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The growth responses of Entamoeba histolytica strains HM-1:IMSS and HK-9 to a variety of reducing agents were tested for one subculture in TYI-S-33 medium, prepared with no cysteine or ascorbic acid. Amoebae did not grow in this medium. Addition of l-ascorbic acid, d- or l-cysteine, or l-cystine each permitted the maximum growth observed. Dithiothreitol supported 68% maximum growth of HK-9 amoebae, but only 12% of HM-1. In contrast, growth of both strains was greatly diminished (0–13% growth) with 11 other compounds tested including glutathione, thiomalic acid, thioglycolic acid, and methionine. The growth responses of Giardia lamblia were similarly tested in TYI-S-33, as well as in TP-S-1 media. If l-cysteine was omitted from either medium, trophozoites did not grow, and eventually lysed. In TYI-S-33 medium, the requirement for l-cysteine was specific, whereas in TP-S-1 medium, other sulfhydryl compounds were partially effective and lower concentrations of l-cysteine satisfied the requirement. Ascorbic acid or l-cystine alone was totally ineffective; however, in combination, 30 to 60% of maximum growth was achieved. Once added to either medium, cysteine was rapidly oxidized. Amino acid analysis of the growth media revealed that the broth components of TP-S-1 medium contained 2.8 mM and TYI-S-33 broth 2.1 mM endogenous levels of cysteine (or half-cystine), with an additional 3 mM contributed by 10% serum.  相似文献   
An activity of Ca2+-dependent nucleotidase was detected in axenically-cultivated trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica. The enzyme was concentrated by differential and sucrose density gradient centrifugation and catalyzed hydrolysis of nucleoside tri- and diphosphates and also thiamine pyrophosphate. Hydrolysis of nucleoside mono-phosphates was not affected by Ca2+. Among substrates tested, ATP was most active. Addition of Zn2+ or heat treatment almost abolished the enzyme activity. The enzyme exhibited almost the identical activity at acid and neutral pH. Among 6 bands isolated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 4 were stained with ATP, UTP, CTP and ADP, whereas the other 2 were stained only with ATP, UTP and CTP. The concentrated enzyme preparation, primarily composed of membrane fragments, also had activities of acid phosphatase, acid inorganic pyrophosphatase, 5'-nucleotidase and Mg2+-dependent ATPase. These observations suggest that E. histolytica has 2 Ca2+-dependent nucleotidases, i.e. one Ca2+-dependent ATPase and the other Ca2+-dependent nucleoside diphosphatase or an apyrase-like enzyme, and that these nucleotidases are at least partially associated with the plasma membrane or an organelle of lysosomal nature in this parasite.  相似文献   
Adams D.B. and Beh K.J. 1981. Immunity acquired by sheep from an experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus. International Journal for Parasitology11: 381–386. A primary infection of sheep with a single dose of Haemonchus contortus larvae was traced by faecal egg counts until it had substantially declined after 55 weeks. These primed sheep were then given a sequence of two reinfections with the parasite. Comparison of faecal egg counts in primed sheep and in two separate groups of previously worm-free sheep showed that primary infection conferred significant immunity. This, however, was not sufficiently protective to prevent the development of further anaemia and faecal egg counts indicative of clinical haemonchosis. It is suggested that an adaptation in the host-parasite relationship which promotes the longevity of primary infection with H. contortus may also moderate the induction of acquired immunity.The titre of haemagglutinating antibody specific for H. contortus rose in serum during the course of primary infection, but the two reinfections did not stimulate a rise in titre. Titres of haemagglutinating antibody before reinfection did not correlate with subsequent faecal egg counts.  相似文献   
To resolve the taxonomic relationship between two types of parasitic nematode larvae (Type I and II) and two species of parasitic nematode adults (Anisakis simplex and A. physeteris) of the aquatic ascarid genus Anisakis, collected in Japanese coastal water, a comparison was made of their hemoglobins' physicochemical properties. The larval hemoglobins were more similar to each other in electrophoretic pattern than to either adult, indeed there were few similarities whatsoever in these patterns of larval and adult hemoglobins. However, isoelectric points were 6.2 for the Type I larva and for A. simplex and 5.4 for the Type II larva and for A. physeteris. All samples showed identical patterns in spectrophotometric scanning. The circular dichroic spectra of the samples were also virtually identical, although slight differences were noted in the oxygenated hemoglobins; the Type II larva and A. physeteris exhibited a small positive peak at 575 nm but the Type I larva and A. simplex exhibited a much smaller peak (negative position). The sedimentation coefficients of the samples possessed essentially identical values (11.2–12.4). The molecular weights of the samples were estimated, roughly, to be in the range 33 to 43 × 104 by thin-layer chromatography on Sephadex G-200. The evidence suggests that a relationship may exist between the Type I larva and A. simplex, and between the Type II larva and A. physeteris.  相似文献   
Of seven strains of inbred mice and one hybrid that were infected intracutaneously with 5, 10, or 20 × 106 active promastigotes of Leishmania tropica major, two strains (CBA/Ca and C3H/He) recovered from the infection and their lesions healed within 3 to 5 months. The other strains, with the possible exception of C57B1/6 animals, remained infected, carrying large cutaneous ulcers throughout their lives. These included DBA/2, A/Jax, Balb/c, athymic nude mice of Balb/c origin (nu/nu) and the heterozygote Balb/c (nu+). The responses of C57B1/6 animals were of intermediate type with a tendency toward nonhealing at higher doses of the parasite. The cutaneous infection of athymic nude mice invariably gave rise to fulminating visceral infections and death. This condition was never observed in the other strains tested. Concanavalin A (Con A)-stimulated syngeneic or allogeneic lymphocytes of intact mice activated peritoneal macrophages of both healer and nonhealer