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In fitting of cosine curves latent experimental inequalities due to a serial effect have to be excluded. Though cosinor analysis may be sufficient then, inclusion of biological time, i.e. not fitting values to time but to a function of time, will lead to further improvement.  相似文献   
The late Miocene North African mammalianassemblage is considered here from three viewpoints: survivals, extinctions, and immigrations. The Eurasiatic affinities of the large mammals slightly prevail over the Ethiopian affinities. Amongst the North African large mammals, 4 to 8 taxa are Eurasiatic immigrants, while 4 to 6 are of Subsaharian origin. Contrarily, the micromammalian fauna is highly endemic, with only one species, a murid (Paraethomys miocaenicus), considered here as being related to an Asiatic form (Karnimata darwini). Our study of Eurasian and African Miocene faunas reveals that during the late Astaracian-early Turolian interval, the Saharo-Arabic belt permitted very little latitudinal faunal exchanges. However, during the middle and late Turolian such faunal exchanges became frequent. The micromammal record unequivocally indicates that a brief period of faunal exchange occurred between Africa and western Europe at the end of the Miocene, corresponding with the Messinian Salinity Crisis. The increased intercontinental faunal exchange between Africa and Eurasia during the late Miocene coincides with, and counterbalances the extinction of more than 10 taxa at the Mio/Pliocene boundary.  相似文献   
We show responses of coral reefs to increased amplitude of sea-level changes at the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition (MPT) based on lithostratigraphic, sedimentologic and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic investigations on Pleistocene reef-complex deposits (Ryukyu Group) on the Motobu Peninsula, Okinawa-jima, Central Ryukyus. Our data show that reef growth started in earliest Quaternary time (1.45-1.65 Ma) and that extensive reef formation dates back to ∼ 0.8 Ma. The mode of Quaternary sedimentation changed at ∼ 0.8 Ma in the study area. Before this time, thick siliciclastics and mixed carbonate-siliciclastics accumulated, which were followed by the deposition of bioclastic sediments (detrital limestone). No indications have been found of episodic subaerial exposures in these deposits and no calcareous nannofossil biozones are lacking. Since the detrital limestone includes biogenic components characterizing fore-reef to shelf environments, the coastal areas of the northern Motobu Peninsula mostly lay in fore-reef to shelf environments for > 0.6 million years (between ∼ 0.8 Ma and 1.45-1.65 Ma), when the sediments had not been subaerially exposed due to sea-level changes characterized by relatively small amplitudes. Coral limestone that formed in the latest Early to Middle Pleistocene between 0.4 Ma and 0.8 Ma extends over the study area, ranging in elevation from 0 to 70 m. This coral limestone grades upward into fore-reef to shelf carbonates (rhodolith, Cycloclypeus-Operculina, and detrital limestones) which is in turn overlain by coral limestone. This succession, combined with configuration of the lithofacies and paleobathymetry inferred from lithology and biogenic components, implies that the reef-complex deposits formed responding to sea-level changes with amplitude of > 60 m. Consequently, we suggest that the change in the mode of sedimentation results from increased amplitude of sea-level fluctuations at ∼ 0.8 Ma. This timing corresponds roughly to the timing of the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition (MPT).  相似文献   
王兴芳  王云鹏  李岩  李慧 《生态科学》2009,28(6):557-561
珠三角是一个景观格局与过程变化极为复杂的区域,近30年来,高速的经济增长与快速的城市化过程使珠三角的景观发生了剧烈的变化,随着全世界对生态环境发展的重视,该区域的景观变化研究也引起了众多专家和学者的关注。另外,随着遥感(RS)、地理信息系统(GIS)和全球定位系统(GPS)技术的发展和成熟,基于3S技术联合来监测和研究景观格局及其变化也成为研究的主流。因此,基于3S技术对珠江三角洲景观格局动态变化进行了大量的研究,并取得了一些成果。本文首先总结了基于3S技术监测景观格局动态变化;其次分析了这些方法在珠江三角洲地区中的应用;并提出几点展望,旨在为珠三角今后的景观格局变化监测研究提供一些必要的借鉴和支持。  相似文献   
Evolutionary shape changes in skull and mandibular anatomy was analysed in 223 specimens of pantherine felids (Neofelis nebulosa, Panthera leo, Panthera onca, Panthera pardus, Panthera tigris, Panthera uncia) compared to a small‐felid outgroup, consisting of 86 specimens of nine different species, using digital surface morphometry on 25 (skull) and 17 (mandible) landmarks. Shape evolution in the pantherine species is complex and nonlinear, and involves both large‐scale and small‐scale shape changes. Shape changes frequently differ among the ingroup species, but the four large Panthera species (leo, onca, pardus, tigris) bear some resemblance to each other. The leopard and jaguar bear the closest resemblance to each other, and several shape changes are common to the lion and tiger, but have probably evolved convergently as a result of large size. The lion has undergone the largest and most numerous shape changes from a small‐felid outgroup. Certain shape changes in the