubation time, pH of reaction mixture, concentration of Mg2+ or malate and incubation temperature on production of linolenic acid were studied. The production of gamma-linolenic acid reached 224 mg g-1 dry cells when the reaction mixture was composed of 1.0 g (dry mycelial mass) of disrupted mycelia of M. isabellina, 50 ml (50 mmol l(-1)) potassium phosphate buffer supplemented with 0.312 mmol l(-1) of Mg2+ and 10 mmol l(-1) of malate, pH 7.0 and incubated at 5 degrees C for 1 day. CONCLUSIONS: Incubation temperature, concentration of Mg2+ and malate showed major effects on the increased linolenic acid production. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study highlights conditions for increasing gamma-linolenic acid production by cell-free mycelia of M. isabellina and an insight into rapidly gaining high production of polyunsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   
AIMS: The goal of this study was to examine the growth of Oenococcus oeni in the presence of phenolic compounds under wine conditions and to see how these compounds affect bacterial metabolism. METHODS AND RESULTS: Phenolic compounds have been added to a basal medium that simulates the composition of wine. Fifty milligrams per litre or more of phenolic compounds stimulated bacterial growth. Oenococcus oeni seemed to use citric acid and trehalose, if they were present, before glucose and fructose. Citrate was completely exhausted in three days and the yield of acetate was higher when phenolic compounds were present. CONCLUSIONS: Phenolic compounds reduced the rate of sugar consumption and enhanced citric acid consumption, increasing the yield of acetic acid. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study allows a better knowledge of co-metabolism of citric acid and sugars by O. oeni in the presence of phenolic compounds of wine.  相似文献   
Creatine supplementation is an established ergogenic aid in sports and is now claimed to have therapeutical applications in a variety of diseases. The available literature mainly covers the short-term (one to several weeks) effects of creatine supplementation on skeletal muscle function in health and disease, which is of little help to evaluate the long-term (two or more months) potential of creatine as a drug in chronic disorders, such as neurodegenerative diseases or muscular dystrophies. Recent findings in healthy humans indicate that the beneficial effect on muscle function and muscle total creatine content may disappear when creatine is continuously ingested for more than two or three months. The mechanism for this habituation to chronic creatine exposure is poorly understood. The primary purpose of the present review article is to critically evaluate the available evidence for long-term efficacy of creatine administration and to hypothesize about ways to optimize creatine administration regimens.  相似文献   
The present study investigated whether there were any differences between males and females in respect to creatine transporter (CreaT) gene expression and/or total creatine (TCr) content in human vastus lateralis muscle. Skeletal muscle obtained from young healthy male (n = 13, age: 23.2 ± 5.0 years) and female subjects (n = 12, age: 21.7 ± 4.3 years) was analyzed for CreaT mRNA, CreaT protein and TCr content. Total CreaT protein content in the muscle was similar (p > 0.05) between the sexes. Two bands (~ 55 and 73 kDa) of the CreaT protein were detected in all muscle samples. Both the 55 and the 73 kDa bands were present in similar (p > 0.05) amounts in males compared with females. The 73 kDa band was in greater abundance (p < 0.05) than the 55 kDa band, irrespective of gender. In addition, CreaT mRNA expression relative to -actin mRNA and the TCr content (males: 117.8 ± 2.2, females: 125.3 ± 4.3 mmol.kg–1 dry mass) were also unaffected (p > 0.05) by gender. These data demonstrate that gender does not influence skeletal muscle TCr content and CreaT gene expression in young human subjects.  相似文献   
Deletions and the appearance of pseudogenes in pathways of carbon source utilisation and energy metabolism best explain the host-dependency and failure to culture Mycobacterium leprae axenically. From the genome sequence it is possible to predict that acetate and galactose cannot be used as carbon sources, while pyruvate can only be catabolised. Glycerol, glucose, and fatty acids could be used for glycolysis, the pentose cycle and -oxidation which are complete. Retrospective functional genomics – interpreting work before the completion of the genome project – supports the failure of M. leprae to use acetate as well as another prediction that metabolic flux from pyruvate to acetyl-CoA would be very low. However, the loss of a second icd gene (compared with M. tuberculosis), predicted to encode isocitrate dehydrogenase, did not diminish the specific activity of the enzyme. The genes for respiratory pathways are extremely limited, being present for oxidative phosphorylation as a result of electron transport only using FADH as an electron donor. In contrast, all the major biosynthetic pathways are complete except that M. leprae is a natural methionine auxotroph: this is predicted not to be attenuating, or explain host-dependency since methionine would be present in rich culture media.  相似文献   
