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摘要 目的:探讨磁共振成像在剖宫产术后瘢痕妊娠(cesarean scar pregnancy,CSP)诊疗路径中的应用价值。方法:回顾性分析24例经手术和(或)病理证实为瘢痕妊娠的孕妇临床和影像检查资料,记录MRI上妊娠囊位置、大小、T1、T2信号强度、妊娠囊类型、妊娠囊与子宫前壁下段肌层及膀胱的关系,分析MR特征对临床诊疗路径的应用价值。结果:24例妊娠囊均位于子宫下段,为圆形或卵圆形,11例妊娠囊为单纯囊性,12例妊娠囊为混杂包块型,1例因清宫术后行MR,未见明确妊娠囊,仅见子宫下段混杂信号。10例妊娠囊附着处子宫肌厚度不可测量,余14例妊娠囊附着处子宫肌厚度约0.9~5.0 mm,平均2.5±1.1 mm。据此,CSP分型为I型5例,II型7例,III型12例。结论:MRI能较好的评估CSP, 在CSP诊疗路径中的应用价值较大。  相似文献   
新疆天山南坡中段种子植物区系垂直分布格局分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对植物多样性垂直分布格局及其维持机制的研究可以有效揭示植物物种多样性分布特征及其环境影响因子。本文通过野外调查、查阅标本并结合相关文献资料,对天山南坡中段种子植物区系沿海拔梯度的分布格局进行了系统研究。结果显示,在大区域尺度上,科属种的物种丰富度随海拔升高均呈先增加后减少的趋势,且最高值出现在中低海拔1900~2000 m处;不同生活型植物沿海拔梯度的变化格局有所不同,其中,乔木、一年生草本、藤本及寄生植物表现出随海拔升高物种丰富度逐渐降低的趋势,灌木、多年生草本及二年生草本植物物种丰富度则呈先增加后减少的变化趋势;从植物区系地理成分来看,世界分布所占的比重沿海拔梯度升高呈先增加后减少的趋势;温带地理成分所占的比重沿海拔梯度升高呈缓慢上升趋势;古地中海地理成分所占的比重沿海拔梯度升高呈先增加后减少然后再增加的变化趋势;热带地理成分所占的比重沿海拔升高呈逐渐下降的趋势;东亚地理成分所占的比重沿海拔梯度升高呈先增加后减少然后再增加的变化趋势。对该分布格局与当地干旱的气候条件及海拔梯度上热量和水分条件的变化相适应。  相似文献   
北京永定河-海河干流河岸带植物的区系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
修晨  欧阳志云  郑华 《生态学报》2014,34(6):1535-1547
探讨了北京永定河-海河干流河岸带植物区系特征。结果表明,河岸带植被中共有维管束植物37科100属134种,其中包括种子植物36科100属133种,蕨类植物1科1种。北京永定河-海河干流河岸带植物种类比较丰富,其中,在科的组成结构上,植物种类主要集中于少数几个大科如为禾本科和菊科,而多数科只有少数种或单种。在属的组成结构上,主要以单种属和小属为主。对其中种子植物的植物区系分布类型在种级水平上进行了分析,结果表明:河岸带共有4大类区系性质成分和16个地理成分类型,总体呈温带特性,各类温带分布类型67种,占河岸带植物总种数的50%。各河段河岸带植物区系结构存在差异:永定河山峡段与海河干流段区系结构比较相近,各结构在植物种所占比例上的排序为温带类世界类热带类亚洲类;而大部分长期干涸的永定河平原段,则温带类热带类世界类亚洲类。  相似文献   
三种不同方法固定的石蜡切片中RNA的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究在 10 %中性福尔马林、丙酮、甲醇 氯仿 冰醋酸 3种方法固定的石蜡切片中提取RNA的质量和数量 .取 2 5 0g体重的Wistar大鼠的肾脏 ,分别采用 10 %中性福尔马林、丙酮、甲醇 氯仿 冰醋酸 3种方法固定 ,石蜡包埋 ,H E染色 ;采用RNA裂解液、TRIZOL试剂 2种方法提取切片RNA ,逆转录为cDNA ,采用普通PCR和SYBRGREEN 1定量PCR分析RNA质量和数量 .结果表明 ,3种固定方法都可保持组织良好的结构和形态 ;采用 2种提取方法 ,均可经RT PCR扩增出 180bp大鼠磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶 (G3PDH)、5 6 5bpβ肌动蛋白 (β actin)、10 0bp纤溶酶系活化剂抑制物 1(PAI 1) ;但采用RNA裂解液时 ,比TRIZOL试剂可提取更多的RNA .  相似文献   
采用一种新方法来测量大叶黄杨叶片(Euonymus japonicus T.)内部的绝对光能利用效率梯度曲线.该方法基于光声光谱的深度分析(Depth-Analysis)理论,并结合了光纤微探测器的叶片光梯度测量结果.日本小檗(Berberis thunbergii D C.)叶片的光声光谱扫描显示了深度分析的精确性.实验结果表明:叶片内部利用光能效率最低处在栅栏组织和海绵组织之间(入射光能0.026%-660 nm红光);越靠近叶片的上表皮和下表皮,显示出叶片组织利用光能效率有上升的趋势(分别为0.092% 和0.036%).因此,不同叶肉组织绝对光能利用效率是不同的,该实验结果直接证实了Han和Vogelmann (1999)所提出的假设.  相似文献   
南极地区苔藓剖面中地球化学元素的营养运移特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
李小梅  赵俊琳  孙立广 《生态学报》2001,21(7):1079-1083
对采自南极的苔藓剖面上各层苔藓的地球化学元素含量进行分析,得到以下的初步结论:地球化学元素在苔藓剖面上的分布具有很强的继承性;不同地球化学元素在苔藓剖面上的分布特征不同,这与元素在苔藓中的营养特征有关,研究发现元素Ca在苔藓体内,异常活跃,它极易被累积在新鲜苔藓体内,Zn也是苔藓易吸收的元素;地球化学元素在老新苔藓中的转移能力不同;底层苔藓的元素转移能力很低,中层苔藓中元素维持在基本平衡的状态,上层苔藓中元素的转移系数较大。  相似文献   
Fluorescence microscopy of the endomembrane system of living plant cells   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract The fluorochrome Auramine O has been evaluated as a fluorescent probe for components of the endomembrane system of living plant cells. At 0.001% w/v the compound did not inhibit seedling growth or cytoplasmic streaming but stained the nuclear envelope, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. The three-dimensional, structural interrelationships of these organelles in living tissues could be resolved after minimal tissue preparation. The method is also a valuable control treatment for use in conjunction with electron microscope fixation procedures. It provides a rapid means of examining dynamic changes in the endomembrane system associated with cell development and differentiation and could have application in monitoring the effects of applied physiological or chemical stress.  相似文献   
