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高尔夫球场农药随地表径流迁移研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农药化合物随地表径流迁移的损失量与降雨量和降雨间隔期有关。施药后当天降雨,毒死蜱、氯氰菊酯、百菌清随地表径流迁移量为0.014~0.490 kg/hm2,径流迁移损失率9.79%~20.51%;施药后3 d模拟降雨,毒死蜱、氯氰菊酯的径流迁移损失率分别为8.32%和5.58%,减少了50%以上。因此,根据天气降雨状况,调整施药时间,可减少农药随地表径流的迁移,有利于减轻对水环境的污染。  相似文献   
甲氰菊酯和辛硫磷及其混剂的土壤微生物降解   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
The degradation rates of fenpropathrin, phoxim and their mixture in un-sterilized soil were much quicker-than those in sterilized soil, which indicated that soil microorganisms played a significant role in the degradation pro-cessin soil. The half-life (T0.5) in un-sterilized soil was 56.2 d for fenpropathrin, 57.8 d for mixed fen-propathrin, 48.2 d for phoxim, and 41.7 d for mixed phoxim. The corresponding half-life (T0.5) in sterilizedsoil was 135.1 d, 147.3 d, 123.6 d, and 126.2 d, respectively. There were no significant differences for degradation rates between single use and mixed use of fenpropathrin and nhoxirn.  相似文献   
化肥和农药的过量使用导致的农业面源污染已经成为我国环境污染的重要组成部分,对农业绿色高效安全生产及设施农业带来了巨大挑战。寻找新型的传统化肥替代品、提高化肥使用效率及保护生态环境是亟待解决的重大问题。生物刺激剂是具有调控植物生长作用的成分和(或)微生物的统称,用于农业生产,可改善土壤理化性质与群落微生物,能促进作物的代谢与生长,增强对营养物质的吸收和利用,提升作物抗逆能力及提高作物产量与产品品质。微藻体内具有结构新颖、功能独特的天然活性物质,是制备新型生物刺激剂的理想来源。微藻用于环境治理的同时,可获得足量的微藻生物质来制备生物刺激剂,从而达到治理环境、降低成本及提质增效的目的。就微藻源生物刺激剂的定义及功能、微藻全细胞和天然活性物质生物刺激剂的制备、应用效果及对植物和土壤的作用原理进行综述,以期为微藻源强效生物刺激剂的规模化制备及农业生产应用奠定理论基础和提供生产实践指导。  相似文献   
Pesticides, nutrients, and ecological stressors such as competition or predation co‐occur in freshwater ecosystems impacted by agriculture. The extent to which combinations of these stressors affect aquatic populations and the role of nutrients availability in modulating these responses requires further understanding. In this study, we assessed how pesticides affecting different taxonomic groups and predation influence the response of Daphnia pulex populations under different trophic conditions. An outdoor experiment was designed following a factorial design, with the insecticide chlorpyrifos, the herbicide diuron, and the predation by Notonecta sp. individuals as key stressors. The single impact of each of these stressors, and their binary and tertiary combinations, was evaluated on D. pulex abundance and population structure under mesotrophic and eutrophic conditions for 21 days. Data were analyzed using generalized linear mixed models estimated by means of a novel Bayesian shrinkage technique. Our study shows a significant influence of each of the evaluated stressors on D. pulex abundance; however, the impacts of the herbicide and predation were lower under eutrophic conditions as compared to the mesotrophic ones. We found that binary stressor interactions were generally additive in the mesotrophic scenario, except for the herbicide–predation combination, which resulted in synergistic effects. The impacts of the binary stressor combinations in the eutrophic scenario were classified as antagonistic, except for the insecticide–herbicide combination, which was additive. The tertiary interaction resulted in significant effects on some sampling dates; however, these were rather antagonistic and resembled the most important binary stressor combination in each trophic scenario. Our study shows that the impact of pesticides on freshwater populations depends on the predation pressure, and demonstrates that the combined effect of pesticides and ecological stressors is influenced by the food availability and organism fitness related to the trophic status of freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   
A major difficulty in addressing chemical mixtures through legislation or regulations revolves around our limited understanding of their potential impacts. This review provides an overview of recent research on pesticide mixture toxicity to aquatic biota and the methods employed to predict toxic effects. The most common approaches are to assume concentration-addition or independent action of chemicals in a mixture. There are a number of cases in the literature of interactions between pesticides. However, models accounting for possible interactions between mixture components are used infrequently. Although results are limited, studies investigating the effects of pesticide mixtures have not demonstrated significant synergism at environmentally relevant concentrations. Based on the results of our review, we conclude that the concentration-addition model is a generally conservative and practical first-tier model for the ecological assessment of pesticide mixtures in aquatic systems.  相似文献   
