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The effects of iron deficiency on the leaf chlorophyll concentrations and on the macro- (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) and micro-nutrient (Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu) composition of flowers (at full bloom) and leaves (60 and 120 days after full bloom) of field-grown peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) trees were investigated. Flowers and leaves were taken and analysed from fifty individual trees. Our data indicate that large decreases in leaf chlorophyll concentration were found at the beginning of the season in control trees, possibly associated to a dilution effect by leaf growth, that were later followed by leaf chlorophyll concentration increases. Leaf Fe chlorosis apparently results from two different processes, the dilution of leaf Chl caused by growth and the subsequent inability to produce and/or stabilize new Chl molecules in the thylakoid membrane. Iron chlorosis did not change the seasonal change patterns of any of the nutrients studied. In Fe-deficient trees the K concentration and the K/Ca ratio were high not only in leaves but also in flowers, indicating that this is a characteristic of Fe-deficient plant tissue in the whole fruit tree growing season. Flower Fe concentrations were well correlated with the degree of chlorosis developed later in the season by the trees, suggesting that flower analysis could be used for the prognosis of Fe deficiency in peach.  相似文献   
桃园节肢动物群落相对丰盛度的季节动态研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
以合肥市杏花林果科技示范园为例,研究了桃园节肢动物群落物种的组成和数量,对植食类、捕食类、寄生类和其它类4种功能类群的相对丰盛度作了详尽的阐述。捕食类同植食类的相对丰盛度变化趋势一致,说明捕食类节肢动物是桃树生长期植食类害虫的重要天敌。  相似文献   
The shoot growth of compatible ( Prunus persica L. Batsch cv. Springtime grafted on Prunus cerasifera L. Ehrh cv. Myrobolan P2032) and incompatible ( Prunus persica L. Batsch cv. Springtime grafted on Prunus cerasifera L. Ehrh cv. Myrobolan P18) peach/plum grafts was observed over a period of 100 days after grafting under controlled conditions. Leaf and root activities were determined by studying carbon assimilation and partitioning, leaf mineral contents and water relations. Shoot length and leaf number were not significantly affected in the incompatible combination during the first 55 days after grafting, but then, shoot growth rate was significantly reduced. Final total dry weights of the shoot were similar in both graft combinations. The incompatible combination did not show any water stress. Soluble sugar and starch contents increased in the leaves of the incompatible combination, accounting for about 36% of the increase of leaf dry weight per unit area. Photosynthesis was affected by the compatibility of the grafts. Leaf nitrogen content (% dry weight) fell in the incompatible graft combination 65 days after grafting. However, nitrogen content on an area basis was not affected. The possibility of nitrogen stress is discussed.  相似文献   
Two forms of exopolygalacturonase increase as peach fruits ripen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Freestone peach cultivars are distinguished from clingstone cultivars by a more extensive softening of the mesocarp tissue, and by the separation of mesocarp and endocarp during ripening. Cultivars of both types have been reported to develop exopolygalacturonase activity during ripening, but the enzyme has not been characterized in any detail. During development of freestone peaches ( Prunus persica L. var Coronet), two exopolygalacturonase enzymes were detected 42, 65 and 85 d after full bloom and in ripe fruit. During ripening one enzyme (exoPG 1) increased 36-fold and the other (exoPG 2) 90-fold but exoPG 2 accounted for a 73% of the total activity in ripe fruit. ExoPG 1 was purified 24-fold and exoPG 2 540-fold. ExoPG 2 is a slightly acidic glycoprotein. ExoPG 1 and exoPG 2 differ slightly in their pH optima and in their responses to calcium: each produces monogalacturonic acid as a reaction product. Similar enzymes were found in Flavorerest, a semi-freestone peach.  相似文献   
