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蚕豆植株叶片随茎节自上而下表现出明显的发育与衰老顺序,可作为衰老特征的是叶绿素和蛋白质含量明显下降。蚕豆叶中SOD活性主要定位于12 000× g离心后所得的上清液和叶绿体组分。衰老叶片的SOD总活性和叶绿体组分的相对活性都有所下降,SOD同工酶谱也发生了改变。O_2~ 产生速率随叶龄增大而稍上升;而MDA含量在叶片外观表现枯黄衰老征兆前就急剧上升。可能因为衰老叶片过氧化氢酶活性大幅度下降与SOD之间的不平衡,致使O_2~ 代谢中间产物累积而引起膜的损伤.  相似文献   
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) seedlings were screened for the ability to regenerate plantlets from hypocotyl-derived callus tissue. Media sequences described by Beach and Smith (1979) and Collins and Phillips (1982) and a variation using media from both sequences were tested. Plantlets were regenerated from three out of 642 genotypes. In all three cases, callus was initiated on B5C medium and regeneration was accomplished on SPL medium. Attempts to regenerate plants from petiole-derived callus tissue have so far been successful only with regenerants of clone F49. Petiole callus from epicotyl-derived F49 plants proved to be non-regenerative. Pollen viability varied significantly among individuals regenerated from callus cultures of clone F49. Root tip squashes from F49 regenerants revealed the normal diploid chromosome number (2n=14). The frequency of regeneration within progeny from reciprocal crosses between F49 regenerants and several non-regenerative genotypes was 29%.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BAP benzylaminopurine - KN kinetin - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   
The interactions of Heterodera glycines at four egg inoculum levels (0, 100, 1,000, and 10,000 per pot) and three cyst levels (0, 100, and 200 per pot) and Calonectria crotalariae at 500, 5,000, and 50,000 microsclerotia per pot were evaluated on soybean. At the two lowest nematode egg levels, the presence of C. crotalariae did not affect nematode reproduction. At 10,000 eggs per pot, however, nematode reproduction was increased significantly at each microsclerotial level. The increase in nematode reproduction was stepwise at 500 and 5,000 microsclerotia per pot but declined at 50,000 microsclerotia per pot. Similar results were obtained when cysts rather than eggs were used as nematode inoculum. The nematode x fungus interaction significantly affected 60-day plant growth parameters of both Lee 74 and Centennial soybean. The nematode x fungus interaction was antagonistic to plant roots and significantly influenced root injury ratings. The presence of C. crotalariae in tissues of stock plants or plants used as race differentials did not alter the analysis of this population as race 3.  相似文献   
The palm weevil, Rhynchophorus palmarum (L.), was collected in cocoons from red ring-diseased coconut palms (Cocos nucifera L.) in Trinidad and Tobago. Juveniles of five species of nematodes were extracted from the genitalia and macerated bodies of newly emerged adults of the palm weevil: Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus (Cobb) Goodey (the red ring nematode), Teratorhabditis sp., Diplogasteritus sp., Mononchoides sp., and Bursaphelenchus sp. Over 90% of newly emerged weevil females and males were infested internally with red ring nematode juveniles, and over 47% of the weevils contained more than 1,000 red ring nematodes each. There was no significant correlation between weevil body length and the number of red ring nematodes carried internally by each weevil. Teratorhabditis sp. and Diplogasteritus sp. were extracted from over 50% of the palm weevils, and Monochoides sp. and Bursaphelenchus sp. were found in a small proportion of the weevils. Field-collected adult weevils were also internally and externally infested with a Rhabditis sp., which was not observed in or on weevils allowed to emerge from field-collected cocoons.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. The hypotheses that genetic variation in host plant resistance of the arroyo willow affected leaf folder ( Phyllocolpa sp.) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) density and that genetic variation in shoot length and leaf length was correlated with resistance were tested.
2. Willows grown in pots and exposed to ovipojsition by the leaf folding sawfly in cages had significantly different densities among clones, indicating variation in resistance caused by genetic differences among conspecific host plants.
3. There was a general correspondence between leaf folder density on potted cuttings and on the plants in the field that were the sources of cuttings.
4. In behavioural choice experiments, susceptible clones (with highest leaf fold densities) had the highest oviposition activity of female leaf folders compared to clones that were resistant to the leaf folder.
5. Clones differed significantly in shoot length and leaf length among clones grown in pots, among clones in the field, and between shoots with galls and shoots without galls on clones in the field.
