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Summary The relationship between ichthyotoxicity and predation-related defensive functional morphology was examined in alcyonacean soft corals of the central and northern regions of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. Approximately 170 specimens were assessed encompassing a number of genera within three families: 1) the Alcyoniidae (Lobophytum, Sarcophytum, Sinularia, Cladiella, Parerythropodium, and Alcyonium); 2) Neptheidae (Lemnalia, Paralemnalia, Capnella, Lithophyton, Nephthea, Dendronephthya, Scleronephthya, and Stereonephthya), and 3) Xeniidae (Anthelia, Efflatounaria, Cespitularia, Heteroxenia, and Xenia). Ichthyotoxicity data were derived from earlier studies which used Gambusia affinis Baird and Girard (Vertebrata, Pisces) as a test organism. These data were compared to morphological data collected from specimens in the field and laboratory. Three sets of statistical analyses were performed, each considering a progressively narrower group of taxa. The first included 68 specimens and considered 16 morphological characters in each, falling into the general categories of gross colony form, colony texture, presence of mucus, colony color, polyp retractility, and sclerite morphology and distribution. These were tested for independence against ichthyotoxicity data. The second set of analyses involved a more restricted morphological data set derived from 28 species of Sinularia in combination with 28 species within the Nephtheidae, comparing them to their respective toxicity ranks. The third analysis considered the previous two taxonomic groups separately in relation to their toxicity levels.The attempt to consider many morphological characters in a taxonomically diverse collection did not reveal any general association in the Alcyonacea between defensive morphology and toxicity, and those associations which did emerge were clearly erroneous. The second analysis, considering only Sinularia spp. and nephtheids, demonstrated a negative association between ichthyotoxicity and the morphological characters of a) polypary armament, b) microarmament of the individual polyp, and c) strong mineralization of the coenenchyme. The third analysis revealed that the negative association found between toxicity and the first two characters was derived entirely from the nephtheids while the association detected between toxicity and the third character was restricted to Sinularia. It is concluded that a relationship between toxicity and morphology can be demonstrated, but it is heavily dependent upon which specific morphological characters are being considered and at what level of taxonomic resolution the analysis is being performed. An approach utilizing many characters over many taxa is unlikely to yield significant, reliable, or meaningful results.Australian Institute of Marine Science Contribution Number 383  相似文献   
Eva Johannes  Hubert Felle 《Planta》1987,172(1):53-59
By means of pH-sensitive microelectrodes, cytoplasmic pH has been monitored continuously during amino-acid transport across the plasmalemma of Riccia fluitans rhizoid cells under various experimental conditions. (i) Contrary to the general assumption that import of amino acids (or hexoses) together with protons should lead to cytoplasmic acidification, an alkalinization of 0.1–0.3 pHc units was found for all amino acids tested. Similar alkalinizations were recorded in the presence of hexoses and methylamine. No alkalinization occurred when the substrates were added in the depolarized state or in the presence of cyanide, where the electrogenic H+-pump is inhibited. (ii) After acidification of the cytoplasm by means of various concentrations of acetic acid, amino-acid transport is massively altered, although the protonmotive force remained essentially constant. It is suggested that H+-cotransport is energetically interconnected with the proton-export pump which is stimulated by the amino-acid-induced depolarization, thus causing proton depletion of the cytoplasm. It is concluded that, in order to investigate H+-dependent cotransport processes, the cytoplasmic pH must be measured and be under continuous experimental control; secondly, neither pH nor the protonmotive force across a membrane are reliable quantities for analysing a proton-dependent process.Abbreviations 3-OMG 3-oxymethylglucose - pHc cytoplasmic pH - m electrical potential difference across the respective membrane, i.e. membrane potential - H+/F (=pmf) electrochemical proton gradient  相似文献   
Quantitative estimates of gibberellin A9 in Norway spruce extracts obtained by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, radioimmunoassay (RIA_ and bioassay were compared after successive purifications of the extracts. The extracts were assayed in several dilutions with and without the addition of standard gibberellin A9, thus showing the effect of extract components on the response of the assays. Radioimmunoassay produced estimates comparable to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after one purification step by high-performance liquid chromatography. Extracts purified by polyvinylpyrrolidone-column chromatography and solvent partitioning but not high-performance liquid chromatography resulted in inaccurate RIA estimates. The performance of the RIA could be monitored by logit-log transformations of the standard curve and extract dilution curve and by calculating the slope of the standard addition curve. It was, however, not possible to correct for the interference caused by extract components by the standard addition procedure. Quantifications by Tan-ginbozu dwarf-rice bioassay were accurate, but a large and unpredictable variation makes it unsuitable for quantitative determinations.Abbreviations FW fresh weight - GA9 gibberellin A9 - GA9–Me methylated GA9 - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - MID multiple-ion detection - RIA radioimmunoassay  相似文献   
H. Gerbling  B. Gerhardt 《Planta》1987,172(3):386-392
