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In many ecological situations, resources are difficult to find but become more apparent to nearby searchers after one of their numbers discovers and begins to exploit them. If the discoverer cannot monopolize the resources, then others may benefit from joining the discoverer and sharing their discovery. Existing theories for this type of conspecific attraction have often used very simple rules for how the decision to join a discovered resource patch should be influenced by the number of individuals already exploiting that patch. We use a mechanistic, spatially explicit model to demonstrate that individuals should not necessarily simply join patches more often as the number of individuals exploiting the patch increases, because those patches are likely to be exhausted soon or joining them will intensify future local competition. Furthermore, we show that this decision should be sensitive to the nature of the resource patches, with individuals being more responsive to discoveries in general and more tolerant of larger numbers of existing exploiters on a patch when patches are resource-rich and challenging to locate alone. As such, we argue that this greater focus on underlying joining mechanisms suggests that conspecific attraction is a more sophisticated and flexible tactic than currently appreciated.  相似文献   
Body size and area‐incidence relationships: is there a general pattern?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim This paper tests firstly for the existence of a general relationship between body size of terrestrial animals and their incidence across habitat patches of increasing size, and secondly for differences in this relationship between insects and vertebrates. Location The analysis was based on the occupancy pattern of 50 species from 15 different landscapes in a variety of ecosystems ranging from Central European grassland to Asian tropical forest. Methods The area‐occupancy relationship was described by incidence functions that were calculated using logistic regression. A correlation analysis between body size of the species and the patch area referring to the two given points of the incidence function was performed. In order to test for an effect of taxon (insects vs. vertebrates), an analysis of covariance was conducted. Results In all species, the incidence was found to increase with increasing patch area. The macroecological analysis showed a significant relationship between the incidence in habitat patches and the body size of terrestrial animals. The area requirement was found to increase linearly with increasing body size on a log‐log scale. This relationship did not differ significantly between insects and vertebrates. Conclusions The approach highlighted in this paper is to associate incidence functions with body size. The results suggest that body size is a general but rather rough predictor for the area requirements of animals. The relationship seems valid for a wide range of body sizes of terrestrial animals. However, further studies including isolation of habitats as well as additional species traits into the macroecological analysis of incidence functions are needed.  相似文献   
The rewardless orchid Dactylorhiza sambucina shows a stable flower colour polymorphism, with both yellow- and red-flowered morphs growing sympatrically. Pollination biology and breeding system were investigated to examine the effects of density of plants, colour polymorphism, inflorescence dimension, and flower position within inflorescence on male and female reproductive success in three natural populations of D. sambucina. There were significant differences among sites in the number of pollinia removed and in fruit set per inflorescence. Number of removed pollinia and capsule production in D. sambucina were independent from flower and inflorescence size or flower position. As a whole, the red morphs showed the highest number of capsules produced, while the yellow morphs had the greatest male success. The relative male and female reproductive success were independent from plant density but were significantly correlated with the yellow morph frequency at the population level. Overall, our findings show that the contribution to the total reproductive success deriving from the two colour morphs does not conform with the predictions of negative frequency-dependent selection.  相似文献   
Muscle fine structure reflects ecotype in two nototheniids   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The fine structure of swimming (pectoral) and myotomal (axial) skeletal muscle and myocardium of two species of Antarctic nototheniid fishes were studied by electron microscopy, comparing the cryopelagic Pagothenia borchgrevinki and the benthic Trematomus bernacchii . Mean fibre size varied by a factor of four among muscles within each species and may have reflected the locomotory power available, being larger in pectoral oxidative (red) and axial glycolytic (white) muscle of P. borchgrevinki . Both species use labriform locomotion, and the more active P. borchgrevinki had a greater capillary supply, expressed as a capillary to fibre ratio, than T. bernacchii to both red (3·48 ± 0·36 v . 1·63 ± 0·14, mean ±  s . e .; P  < 0·01) and white (2·70 ± 0·20 v . 1·53 ± 0·18, mean ±  s . e .; P  < 0·01) regions of the pectoral musculature. The greater aerobic scope of P. borchgrevinki was strikingly demonstrated in the higher mitochondrial content of all skeletal muscle types sampled, and the ventricular myocardium (0·269 ± 0·011 v . 0·255 ± 0·012 mean ±  s . e .; P  < 0·05). Minor differences were found in other elements of fibre composition, with the exception of a five‐fold greater lipid content in pectoral red fibres of P. borchgrevinki (0·074 ± 0·014 mean ±  s . e .) v . T. bernacchii (0·010 ± 0·003; P  < 0·05). Differences in muscle fine structure among species clearly reflected differences in their ecotype.  相似文献   
