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Honeybee colonies offer an excellent environment for microbial pathogen development. The highest virulent, colony killing, bacterial agents are Paenibacillus larvae causing American foulbrood (AFB), and European foulbrood (EFB) associated bacteria. Besides the innate immune defense, honeybees evolved behavioral defenses to combat infections. Foraging of antimicrobial plant compounds plays a key role for this “social immunity” behavior. Secondary plant metabolites in floral nectar are known for their antimicrobial effects. Yet, these compounds are highly plant specific, and the effects on bee health will depend on the floral origin of the honey produced. As worker bees not only feed themselves, but also the larvae and other colony members, honey is a prime candidate acting as self‐medication agent in honeybee colonies to prevent or decrease infections. Here, we test eight AFB and EFB bacterial strains and the growth inhibitory activity of three honey types. Using a high‐throughput cell growth assay, we show that all honeys have high growth inhibitory activity and the two monofloral honeys appeared to be strain specific. The specificity of the monofloral honeys and the strong antimicrobial potential of the polyfloral honey suggest that the diversity of honeys in the honey stores of a colony may be highly adaptive for its “social immunity” against the highly diverse suite of pathogens encountered in nature. This ecological diversity may therefore operate similar to the well‐known effects of host genetic variance in the arms race between host and parasite.  相似文献   
Studies on parasite species with a wide geographic and ecological range may be confounded by still equivocal taxonomic identification. Here, we investigated genetic polymorphism and behavioural changes induced in a common intermediate host, in two different forms of Pomphorhynchus laevis based on the morphology of the larval infective stage (cystacanth). A 'smooth type' (S) and a 'wrinkled type' (W) of cystacanth were distinguished based on their surface and shape. We analysed sequence divergence at both nuclear (ribosomal gene 18S rDNA, and ribosomal internal transcribed spacers, ITS1/ITS2) and mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1) genes of P. laevis cystacanths and adults at various geographical scales. A high level of sequence divergence at ITS1, ITS2 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (11, 8 and 20%, respectively) was found between these two forms. The divergence pattern consistently discriminated two groups independently of geographic origin or host, and was congruent with larval morphology. The two forms also strongly differed in the intensity of behavioural change induced in their common intermediate host, Gammarus pulex, with the S-type parasite inducing a positive phototactism, whereas W-type infected gammarids were as photophylic as uninfected ones. Overall, our data strongly support the specific status of these two forms. We suggest that smooth cystacanths correspond to P. laevis, whereas wrinkled cystacanths might correspond to the previously described and poorly documented, Pomphorhynchus tereticollis, considered a synonym of P. laevis. This study also confirms the value of a joint analysis of internal transcribed spacers and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 genes to biogeographic studies on these species. Finally, we emphasize the importance of linking morphological and biological characteristics of acanthocephalan cystacanths to molecular data, in the study of the evolutionary ecology and systematics of this group.  相似文献   
Abstract 1 Significant differences in the overwintering densities of predatory carabid and staphylinid beetles and spiders occurred on an ‘island’ grassy bank habitat composed of blocks of Agrostis stolonifera, Dactylis glomerata, Holcus lanatus and Lolium perenne, within and between winters during a 7‐year study. 2 Densities of the predators over the last three winters of the study were greater in the bank than in the boundary of the field in which the bank was situated. 3 Succession occurred in plots of L. perenne, with D. glomerata fully replacing this species. Plots of D. glomerata and H. lanatus remained virtually mono‐specific. 4 Over the period of study, the beetle bank maintained its role in providing overwintering habitat for polyphagous predators and carabid diversity has increased since the bank was first established. Beetle banks were therefore shown to contribute to conservation biodiversity in an agroecosystem.  相似文献   
从印榕仙人掌(Opuntia ficus-indica Mill)植株高度、新增茎片数量和新增茎片面积3个方面研究不同密度胭脂虫Dactylopius coccus Costa寄生对仙人掌生长量的影响。结果表明:1)胭脂虫寄生对寄主仙人掌有明显的抑制作用,未被寄生的仙人掌株高、茎片数量和茎片面积的增加均明显大于被寄生的仙人掌;2)随着胭脂虫寄生密度的增加,仙人掌植株生长量的增加相应减少,生长高峰期的出现也会相应推迟;3)胭脂虫的寄生密度应控制在1000头/株以下,过大会导致仙人掌的死亡。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Sand fly and mosquito gregarines have been lumped for a long time in the single genus Ascogregarina and on the basis of their morphological characters and the lack of merogony been placed into the eugregarine family Lecudinidae. Phylogenetic analyses performed in this study clearly demonstrated paraphyly of the current genus Ascogregarina and revealed disparate phylogenetic positions of gregarines parasitizing mosquitoes and gregarines retrieved from sand flies. Therefore, we reclassified the genus Ascogregarina and created a new genus Psychodiella to accommodate gregarines from sand flies. The genus Psychodiella is distinguished from all other related gregarine genera by the characteristic localization of oocysts in accessory glands of female hosts, distinctive nucleotide sequences of the small subunit rDNA, and host specificity to flies belonging to the subfamily Phlebotominae. The genus comprises three described species: the type species for the new genus— Psychodiella chagasi ( Adler and Mayrink 1961 ) n. comb., Psychodiella mackiei ( Shortt and Swaminath 1927 ) n. comb., and Psychodiella saraviae ( Ostrovska, Warburg, and Montoya-Lerma 1990 ) n. comb. Its creation is additionally supported by sequencing data from other gregarine species originating from the sand fly Phlebotomus sergenti . In the evolutionary context, both genera of gregarines from mosquitoes ( Ascogregarina ) and sand flies ( Psychodiella ) have a close relationship to neogregarines; the genera represent clades distinct from the other previously sequenced gregarines.  相似文献   