6. Leaf folder density was significantly positively correlated with mean shoot length on field clones in 1985 and 1986, but was not correlated with leaf length, although leaf length and shoot length were correlated.
7. Leaf length variation among willow clones accounted for a significant portion of the variation in resistance of potted willows, but shoot length was unimportant.  相似文献   
HUSAIN, S. Z., MARIN, P. D., ŠILIĆ, Č., QAISER, M. & PETCOVIĆ, B., 1990. A micromorphological study of some representative genera in the tribe Saturejeae (Lamiaceae). The Old World genera in the tribe Saturejeae are usually distributed either in Europe and North Africa or in the temperate parts of Asia. The centres of distribution of investigated genera are mainly in the Mediterranean region. In taxonomic revisions very little reference is made to micromorphological characters, in particular, to nutlets and leaf indumentum, in spite of the stability of these characters. Scanning electron microscopy of nutlet surface and patterns of leaf indumentum show a wide range of variation, not only among genera, but also at lower levels of classification. In view of this, nutlet surface and leaf indumentum structure, as seen with the SEM, of representative species of eight genera in the tribe Saturejeae provides useful additional character combinations in delimiting these closely related genera. This study also supports Boissier's delimitation of sections Micromeria and Pseudomelissa.  相似文献   
At the developmental stage at which the apical hook passed the 3rd and 4th nodes, dark-grown seedlings of pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Progress No.9) opened the hook upright and then formed a new hook above the node nearly in the opposite direction to the previous one. In cv. Alaska, in contrast, many (about 84%) seedlings closed the hook in the original direction after they partially (up to about 110°) opened it at the 3rd node, thus doing a wagging movement, while a small percentage (about 16%) of the seedlings reversed the hook direction. Exposure to red light of cv. Alaska seedlings for 10 min increased the percentage of the hook reversion up to 71% or more. The hook reversion was never observed except when the hook part passed the nodes, suggesting the involvement of the nodes in the phenomenon.  相似文献   
The kinetics of NADH oxidation by the outer membrane electron transport system of intact beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) mitochondria were investigated. Very different values for Vmax and the Km for NADH were obtained when either antimycin A-insensitive NADH-cytochrome c activity (Vmax= 31 ± 2.5 nmol cytochrome c (mg protein)?1 min?1; Km= 3.1 ± 0.8 μM) or antimycin A-insensitive NADH-ferricyanide activity (Vmax= 1.7 ± 0.7 μmol ferricyanide (mg protein)?1 min?1; Km= 83 ± 20 μM) were measured. As ferricyanide is believed to accept electrons closer to the NADH binding site than cytochrome c, it was concluded that 83 ± 20 μM NADH represented a more accurate estimate of the binding affinity of the outer membrane dehydrogenase for NADH. The low Km determined with NADH-cytochrome c activity may be due to a limitation in electron flow through the components of the outer membrane electron transport chain. The Km for NADH of the externally-facing inner membrane NADH dehydrogenase of pea leaf (Pisum sativum L. cv. Massey Gem) mitochondria was 26.7 ± 4.3 μM when oxygen was the electron acceptor. At an NADH concentration at which the inner membrane dehydrogenase should predominate, the Ca2+ chelator, ethyleneglycol-(β-aminoethylether)-N,N,-tetraacetic acid (EGTA), inhibited the oxidation of NADH through to oxygen and to the ubiquinone-10 analogues, duroquinone and ubiquinone-1, but had no effect on the antimycin A-insensitive ferricyanide reduction. It is concluded that the site of action of Ca2+ involves the interaction of the enzyme with ubiquinone and not with NADH.  相似文献   
Buoyancy effect on forced convection in the leaf boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Mixed convection (forced convection plus free convection) in the leaf boundary layer was examined by air flow visualization and by evaluation of the boundary layer conductance at different leaf-air temperature differences ( T L- T A) under low wind velocities. The visualized air flow was found to become more unstable and buoyant at higher T L- T A. An ascending longitudinal plume was induced along the upper surface, and the air flow along the lower surface ascended after passing the trailing leaf edge. The air flow modified by buoyancy was considered to result in an increase in boundary layer conductance ( G A) for mixed convection, which became higher with higher T L- T A as compared with the conductance for pure forced convection without buoyancy. This increase in G A appeared larger at larger Grashof number (Gr) and at smaller Reynolds number (Re). The dependences of buoyancy effect on Gr and Re were related to 'edge-effects'.  相似文献   
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