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High frequency of polyandry in a lek mating system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The adaptive significance of polyandry by female birds in theabsence of direct benefits remains unclear. We determined thefrequencies of polyandrous mating and multiple paternity inthe ruff, a lekking shorebird with a genetic dimorphism inmale mating behavior. More than half of female ruffs mate with, and have clutches fertilized by, more than one male. Individualfemales mate with males of both behavioral morphs more oftenthan expected. Polyandrous mating was more likely followingcopulation interference, but interference was uncommon. Themultiple paternity rate of ruffs is the highest known for avian lekking species and for shorebirds. The general hypothesis thatpair-bond constraints are the major selective factor favoringmultiple mating in birds does not predict our findings. Activegenetic diversification, which has been widely dismissed asa functional explanation for polyandrous mating in birds, mayapply with respect to the behavioral polymorphism in ruffs becauseof a Mendelian genetic basis for male behavioral morph determinationand aspects of male—male cooperation and female choice.However, rates of multiple paternity in other species of lekkingbirds are higher than generally realized, and the potentialbenefits of diversification in general deserve further consideration.  相似文献   
 The role of direct and indirect interactions in intraguild predation (IGP) was investigated in a laboratory study. The study system contained two spider species, Phidippus audax and Phidippus octopunctatus, and the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. P. audax and P. octopunctatus eat D. melanogaster. P. audax (top predators) also eat P. octopunctatus (intermediate predators). Thus, P. audax and P. octopunctatus compete for the shared resource and also interact as predator and prey. Experiments consisted of two treatments: risk-IGP and full-IGP. In the risk-IGP treatments, I examined the effects of trait-mediated indirect effects generated by antipredator behavior of P. octopunctatus on the survival of fruit flies. P. audax chelicerae were waxed so that P. audax could not attack a prey. The result indicated a significant positive indirect effect of P. audax on the survival of D. melanogaster due to the antipredator behavior of P. octopunctatus (a trait-mediated indirect effect). In the full-IGP treatments, P. audax chelicerae were not restricted, so that it could attack prey; this resulted in decreased survival of D. melanogaster. Because of predation of P. audax on P. octopunctatus, even stronger positive interactions occurred between P. audax and D. melanogaster in full-IGP than in risk-IGP. Received: May 7, 2002 / Accepted: June 27, 2002  相似文献   
Trioza eugeniae oviposited significantly more eggs on Syzygium paniculatum leaves free of eggs compared to leaves with pre-existing eggs in a choice experiment, suggesting that females modify oviposition based on cues associated with the presence of eggs. In separate experiments, females avoided ovipositing on parts of leaves where eggs were present, but readily oviposited on areas of the same leaf without eggs. Epideictic pheromones are apparently not used by this species because females readily oviposited on areas of a leaf from which eggs had previously been removed. Females laid 57% of all their eggs along the margins of normal leaves, but also oviposited on artificial margins produced by cutting the leaves. The preference for natural margins over artificial margins was eliminated when the entire margin was coated with an antitranspirant compound to mask the damaged edge. These studies show that ovipositing psyllids respond both to the presence of eggs and to the suitability of the substrate.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Recent elevation of critically endangered Bahama Orioles (Icterus northropi) to species status prompted us to evaluate their population status, habitat use, and breeding ecology. From surveys, we estimated that at least 141 to 254 individuals remain globally, with 90 to 162, 24 to 44, and 27 to 48 individuals remaining on North Andros Island, Mangrove Cay, and South Andros Island, The Bahamas, respectively. Orioles were observed nesting exclusively in anthropogenic habitat (residential and agricultural land), but home ranges also included nearby pine forest and coppice (dry broadleaf forest). Most nests (40 of 46, or 87%) were in nonnative coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), with native Sabal palmetto and Thrinax morrisii, and an introduced Brassaia actinophylla also used. Trees selected by orioles for nesting were significantly taller, less likely to have shrubs underneath, further from cover, and had more palm trees nearby than randomly selected palm trees. Three of eight nests with known contents were parasitized by Shiny Cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis). Lethal yellowing disease recently devastated coconut palms and reduced the number of orioles on North Andros, but palms on Mangrove Cay and South Andros remain healthy. The juxtaposition of anthropogenic habitat to suitable native habitats may be more important than any single factor for Bahama Orioles, especially for breeding adults and fledged young. Conservation of coppice habitat, at high risk for agricultural and residential development, is crucial for survival of this critically endangered synanthropic species.  相似文献   
Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) inhabit coastal regions because they feed on the aquatic vegetation that grows in shallow waters, which are the same areas where human activities are greatest. Noise produced from anthropogenic and natural sources has the potential to affect these animals by eliciting responses ranging from mild behavioral changes to extreme aversion. Sound levels were calculated from recordings made throughout behavioral observation periods. An information theoretic approach was used to investigate the relationship between behavior patterns and sound level. Results indicated that elevated sound levels affect manatee activity and are a function of behavioral state. The proportion of time manatees spent feeding and milling changed in response to sound level. When ambient sound levels were highest, more time was spent in the directed, goal‐oriented behavior of feeding, whereas less time was spent engaged in undirected behavior such as milling. This work illustrates how shifts in activity of individual manatees may be useful parameters for identifying impacts of noise on manatees and might inform population level effects.  相似文献   
We tested two competing models that could explain how differential flagellar activity leads to phototactic turning in spheroids of Volvox carteri f. weismannia (Powers) Iyengar. In one model, turning results from the flagella of anterior cells in the lighted and shadowed hemispheres beating at different frequencies. In a competing model, turning results from a change in beat direction in these flagella. Both models successfully explain phototactic steering under constant illumination, but they make different predictions when colonies are exposed to abrupt changes in light intensity. If turning is due to control of flagellar beat frequency, both progression and rotation rates will change in the same direction and with similar magnitudes. If spheroid turning is due to a change in flagellar beat direction, a decreased rate of progression will accompany an increased rate of rotation and vice versa. We used video-microscopy to observe the behavior of positively phototactic V. carteri spheroids exposed to 10× step-up and step-down stimuli. After a step-up stimulus, spheroids slow their progression and rotation by equal amounts. No significant changes are reported in these parameters after the reciprocal step-down response. These observations are consistent with the variable flagellar frequency model and inconsistent with the variable flagellar direction model for phototactic turning. Switching the direction of light stimulus by 180° results in reorientation of positively phototactic spheroids. The kinetics of this reorientation did not precisely match the predictions of either model.  相似文献   
This study characterized the behavioral activity of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in the early stages of development, under different stocking densities (25 and 40 animals/m2), and during the light and dark phases of a 24-h cycle. Observations of individuals were made in 8 aquariums. Behavioral recording lasted 15 min/aquarium, 4 times/day and 4 days/week, 4 weeks in total. Food was offered twice daily. Observational methods included a combination of behavioral sampling and scan sampling. During the light phase, inactivity, cleaning and remaining in a shelter were the most frequent behaviors. During the dark phase the subjects displayed a higher frequency of feeding, exploration, swimming, and digging. At low density, the animals gained more weight and exhibited greater growth overall. These results indicate a behavioral pattern that is more favorable to animals in the lower density cultivation environment that can also create better living conditions for these shrimp, favor survival rates and therefore improve management success.  相似文献   
The expression and maintenance of maternal behavior in the earwig,Euborellia annulipes, was examined through manipulation of clutch size, age, and species and through observations of interactions between brooding females. Females underwent discrete gonadotrophic cycles culminating in oviposition of first clutches that were highly variable in size. Neither the head capsule width nor the age of the mother was correlated with clutch size. Maternal care extended through embryogenesis and for the week following hatching. Clutch removal significantly shortened the interclutch interval, indicating that the presence of brood inhibited the onset of the second gonadotrophic cycle. Brooding females readily accepted replacement clutches of the same age. Thus, mothers did not appear to distinguish their own eggs from those of other females. Experimental doubling of clutch size did not significantly reduce the proportion hatching or fledging. In contrast, reducing clutch size diminished the percentage successfully fledging. Manipulation of clutch age resulted in reduced hatching/fledging success. Placing two females, each with newly laid clutches, in the same cage usually resulted in egg transfer from the nest of one female to that of the other within 12 h. Nests of females with larger forceps were significantly more likely to contain both clutches. When mothers with first clutches were paired with mothers with third clutches, eggs were more likely to be transferred to the nest of the older female.E. annulipes females with newly laid clutches appeared to accept as replacement clutches eggs of the earwigDoru taeniatum. Alien clutches were maintained for the typical duration of embryogenesis; however, noD. taeniatum hatchlings were observed.  相似文献   
秦岭雄性羚牛的发情行为与其社会状态的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年5月31日至8月31日在陕西省佛坪县国家级自然保护区,对羚牛秦岭亚种(Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi)的繁殖行为及雄牛的社会状态进行了研究。研究期间每天在比较容易见到羚牛的区域内沿固定路线寻找羚牛,在不惊扰羚牛正常活动的情况下,记录牛群大小、群内个体的性别、年龄、雄性的社会状态,即是单独活动还是在繁殖群中;社会状态的变动,即每只是进入还是离开繁殖群;羚牛群中个体之间的相互关系,包括入群的独牛与群内其它雄牛之间的行为、与群内雌牛之间的行为。同时用摄像机辅助记录羚牛在群内的行为,并根据图像资料对记录的数据进行校正。研究期间累计对277 头次雄性羚牛的繁殖行为进行了观察,记录到241次繁殖行为。虽然6月初至8月下旬都可以见到羚牛的繁殖活动,但80% 以上的繁殖行为发生在6月20日至7月10日期间,其中以6月21 ~ 30日间的繁殖活动最多(105 次)。繁殖季节中雄性羚牛有两种社会状态,即在繁殖群中和单独活动(即独牛)。研究期间累计的独牛比例占成年雄性的30. 32%,其中72. 62%的独牛出现在6月10 日至7 月10 日。6 月21 ~ 30 日间独牛比例最高,占成年雄性个体的50. 67%。雄牛进出繁殖群的现象比较常见,独牛的比例与繁殖行为正相关。繁殖高峰期后,单独活动的雄牛数量迅速减少。雄牛的社会状态会随着繁殖期的不同阶段发生改变,独牛在不同繁殖群之间移动寻求更多的交配机会。我们的研究结果不支持以往认为独牛是繁殖争斗失败者的观点。  相似文献   
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