Among parasitic platyhelminths with complex life cycles, it has been well documented that transmission opportunities are the main forces shaping the diversity of life‐history traits and parasite developmental strategies. While deviations in the development pathway usually involve shortening of life cycles, their extension may also occur following perception of remaining time by parasites. Polystoma gallieni, the monogenean parasite of Hyla meridionalis, is able to trigger two alternative developmental strategies depending on the physiological stage of the tadpoles upon which larvae attach. The distribution and reproductive outputs of both resulting phenotypes were surveyed to address questions about the dynamics of transmission in natural environments. Because modifications in the completion of life cycles can have drawbacks which may perturb the dynamic equilibrium of the resulting host–parasite systems, experimental infestations were also performed to assess parasite–parasite interactions. Our results suggest that the bladder adult phenotype, which involves transmission between frogs and tadpoles, is supplied secondarily by the branchial phenotype which involves transmission between tadpoles and metamorphs. They also support the occurrence of finely tuned trade‐offs between hosts and parasites and highlight positive trends behind the extension of direct life cycles, in which host‐derived signals account for the remaining time to achieve parasitic transmission.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. The simultaneous occupation of a rare understorey ant-acacia Acacia mayana by its guarding ant Pseudomyrmex ferrugineus , and an apparent opportunist parasite of the mutualism, the generalist ant Camponotus planatus is described. The two ant species occur together in 30.7% of the 26 mature A. mayana plants [23.5% of all trees ( n  = 34)] surveyed, but C. planatus is absent from saplings below 1 m in height ( n  = 8).
2. While P. ferrugineus shows behaviour compatible with effective host-tree defence, C. planatus does not attack phytophagous insects and appears ineffective as an ant-guard. Camponotus planatus does, however, occupy swollen thorns (pseudogalls) on the host tree, and harvests nectar from extrafloral leaf nectaries. It is proposed that C. planatus is a parasite of the Acacia–Pseudomyrmex mutualism.
3. Camponotus planatus does not harvest the second trophic reward produced by the tree for its Pseudomyrmex ant-guards, protein-rich food (Beltian) bodies. Camponotus planatus lack the specialised larval adaptations needed to use Beltian bodies as brood food, suggesting that this resource is potentially more resistant to exploitation by generalists than extrafloral nectar.
4. In competition for access to nectaries, C. planatus effectively displaced P. ferrugineus in 99.8% of encounters. These results suggest not only that C. planatus is a parasite of this mutualism, but also that it is able to effectively counteract the aggression shown to other insects by the resident ant-guards.  相似文献   
The utilisation of substrates by Leishmania mexicana amastigotes and promastigotes differed significantly. The rates of uptake and catabolism of nonesterified fatty acids were up to 10-fold higher with amastigotes. Almost all the available exogenous fatty acids were consumed during amastigote transformation and by stationary phase of promastigote growth. The results suggest that fatty acids are important energy substrates for amastigotes, whereas promastigote utilisation may reflect the requirement for these substrates in anabolism. Glucose was utilised by amastigotes and promastigotes but the rate of catabolism was up to 10-fold higher in promastigotes. Uptake of glucose occurred throughout amastigote transformation and growth in vitro of promastigotes. High-subpassage promastigotes exhibited markedly lower glucose but higher amino acid utilisation than low-subpassage promastigotes. Asparagine, glutamine, glutamate, leucine, lysine, methionine, and threonine were consumed in large quantities by amastigotes and promastigotes, whereas alanine and glycine were excreted. Proline was catabolised to CO2 by amastigotes and promastigotes but only at a low rate, and it was excreted in large amounts throughout promastigote growth. The major end products of energy metabolism were found to be CO2 and succinate with both forms of the parasite and there was a secretion of up to 12 and 16% of the total protein synthesised by transforming amastigotes and growing promastigotes, respectively. Catabolism in amastigotes and promastigotes was found to be sensitive to cyanide and amytal, whereas 2-mercaptoacetate and 4-pentenoate primarily affected β-oxidation in the amastigote.  相似文献   
Examination of the reproductive morphology of the adelphoparasitic red alga Gardneriella tuberifera Kylin reveals that this monotypic genus is correctly placed in the family Solieriaceae (Gigartinales), to which its host Agardhiella gaudichaudii (Montagne) Silva et Papenfuss also belongs. Gardneriella is multiaxial, nonprocarpic and has an inwardly directed, three-celled carpogonial branch. The large, reniform uninucleate auxiliary cell is distinct prior to and after fertilization. It is diploidized by an unbranched, multicellular connecting filament which lacks pit connections. One or two connecting filaments arise from each fertilized carpogonium. From the diploidized auxiliary cell, the gonimoblast initial is cut off obliquely toward the interior of the thallus. The cells of the gonimoblast fuse with adjacent unpigmented vegetative cells of Gardneriella and pigmented cells of the host. These cells become incorporated into the developing cystocarp and, from those of Gardneriella, additional short chains of gonimoblast cells arise. The mature cystocarp is placentate, radiately lobed, and lacks a surrounding involucre. Carposporangia are borne in short chains and the unpigmented carpospores are released upon the dissolution of outer vegetative cells. No ostiole is present. Gardneriella appears to be most closely related to the placentate solieriacean genera Agardhiella, Sarcodiotheca, and Meristiella and therefore this genus should be placed in the tribe recently erected for these taxa, the Agardhielleae.  相似文献   
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