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Biological invaders can have dramatic effects on the environment and the economy. To most effectively manage these invaders, we should consider entire pathways, because multiple species are dispersed through the same vectors. In this paper, we use production-constrained gravity models to describe movement of recreational boaters between lakes – potentially the most important pathway of overland dispersal for many aquatic organisms. These models are advantageous because they require relatively easily acquired data, hence are relatively easy to build. We compare linear and non-linear gravity models and show that, despite their simplicity, they are able to capture important characteristics of the recreational boater pathway. To assess our model, we compared observed data based on creel surveys and mailed surveys of recreation boaters to the model output. Specifically, we evaluate four metrics of pathway characteristics: boater traffic to individual lakes, distances traveled to reach these lakes, Great Lakes usage and movement from the Great Lakes to inland waters. These factors will influence the propagule pressure (hence the probability of establishment of invasive populations) and the rate of spread across a landscape. The Great Lakes are of particular importance because they are a major entry point of non-indigenous species from other continents, hence will act as the origin for further spread across states. The non-linear model had the best fit between model output and empirical observations with r2 =0.80, r2 =0.35, r2 =0.57, and r2 =0.36 for the four metrics, respectively. For the distances traveled to individual lakes, r2 improved from 0.35 to 0.76 after removal of an outlier. Our results suggest that we were able to capture distances traveled to most but not all lakes. Thus, we demonstrate that production-constrained gravity models will be generally useful for modeling invasion pathways between non-contiguous locations.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The beta and beta' subunits of RNA polymerase are fused in all Helicobacters, but separate in most other taxa. Prior studies had shown that this fusion is not essential for viability in culture or in vivo, but had not tested it for potentially important quantitative effects on phenotype. METHODS: The effect of separating rpoB and rpoC sequences on Helicobacter pylori growth was tested in culture and during mouse infection. RESULTS: Derivatives of strains X47 and SS1 carrying this "rpoBCsplit" allele colonized mice less vigorously than their wild-type parents in competition tests. With X47 rpoBCsplit, this reduced vigor was evident in wild-type mice, whereas with SS1 rpoBCsplit it was seen only in cytokine IL-10- and IL-12beta-deficient mice. In culture, the rpoBCsplit allele sensitized each of four strains tested (X47, SS1, 88-3887, and AM1) to urea, a metabolite that is secreted into the gastric mucosa; urea sensitization was more severe in X47 than in SS1 genetic backgrounds. The rpoBCsplit allele also caused poorer growth on Ham's F12 agar, a nutritionally limiting medium, but had little effect on sensitivity to mild acidity. CONCLUSIONS: H. pylori's normal RNA polymerase beta-beta' subunit fusion contributes quantitatively to fitness. We propose that urea, although important to H. pylori in vivo, also be considered inhibitory; and that H. pylori's natural beta-beta' subunit fusion helps it cope with urea exposure.  相似文献   
Inhibited dispersal, leading to reduced gene flow, threatens populations with inbreeding depression and local extinction. Fragmentation may be especially detrimental to social insects because inhibited gene flow has important consequences for cooperation and competition within and among colonies. Army ants have winged males and permanently wingless queens; these traits imply male‐biased dispersal. However, army ant colonies are obligately nomadic and have the potential to traverse landscapes. Eciton burchellii, the most regularly nomadic army ant, is a forest interior species: colony raiding activities are limited in the absence of forest cover. To examine whether nomadism and landscape (forest clearing and elevation) affect population genetic structure in a montane E. burchellii population, we reconstructed queen and male genotypes from 25 colonies at seven polymorphic microsatellite loci. Pairwise genetic distances among individuals were compared to pairwise geographical and resistance distances using regressions with permutations, partial Mantel tests and random forests analyses. Although there was no significant spatial genetic structure in queens or males in montane forest, dispersal may be male‐biased. We found significant isolation by landscape resistance for queens based on land cover (forest clearing), but not on elevation. Summed colony emigrations over the lifetime of the queen may contribute to gene flow in this species and forest clearing impedes these movements and subsequent gene dispersal. Further forest cover removal may increasingly inhibit Eciton burchellii colony dispersal. We recommend maintaining habitat connectivity in tropical forests to promote population persistence for this keystone species.  相似文献   
A large body of theory predicts that populations diffusing in heterogeneous environments reach higher total size than if non‐diffusing, and, paradoxically, higher size than in a corresponding homogeneous environment. However, this theory and its assumptions have not been rigorously tested. Here, we extended previous theory to include exploitable resources, proving qualitatively novel results, which we tested experimentally using spatially diffusing laboratory populations of yeast. Consistent with previous theory, we predicted and experimentally observed that spatial diffusion increased total equilibrium population abundance in heterogeneous environments, with the effect size depending on the relationship between r and K. Refuting previous theory, however, we discovered that homogeneously distributed resources support higher total carrying capacity than heterogeneously distributed resources, even with species diffusion. Our results provide rigorous experimental tests of new and old theory, demonstrating how the traditional notion of carrying capacity is ambiguous for populations diffusing in spatially heterogeneous environments.  相似文献   
