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We assessed the effects of sexual maturity on space use in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr as facultative early maturation enables us to work on individuals belonging to the same cohort. We monitored the space use of 40 1-year-old males in natura throughout a breeding season. First, mature individuals covered longer distances (absolute and upstream) and located within broader home ranges than immature parr. Second, sexual maturity also generated a higher interindividual variability in space use. Finally, mature individuals exhibited a higher probability of association with likely breeding sites on average. However, some mature individuals experienced a lower probability than immature individuals, suggesting that the space use of some mature individuals may not be optimal. Moreover, mature parr exploiting a broader home range or covering longer upstream distances had a higher probability of association with likely breeding sites. Covering longer upstream distances may therefore increase the reproductive success of mature parr, while involving higher energetic costs and a greater risk of predation.  相似文献   
Life cycle assessment (LCA) will always involve some subjectivity and uncertainty. This reality is especially true when the analysis concerns new technologies. Dealing with uncertainty can generate richer information and minimize some of the result mismatches currently encountered in the literature. As a way of analyzing future fuel cell vehicles and their potential new fuels, the Fuel Upstream Energy and Emission Model (FUEEM) developed at the University of California—Davis, pioneered two different ways to incorporate uncertainty into the analysis. First, the model works with probabilistic curves as inputs and with Monte Carlo simulation techniques to propagate the uncertainties. Second, the project involved the interested parties in the entire process, not only in the critical review phase. The objective of this paper is to present, as a case study, the tools and the methodologies developed to acquire most of the knowledge held by interested parties and to deal with their — eventually conflicted—interests. The analysis calculation methodology, the scenarios, and all assumed probabilistic curves were derived from a consensus of an international expert network discussion, using existing data in the literature along with new information collected from companies. The main part of the expert discussion process uses a variant of the Delphi technique, focusing on the group learning process through the information feedback feature. A qualitative analysis indicates that a higher level of credibility and a higher quality of information can be achieved through a more participatory process. The FUEEM method works well within technical information and also in establishing a reasonable set of simple scenarios. However, for a complex combination of scenarios, it will require some improvement. The time spent in the process was the major drawback of the method and some alternatives to share this time cost are suggested.  相似文献   
The emerging field of synthetic biology has the potential to improve global health. For example, synthetic biology could contribute to efforts at vaccine development in a context in which vaccines and immunization have been identified by the international community as being crucial to international development efforts and, in particular, the millennium development goals. However, past experience with innovations shows that realizing a technology’s potential can be difficult and complex. To achieve better societal embedding of synthetic biology and to make sure it reaches its potential, science and technology development should be made more inclusive and interactive. Responsible research and innovation is based on the premise that a broad range of stakeholders with different views, needs and ideas should have a voice in the technological development and deployment process. The interactive learning and action (ILA) approach has been developed as a methodology to bring societal stakeholders into a science and technology development process. This paper proposes an ILA in five phases for an international effort, with national case studies, to develop socially robust applications of synthetic biology for global health, based on the example of vaccine development. The design is based on results of a recently initiated ILA project on synthetic biology; results from other interactive initiatives described in the literature; and examples of possible applications of synthetic biology for global health that are currently being developed.  相似文献   
The four possible isomers of 3-benzyloxy-16-hydroxymethylestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-ol (1a-4a) with proven configurations were converted into the corresponding 3-benzyloxy-16-bromomethylestra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3,17-diols (5e-8e). Depending on the reaction conditions the cis isomers of 3-benzyloxy-16-hydroxymethylestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-ol (1a and 2a) were transformed into 3-benzyloxy-16-bromomethylestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-yl acetate (5b and 6b) or 16-bromomethyl-3-hydroxyestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-yl acetate (5c and 6c) on treatment with HBr and acetic acid. The mechanism of the process can be interpreted as involving front-side neighboring group participation. Under similar experimental conditions, the trans isomers (3a and 4a) yielded only 3-benzyloxy-16-acetoxymethylestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-yl acetates (3b and 4b) or 