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人为干扰对黑腹滨鹬觅食行为的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
2003年11月至2004年3月,采用目标动物取样法和人为干扰实验法,于浙江省乐清湾滩涂进行人类活动对黑腹滨鹬(Calidrisalpina)觅食行为影响的研究。取样观察结果表明,在每天沿海堤可观察黑腹滨鹬持续觅食的1h里,96.6%的黑腹滨鹬在35m或更小的距离上通过奔跑或惊飞对人类的活动作出反应;黑腹滨鹬花费90%(人类较多的盐盆滩涂为85%,较少的乐成滩涂为94%)的时间觅食,10%的时间用于避免人类的干扰;人数、人类活动类型对觅食时间具有显著影响,人数、人离黑腹滨鹬的距离、人类活动类型对黑腹滨鹬移动的距离、移动的次数以及黑腹滨鹬对人类靠近的反应均具有显著效应。人为干扰最小接近距离实验结果表明,黑腹滨鹬对人类反应的距离在3~30m;干扰人数为1人时的最小接近距离显著大于2人;人类行走和奔跑的两种活动类型对黑腹滨鹬的最小接近距离没有显著影响。本研究验证了滨鸟觅食区内的人为活动严重影响黑腹滨鹬觅食行为的假设。  相似文献   
普通齿蛉幼虫的游泳行为(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究广翅目昆虫幼虫在水中的游泳能力, 以丰富其水生习性的行为学资料, 选取中国特有种普通齿蛉Neoneuromus ignobilis幼虫为研究对象, 通过室内试验对其游泳的姿势、 刺激因素、 不同龄期游泳能力及在外界刺激下的游泳行为进行了观察和测定。结果表明: 普通齿蛉幼虫有垂直、 平行、 仰面和侧面等4种游泳姿势, 出现的频率分别为89.08%, 5.49%, 4.40%和0.61%。游泳时身体呈不同程度的“S”形, 利用头部和尾部方向的改变实现虫体的上升、 下沉和游泳姿势的改变。普通齿蛉幼虫利用身体的摆动游泳, 游泳时3对足以固定的姿势靠紧身体。不同龄期的幼虫游泳能力差异很大, 6龄幼虫的游泳能力远强于2龄和末龄幼虫。在游泳时, 普通齿蛉幼虫还具有比较复杂和独特的防御行为, 如其腹部末端会喷射出化学物质。据此认为, 普通齿蛉拥有较强的游泳能力, 有助于其逃生和防御。  相似文献   
Diethyldithiocarbamic acid (DDC) potentiates in vivo neurotoxicity of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) and in vitro neurotoxicity of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+). Male C57B1/6 mice were given two or five injections of MPTP (30 mg/kg i.p.) preceded 0.5 h by DDC (400 mg/kg i.p.). The mice were tested for catalepsy, akinesia, or motor activity during and after the period of dosing. Striatal and hippocampal tissues were obtained at 2 and 7 days following the last injection and evaluated for dopamine and norepinephrine levels, respectively. These same tissues were also analyzed for the levels of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), an astrocyte-localized protein known to increase in response to neural injury. Pretreatment with DDC potentiated the effect of MPTP in striatum and resulted in substantially greater dopamine depletion, as well as a more pronounced elevation in GFAP. In hippocampus, the levels of norepinephrine and GFAP were not different from controls in mice receiving only MPTP, but pretreatment with DDC resulted in a sustained depletion of norepinephrine and an elevation of GFAP, suggesting that damage was extended to this brain area by the combined treatment. Mice receiving MPTP preceded by DDC also demonstrated a more profound, but reversible, catalepsy and akinesia compared to those receiving MPTP alone. Systemically administered MPP+ decreased heart norepinephrine, but did not alter the striatal levels of dopamine or GFAP, and pretreatment with DDC did not alter these effects, but did increase lethality. DDC is known to increase brain levels of MPP+ after MPTP, but our data indicate that this is not due to a movement of peripherally generated MPP+ into CNS.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Parental effects are a major source of phenotypic plasticity and may influence offspring phenotype in concert with environmental demands. Studies of “environmental epigenetics” suggest that (1) DNA methylation states are variable and that both demethylation and remethylation occur in post‐mitotic cells, and (2) that remodeling of DNA methylation can occur in response to environmentally driven intracellular signaling pathways. Studies of mother‐offspring interactions in rodents suggest that parental signals influence the DNA methylation, leading to stable changes in gene expression. If parental effects do indeed enhance the “match” between prevailing environmental demands and offspring phenotype, then the potential for variation in environmental conditions over time would suggest a mechanism that requires active maintenance across generations through parental signaling. We suggest that parental regulation of DNA methylation states is thus an ideal candidate mechanism for parental effects on phenotypic variation.  相似文献   