Tetrahymena has been shown to ingest and inactivate bacteriophages, such as T4, in co-incubation experiments. In this study, Tetrahymena thermophila failed to inactivate phages PhiX174 and MS2 in co-incubations, although PhiX174 were ingested by T. thermophila, as demonstrated by: (1) recovery at defecation in a pulse-chase experiment, (2) recovery from Tetrahymena by detergent lysis, and (3) transmission electron microscopy. We conclude, therefore, that the phages must be digestion-resistant. Internalized PhiX174 were further shown to be partially protected from lethal damage by ultraviolet (UV) C and UVB irradiation. Finally, ingested PhiX174 were shown to be rapidly transported through buffer in a horizontal swimming, race tube-like assay. The transport and protection of phages may confer evolutionary advantages that explain the acquisition of digestion-resistance by some phages.  相似文献   
Aims Are there trends of increasing/decreasing dispersion of single, categorical traits related to early/late-successional species between stages of community development? If yes, are these trends dependent on species pool extension and habitat scale? Is there a consistent reduction in single trait convergence or divergence in any seral stage when scaling down from ecological to local species pool?Methods Presence of all vascular species rooted within plots of 5 × 5 m was recorded in assemblages of exposed mining spoils (EMS) and heathlands (HTL), which form a chronosequence on two abandoned ore tailing heaps located close to each other in the south-eastern Carpathians (Romania). Fifteen nominal, trait attributes of plant species co-occurring in the two seral assemblages were collected from available databases and subsequently classified as either successionally 'pioneer' or 'mature'. The strength of single trait convergence or divergence was estimated by comparison with null plant assemblages at patch type (meta-community) level by reference to the ecological or local species pool, and at community level.Important findings At patch type level, all pioneer and mature trait attributes (apart from short life span), with significant variation between the two seral stages, increased and, respectively, decreased in dispersion irrespective of species pool extension. However, these trends were more conspicuous when using the ecological species pool, very likely due to relaxation in abiotic filtering and dispersal limitation. At community level, no consistent trends were observed between EMS and HTL assemblages, probably because most trait attributes were sorted by microenvironmental filters displaying high variation, like topography or habitat patch geometry. In both seral stages, there was a general weakening of trait convergence or divergence at patch type level when scaling down from the ecological to the local species pool, which was due to niche space contraction. At community level, there was a trend of rise in dispersion of pioneer attributes along the observed chronosequence, presumably imputable to increasing competition for light and underground water, but an opposite trend of dispersion drop in mature attributes was not so evident. Based on these findings, we proposed two rules of thumb concerning the expected changes in dispersion of trait attributes at patch level along successions and between levels of species pool extension. In conclusion, trends in the successional dynamics of pioneer and mature trait dispersion are clearly detectable at meta-community level, especially by reference to the ecological species pool. Habitat scale and species pool extension are key factors to consider and report when estimating the magnitude of single trait dispersion.  相似文献   
The pierid butterflies Pontia daplidice and P. edusa, parapatrically distributed in southern Europe, have very similar morphologies and life histories, but show fixed differences at four allozyme markers. We sampled these allozymes in a 28-population transect north of Genoa in Italy, through the hybrid zone where these taxa meet. We used the numerical techniques developed for hybrid zone analysis to study the patterns of genetic differentiation and their underlying evolutionary causes. The hybrid zone is characterized by a very short and steep central region, flanked by broad tails of introgression extended up to 100 km in either direction. From mean two-locus disequilibium of D = 0.148 (maximum-likelihood two-unit support limits 0.139-0.153), and after accounting for minor differences in the center locations of the single-locus clines, which act to bias the dispersal estimate, we estimated a dispersal rate of σ = 4.4 (3.7-5.5) km/gen1/2. The effective selection needed to maintain the steep central portion is strong, 0.47 < s? < 0.64, when combined over potential intrinsic (genetic background) and extrinsic (ecological) sources of selection. The clines in allozyme loci showed variation that was significantly different between the most divergent shapes, and the differences are attributable to different degrees of introgression on the edusa side of the zone. The average selection acting on individual allozyme loci was high at s???e  1.5%, but because of the narrowness of the central region of the cline, we suspect that this estimate is somewhat biased by selection on loci closely linked to the allozyme markers. A common question for taxa that show fixed allozyme differences in parapatry is whether or not they are genetically isolated. A fairly general measure of genetic isolation across hybrid zones is the time, T, that it takes a neutral allele to cross the hybrid zone and recombine into the opposite genetic background, given by T = (β/σ)2, where β is the barrier strength of the hybrid zone. Genetic isolation in the Pontia zone is weak, with T  25 generations for most allozyme markers. By this measure, populations of daplidice and edusa on opposite sides of the hybrid zone share more identical-by-descent alleles than do populations of phenotypically pure daplidice in, say, France and Morocco. Accordingly, we think it best for systematists to consider edusa as a well-marked subspecies of P. daplidice.  相似文献   
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