16-acetoxymethylestra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3,17-diyl diacetates (3d and 4d). Both the cis (1a and 2a) and the trans (3a, and 4a) isomers were transformed into 16-bromomethylestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-ol (5a-8a) by the Appel reaction on treatment with CBr4/Ph3P. Debenzylation of 5a-8a was carried out with HBr and acetic acid to yield 5e-8e. The debenzylation process in the presence of acetic anhydride produces the diacetates 5d-8d. The structures of the compounds were determined by means of MS, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectroscopic methods. Compounds 5c-8c and 5e-8e were tested in a radioligand-binding assay. Except for the affinity of 7e for the estrogen receptor (Ki=2.55 nM), the affinities of the eight compounds (5c-8c and 5e-8e) for the estrogen, androgen and progesterone receptors are low (Ki > 0.55, 0.52 and 0.21 microM, respectively).  相似文献   
This article analyses opposition to public debates. In doing so, the article builds upon the tradition of analyzing controversies by symmetrically describing the advocates and the opponents of public debates. First, the public debates on synthetic biology will be placed in their wider political and institutional context. The call for a “serene” debate by the French public authorities will be retraced and its genealogy vis-à-vis previous controversies (i.e. on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and nanotechnology) will be elucidated. The article then describes how the group Pièces et main d’?uvre (PMO) obstructed a public debate on synthetic biology, an obstruction that will be analyzed by mobilizing and extending the notion of divisible versus indivisible conflicts. But the article will also move beyond the symmetrical analysis of a controversy by discussing one of the criticisms raised by PMO, that some researchers are “sociologists of acceptability.” The notions of divisibility, indivisibility and what I call “inversibility” will be used to reflect upon the positionality of social scientists and to offer a constructive view for a sociology of acceptability.  相似文献   
Whether institutions and not just individual doctors have a right to not participate in medical assistance in dying (MAID) is controversial, but there is a tendency to frame the issue of institutional non‐participation in a particular way. Conscience is central to this framing. Non‐participating health centres are assumed to be religious and full participation is expected unless a centre objects on conscience grounds. In this paper we seek to reframe the issue. Institutional non‐participation is plausibly not primarily, let alone exclusively, about conscience. We seek to reframe the issue by making two main points. First, institutional non‐participation is primarily a matter of institutional self‐governance. We suggest that institutions have a natural right of self‐governance which, in the case of health centres such as hospitals or hospices, includes the right to choose whether or not to offer MAID. Second, there are various legitimate reasons unrelated to conscience for which a health centre might not offer MAID. These range from considerations such as institutional capacity and expertise to a potential contradiction with palliative care and a concern to not conflate palliative care and MAID in public consciousness. It is a mistake to frame the conversation simply in terms of conscience‐based opposition to MAID or full participation. Our goal is to open up new space in the conversation, for reasons unrelated to conscience as well as for non‐religious health centres who might nonetheless have legitimate grounds for not participating in MAID.  相似文献   
面对存量规划背景下城市更新中复杂利益主体,在规划管理过程引入公众参与已逐渐成为中国广泛使用的规划策略。而面对大型的城市公共空间更新,在中国非营利组织体系并未建立完善的现况下,为使自下而上的空间需求与自上而下的规划策略有效对接,以美国纽约东海岸灾后重建计划的实施过程为例,通过比较研究,分析其中公众参与的保障机制,强调顶层法律对建立一套精准、具体的公众参与技术标准的重要性。同时探讨更新规划过程中,公众参与的途径及其中市民阶层的角色参与。讨论政府职能在整体公众参与的保障体系中所具备的多向把控、整体触媒的系统价值。研究为适用于中国国情的、基于公众参与的整体性城市公共空间更新提供新的视角和策略参考。  相似文献   
重大工程建设在给区域发展带来经济效益的同时,还会对周围生态环境和居民生活产生影响,如何兼顾工程建设及其所在地区的自然、社会和经济发展,从多尺度、多方面构建一个和谐、稳定的生态系统,对于工程建设和区域可持续发展具有重要意义,也是对工程建设区实施生态系统管理的主要目标.西气东输工程属于西部投资开发的基础性产业,对于西部地区的社会经济发展和国家的资源结构优化具有重要意义.尽管该工程本着"绿色工程"的原则在工程建设运行中开展了大量的环保工作,却由于保护工作只集中在有限的范围内,而且在实施环境保护的过程中并没有充分考虑到管道沿线不同人群的看法、愿望和需求,因此未能起到应有的效果.研究主要针对西气东输管道东段沿线的相关公众对管道建设、管道环境影响的看法以及他们的生态环境认识水平进行了调查和分析.研究发现:①大部分调查对象了解工程建设的意义,但认为工程建设"有利于本地经济的发展"的人数则有明显减少;公众的居住地、文化程度和职业背景是影响其看法的主要因素.西部经济欠发达地区的农民是对管道工程建设的意义认同度较低,因此,需要特别关注这一社会群体的想法和愿望.②西部地区的农民是对工程建设破坏的植被和土壤最为关注的群体,因此,如果在工程施工过程中对沿线的土壤、植被采取有效的保护和恢复措施,并对周边居民由此而受到的损失进行合理的赔偿,将极大的提高周边公众对管道工程的认同与支持.③多数调查对象不了解生态恢复公众参与的重要性,而更多人认为应是当地政府和工程施工单位的主要责任,反映出管道沿线公众在这方面的生态环境认识有待提高.  相似文献   
Civil society is the foundation of a healthy democracy but its immigrant element has received little attention. This paper is a case study of immigrant organizations of highly skilled Asian Indians and Chinese immigrants in a suburban town of Edison, New Jersey. I find that civic participation of Asian Indian immigrants spills over into political incorporation while Chinese immigrant organizations remain marginalized. I argue that local processes of racialization are central in explaining differences in political incorporation of immigrants. In the local context, the Chinese are seen as successful but conformist model minorities and Asian Indians as invaders and troublemakers. The racialization of Asian Indians has resulted in more political activity and higher levels of political visibility of their organizations. The results highlight shortcomings of current assimilation theories, which give little space to civic and political incorporation and view human capital in an unqualifiedly positive light.  相似文献   
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