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The major developments in the field of nuclear activation analysis, from 1936 to 1989, are discussed. The developments are grouped into five consecutive time periods. The impact of various scientists on the development of the field in the first 35 years is also discussed.  相似文献   
Genetic variances, heritabilities, and genetic correlations of floral traits were measured in the monocarpic perennial Ipomopsis aggregata (Polemoniaceae). A paternal half-sib design was employed to generate seeds in each of four years, and seeds were planted back in the field near the parental site. The progeny were followed for up to eight years to estimate quantitative genetic parameters subject to natural levels of environmental variation over the entire life cycle. Narrow-sense heritabilities of 0.2–0.8 were detected for the morphometric traits of corolla length, corolla width, stigma position, and anther position. The proportion of time spent by the protandrous flowers in the pistillate phase (“proportion pistillate”) also exhibited detectable heritability of near 0.3. In contrast, heritability estimates for nectar reward traits were low and not significantly different from zero, due to high environmental variance between and within flowering years. The estimates of genetic parameters were combined with phenotypic selection gradients to predict evolutionary responses to selection mediated by the hummingbird pollinators. One trait, corolla width, showed the potential for a rapid response to ongoing selection through male function, as it experienced both direct selection, by influencing pollen export, and relatively high heritability. Predicted responses were lower for proportion pistillate and corolla length, even though these traits also experienced direct selection. Stigma position was expected to respond positively to indirect selection of proportion pistillate but negatively to selection of corolla length, with the net effect sensitive to variation in the selection estimates. Anther position also was not directly selected but could respond to indirect selection of genetically correlated traits.  相似文献   
Enzyme directed genetic mechanisms causing random DNA sequence alterations are ubiquitous in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. A number of molecular geneticist have invoked adaptation through natural selection to account for this fact, however, alternative explanations have also flourished. The population geneticist G.C. Williams has dismissed the possibility of selection for mutator activity on a priori grounds. In this paper, I attempt a refutation of Williams' argument. In addition, I discuss some conceptual problems related to recent claims made by microbiologists on the adaptiveness of molecular variety generators in the evolution of prokaryotes. A distinction is proposed between selection for mutations caused by a mutator activity and selection for the mutator activity proper. The latter requires a concept of fitness different from the one commonly used in microbiology.  相似文献   
Crosses were made between four varieties (Mahsuri, Setanjung, MR84 and MR103) of Oryza sativa L. (2n=24, AA) and one accession of O. minuta (2n= 8, BBCC). The seed set obtained ranged between 9.5% and 25.1% depending on the rice variety used. By rescuing 14-day-old embryos and culturing them on 25%-strength MS medium we obtained a total of 414 F1 hybrids. The F1s were vigorous, tillered profusely, were perennial and male-sterile. The hybrids were triploid (ABC) with 36 chromosomes and showed irregular meiosis. The average frequency and range of chromosome associations at metaphase I or early anaphase I pollen mother cells of F1 plants were 29.31(16–36) Is +3.32(0–10) IIs+0.016(0–1) IIIs+0.002(0–1) IVs. Upon backcrossing the original triploid hybrids and colchicine-treated hybrids to their respective recurrent parents, and further embryo rescue, 17 backcross-1 (BC1) plants were obtained. Of all the crosses using MR84, no BC1 plant was obtained even after pollinating 13 894 spikelets of the triploid hybrid. The BC1s were similar in appearence to the F1s and were male-sterile, their chromosome number ranged from 44 to 48. By backcrossing these BC1s and nurturing them through embryo rescue, we obtained 32 BC2 plants. Of these, however, only 18 plants grew vigorously. One of these plants has 24 chromosomes and the other 17 have chromosome numbers ranging between 30 and 37. The 24-chromosome plant was morphologically similar to the O. sativa parent and was partially fertile with a pollen and spikelet fertility of 58.8% and 12.5% respectively. All of the F1 and BC1 plants were found to be resistant to five Malaysian isolates (XO66, XO99, XO100, XO257 and XO319) of Xanthomonas campestris pv oryzae. Amongst the BC2s, the reaction varied from resistant to moderately susceptible. The 24-chromosome BC2 plant was resistant to the four isolates and moderately resistant to isolate XO100 to which the O. sativa parent was susceptible.Part of PhD thesis submitted by first author to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi  相似文献   
