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Summary Coding sequences of eucaryotic nuclear DNA were characterized by an excess of short runs and a deficit of long runs of weak and of strong hydrogen bonding bases; non-coding sequences by a deficit of short runs and an excess of long runs, in the same of purines and of pyrimidines. The conservation of these attributes across DNA sequences coding for proteins of widely different function, across widely different eucaryotic species for the same protein and across related genes that diverged a long time ago and that now show large differences in base and, if coding, amino acid sequence suggested that these attributes have survival value. It was concluded that these attributes constitute probalistic constraints on th primary structure (base sequence) of both coding and non-coding DNA.  相似文献   
Summary Continuing a line of investigations on methods for formation and growth of high-quality crystals of peptides, the glycylglycine sequence has been crystallized by evaporation methods as a salt with 1,5-naphthalenedisulfonic acid. The structure of the peptide is highly extended, and is conformationally quite similar to the structures which have been characterized for other zwitterionic and salt forms of this sequence. Thus, crystallization as a salt with this sulfonic acid has imposed no undue influence upon the molecular conformation. These results offer further indication that the preparation of peptide sulfonate salts, particularly with arene templates, may have broad general utility for crystallization of interesting sequences which until now have not been approachable in their zwitterionic forms.  相似文献   
The energetics of ubiquitin unfolding have been studied using differential scanning microcalorimetry. For the first time it has been shown directly that the enthalpy of protein unfolding is a nonlinear function of temperature. Thermodynamic parameters of ubiquitin unfolding were correlated with the structure of the protein. The enthalpy of hydrogen bonding in ubiquitin was calculated and compared to that obtained for other proteins. It appears that the energy of hydrogen bonding correlates with the average length of the hydrogen bond in a given protein structure. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The population dynamics of plants in a lattice structured habitat are studied theoretically. Plants are assumed to propagate both by producing seeds that scatter over the population and by vegetative reproduction by extending runners, rhizomes, or roots, to neighboring vacant sites. In addtion, the seed production rate may be dependent on the local density in the neighborhood, indicating beneficial or harmful crowding effects. Two sets of population dynamical equation(s) are derived: one based onmean-field approximation and the other based onpair approximation (tracing both global and local densities simultaneously). We examine the accuracy of these approximate dynamics by comparing them with direct computer simulation of the stochastic lattice model. Pair approximation is much more accurate than mean-field approximation. Mean-field approximation overestimates the parameter range for persistence if crowding effects on seed production are harmful or weakly beneficial, but underestimates it if crowding effects are highly beneficial. Dynamics may show bistability (both population persistence and extinction) if the effect of crowding is strongly beneficial. If there is a linear trade-off between seed production and vegetative reproduction, the equilibrium abundance of the population may be maximised by a mixture of seed production and vegetative reproduction, rather than by pure seed production or by pure vegetative reproduction. This result is correctly predicted by pair approximation but not by mean-field approximation.  相似文献   
Analyses of spatial patterns and population processes of clonal plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nonrandom spatial structure of terrestrial plants is formed by ecological interactions and reproduction with a limited dispersal range, and in turn this may strongly affect population dynamics and population genetics. The traditional method of modelling in population ecology is either to neglect spatial pattern (e.g. in transition matrix models) or to do straightforward computer simulation. We review here three analytical mothods to deal with plant populations in a lattice-structured habitat, which propagate both by seeds that scatter over the whole habitat and by vegetative reproduction (producing runners, rhizomes, etc.) to neighboring vacant sites. [1]Dynamics of global and local densities: Dynamical equations of population density considering nearest-neighbor correlation (spatial clumping) are developed as the joint dynamics of global average density and local density (comparable to mean crowding) based onpair approximation. If there is a linear trade-off between seed production and vegetative reproduction, the equilibrium abundance of the population may be maximized by engaging both means of reproduction. This result is accurately predicted by the pair approximation method, but not by mean-field approximation (neglect of spatial structure). [2]Cluster size distributions: Using global and local densities obtained by pair approximation, we predicted cluster size distribution, i.e. the number of clusters of occupied sites of various sizes. [3]Clonal identity probability decreasing with distance: Multi-locus measurement of allozymes or other neutral molecular markers tells us whether or not a given pair of individuals belong to the same clone. From the pattern of clonal identity probability decreasing with the distance between ramets, we can estimate the relative importance of two modes of reproduction: vegetative propagation and sexual seed production.  相似文献   
