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Summary The effect of oxygen free radicals, generated by xanthine and xanthine oxidase, was studied on the release of lysosomal hydrolase from rat liver lysosomes in vitro. A lysosomal enriched subcellular fraction was prepared, using differential centrifugation technique, from the homogenate of rat liver. The biochemical purity of the lysosomal fraction was established by using the markers of different cellular organelles. Oxygen free radicals were generated in vitro by the addition of xanthine and xanthine oxidase. The release of lysosomal hydrolase (-glucuronidase) from the lysosomal fraction was measured. There was a 3 to 4 fold increase in the release of -glucuronidase activity in the presence of xanthine and xanthine oxidase when compared to that in the absence of xanthine and xanthine oxidase. In the presence of superoxide dismutase (SOD), a scavenger of oxygen free radicals, the xanthine and xanthine oxidase system was unable to induce the release of -glucuronidase activity from the lysosomes. Sonication (2 bursts for 15 sec each) and Lubrol (2 mg/10 mg lysosomal protein) treatment, which are known to cause membrane disruption, also induced the release of -glucuronidase from lysosomal fraction. This release of -glucuronidase by sonication and lubrol treatment was not prevented by SOD. These data indicate that lysosomal disruption is a consequence of oxygen free radicals, generated by xanthine and xanthine oxidase.Abbreviations HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - EGTA Ethylene Glycol Bis-(-aminoethyl ether)N,N,-N,N-tetracetic acid - Tris Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane - SOD Superoxide Dismutase  相似文献   
The N-terminal -amino groups of 1-bungarotoxin (1-Bgt) fromBungarus multicinctus venom were modified with trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid and the modified derivative was separated by high performance liquid chromatography. The trinitrophenylated (TNP) derivative contained two TNP groups at the -amino groups of A chain and B chain and showed a marked decrease in enzymatic activity. Methionine residues at positions 6 and 8 of the A chain were oxidized with chloramine T or cleaved with cyanogen bromide to remove the N-terminal octapeptide. Oxidation of methionine residues and removal of the N-terminal octapeptide caused a precipitous decrease in enzymatic activity, whereas antigenicity remained unchanged. The presence of dihexanoyllecithin influenced the interaction between 1-Bgt and 8-antilinonaphthalene sulfonate (ANS) and revealed that 1-Bgt consists of two types of ANS-binding sites, one at the substrate binding site of the A chain and the other might be at the B chain. The modified derivatives still retained their affinity for Ca2+ and ANS, indicating that the N-terminal region is not involved in Ca2+ and substrate binding. A fluorescence study revealed that the -amino group of the A chain was in the vicinity of substrate binding site and that the TNP -amino groups were in proximity to Trp-19 of the A chain. In addition, the study showed that the N-terminal region is important for stabilizing the architectural environment of Trp-19. The results, together with the proposal that Trp-19 of the A chain is involved in substrate binding, suggest that the N-terminal region of the A chain plays a crucial role in maintaining a functional active site for 1-Bgt.  相似文献   
A method is proposed for predicting the adjacency order in which strands pack in a -sheet in a protein, on the basis of its amino acid sequence alone. The method is based on the construction of a predicted contact map for the protein, in which the probability that various residue pairs are close to each other is computed from statistically determined average distances of residue pairs in globular proteins of known structure. Compact regions, i.e., portions of the sequence with many interresidue contacts, are determined on the map by using an objective search procedure. The proximity of strands in a -sheet is predicted from the density of contacts in compact regions associated with each pair of strands. The most probable -sheet structures are those with the highest density of contacts. The method has been tested by computing the probable strand arrangements in a five-strand -sheet in five proteins or protein domains, containing 62–138 residues. Of the theoretically possible 60 strand arrangements, the method selects two to eight arrangements as most probable; i.e., it leads to a large reduction in the number of possibilities. The native strand arrangement is among those predicted for three of the five proteins. For the other two, it would be included in the prediction by a slight relaxation of the cutoff criteria used to analyze the density of contacts.  相似文献   
A set of 18 synthetic uniform overlapping peptides spanning the entire extracellular part (residues 1–210) of the -subunit of human acetylcholine receptor were studied for their binding activity of125I-labeled -bungarotoxin and cobratoxin. A major toxin-binding region was found to reside within peptide 122–138. In addition, low-binding activities were obtained with peptides 34–49 and 194–210. It is concluded that the region within residues 122–138 constitutes a universal major toxin-binding region for acetylcholine receptor of various species.  相似文献   