This study identifies the main changes in protein expression in human breast tumors compared to normal breast tissue. Malignant tumors (32) and normal breast tissue samples (23), from formaldehyde‐fixed, paraffin‐embedded specimens are subjected to discovery proteomics using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, with spectral counts for quantitation. The dataset contains 1406 proteins. Differential expression is measured using a method that takes advantage of estimates of the percentage of tumor on a slide. This analysis shows that the major classes of proteins over‐expressed by tumors are RNA‐binding, heat shock and DNA repair proteins. RNA‐binding proteins, including heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (HNRNPs), SR splice factors (SRSF) and elongation factors form the largest group. Comparison with results from another study demonstrates that the RNA‐binding proteins are associated specifically with malignant transformation, rather than with cell proliferation. HNRNP and SRSF proteins help define splice sites in normal cells. Their over‐expression may dysregulate splicing, which in turn has the potential to promote malignant transformation.  相似文献   
Permian–Triassic boundary microbialites (PTBMs) are organosedimentary carbonates formed immediately after the end-Permian mass extinction. All those reported PTBMs constrained by convincing conodont biozones are present stratigraphycally not higher than the Hindeodus parvus zone and most of them are dominated by thrombolites. This paper provides the first record of a brief, but spectacular development of stromatolite-dominated PTBMs within the basal Isarcicella isarcica conodont zone of the earliest Triassic from the Xikou section of South Qinling Block that was at the margin of the North China Block during the Permian–Triassic transition and was geographically separated from the major occurrence of post-extinction microbialites in the South China Block. This stromatolite cap overlies a 3.7-m-thick oolitic limestone and is composed of a lower 0.2-m-thick bed and an upper 0.5-m-thick bed, separated by a 0.2-m-thick greyish green siliciclastic mudstone. These two stromatolite beds mainly consist of columnar stromatolites with subordinate domal stromatolites. The intercolumn and interstitial spaces within the stromatolites are filled with oolitic grainstones. At the microscopic scale, laminoid structures in stromatolites comprise wavy, millimetric-domical and tangled laminae. The increased grain and fossil contents and/or bioturbation in the domical and tangled laminae indicate that the formation of these laminae is likely related to an increase in the populations and the disruptions by benthic metazoans, as well as an influx of sediment grains. The δ13Ccarb values fluctuate between 2‰ and 3‰ in the uppermost Permian strata; a distinct negative shift of 1.9‰ occurs at the topmost oolitic grainstone, just below the lower stromatolite bed, and the lowest value of −0.1‰ is located at the base of the upper stromatolite bed. The stratigraphic succession from stromatolites to thrombolites of the PTBMs may represent a transgressive succession and/or a transient ecosystem recovery immediately after the end-Permian mass extinction. The thrombolites-dominated PTBMs mainly developed in near-equator shallow marine geographic locations, and stromatolite-dominated PTBMs mainly developed at higher latitude settings, which probably indicates that a relatively lower diversity and abundance of marine benthic metazoans existed at higher latitudes after the end-Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   
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