Instantaneous scan sampling for mean distance and synchronous action patterns and all-occurrence sampling for unison call, dance, strut, and hoover-up behaviors were conducted for five potential whooping crane pairs at Patuxent Environmental Science Center, Laurel, Maryland. Dance, strut, and hoover-up differed among pairs, as did total frequency of social behaviors. It was unclear whether or not total frequency of social behaviors during pair formation can be used as an index for potential breeding success. The relative importance of different action patterns should be used as indices of pair compatibility in captive whooping cranes. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The stability properties of oxidized wild-type (wt) and site-directed mutants in surface residues of vegetative (Vfd) and heterocyst (Hfd) ferredoxins from Anabaena 7120 have been characterized by guanidine hydrochloride (Gdn-HCl) denaturation. For Vfd it was found that mutants E95K, E94Q, F65Y, F65W, and T48A are quite similar to wt in stability. E94K is somewhat less stable, whereas E94D, F65A, F65I, R42A, and R42H are substantially less stable than wt. R42H is a substitution found in all Hfds, and NMR comparison of the Anabaena 7120 Vfd and Hfd showed the latter to be much less stable on the basis of hydrogen exchange rates (Chae YK, Abildgaard F, Mooberry ES, Markley JL, 1994, Biochemistry 33:3287-3295); we also find this to be true with respect to Gdn-HCl denaturation. Strikingly, the Hfd mutant H42R is more stable than the wt Hfd by precisely the amount of stability lost in Vfd upon mutating R42 to H (2.0 kcal/mol). On the basis of comparison of the X-ray crystal structures of wt Anabaena Vfd and Hfd, the decreased stabilities of F65A and F65I can be ascribed to increased solvent exposure of interior hydrophobic groups. In the case of Vfd mutants E94K and E94D, the decreased stabilities may result from disruption of a hydrogen bond between the E94 and S47 side chains. The instability of the R42 mutants is also most probably due to decreased hydrogen bonding capabilities.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Rhizopuspepsin and other fungal aspartic proteinases are distinct from the mammalian enzymes in that they are able to cleave substrates with lysine in the P1 position. Sequence and structural comparisons suggest that two aspartic acid residues, Asp 30 and Asp 77 (pig pepsin numbering), may be responsible for generating this unique specificity. Asp 30 and Asp 77 were changed to the corresponding residues in porcine pepsin, Ile 30 and Thr 77, to create single and double mutants. The zymogen forms of the wild-type and mutant enzymes were overexpressed in Escherichia coli as inclusion bodies. Following solubilization, denaturation, refolding, activation, and purification to homogeneity, structural and kinetic comparisons were made. The mutant enzymes exhibited a high degree of structural similarity to the wild-type recombinant protein and a native isozyme. The catalytic activities of the recombinant proteins were analyzed with chromogenic substrates containing lysine in the P1, P2, or P3 positions. Mutation of Asp 77 resulted in a loss of 7 kcal mol-1 of transition-state stabilization energy in the hydrolysis of the substrate containing lysine in P1. An inhibitor containing the positively charged P1-lysine side chain inhibited only the enzymes containing Asp 77. Inhibition of the Asp 77 mutants of rhizopuspepsin and several mammalian enzymes was restored upon acetylation of the lysine side chain. These results suggest that an exploitation of the specific electrostatic interaction of Asp 77 in the active site of fungal enzymes may lead to the design of compounds that preferentially inhibit a variety of related Candida proteinases in immunocompromised patients.  相似文献   
Radical-pair decay kinetics and molecular triplet quantum yields at various magnetic fields are reported for quinone-depleted reaction centers from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides R26. The radical-pair decay is observed by picosecond absorption spectroscopy to be a single exponential to within the experimental uncertainty at all fields. The decay time increases from 13 ns at zero field to 17 ns at 1 kG, and decreases to 9 ns at 50 kG. The orientation averaged quantum yield of formation of the molecular triplet of the primary electron donor, 3P, drops to 47% of its zero-field value at 1 kG and rises to 126% at 50 kG. Combined analysis of these data gives a singlet radical-pair decay rate constant of 5 · 107s?1, a lower limit for the triplet radical-pair decay rate constant of 1 · 108s?1 and a lower limit for the quantum yield of radical-pair decay by the triplet channel of 38% at zero field. The upper limit of the quantum yield of 3P formation at zero field is measured to be 32%. In order to explain this apparent discrepancy, decay of the radical pair by the triplet channel must lead to some rapid ground state formation as well as some 3P formation. It is proposed that the triplet radical pair decays to a triplet charge-transfer state which is strongly coupled to the ground state by spin-orbit interactions. Several possibilities for this charge-transfer state are discussed.  相似文献   
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