The study reports on the effects of prenatal and/or postnatal exposures to short-night or long-night conditions, and of crowding, on embryogenesis and oögenesis in alate virginoparae, gynoparae, and oviparae of a holocyclic strain of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, from Yakima, Washington State.In alate virginoparae raised at a density of 10–20 per radish seedling in a short-night regime (8 hr darkness per diem), 3–4 embryos occurred in each of their 10 ovarioles, when the aphids attained adulthood. More than 30 larvae were deposited by most of these alatae. However, in young adult gynoparae, raised at these densities in a long-night regime (15 hr darkness per diem), only one viable embryo (a presumptive ovipara) occurred per ovariole. The follicle containing this embryo was followed by 1–2 abnormal follicles in each ovariole, and the number of larvae deposited by a gynopara was generally less than 10. In young adult oviparae similarly raised under a long-night regime, only one egg typically occurred in each of their 10 ovarioles, and the eggs deposited by an ovipara (only after it had mated) generally numbered less than 10. Alate virginoparae and gynoparae contained an additional embryo in some of their ovarioles when these morphs were raised at a lower density (1–5 per plant).Presumptive gynoparae partially developed the reproductive features of alate virginoparae when transferred to a short-night regime at birth; the converse was true when presumptive alate virginoparae were transferred to a long-night regime early in larval life. Oviparae maintained in short nights from before birth developed the appearance of apterous virginoparae but still produced eggs rather than embryos. However, their oögenesis was enhanced and eggs (10–20) were deposited by them without prior mating. Under all regimes tested, oviparae were always deposited early in the larviposition sequence of their alate mothers, and the number of oviparae deposited never exceeded 15.The possible involvement of juvenile hormone in the regulation of these events and the ecological significance of the results are discussed.  相似文献   
以盛果期10a生品种‘阿部白’桃为试材,在大田条件下,进行连续2年定位施肥试验,设置放射沟施全量肥(R_(NPK))、放射沟施半量肥(R_(1/2NPK))、注射施全量肥(I_(NPK))和注射施半量肥(I_(1/2NPK))4个处理,分析注射施肥对桃园0~60cm土层土壤养分含量、土壤酶活性和微生物数量以及果实品质的影响,探讨注射施肥在桃树生产中的应用,为高效施肥和提高水肥利用率提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)桃幼果膨大期(5月15日),0~40cm土层中,试验各处理的总氮钾含量差异不明显,注射施肥土壤中速效养分含量显著低于放射沟施肥;果实成熟前期(7月15日),在相同施肥量下,0~40cm土层中注射施肥处理的碱解氮、速效钾含量均以I_(NPK)处理的最高,且分别比放射沟施肥处理显著提高16.61%、12.56%和10.15%、23.93%,同时注射施肥处理的0~40cm土层中有机质含量均低于放射沟施肥处理,部分处理差异达显著性水平;不同处理对土壤中磷的影响较小。(2)果实成熟前期,0~60cm土层中注射施肥土壤中蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶和脲酶活性,以及0~20cm土层的碱性磷酸酶均显著高于放射沟施肥;同期根际土壤微生物数量变化规律与土壤酶活性变化基本一致。(3)INPK处理的桃单果重、可溶性固形物含量显著高于其他施肥处理,且分别比R_(NPK)处理显著增加了12.24%和11.21%;I_(1/2NPK)处理的单株果实产量最高(65.25kg)并显著高于放射沟施肥处理,但与INPK处理间差异不显著。研究认为,注射施肥对桃树土壤中养分含量、土壤酶活性和微生物数量以及果实品质都有积极的影响,且以NPK全量注射施肥处理效果最佳。  相似文献   
三只羊岩溶峰丛洼地桃树优质高产栽培技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡兴华  王新桂  刘铭  李洁维  何金祥   《广西植物》2006,26(5):530-534
在广西三只羊岩溶峰丛洼地进行幼龄期桃树作物套种、施肥以及疏果等栽培技术的对比试验。结果表明,套种黄豆能明显促进桃树基茎和主枝直径的增长,套种玉米则抑制桃树基茎和主枝直径的增长;混施猪粪水和磷肥的桃树其果实品质明显优于混施羊粪和磷肥以及牛粪和磷肥的桃树的果实;同时,中等疏果强度,即保留枝条上桃果间距14~18cm,可获最大种植效益,桃果重量增加50.3%,桃树的产值提高52.9%。  相似文献   
为了明确不同桃品种资源果实香气差异,对桃果实香气评价和品质改良提供参考,本研究利用电子鼻系统对桃品种资源果实整果香气进行测定和区分.通过PEN 3.5电子鼻系统采集74份不同品种资源桃果实芳香成分并得到了不同传感器的响应值,采用主成分(PCA)、线性判别法(LDA)和负荷加载(LO)方法分析数据.LO分析结果显示,硫化...  相似文献   
为明确莱阳地区不同栽培模式下单植梨园、单植桃园、混植桃梨园的梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)发生规律,2009—2012年采用性诱芯法对以上果园梨小食心虫的发生规律进行探究并利用有效积温模型预测其发生代数。结果表明:梨小食心虫在莱阳地区一年可发生4代;第13代主要发生在桃园,发生时间为4—8月上旬,第4代主要发生在梨园,发生时间为8月中下旬或9月初,为害一直可持续到10月中旬。梨小食心虫在不同寄主上发生时间不同,除第一代发生比较整齐之外,其他世代发生时间不统一,尤其是梨园。单植梨园和单植桃园的梨小食心虫都能单独完成发育世代,但数量有差异。通过比较其差异显著性,单植桃园13代主要发生在桃园,发生时间为4—8月上旬,第4代主要发生在梨园,发生时间为8月中下旬或9月初,为害一直可持续到10月中旬。梨小食心虫在不同寄主上发生时间不同,除第一代发生比较整齐之外,其他世代发生时间不统一,尤其是梨园。单植梨园和单植桃园的梨小食心虫都能单独完成发育世代,但数量有差异。通过比较其差异显著性,单植桃园13代明显多于第4代,单植梨园第4代明显多于第13代明显多于第4代,单植梨园第4代明显多于第13代。  相似文献   
不同寄主植物对山楂叶螨生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
李定旭  侯月利  沈佐锐 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1562-1569
室内采用叶碟饲养的方法研究了苹果、桃、李、樱桃和杏等不同果树对山楂叶螨Tetrancychusvienensis生长发育和繁殖的影响。结果表明,在李树上山楂叶螨的发育历期短、生殖力强、存活率高,rm值大,而在樱桃和杏树上该螨的发育历期长、生殖力弱、存活率低、rm值小。寄主转换试验结果表明,当山楂叶螨由苹果转移至樱桃和杏树时,其生长发育的历期显著延长,rm值大幅度降低;而由苹果转移至桃树和李树时,其生长发育的历期虽也有所延长,但差异不显著,rm值则明显降低。表明山楂叶螨对新寄主的适应因不同寄主而异,在桃和李上经历1代后即可适应,而在杏和樱桃上经历2代后才能适应新的寄主。  相似文献   
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