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Hybridization between incipient species is more likely to produce sterile or inviable F1 offspring in the heterogametic (XY or ZW) sex than in the homogametic (XX or ZZ) sex, a phenomenon known as Haldane's rule. Population dynamics associated with Haldane's rule may play an important role in early speciation of sexually reproducing organisms. The dynamics of the hybrid zone maintained by incomplete hybrid inferiority (sterility/inviability) in the heterogametic sex (a ‘weak’ Haldane's rule) caused by a Bateson–Dobzhansky–Muller incompatibility was modelled. The influences and interplays of the strengths of incompatibility, dispersal, density‐dependent regulation (DDR) and local adaptation of incompatible alleles in a scenario of short‐range dispersal (the stepping‐stone model) were examined. It was found that a partial heterogametic hybrid incompatibility could efficiently impede gene flow and maintain characteristic clinal noncoincidence and discordance of alleles. Density‐dependent regulation appears to be an important factor affecting hybrid zone dynamics: it can effectively skew the effects of the partial incompatibility and dispersal as measured by effective dispersal, clinal structures and density depression. Unexpectedly, local adaptation of incompatible alleles in the parental populations, which would be critical for the establishment of the incompatibility, exerts little effect on hybrid zone dynamics. These results strongly support the plausibility of the adaptive origin of hybrid incompatibility and ecological speciation: an adaptive mutation, if it confers a marginal fitness advantage in the local population and happens to cause epistatic inferiority in hybrids, could efficiently drive further genetic divergence that may result in the gene becoming an evolutionary hotspot.  相似文献   
耿涌  刘晓青  张攀  刘晔 《应用生态学报》2010,21(10):2615-2620
基于社会生态系统代谢多尺度综合评估(MuSIASEM)理论,对2000-2007年大连经济技术开发区人类活动时间、体外能投入量和增加值进行综合评价.结果表明:2000-2007年,大连开发区居民生活水平逐年提高;农业逐渐萎缩;第二产业仍为区域支柱产业,能耗较大;第三产业发展落后于第二产业;区域整体和各个产业的体外能代谢率明显提高,能源密度不断下降;人类活动时间与体外能投入量不断减少的情况下,经济增加值稳步增长,区域整体发展呈可持续态势.  相似文献   
Oxygen supply and the adaptations of animals in groundwater   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
1. The first part of this review focuses on the oxygen status of natural groundwater systems (mainly porous aquifers) and hyporheic zones of streams. The second part examines the sensitivity of groundwater organisms, especially crustaceans, to low oxygen concentrations (< 3.0 mg L?1 O2). 2. Dissolved oxygen (DO) in groundwater is spatially heterogeneous at macro- (km), meso- (m) and micro- (cm) scales. This heterogeneity, an essential feature of the groundwater environment, reflects changes in sediment composition and structure, groundwater flow velocity, organic matter content, and the abundance and activity of micro-organisms. Dissolved oxygen also exhibits strong temporal changes in the hyporheic zone of streams as well as in the recharge area of aquifers, but these fluctuations should be strongly attenuated with increasing distance from the stream and the recharge zone. 3. Dissolved oxygen gradients along flow paths in groundwater systems and hyporheic zones vary over several orders of magnitude (e.g. declines of 9 × 10?5 to 1.5 ×10?2 mg L?1 O2 m?1 in confined aquifers and 2 × 10?2 to 1 mg L?1 O2 m?1 in parafluvial water). Several factors explain this strong variation. Where the water table is close to the surface, oxygen is likely to be consumed rapidly in the first few metres below the water table because of incomplete degradation of soil-generated labile dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the