在荔枝和龙眼种子发育过程中,内源ABA水平先是上升,至大约78~80DPA时出现高峰,之后两者ABA含量均不断下降。果实成熟时采收的种子,ABA含量比高峰时分别下降近6倍。另外,随着种子的发育,种子及其胚轴对外源ABA的敏感性(SABA)亦持续下降。10-4mol/LABA可以完全抑制90DPA前的荔枝和龙眼种子的萌发,但对成熟种子10-2mol/LABA亦不能抑制其萌发。龙眼种子离体胚轴的SABA高于荔枝。ABA含量与敏感性的这种变化可能是两种顽拗性种子成熟时萌动,进而不耐脱水贮藏的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated that a weak, extremely-low-frequency magnetic field must be coherent for some minimum length of time (≈? 10 s) in order to affect the specific activity of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) in L929 mouse cells. In this study we explore whether or not the superposition of an incoherent (noise) magnetic field can block the bioeffect of a coherent 60 Hz magnetic field, since the sum of the two fields is incoherent. An experimental test of this idea was conducted using as a biological marker the twofold enhancement of ODC activity found in L929 murine cells after exposure to a 60 Hz, 10 μTrms magnetic field. We superimposed an incoherent magnetic noise field, containing frequencies from 30 to 90 Hz, whose rms amplitude was comparable to that of the 60 Hz field. Under these conditions the ODC activity observed after exposure was equal to control levels. It is concluded that the superposition of incoherent magnetic fields can block the enhancement of ODC activity by a coherent magnetic field if the strength of the incoherent field is equal to or greater than that of the coherent field. When the superimposed, incoherent noise field was reduced in strength, the enhancement of ODC activity by the coherent field increased. Full ODC enhancement was obtained when the rms value of the applied EM noise was less than one-tenth that of the coherent field. These results are discussed in relation to the question of cellular detection of weak EM fields in the presence of endogenous thermal noise fields. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to measure running times to exhaustion (Tlim) on a treadmill at 100% of the minimum velocity which elicits max max in 38 elite male long - distance runners max = 71.4 ± 5.5 ml.kg–1.min–1 and max = 21.8 ± 1.2 km.h–1). The lactate threshold (LT) was defined as a starting point of accelerated lactate accumulation around 4 mM and was expressed in max. Tlim value was negatively correlated with max (r = -0.362, p< 0.05) and max (r = –0.347, p< 0.05) but positively with LT (%v max) (r = 0.378, p < 0.05). These data demonstrate that running time to exhaustion at max in a homogeneous group of elite male long-distance runners was inversely related to max and experimentally illustrates the model of Monod and Scherrer regarding the time limit-velocity relationship adapted from local exercise for running by Hughson et al. (1984) .  相似文献   
It has been assumed that herbivores constitute a selective agent for the evolution of plant resistance. However, few studies have tested this hypothesis. In this study, we look at the annual weed Datura stramonium for evidence of current natural selection for resistance to herbivorous insects. Paternal half-sib families obtained through controlled crosses were exposed to herbivores under natural conditions. The plants were damaged by two folivorous insects: the tobacco flea beetle Epitrix parvula and the grasshopper Sphenarium purpurascens. Selection was estimated using a multiple-regression analysis of plant size and of damage by the two herbivores on plant fitness measured as fruit production for both individual phenotypes and family breeding values (genetic analysis). Directional phenotypic selection was detected for both larger plant size and lower resistance to the flea beetles, whereas stabilizing phenotypic selection was revealed for resistance to S. purpurascens. However, performing the same analyses on the breeding values of the characters revealed directional and stabilizing selection only for plant size. Thus, no agreement existed between the results of the two types of analyses, nor was there any detectable potential for genetic change in the studied population because of selection on herbivore resistance. The narrow-sense heritability of every trait studied was small (all <0.1) and not different from zero. The potential for evolutionary response to natural selection for higher resistance to herbivores in the studied population of D. stramonium is probably limited by lack of genetic variation. Natural selection acts on phenotypes, and the detection of phenotypic selection on resistance to herbivores confirms their ecological importance in determining plant fitness. However, evolutionary inferences based solely on phenotypic selection analyses must be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   