Transitions in the growth limiting factor from light (I) to nitrogen (N) and vice versa caused changes in geosmin production, protein and carbohydrate content, and the synthesis of pigments such as chlorophyll a (Chl a), phycobiliproteins (PBPs), and -carotene of the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria brevis. Following IN transition the first 150h, the decrease in protein content was compensated for by an increase of carbohydrates, and thereby, a constant biomass level was maintained in this period. Thereafter, biimass dropped to 15% of its initial level. A decrease in geosmin and pigment content was observed during transition from IN-limited growth. However, geosmin increased relative to phytol (Chl a) and -carotene which may indicate that a lowered demand for phytol and -carotene during N-limited growth allows isoprenoid precursors to be directed to geosmin rather than to pigment synthesis. Synthesis of Chl a and -carotene at the expense of geosmin was suggested for the observed start of increase in geosmin production only at the time that Chl a and -carotene had reached their I-limited steady state. Transition from nitrogen to light limited growth caused an acceleration of metabolism shown by a rapid decrease in carbohydrate content accompanied by an increase in protein content. The growth rate of the organisms temporarily exceeded the dilution rate of the culture and the biomass level increased 6-fold. Due to the only modest changes in geosmin production (2-fold) compared to changes in biomass level (6-fold) during I-or N-limited growth, environmental factors seem to have limited effect on geosmin production.Abbreviations Chl a chlorophyll a - dry wt dry weight; - I-limited light-limited - N-limited nitrogen-limited - PBP phycobiliprotein This research was performed at the Department of Microbiology, University of Amsterdam, with finacial support provided by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research  相似文献   
Ex planta, bacteroids of the sulla-symbiont Rhizobium hedysari strain HCNT 1 terminated reduction of nitrite at nitrous oxide irrespective of the presence or absence of acetylene. Nitrate was not reduced during the experimental period, but slight nitrate reductase activity occurred if incubation with nitrate was prolonged (up to 15 h). As was observed in free-living cells, exposure of the bacteroids to the metal chelator, diethyldithiocarbamate, prevented reduction of nitrite, indicating the presence of a copper-containing nitrite reductase. Pulses of 10–75 M nitrite transiently impeded O2 uptake in bacteroids, which resumed consumption of O2 when the nitrite had been reduced. Exposure to >1.0 mM nitrite for 24h greatly inhibited nitrogenase activity (assayed as acetylene reduction activity) of bacteroids in planta. Exposure to the same concentrations of nitrite after 1h of incubation in the presence of acetylene almost completely stopped ongoing ethylene production in bacteroids of strain HCNT 1 extracted from nodules. Free cells of the non-nitrite-reducing R. hedysari strain CC 1335 were lacking in nitrogenase (acetylene-reduction) activity, whereas identically cultured (low-oxygen) strain HCNT 1 cells reduced both nitrite and acetylene.Abbreviations PMS phenazine methosulfate - DDC diethyldithiocarbamate  相似文献   
A degradation pathway for dl--phenylhydracrylic, phenylacetic, 3- and 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid by a Flavobacterium is presented. Experiments with washed cells and enzyme studies revealed that dl--phenylhydracrylic acid in an initial reaction was oxidatively decarboxylated to phenylacetaldehyde. Whole cells oxidized both stereoisomers of phenylhydracrylic acid at different rates. The product phenylacetaldehyde in turn was oxidized to phenylacetic acid. No hydroxylation of phenylacetic acid was detected in cell extracts, but on the basis of experiments with washed cells it is assumed that phenylacetic acid is mainly metabolized via 3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. This latter product was subsequently hydroxylated yielding the ring-cleavage substrate homogentisate. 4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid was also degraded via homogentisate. Ringcleavage of homogentisate gave maleylacetoacetate which was further degraded through a glutathione-dependent pathway. Homoprotocatechuate was not an intermediate in the metabolism of dl-phenylhydracrylic acid, phenylacetic, 3- and 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid metabolism, but it could be hydroxylated aspecifically to 2,4,5-trihydroxyphenylacetic acid by the action of the 3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid-6-hydroxylase.Abbreviations HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - PHA phenylhydracrylic acid - PA phenylacetic acid - HPA hyxdroxyphenylacetic acid - PMS phenazine methosulphate - PMA phenylmalonic acid - GSH glutathione  相似文献   
The Na+-independent binding of [3H]-alanine to rat brain stem plus spinal cord was reinvestigated, in order to study in more detail the characteristics of previously described -alanine binding processes. Binding was absent when amino acid-free postnuclear supernatants or crude synaptic membranes were used. Experiments performed with several other Na+-free preparations showed a sole binding component, irrespective of the preparation used. Biochemical characterization of this Na+-independent binding, using frozen/thawed/washed synaptosomal-mitochodrial fractions, showed that binding reached a plateau between 7 min and 13 min, increasing thereafter. Binding was linear with fraction protein over a range of 200–415 g/ml incubation medium. Binding was completely inhibited by glycine, alanine, -aminobutyric acid, -aminoisobutyric acid, hypotaurine and strychnine, and to a lesser extent by 2,2-dimethyl--alanine, brucine and gelsemine. It was insensitive to taurine, -aminobutyric acid (GABA), 2-guanidinoethanesulfonic acid (GES), carnosine, and bicuculline methiodide. Binding was reversible, saturable (K D 20 M), and heat sensitive.  相似文献   
The proteolytic specificity of chicken cathepsin L was studied using bovine -casein as substrate. The peptide mixtures obtained after various times of hydrolysis were separated by RP-HPLC and ten peptides were identified. Chicken cathepsin L accepts proline residues in all positions except P 1 . Looking at the amino acid residues on the amino side of the scissile bond we found three times the Tyr-Pro pair at P 1 –P 2 positions and that the S 1 subsite can interact with modified amino acids such as phosphoserine.Abbreviations RP-HPLC reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography - NMec N-methyl coumarylamide - TEA triethylamine - TFA trifluoroacetic acid  相似文献   
A number of proteases have been immobilized on alumina in a two-step procedure: the first step converted them into semisynthetic phosphoproteins which, in the second step, spontaneously bonded to alumina through their phosphate function. The immobilized enzymes thus obtained showed the physical properties typical of the inorganic carrier and a high activity on low molecular weight substrates.  相似文献   
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