The little known endemic Henderson Island rail (or Henderson rail) Porzflna atra , inhabits forest on the coastal plain and upraised plateau of Henderson Island. Rails were studied for 15 months from January 1991 to March 1992. The population was estimated at c. 6200 individuals living in pairs or cooperative groups of 3–4 adults on territories averaging about 1 ha. Two or three eggs were laid in covered or open nests near the ground from mid-July to mid-February. Up to five consecutive nesting attempts were made in cases where eggs or young chicks were lost. Adults laid a second clutch when chicks were fully feathered at about one month of age. Both sexes incubated and helped rear the young. Older chicks sometimes helped feed younger siblings. Dispersal of juveniles from the natal territory took place in April. Adult birds underwent a rapid, simultaneous post-nuptial moult of the remiges in February-April; the post-juvenile moult involved body feathers only. Data on morphometries, breeding ecology, courtship behaviour and voice are compared with available information for the spotless crake P. tabuensis , the Henderson rail's closest relative and probable ancestor. These comparisons provide some information on how these two taxa have differentiated since rails arrived on Henderson Island some time in the last 380000 years.  相似文献   
1. Bergmann's rule states that organisms inhabiting colder environments show an increase in body size or mass in comparison to their conspecifics living in warmer climates. Although originally proposed for homoeothermic vertebrates, this rule was later extended to ectotherms. In social insects, only a few studies have tested this rule and the results were ambiguous. Here, ‘body size’ can be considered at two different levels (the size of the individual workers or the size of the colony). 2. In this study, data from 53 nests collected along altitudinal gradients in the Alps were used to test the hypotheses that the worker body size and colony size of the ant Leptothorax acervorum increase with increasing altitude and therefore follow Bergmann's rule. 3. The results show that the body size of workers but not the colony size increases with altitude. Whether this pattern is driven by starvation resistance or other mechanisms remains to be investigated.  相似文献   
The allometric relationships between canine base area, first molar and summed molar crown area, and the glabella–opisthocranion distance, and the direct allometric relationships between canine and molar size have been established in five primate taxa. Separate sex and combined sex ‘intraspecific’, and ‘interspecific’ regression and ‘best fit’ allometry coefficients were computed. This analysis showed that for any increase in glabella–opisthocranion length, the rate of increase in canine size exceeds the rate of increase in molar area, and ‘best fit’ solutions indicate that canine base area is positively allometric when related directly to molar crown area. These results were compared with data available for the ‘gracile’ australopithecine, A. africanus, and two ‘robust’ australopithecine taxa, A. boisei and A. robustus. The differences in canine and molar size which occur between the ‘gracile’ taxon and the two ‘robust’ taxa do not correspond to any of the trends in the comparative allometric models. Data on glabella–opisthocranion length for the fossils, meagre though they are, show that while the proportional increase in molar crown area between the taxa corresponds to comparative allometry models, the reduced canine size in the ‘robust’ taxa is against comparative allometric trends. These results indicate that, at least in terms of canine/molar proportions, the differences between the ‘gracile’ and ‘robust’ australopithecines are not merely allometric and may indicate significant dietary or behavioural differences.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. The causes and reproductive consequences of body size variation of Brachinus lateralis Dejean, a parasitic carabid beetle, were investigated.
2. Body size variation occurs within and between sites. Host size has a major influence on body size of the adult.
3. Fecundity is positively correlated with body size. Egg size is not correlated with body size.
4. Mating males tend to be larger than non-mating males. There is a positive correlation of body sizes in mating pairs.
5. Limited opportunity for host choice may maintain size variation despite the advantages of large size.
6. The non-random patterns of mating for a species without obvious intrasexual aggression suggest that subtle means of male-male competition or female choice may be important.  相似文献   
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers are used to estimate interspecific variation among mangrove and non-mangrove Heritiera fomes, H. littoralis and H. macrophylla. All the species have 2n = 38 chromosomes, with minute structural changes distinguishing the karyotype of each species. Significant variation of 4C DNA content occurs at the interspecific level. Interspecific polymorphism ranged from 14.09% between H. fomes and H. littoralis to 52.73% between H. fomes and H. macrophylla. H. macrophylla showed wide polymorphism in the RAPD marker with H. littoralis (51.23%) and H. fomes (52.73%). Two distinct RAPD products obtained from OPA-10 (1000 bp) and OPD-15 (900 bp) found characteristic molecular markers in H. macrophylla , a species from a non-mangrove habitat. H. macrophylla was more distantly related to H. fomes [genetic distance (1-F) = 0.305] than to H. littoralis [genetic distance (1-F) = 0.273]. H. littoralis was of a closer affinity to H. fomes [genetic distance (1-F) = 0.218] than to H. macrophylla.  相似文献   
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