Bisphenol A (BPA) exposure has been documented in pregnant women, but consequences for development are not yet widely studied in human populations. This review presents research on the consequences for offspring of BPA exposure during pregnancy. Extensive work in laboratory rodents has evaluated survival and growth of the conceptus, interference with embryonic programs of development, morphological sex differentiation, sex differentiation of the brain and behavior, immune responsiveness, and mechanism of action. Sensitive measures include RAR, aryl hydrocarbon receptor, and Hox A10 gene expression, anogenital distance, sex differentiation of affective and exploratory behavior, and immune hyperresponsiveness. Many BPA effects are reported at low doses (10–50 µg/kg d range) by the oral route of administration. At high doses (>500,000 µg/kg d) fetal viability is compromised. Much of the work has centered around the implications of the estrogenic actions of this agent. Some work related to thyroid mechanism of action has also been explored. BPA research has actively integrated current knowledge of developmental biology, concepts of endocrine disruption, and toxicological research to provide a basis for human health risk assessment. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 89:441–466, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Two benthic ctenophores, Coeloplana waltoni and Vallicula multiformis, are contrasted in terms of their coastal environments, habitats, abundances, seasonal occurrences, and behavior in south Florida. Coeloplana waltoni occurs as an epibiont on octocorals in open water settings, and V. multiformis is present in bio‐fouling communities, associated with macroalgae, bryozoans, and inanimate substrates in protected, back‐water habitats. In our study, individuals of C. waltoni were found under moderate to strong current flow and relatively constant temperature and salinity (T/S) conditions, whereas individuals of V. multiformis occurred at sites of low current flow and more variable T/S conditions. In C. waltoni, individuals generally adhered tightly to host colony surfaces, whereas in V. multiformis, individuals often disassociated from substrates and floated free. Mean population densities of C. waltoni ranged ~500–850 individuals 100 mL?1 (measured as the displacement volume of the octocoral habitat), and densities of V. multiformis ranged 5–360 individuals 100 mL?1 (measured as the displacement volume of the biofouling habitat). Abundance of C. waltoni was significantly highest in the 2014 warm season (June–October) when numerous minute (≤0.5 mm body length) juveniles were present. Vallicula multiformis was abundant in the 2015 and 2016 warm seasons (July–October), and also relatively abundant in the 2016 cool season (March–April). Ctenophore abundance and surface seawater temperature indicate a significant positive response to warm‐season conditions in C. waltoni, whereas numbers of V. multiformis did not show any effect of seawater temperature. Recently settled individuals of V. multiformis (≤1.0 mm) occurred throughout the year. Individuals of V. multiformis recruited to fiber‐coated sponges during warm and cool periods, with mean body sizes increasing in one cohort from 1.41 to 6.46 mm over a 39‐d period, suggesting a growth rate of ~4% d?1. Feeding in both species involves tentacle capture of water‐borne zooplankton and particulate organic matter. Individuals of C. waltoni were also observed inserting tentacles into octocoral polyps, possibly pilfering food. Chlorophyll a was detected in extracts of both ctenophore species. The high abundances and feeding behavior of benthic ctenophores could have a strong influence on octocoral and biofouling communities.  相似文献   