vadose zone. Where the water table is far from the surface, strong oxygen depletion in the vicinity of the water table does not occur, DO being then gradually consumed as groundwater flows down the hydraulic gradient. In unconfined groundwater systems, oxygen consumption along flow paths may be compensated by down-gradient replenishment of DO, resulting either from the ingress of atmospheric oxygen or water recharge through the vadose zone. In confined groundwater systems, where replenishment of oxygen is impossible, the removal time of DO varies from a few years to more than 10 000 years, depending mainly on the organic carbon content of the sediment. Comparison of the hyporheic zones between systems also revealed strong differences in the removal time and length of underground pathways for DO. This strong variability among systems seems related to differences in contact time of water with sediment. 4. Although groundwater macro-crustaceans are much more resistant to hypoxia than epigean species, they cannot survive severe hypoxia (DO < 0.01 mg L?1 O2) for very long (lethal time for 50% of the population ranged from 46.7 to 61.7 h). In severe hypoxia, none of the hypogean crustaceans examined utilized a high-ATP yielding metabolic pathway. High survival times are mainly a result of the combination of three mechanisms: a high storage of fermentable fuels (glycogen and phosphagen), a low metabolic rate in normoxia, and a further reduction in metabolic rate by reducing locomotion and ventilation. It is suggested here that the low metabolic rate of many hypogean species may be an adaptation to low oxygen and not necessarily result from an impoverished food supply. 5. An interesting physiological feature of hypogean crustaceans is their ability to recover from anaerobic stress and, more specifically, rapidly to resynthesize glycogen stores during post-hypoxic recovery. A high storage and rapid restoration of fermentable fuels (without feeding) allows groundwater crustaceans to exploit a moving mosaic of suboxic (< 0.3 mg L?1 O2), dysoxic (0.3–3.0 mg L?1 O2) and oxic (> 3 mg L?1 O2) patches. 6. It is concluded that although hypogean animals are probably unsuited for life in extensively or permanently suboxic groundwater, they can be found in small or temporarily suboxic patches. Indeed, their adaptations to hypoxia are clearly suited for life in groundwater characterized by spatially heterogeneous or highly dynamic DO concentrations. Their capacity to survive severe hypoxia for a few days and to recover rapidly would explain partly why ecological field studies often reveal the occurrence of interstitial taxa in groundwater with a wide range of DO.  相似文献   
本研究对位于云南滇西北的明永冰川地区暖温带、中温带和寒温带三个不同垂直气候带中可培养低温细菌的多样性进行了研究。利用四种不同培养基对该地区可培养低温细菌进行了分离纯化,共得到细菌37 513株,根据菌落形态特征分为了391种,其中LB培养基分离到99种,Organic培养基分离到78种,PSG培养基分离到96种,PYGV培养基分离得到118种,可以看出寡营养培养基PYGV分离得到的细菌种类多于LB和Organnic等富营养培养基,表明PYGV针对冰川地区细菌的分离与鉴定更为合适;通过革兰氏染色和扫描电镜观察表明大部分菌株为革兰阴性杆菌;对已分离得到的优势菌进行了16S rRNA基因测序并构建系统发育树,分析得出:假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、耶尔森氏菌属(Yersinia)和黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium)在明永冰川不同垂直气候带上均有分布,其中假单胞菌属最多占据35%;而寡养单胞菌属(Stenotrophomonas)是寒温带上特有的菌属。本研究证明明永冰川地区垂直气候带中可培养低温细菌多样性非常丰富,也为下一步了解这一特殊地理生态环境下微生物的群落演替规律、研究冰川环境中微生物群落如何响应气候变化提供了参考。  相似文献   
李婷  唐磊  王丽  安磊  王骏  莫康乐  陈求稳 《生态学报》2020,40(4):1473-1485
梯级水库修建后自然河流形成了河相段和湖相段,而河流生境的改变对鱼类种群空间分布和生态类型变化产生了重要影响。为探究金沙江梯级水电开发对鱼类资源的影响,结合2018年5月渔获物和文献记载水库修建前后的渔获物数据,分析了鱼类群落组成及变化,优势物种及群落多样性特点,以及鱼类在河相、湖相段生态类型的变化。结果表明,梯级水库建设后溪洛渡至向家坝鱼类的种类数减少,随着水库的运行该减少趋势放缓,而大型鱼的种类数占比呈增长趋势。受生境变化的影响,鱼类优势物种发生变化,水库河相段和湖相段生态类型差异较大。生态类型组成上以缓流型、生活于水流中下层、产卵初始水温高于18℃等生态类型占优。研究表明,高坝大库的运行会造成鱼类种群以生态需求为目标,形成明显的空间分布和群落结构特征,而梯级水库建设导致的水动力条件差异是鱼类群落生态类型差异的内在驱动力。  相似文献   