Legumes acquire significant amounts of nitrogen for growth from symbiotic nitrogen fixation. The glutamine synthetase (GS)/NADH-dependent glutamate synthase (NADH-GOGAT) cycle catalyzes initial nitrogen assimilation. This report describes the impact of specifically reducing nodule NADH-GOGAT activity on symbiotic performance of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Four independent transgenic alfalfa lines, designated GA89, GA87, GA88, and GA82 (for GOGATantisense), containing an antisense NADH-GOGAT cDNA fragment under the control of the soybean leghemoglobin (lbc3) promoter were evaluated. The GA plants were fertile and showed normal growth in non-symbiotic conditions. The NADH-GOGAT antisense transgene was heritable and the T1 plants showed phenotypic alterations - similar to primary transformants. Clonally propagated plants were inoculated with Sinorhizobium meliloti after rooting and the symbiotic phenotype was analyzed 21 days post-inoculation. Nodules of each GA line had reduced NADH-GOGAT activity, ranging from 33 to 87% of control plants, that was accompanied by comparable decreases in RNA and protein. Plants from the GA89 line, with the lowest NADH-GOGAT activity (c. 30%), presented a strikingly altered symbiotic phenotype: concomitantly activities of key enzyme for carbon and nitrogen assimilation decreased; nodule amino acids and amides were reduced while sucrose accumulated. Antisense GOGAT plants were chlorotic, reduced in fresh weight, and had a lower N content than control plants. Photosynthesis was also impaired in antisense plants. Specifically, reducing NADH-GOGAT in nodules resulted in plants having impaired nitrogen assimilation and altered carbon/nitrogen metabolic flux.  相似文献   
Aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons are the main constituents of petroleum and its refined products. Whereas degradation of hydrocarbons by oxygen-respiring microorganisms has been known for about a century, utilization of hydrocarbons under anoxic conditions has been investigated only during the past decade. Diverse strains of anaerobic bacteria have been isolated that degrade toluene anaerobically, using nitrate, iron(III), or sulfate as electron acceptors. Also, other alkylbenzenes such as m-xylene or ethylbenzene are utilized by a number of strains. The capacity for anaerobic utilization of alkylbenzenes has been observed in members of the -, -, - and -subclasses of the Proteobacteria. Furthermore, denitrifying bacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria with the capacity for anaerobic alkane degradation have been isolated, which are members of the - and -subclass, respectively. The mechanism of the activation of hydrocarbons as apolar molecules in the absence of oxygen is of particular interest.The biochemistry of anaerobic toluene degradation has been studied in detail. Toluene is activated by addition to fumarate to yield benzylsuccinate, which is then further metabolized via benzoyl-CoA. The toluene-activating enzyme presents a novel type of glycine radical protein. Another principle of anaerobic alkylbenzene activation has been observed in the anaerobic degradation of ethylbenzene. Ethylbenzene in denitrifying bacteria is dehydrogenated to 1-phenylethanol and further to acetophenone; the latter is also metabolized to benzoyl-CoA. Naphthalene is presumably activated under anoxic conditions by a carboxylation reaction. Investigations into the pathway of anaerobic alkane degradation are only at the beginning. The saturated hydrocarbons are mostlikely activated by addition of a carbon compound rather than by desaturation and hydration, as speculated about in some early studies. An anaerobic oxidation of methane with sulfate as electron acceptor has been documented in aquatic sediments. The process is assumed to involve a reversal of methanogenesis catalyzed by Archaea, and scavenge of an electron-carrying metabolite by sulfate-reducing bacteria. Among unsaturated non-aromatic hydrocarbons, anaerobic bacterial degradation has been demonstrated and investigated with n-alkenes, alkenoic terpenes and the alkyne, acetylene.  相似文献   
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