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Egg white proteins, hemoglobin, serum proteins and enzymes from Phasianus colchicus have been examined by starch gel electrophoresis. All three genetic parameters, mean proportion of loci polymorphic per population (P), mean numbers of alleles per locus (A), and mean proportion of loci heterozygous per individual (H), are given. Comparison were made between the proteins of the related species Coturnix coturnix japonica, and the variation of pheasant proteins is discussed in connexion with the genetic structure of the population studied.  相似文献   
Neuropeptides regulate animal physiology and behavior, making them widely studied targets of functional genetics research. While the field often relies on differential -omics approaches to build hypotheses, no such method exists for neuropeptidomics. It would nonetheless be valuable for studying behaviors suspected to be regulated by neuropeptides, especially when little information is otherwise available. This includes nictation, a phoretic strategy of Caenorhabditis elegans dauers that parallels host-finding strategies of infective juveniles of many pathogenic nematodes. We here developed a targeted peptidomics method for the model organism C. elegans and show that 161 quantified neuropeptides are more abundant in its dauer stage compared with L3 juveniles. Many of these have orthologs in the commercially relevant pathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae, in whose infective juveniles, we identified 126 neuropeptides in total. Through further behavioral genetics experiments, we identify flp-7 and flp-11 as novel regulators of nictation. Our work advances knowledge on the genetics of nictation behavior and adds comparative neuropeptidomics as a tool to functional genetics workflows.  相似文献   
Agriculture has new challenges against the climate change: the preservation of genetic resources and the rapid creation of new varieties better adapted to abiotic stress, specially salinity. In this context, the agronomic performance of 25 durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum Desf.) genotypes (nineteen landraces and six improved varieties), cultivated in two semi-arid regions in the center area of Tunisia, were assessed. These sites (Echbika, 2.2?g?l?1; Barrouta, 4.2?g?l?1) differ by their degree of salinity of the water irrigation. The results showed that most of the agronomic traits (e.g. spike per meter square, thousand kernels weight and grain yield) were reduced by salinity. Durum wheat landraces, Mahmoudi and Hmira, and improved varieties, Maali and Om Rabia showed the widest adaptability to different quality of irrigation water. Genotypes including Jneh Kotifa and Arbi were estimated as stable genotypes under adverse conditions. Thereafter, salt-tolerant (Hmira and Jneh Khotifa) and the most cultivated high-yielding (Karim, Razzak and Khiar) genotypes were tested for their gynogenetic ability to obtain haploids and doubled haploid lines. Genotypes with good induction capacity had not necessarily a good capacity of regeneration of haploid plantlets. In our conditions, Hmira and Khiar exhibited the best gynogenetic ability (3.1% and 2.9% of haploid plantlets, respectively).  相似文献   
Following the importance of antler-type fruiting bodies of Ganoderma lucidum, in this study, the impact of main growth parameters such as ventilation and light on the development of antler-type fruiting bodies has been investigated together with the determination of physico-chemical properties of antler fruiting bodies. For this, the primordia bags of G. lucidum were kept under controlled ventilation to adjust the CO2 produced by the mushrooms owing to its respiration under light and dark conditions. The bioactive compounds such as phenolics, flavonoids, water-soluble polysaccharides and ganoderic acid showed a two-fold increase in the antler-type fruiting bodies as compared to normal kidney-shaped fruiting bodies. It is assumed from this study that the antler type fruiting bodies are developed due to restricted ventilation which causes an increase in the level of CO2 gas in the air as a result of respiration of mushroom. The shape and colour of antler fruiting bodies again dependent on the light provided in the growth chamber. This study also proves that with the manipulation of light and ventilation antler-type fruiting bodies of G. lucidum could be developed with higher quantity of bioactive compounds and with higher antioxidant potential.  相似文献   
GPR84 is a recently de-orphanized member of the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) family recognizing medium chain fatty acids, and has been suggested to play important roles in inflammation. Due to the lack of potent and selective GPR84 ligands, the basic knowledge related to GPR84 functions is very limited. In this study, we have characterized the GPR84 activation profile and regulation mechanism in human phagocytes, using two recently developed small molecules that specifically target GPR84 agonistically (ZQ16) and antagonistically (GLPG1205), respectively. Compared to our earlier characterization of the short chain fatty acid receptor FFA2R which is functionally expressed in neutrophils but not in monocytes, GPR84 is expressed in both cell types and in monocyte-derived macrophages. In neutrophils, the GPR84 agonist had an activation profile very similar to that of FFA2R. The GPR84-mediated superoxide release was low in naïve cells, but the response could be significantly primed by TNFα and by the actin cytoskeleton disrupting agent Latrunculin A. Similar to that of FFA2R, a desensitization mechanism bypassing the actin cytoskeleton was utilized by GPR84. All ZQ16-mediated cellular responses were sensitive to GLPG1205, confirming the GPR84-dependency. Finally, our data of in vivo transmigrated tissue neutrophils indicate that both GPR84 and FFA2R are involved in neutrophil recruitment processes in vivo.In summary, we show functional similarities but also some important differences between GPR84 and FFA2R in human phagocytes, thus providing some mechanistic insights into GPR84 regulation in blood neutrophils and cells recruited to an aseptic inflammatory site in vivo.  相似文献   
以桂花品种'金玉台阁'(Osmanthus fragrans'Jinyu Taige')盆栽苗为供试材料,采用"3414"肥料效应试验设计方案,研究了不同单株施用量CO(NH2)2(0.0、1.0、2.0和3.0 g)、NH4H2PO4(0.0、1.5、3.0和4.5 g)和KCl(0.0、0.5、1.0、1.5 g)对秋冬生长期(2014年10月至2015年2月)'金玉台阁'开花性状及叶片中叶绿素和营养元素的影响进行了比较和分析,并筛选出适宜的氮、磷、钾肥施用量.结果表明:与CK〔CO(NH2)2、NH4H2PO4和KCl的单株施用量均为0.0 g〕组相比,各氮、磷、钾肥配施处理组'金玉台阁'的单株产花量、花瓣相对含水量、花径以及叶片中叶绿素、全氮、全磷和全钾的含量总体上显著升高.CO(NH2)2单株施用量对'金玉台阁'单株产花量、叶片中叶绿素含量和全氮含量的影响最大,NH4H2PO4单株施用量对这3个指标的影响次之;NH4H2PO4单株施用量对'金玉台阁'叶片中全磷含量的影响最大;KCl单株施用量对'金玉台阁'花瓣相对含水量、花径及叶片中全钾含量的影响最大.在秋冬生长期内叶片中叶绿素含量呈先降低后升高的趋势,均在12月份降至最低值.通过建立'金玉台阁'单株产花量(y)与CO(NH2)2、NH4 H2 PO4和KCl的单株施用量(分别为xN、xP和xK)间的肥料效应模型,得到的三元二次肥料效应模型为y=1.2027+0.7561×xN+0.2632×xP+0.4590×xK-0.2761×xN2-0.1201×xP2-0.5007×xK2+0.1901×xN×xP-0.0960×xN×xK+0.1185×xP×xK.以单株产花量为目标,'金玉台阁'的CO(NH2)2、NH4 H2 PO4和KCl的最佳单株施用量分别为2.58、3.56和0.86 g.  相似文献   
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