大连长山群岛海岸带沉积物微生物群落结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】为揭示海岸带微生物群落结构在人类活动影响下的分布差异及对环境因子变化的响应趋势,【方法】本实验采用t-RFLP和DGGE技术,对大连长山群岛不同功能类型海岸潮间带沉积物中的微生物群落结构特征进行比对和分析,并通过16S rRNA基因文库解析养殖污染站位的微生物群落结构特征。【结果】T-RFLP的t-RF分析显示,养殖污染严重站位的微生物丰度、香农指数和均匀度明显高于其它站位。通过对t-RFLP色谱峰和DGGE图谱聚类分析发现,处于旅游区的2个站位微生物群落结构相似度较高,养殖区随污染程度加重与旅游区的群落结构差异增大。对污染严重站位建立的克隆文库显示变形菌门(Proteobacteria)为优势菌群,其中γ-变形菌门是主要存在的亚门微生物。【结论】T-RFLP和DGGE技术从不同方面反映了环境中的微生物群落结构特征,研究结果表明养殖污染区的微生物群落结构发生明显变化,其影响大于地理隔离效应,污染严重区域的微生物群落中存在大量肠杆菌属,且多个物种与富营养化和赤潮相关联,如拟杆菌门和α-变形细菌红细菌目的细菌。  相似文献   
研究探讨大面积屋顶绿化如何改善城市冠层内部三维空间的热环境,改善效果与城市形态结构之间存在的关系。基于三维小气候模型ENVI-met 4.2,开展街区尺度屋顶绿化热效应研究。在南京市选择具有不同形态结构特征的8个典型样区,每个样区设置2种朝向(街道与主导风向平行或相交)、3种屋顶绿化情景(传统光屋顶、简易型绿化、复合型绿化),共对48种情景进行了微气候模拟与分析。结果表明,街区尺度屋顶绿化产生的"冷岛"可从屋面扩散到地面空间,缓解城市冠层热岛效应。白天14:00时,8个样区屋顶1.5 m高处的降温强度最高可达0.64℃,样区平均降温强度最大值为0.44℃;地面1.5 m高处的降温最大值为0.55℃,样区平均降温强度最大值为0.25℃。建筑高度、高宽比、容积率与屋面、地面降温强度之间均存在显著负相关关系;建筑密度与屋面降温强度显著正相关,但与地面降温强度之间无显著相关性。总的来说,紧凑低层建筑区和开敞低层建筑区实施屋顶绿化后产生的降温效应明显高于紧凑和开敞高层建筑区;建筑高度和密度相同时,街道走向与主导风向呈45°夹角比与主导风向平行具有更高的降温强度。研究结果能够促进对亚热带城市地区建筑-植被-大气相互关系的深入认识,并为屋顶绿化实践提供指导。  相似文献   
Stems of cottonwood ( Populs deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.) plants grown under different conditions were examined to determine the relation between net endogenous auxin yields and the acropetal advance of the primary-secondary vascular transition zone (TZ). In all treatments, the internode yielding maximum net auxin activity, as determined by the Avena curvature bioassay, closely corresponded with the internode in which the TZ occurred. Under short-day (SD) dormancy-inducing conditions, auxin yield declined steadily while the maximum auxin peak and the TZ shifted toward younger internodes. Auxin yields from these plants were extremely low after 5 weeks of SD compared with those from long-day (LD) plants. The only consistent auxin yield was obtained from internodes subtending young leaves beneath the apical bud. Plants placed in SD for 3 weeks and then returned to LD conditions showed an immediate increase in auxin yield in the stem, and the progressive acropetal advance of the TZ under SD was reversed. Therefore, within 7 LD the positions of the TZ and peak auxin yield corresponded to those observed before the imposition of SD Fully dormant plants placed in LD showed a dramatic rise in auxin yields during the first 2 weeks of renewed growth. Although low levels of auxin were found in the newly developing shoots after 6 LD, yields increased rapidly after 9 and 14 LD. The position of the TZ corresponded with the peak of net auxin activity after 9 and 14 LD.  相似文献   
An operationally simple general protein isolation method was devised from three previously available separation tools, and was tested by application to two demanding fractionation problems and for yield. One test system was the isolation by gel electrofocusing of two model proteins with pI values of 4.6 and 4.8, bovine serum albumin and ovalbumin, with a load of 220 mg each. The other test was the isolation of 10 mg of human growth hormone isohormone B from a mixture of closely migrating other isohormones. The three-step procedure comprises of: (1) separation into zones of homogeneous protein by gel electrofocusing; (2) excision of the zones of homogeneous protein from the gel followed by concentration of the protein to a small volume of solution by means of Steady-State Stacking; (3) purification from polyacrylamide-like contaminants and non-volatile buffers by gel filtration followed by lyophilization. The average overall recovery was 70--80%.  相似文献   
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