The residues of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in surface waters from Meiliang Bay, Gonghu Bay, and Xukou Bay of Lake Taihu, China, were investigated, and their ecological risks were assessed using the risk quotient method and probabilistic risk assessment. Environmental concentrations of OCPs in surface water of these bays were relatively lower compared with other rivers or lakes in China. Calculation of risk quotient associated with taxonomic groups indicates moderate ecological risks from OCPs for crustaceans and insects in these bays, while the ecological risks were low for fish and negligible for phytoplankton. The ecological risk quotients associated with individual OCPs were lower than 0.01 in these bays, suggesting a negligible risk to aquatic organisms. Ecological risk from α-HCH was relatively lower compared with DDTs, endosulfans, and γ-HCH. The combined ecological risks were evaluated using probabilistic risk assessment for only eight OCPs owing to a lack of available toxicity data for β-HCH and δ-HCH. The percentage of species with the potential to be at risk from mixture of OCPs was lower than the criteria of 5% in each bay, indicating that the combined ecological risks were acceptable.  相似文献   
Adult male ICR mice were treated by intraperitoneal injection with 250?mg/kg of bodyweight of commercial malathion (a dose corresponding to 1/12 the LD50). After 6?h, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in blood, liver, and six brain regions was determined. A statistically significant inhibition was observed in whole blood (23%), liver (21%), and, in particular, the central nervous system; the greatest degree of AChE inhibition was observed in the cerebellum (45%), followed by the hippocampus (29%). There was no significant change in AChE activity in the caudate putamen, frontal cortex, midbrain, or pons medulla. These results demonstrate that the magnitude of AChE inhibition in peripheral tissues does not accurately reflect the central-inhibitory effects of malathion on AChE activity in specific brain regions.  相似文献   
Exposing to sub-lethal and low lethal doses of pesticides may cause changes in natural enemy behavioural, such as functional, response. In this study, the effects of chlorpyrifos, carbaryl, abamectin and spinosad were evaluated on the functional response of the Habrobracon hebetor to different densities of last instar larvae of Anagasta kuehniella Zeller. Young adult females of the parasitoid were exposed to LC30 of chlorpyrifos, carbaryl, abamectin and spinosad that were 0.32, 4.03, 3.05 and 17.51?mg a.i./l for 24?h, respectively. Host densities of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 were offered to treated young females for 2?h in 10-cm Petri dishes and then the parasitism data were recorded. Experiments were conducted in eight replications. Functional response type was determined using logistic regression and the parameters were appraised by non-linear regression using statistical analysis software. Functional response was type Ш in control and insecticide treatments. Searching efficiency in control, chlorpyrifos-, carbaryl-, abamectin- and spinosad-treated wasps were 0.008?±?0.002, 0.002?±?0.0009, 0.0034?±?0.0013, 0.0076?±?0.002 and 0.0073?±?0.002?h?1and handling times were 1.38?±?0.1, 7.64?±?1.01, 3.3?±?0.315, 1.55?±?0.1 and 1.46?±?0.11?h, respectively. Chlorpyrifos and carbaryl had the highest effect on searching efficiency of H. hebetor. Spinosad and abamectin showed less adverse effect on the functional response parameters. Finally, after conducting the advanced field studies, spinosad and abamectin may be used as a compatible chemical material with biological control agent in integrated pest management programmes.  相似文献   
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