Floral traits that increase self-fertilization are expected to spread unless countered by the effects of inbreeding depression, pollen discounting (reduced outcross pollen success by individuals with increased rates of self-fertilization), or both. Few studies have attempted to measure pollen discounting because to do so requires estimating the male outcrossing success of plants that differ in selfing rate. In natural populations of tristylous Eichhornia paniculata, selfing variants of the mid-styled morph are usually absent from populations containing all three style morphs but often predominate in nontrimorphic populations. We used experimental garden populations of genetically marked plants to investigate whether the effects of population morph structure on relative gamete transmission by unmodified (M) and selfing variants (M‘) of the mid-styled morph could explain their observed distribution. Transmission through ovules and self and outcross pollen by plants of the M and M’ morphs were compared under trimorphic, dimorphic (S morph absent), and monomorphic (L and S morphs absent) population structures. Neither population structure nor floral morphology affected female reproductive success, but both had strong effects on the relative transmission of male gametes. The frequency of self-fertilization in the M' morph was consistently higher than that of the M morph under all morph structures, and the frequency of self-fertilization by both morphs increased as morph diversity of experimental populations declined. In trimorphic populations, total transmission by the M and M' morphs did not differ. The small, nonsignificant increase in selfing by the M' relative to the M morph was balanced by decreased outcross siring success, particularly on the S morph. In populations lacking the S morph, male gamete transmission by the M' morph was approximately 1.5 times greater than that by the M morph because of both increased selfing and increased success through outcross pollen donation. Therefore, gamete transmission strongly favored the M' morph only in the absence of the S morph, a result consistent with the distribution of the M' morph in nature. This study indicates that floral traits that alter the selfing rate can have large and context-dependent influences on outcross pollen donation.  相似文献   
Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) was shown to inhibit the transepithelial NaCl transport and the apical Na+-Cl? symport and to depolarize the apical membrane potential in the rabbit gallbladder epithelium. The depolarization was likely related to the opening of a Cl? conductance. To better understand whether an apical Cl? leak is involved in the mechanism of action of HCTZ, the transapical Cl? backflux was measured radiochemically by the washout technique. The gallbladder wall, pretreated with pronase on the serosal side to homogenize the subepithelium, was loaded with 36Cl? on the luminal side; mucosal and serosal 36Cl? effluxes (J m , J s ) were then measured every 2 min. The pretreatment with pronase did not alter the membrane potentials and the selectivity of the epithelium. Under control conditions and the tissue in steady-state, J m and J s time courses were each described by two exponential decays (A,B); the rate constants, k A and k B , were 0.71 ±0.03 and 0.16±0.01 min?1, respectively, and correspondingly the half-times (t 1 2A , t 1 2B ) were 1.01±0.05 and 5.00±0.44 min (n=10); these parameters were not significantly different for J m and J s time courses. J s was always greater than J m (J s /J m =2.02±0.22 and 1.43 ±0.17 for A and B decays). Under SCN? treatment in steady-state conditions, both J m and J s time courses were described by only one exponential decay, the component B being abolished. Moreover t 1 2A was similar to that predictable for the subepithelium. It follows that it is the component B which exits the epithelial compartment. Based on the intracellular specific activity and 36Cl? J m B at 0 min time of the washout experiment, the cell-lumen Cl? backflux in steady-state was calculated to be equal to about 2 μmol cm?2hr?1, in agreement with the value indirectly computable by other techniques. The experimental model was well responsive to different external challenges (increases in media osmolalities; luminal treatment with nystatin). HCTZ (2.5 · 10?4 m) largely increased 36Cl? J m B . The increase was abolished by luminal treatment with 10?4 m SITS, which not only brought back the efflux time courses to the ones observed under control conditions but even increased J s /J m of the cellular component, an indication of a reduced J m B . It is concluded that HCTZ opens an apical, SITS-sensitive Cl? leak, which contributes to dissipate the intracellular Cl? accumulation and to inhibit the NaCl transepithelial transport. Moreover, the drug is likely to reduce the basal electroneutral Cl? backflux supported by Na+-Cl? cotransport, in agreement with the inhibition of the cotransport itself.  相似文献   
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