mice, resulting in complete destruction of phagocytosed L. enriettii within 24 to 48 hr. The destruction of ingested L. tropica was confined to macrophages of healer mice and required 72 to 96 hr to reach completion. However, removal of Con A-stimulated lymphocytes from macrophage cultures and regular pulsing of the cells with a lymphokine-rich supernatant produced a state of sustained activation, resulting in destruction of L. tropica inside macrophages of both healer and nonhealer mice. The ability of Con A-stimulated lymphocytes of nonhealer animals to induce effective levels of activation in healer macrophages on one hand, and eventual destruction of L. tropica in macrophages of nonhealer mice under condition of sustained activation on the other, had indicated that so far as the in vitro situation is concerned, there is no inherent defect in lymphocytes or macrophages of nonhealer animals, although the threshold of activation necessary for killing of the parasite seems to be higher for cells of nonhealer origin.  相似文献   
After long-term in vitro cultivation in human erythrocytes, variants of three strains of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum no longer produce the “knob” alterations on the host erythrocyte surface. The time in continuous culture before knobs failed to appear ranged from 18 months for the Gambian strain FCR-4 to 33 months for the Vietnamese strain FCR-1. The loss of knobs is correlated with the inability to concentrate trophozoites, schizonts, and segmenters from these variant lines by the use of gelatin-containing media. This is the first report of a change in Plasmodium falciparum or its host cell as a consequence of long-term culture.  相似文献   
A liquid medium was developed for the continuous cultivation of Trypanosoma cruzi. Among the several highly purified macromolecules tested only bovine liver catalase, horseradish peroxidase, lactoperoxidase, and bovine hemoglobin supported the continuous growth, at high yield, of mice-virulent Trypanosoma cruzi; other hemoproteins were inactive. Bovine liver catalase showed optimal Trypanosoma cruzi growth-promoting activity, parasites reaching 20 × 106 parasites/ml (95% epimastigotes) at about 10 days in most of the 45 subpassages to date. Furthermore, this protein in the incubation medium provided all the amino acid requirements of actively growing parasites, thus eliminating the need for exogeneous free amino acids. Additional experiments revealed that the hemoprotein's growth-promoting activity was independent of any enzymatic activity and that reconstituting the exact protein composition by means of exogeneous amino acids did not support parasite multiplication, suggesting the importance of the primary structure of the active proteins for growth-promoting activity. These active macromolecules supported the multiplication of five different strains of Trypanosoma cruzi, but did not support Leishmania brasiliensis or Leishmania mexicana proliferation, suggesting species specificity.  相似文献   
The ability of embryonating eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides to avoid desiccation by reducing the loss of water through the egg shell was investigated. When exposed to desiccation the eggs lost water at a rate dependent upon the relative humidity and ambient temperature, eventually resulting in the collapse of the eggs and the death of the enclosed embryo. The eggs are small with a large surface to volume ratio. A low permeability to gaseous exchange thus restricts water loss while still ensuring an adequate supply of oxygen for embryonic development. Relative humidity did not appear to affect the rate of development. In eggs exposed to desiccation at various constant temperatures, the rate of water loss increased as an exponential function of increasing temperature. When eggs were exposed to various temperatures before exposure to desiccation at 22 C, the rate of water loss increased as a function of increasing pretreatment temperature. After exposure to 63–65 C, the ability of the egg shell to slow down the loss of water was destroyed. These phenomena suggest that there is not a simple “critical” or “transition” temperature, but a gradual melting of the complex mixture of components forming the lipid layer.  相似文献   
The malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, enhances the rate and extent of sickling of infected hemoglobin S heterozygous human erythrocytes. Upon sickling of the host cell, the parasite is killed. Parasite-free lysates of highly infected cells were analyzed to determine the mechanism by which sickling is enhanced. The intraerythrocytic pH of the infected cell was estimated to be 0.4 units below that of the uninfected cell, a difference which could result in a 20-fold increase in the extent of sickling under physiological conditions. Sickle-cell hemoglobin (HbS) heterozygous (AS) erythrocytes had decreased intracellular potassium after 24 hr of culture under conditions which cause sickling and parasite death. When infected AS cells were cultured in high-potassium medium under these conditions the parasites were protected. The medium did not prevent sickling but did maintain normal intracellular potassium levels. It is suggested that sequestration of trophozoite-infected AS cells in the venules leads to the sickling of the host cell, loss of erythrocytic potassium, and parasite death. The resulting attenuation of parasite multiplication would favor the survival of the HbS heterozygote and maintain the HbS gene at high frequencies in areas endemic for falciparum malaria.  相似文献   
Toxicity assays on cell-free extracts of virulent and nonvirulent strains of Entamoeba histolytica were carried out in microtiter plates. These extracts had a cytopathogenic effect (CPE) on monolayers of baby hamster kidney cells. CPE was inhibited by normal human serum, fetal calf serum, and other sera, probably due to their IgG component. Using gel chromatography the toxic material, a protein, was found in a fraction with molecular weight between 35,000 and 45,000. This fraction contained a strong glycoprotein antigen. CPE caused by this toxin differs in several ways from the earlier described “contact lysis” caused by intact amebae. The possible significance of these two modes of toxicity of Entamoeba histolytica for the pathogenesis of amebiasis is discussed.  相似文献   
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