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B J Wallace  S R Kushner 《Gene》1984,32(3):399-408
The trxA gene of Escherichia coli K-12 has been cloned into multicopy plasmids on DNA fragments of varying sizes. The smallest of these was a 1-kb fragment resulting from partial digestion with Sau3A (pBHK10). The complete nucleotide sequence of the trxA gene and its promoter was determined. Comparison of the DNA sequence with the published amino acid sequence revealed the inversion of two amino acid pairs and the possibility of a leader peptide 18 amino acids in length. Three-factor P1 transductional crosses and physical mapping experiments have determined a map order of ilv-trxA-uvrD-corA-metE.  相似文献   
Lysogens obtained by infecting Streptomyces albus G with a phi C31-pBR322 chimaeric prophage or its delta W12 deletion derivative had increased tetracycline resistance. The ability of the delta W12 derivative to transduce tetracycline resistance was inactivated by inserting a viomycin resistance determinant (vph) into the BamHI site of the pBR322 tet gene, and restored by excising the vph gene. Another deletion mutant (delta W17) of the chimaera, carrying an intact tet gene, was normally unable to transduce tetracycline resistance. This inability was correlated with the finding, by Southern hybridisation analysis, that the att site required for insertion of phi C31 prophage into the host chromosome was located within the delta W17 deletion. Use of phi C31 lysogenic recipient permitted the integration of the att-deleted phage, presumably by homologous recombination, giving tetracycline-resistant double lysogens. This technique was extended to S. coelicolor A3(2) in the detection of derivatives of the att-deleted phage into which a thiostrepton-resistance determinant (tsr) had been inserted in vitro. Phage released from double lysogens were mainly recombinants. One such recombinant is a PstI vector for DNA cloning, able to accommodate up to 6 kb of introduced DNA.  相似文献   
Pediococcus damnosus (P. damnosus) bacteriophage (phage) clP1 is a novel virulent phage isolated from a municipal sewage sample collected in Southern Ireland. This phage infects the beer spoilage strain P. damnosus P82 which was isolated from German breweries. Sequencing of the phage has revealed a linear double stranded DNA genome of 38,013 base pairs (bp) with an overall GC content of 47.6%. Fifty seven open reading frames (ORFs) were identified of which 30 showed homology to previously sequenced proteins, and as a consequence 20 of these were assigned predicted functions. The majority of genes displayed homology with genes from the Lactobacillus plantarum phage phiJL-1. All genes were located on the same coding strand and in the same orientation. Morphological characterisation placed phage clP1 as a member of the Siphoviridae family with an isometric head (59 nm diameter) and non-contractile tail (length 175 nm; diameter 10nm. Interestingly, the phage clP1 genome was found to share very limited identity with other phage genome sequences in the database, and was hence considered unique. This was highlighted by the genome organisation which differed slightly to the consensus pattern of genomic organisation usually found in Siphoviridae phages. With the genetic machinery present for a lytic lifecycle and the absence of potential endotoxin factors, this phage may have applications in the biocontrol of beer spoilage bacteria. To our knowledge, this study represents the first reported P. damnosus phage genome sequence.  相似文献   
Venom from Naja naja siamensis was resolved into 16 toxic and nontoxic fractions by chromatography on SP-Sephadex, C-25. The principal neurotoxin preparations were chromatographically and electrophoretically homogeneous.Of the purified constituents, only the principal neurotoxin and minor neurotoxins were precursors of inhibitors of plaque formation among baby hamster kidney fibroblasts infected with Semliki Forest Virus.  相似文献   
G F Crouse 《Gene》1985,40(1):151-155
A plasmid, pgam, has been constructed which expresses the phage lambda gene, gam, under the control of the lambda late promoter, p'R, contained in a form of a p'R-qut-t'R1 module. Lambda red- gam-, which normally do not grow on recA- hosts, are able to grow on recA- hosts containing pgam, because their Q function can turn on the gam gene expression. This facilitates cloning with lambda red- gam- vectors in recA- hosts.  相似文献   
Physical and genetic organization of the IncN-group plasmid pCU1   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A restriction endonuclease-cleavage map of the IncN group plasmid pCU1 was constructed. Deletion mutants of the plasmid were obtained by in vivo or in vitro methods. Comparison of the restriction maps of these mutants to that of pCU1 enables one to assign the known functions of the plasmid to particular regions on the plasmid DNA. For different enzymes, the number and distribution of restriction sites on pCU1 is compared to that of other IncN and related plasmids.  相似文献   
RNA viruses replicate their genomes with a very high error rate and constitute highly heterogeneous mutant distributions similar to the molecular quasispecies introduced to explain the evolution of prebiotic replicators. The genetic information included in a quasispecies can only be faithfully transmitted below a critical error rate. When the error threshold is crossed, the population structure disorganizes, and it is substituted by a randomly distributed mutant spectrum. For viral quasispecies, the increase in error rate is associated with a decrease in specific infectivity that can lead to the extinction of the population. In contrast, a strong resistance to extinction has been observed in populations subjected to bottleneck events despite the increased accumulation of mutations. In the present study, we show that the mutagenic nucleoside analogue 5-azacytidine (AZC) is a potent mutagen for bacteriophage Qβ. We have evaluated the effect of the increase in the replication error rate in populations of the bacteriophage Qβ evolving either in liquid medium or during development of clonal populations in semisolid agar. Populations evolving in liquid medium in the presence of AZC were extinguished, while during plaque development in the presence of AZC, the virus experienced a significant increase in the replicative ability. Individual viruses isolated from preextinction populations could withstand high error rates during a number of plaque-to-plaque transfers. The response to mutagenesis is interpreted in the light of features of plaque development versus infections by free-moving virus particles and the distance to a mutation-selection equilibrium. The results suggest that clonal bacteriophage populations away from equilibrium derive replicative benefits from increased mutation rates. This is relevant to the application of lethal mutagenesis in vivo, in the case of viruses that encounter changing environments and are transmitted from cell to cell under conditions of limited diffusion that mimic the events taking place during plaque development.  相似文献   
A plasmid containing the glyA gene of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 was constructed in vitro using plasmid pACYC184 as the cloning vector and a λgt7-glyA transducing phage as the source of glyA DNA. The recombinant plasmid (pGS30) contains a 10-kb EcoRI insert fragment. Genetic and biochemical experiments established that the fragment contains a functional glyA gene. From plasmid pGS30 we subcloned a 4.4-kb SalI-EcoRI fragment containing the glyA gene and its neighboring regions (plasmid pGS38). The location and orientation of the glyA gene within the 4.4-kb insert fragment was determined in four ways: (1) comparison of the physical map of the 4.4-kb SalI-EcoRI fragment with the physical map of a 2.6-kb SalI-PvuII fragment that carries the Escherichia coli glyA gene; (2) deletion analysis; (3) transposon Tn5 insertional inactivation experiments; (4) deoxyribonucleic acid sequencing and comparison of the S. typhimurium DNA sequence with the E. coli DNA sequence. A presumptive glyA-encoded polypeptide of Mr 47000 was detected using plasmid pGS38 as template in a minicell system, but not when the glyA gene was inactivated by insertion of a Tn5 element.  相似文献   
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