skull and, in some respects, the mandible of the clouded leopard bear resemblance to those in the four large Panthera species. The snow leopard is often regarded as the most primitive of the extant Panthera, and skull and mandibular shape changes often diverge markedly from those observed in the other five ingroup taxa; its overall skull shape is rather similar to the small‐felid outgroup. This indicates that the shape changes in the clouded leopard are convergent with those of the four large Panthera species. Landmark integration showed no significant correlation with molecular phylogeny, chiefly owing to the snow leopard being placed among the four large Panthera species. A traditional phylogenetic topology with the snow leopard as the basal‐most species of Panthera yielded a weak but nonsignificant phylogenetic signal. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 766–778.  相似文献   
Vladimir A. Shuvalov 《BBA》2007,1767(6):422-433
It has been shown [V.A. Shuvalov, Quantum dynamics of electrons in many-electron atoms of biologically important compounds, Biochemistry (Mosc.) 68 (2003) 1333-1354; V.A. Shuvalov, Quantum dynamics of electrons in atoms of biologically important molecules, Uspekhi biologicheskoi khimii, (Pushchino) 44 (2004) 79-108] that the orbit angular momentum L of each electron in many-electron atoms is L = mVr = n? and similar to L for one-electron atom suggested by N. Bohr. It has been found that for an atom with N electrons the total electron energy equation E = (Zeff)2e4m/(2n2?2N) is more appropriate for energy calculation than standard quantum mechanical expressions. It means that the value of L of each electron is independent of the presence of other electrons in an atom and correlates well to the properties of virtual photons emitted by the nucleus and creating a trap for electrons. The energies for elements of the 1st up to the 5th rows and their ions (total amount 240) of Mendeleev' Periodical table were calculated consistent with the experimental data (deviations in average were 5 × 10− 3). The obtained equations can be used for electron dynamics calculations in molecules. For H2 and H2+ the interference of electron-photon orbits between the atoms determines the distances between the nuclei which are in agreement with the experimental values. The formation of resonance electron-photon orbit in molecules with the conjugated bonds, including chlorophyll-like molecules, appears to form a resonance trap for an electron with E values close to experimental data. Two mechanisms were suggested for non-barrier primary charge separation in reaction centers (RCs) of photosynthetic bacteria and green plants by using the idea of electron-photon orbit interference between the two molecules. Both mechanisms are connected to formation of the exciplexes of chlorophyll-like molecules. The first one includes some nuclear motion before exciplex formation, the second one is related to the optical transition to a charge transfer state.  相似文献   
负压状态下压力变化导致鲫鱼身体组织的损伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过试验研究负压状态下压力变化过程对鲫(Carassius auratus auratus)的损伤,试验采用真空泵和空气压缩机在试验容器内形成不同的压力变化过程,统计不同体长的鲫经历压力变化过程后的损伤情况,并对部分受损伤的鲫进行解剖和组织观察。研究发现负压状态下压力时变导数较大的变化过程会对鲫的生存构成直接威胁,主要损伤是鱼鳔部分或全部受损,在肝胰脏、肾脏等处有明显出血点。综合分析不同试验条件对鲫损伤的情况,得到了对鲫尽可能安全的压力时变导数极限值,从而为新型环保水力设施的设计提供参考依据,起到保护渔业资源的作用。  相似文献   
Bacillus circulans xylanase contains two histidines, one of which (His 156) is solvent exposed, whereas the other (His 149) is buried within its hydrophobic core. His 149 is involved in a network of hydrogen bonds with an internal water and Ser 130, as well as a potential weak aromatic-aromatic interaction with Tyr 105. These three residues, and their network of interactions with the bound water, are conserved in four homologous xylanases. To probe the structural role played by His 149, NMR spectroscopy was used to characterize the histidines in BCX. Complete assignments of the 1H, 13C, and 15N resonances and tautomeric forms of the imidazole rings were obtained from two-dimensional heteronuclear correlation experiments. An unusual spectroscopic feature of BCX is a peak near 12 ppm arising from the nitrogen bonded 1H epsilon 2 of His 149. Due to its solvent inaccessibility and hydrogen bonding to an internal water molecule, the exchange rate of this proton (4.0 x 10(-5) s-1 at pH*7.04 and 30 degrees C) is retarded by > 10(6)-fold relative to an exposed histidine. The pKa of His 156 is unperturbed at approximately 6.5, as measured from the pH dependence of the 15N- and 1H-NMR spectra of BCX. In contrast, His 149 has a pKa < 2.3, existing in the neutral N epsilon 2H tautomeric state under all conditions examined. BCX unfolds at low pH and 30 degrees C, and thus His 149 is never protonated significantly in the context of the native enzyme. The structural importance of this buried histidine is confirmed by the destablizing effect of substituting a phenylalanine or glutamine at position 149 in BCX.  相似文献   
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