It had been reported that exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic field (ELFMF) induces anxiety in human and rodents. Anxiety mediates via the activation of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, whereas activation of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor attenuates the same. Hence, the present study was carried out to understand the contribution of NMDA and/or GABA receptors modulation in ELFMF-induced anxiety for which Swiss albino mice were exposed to ELFMF (50?Hz, 10?G) by subjecting them to Helmholtz coils. The exposure was for 8?h/day for 7, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days. Anxiety level was assessed in elevated plus maze, open field test and social interaction test, on 7th, 30th, 60th, 90th and 120th exposure day, respectively. Moreover, the role of GABA and glutamate in ELFMF-induced anxiety was assessed by treating mice with muscimol [0.25?mg/kg intraperitoneally (i.p.)], bicuculline (1.0?mg/kg i.p.), NMDA (15?mg/kg i.p.) and MK-801 (0.03?mg/kg i.p.), as a GABAA and NMDA receptor agonist and antagonist, respectively. Glutamate receptor agonist exacerbated while inhibitor attenuated the ELFMF-induced anxiety. In addition, levels of GABA and glutamate were determined in regions of the brain viz, cortex, striatum, hippocampus and hypothalamus. Experiments demonstrated significant elevation of GABA and glutamate levels in the hippocampus and hypothalamus. However, GABA receptor modulators did not produce significant effect on ELFMF-induced anxiety and elevated levels of GABA at tested dose. Together, these findings suggest that ELFMF significantly induced anxiety behavior, and indicated the involvement of NMDA receptor in its effect.  相似文献   
牙科焦虑症主要是对疼痛的恐惧、对未知的恐惧、对机体受到伤害的恐惧等因素导致的焦虑症状。临床中80%的口腔疾病患者都对治疗心存恐惧,因此在很大程度上不能配合医生的治疗甚至逃避治疗。随着生活水平的不断提高,人们要求在舒适的心理环境中接受治疗,因此牙科焦虑症就成为口腔医护工作者必须面对的问题。治疗牙科焦虑症的方法主要分为行为学,药理学和有机放松法三个大类,在实际使用的过程当中往往是各种方法配合使用,而不是单一使用。随着人们研究的逐步深入,提出的具体治疗方法也越来越多,本文就牙科焦虑症目前所使用的治疗方法做详细的介绍及分类,帮助口腔医护工作人员理清治疗思路,为正确的诊断、干预和治疗牙科焦虑症提供治疗方法。  相似文献   
Foraging behaviors of the piscivorous cornetfish Fistularia commersonii were observed at shallow reefs in Kuchierabu-jima Island, southern Japan. This fish foraged on two types of prey fishes: one was reef fish that typically dwell on or near substrata (e.g., Tripterygiidae and Labridae), and the other was pelagic fish that shoal in the water column (e.g., Clupeidae and Carangidae). The prey sizes, prey types and foraging behaviors changed as the predator size increased. Prey sizes were largely limited by gape size of the cornetfish, and small predators consumed small prey. The small cornetfish (10–30 cm in total length) fed only on reef fish captured after stalking (where the fish slowly approaches the prey and then suddenly attacks). The stalking was done either solitarily or in foraging association with conspecifics. Large fish (30–120 cm) fed on both types of fishes by stalking and/or chasing (where the fish chases the prey using its high mobility and attacks), either solitarily or in foraging association with con- or heterospecifics. Thus, chasing was only performed by the large cornetfish against pelagic prey fish in associative foraging with other con- and heterospecific predators. As their body sizes increased, F. commersonii began to show a diversification of foraging behaviors, which was strongly related not only to the habitat types and anti-predatory behaviors of the prey fishes but also to associative foraging with con- or heterospecifics, which improves their foraging success.  相似文献   
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