Ethylene treatment (approx. 20 l ·1-1 in air for 2 d) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Havana 425) plants markedly increases the endo--1,3-glucanase (EC content of leaves. The antigenic form of the enzyme induced is the same one whose production is blocked by treating cultured cells with combinations of auxin (1.1 · 10-5 M -naphthaleneacetic acid) and cytokinin (1.4 · 10-6 M kinetin). Evidence is presented that cultured tobacco cells require ethylene for -1,3-glucanase accumulation: i) ethylene treatment increased the accumulation of \-1,3-glucanase in callus tissues >10 d after subculturing and in cell-suspension cultures; ii) callus tissues can produce ethylene; iii) conditions known to inhibit ethylene production (1 mM CoCl2; 33° C treatment) or ethylene action (approx. 1.6 mmol · 1-1 norbornadiene in air) inhibited -1,3-glucanase accumulation by callus tissues treated for 4 d following subculturing; and, these inhibitory effects were prevented by exogenous ethylene. Combinations of auxin and cytokinin blocked ethylene-induced accumulation of -1,3-glucanase by cell-suspension cultures. The results favor a model in which ethylene induces results favor a model in which ethylene induces 1,3-glucanase accumulation, and auxin and cytokinin inhibit this induction process.Abbreviations NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - NDE norbornadiene  相似文献   
For three acid soils from Santa Catarina, Brazil, lime application and time of incubation with lime had little effect on the adsorption of added phosphorus. In two soils with high contents of exchangeable aluminium, solution P and isotopically exchangeable P were decreased by incubating with lime for 1 month: phosphorus was probably adsorbing on freshly precipitated aluminium hydrous oxides. In one soil with less exchangeable aluminium, P in solution was increased by liming. After 23 months lime increased solution and exchangeable P possibly due to crystallization of aluminium hydrous oxides reducing the number of sites for P adsorption. All these changes were however small. In a pot experiment, lime and phosphorus markedly increased barley shoot and root dry matter and P uptake. Although liming reduced P availability measured by solution P, isotopically exchangeable P and resin extractable P, it increased phosphorus uptake by reducing aluminium toxicity and promoting better root growth. The soil aluminium saturation was reduced by liming, but the concentration of aluminium in roots changed only slightly. The roots accumulated aluminium without apparently being damaged.  相似文献   
Summary Environmental influence on physiological factors that determine seed quality is discussed in relation to true potato seed (TPS). This review has been motivated by the need for high quality seed for the proper evaluation of TPS technology. The objectives of tuber production may not be in harmony with those required for the production of high quality TPS. The production of high quality TPS may be influenced by the stronger sink strength ability of fast developing tubers for assimilation of available nutrients. Earliness of tuber formation, which is needed in TPS progenitors, may tend to result in incomplete TPS development. Limiting conditions during seed development decrease the potential of the seed for field establishment. Seed vigor is the most important attribute of seed quality since it is essential for seedling performance under the adverse conditions commonly encountered during field development. The attractiveness of TPS technology for tropical areas, where potato production is limited by low-quality seed tuber availability, is decreased by the lack of seedling vigor and uniformity of seedlings derived from TPS. Current research indicates that considerable genetic improvement of TPS vigor and uniformity is possible. It is suggested that significant immediate improvement of TPS quality would result from agronomic techniques that reflect understanding of the physiological factors that influence the production and maintenance of high quality seed. Research areas needed to develop methodologies for TPS production with optimum expression of genotype are identified.Abbreviations TPS True potato seed - CIP International Potato Center, Lima, Peru - SD Short day - LD Long day - INIA Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Chile - GA Gibberellic acid  相似文献   
The toxic effect of a spore preparation of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis Berliner Serotype H-14 (Bti) on 4th instar larvae of Aedes aegypti L. and Toxorhynchites amboinensis (Doleschall) was observed when given either in a suspension feeding test or when injected orally as a forced feeding or via the anus as an enema. The A. aegypti larvae showed the greater sensitivity to Bti both because they greatly concentrate the toxin by filter feeding and they are more sensitive to Bti than are the larvae of T. amboinensis. The latter appeared approximately two-fold less sensitive to Bti than the former after taking into account their greater body weight.
Résumé La toxicité sur des larves de 4ème stade de A. aegypti et T. amboinensis, d'une préparation de spores de B. thuringiensis var. israelensis Berliner sérotype H-14, a été examinée après: injection orale par alimentation forcée, injection anale comme lavement, — le témoin étant une alimentation à partir d'une suspension de spores.Les larves de A. aegypti ont présenté la plus grande sensibilité au Bti d'une part parce qu'elles concentrent beaucoup la toxine avec leur alimentation par filtration, et parce qu'elles sont plus sensibles sensu stricto au Bti. Même en tenant compte de leur poids plus élevé, T. amboinensis est apparu comme deux fois moins sensible au Bti.
Summary It has previously been shown by Macey and Farmer (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 211:104–106, 1970) that phloretin inhibits urea transport across the human red cell membrane yet has no effect on water transport. Jennings and Solomon (J. Gen. Physiol. 67:381–397, 1976) have shown that there are separate lipid and protein binding sites for phloretin on the red cell membrane. We have now found that urea transport is inhibited by phloretin binding to the lipids with aK 1 of 25±8 m in reason-able agreement with theK D of 54±5 m for lipid binding. These experiments show that lipid/protein interactions can alter the conformational state of the urea transport protein. Phloretin binding to the protein site also modulates red cell urea transport, but the modulation is opposed by the specific stilbene anion transport inhibitor, DIDS (4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-stilbene disulfonate), suggesting a linkage between the urea transport protein and band 3. Neither the lipid nor the protein phloretin binding site has any significant effect on water transport. Water transport is, however, inhibited by up to 30% in a pH-dependent manner by DIDS binding, which suggests that the DIDS/band 3 complex can modulate water transport.  相似文献   
Meloidogyne californiensis n. sp. is described and illustrated from bulrush Scirpus robustus in California. LM and SEM studies revealed that this species differs from other known species in the genus Meloidogyne especially by the prominent posterior cuticular protuberances in the female, the distinct shape of the perineal pattern which is marked by one prominent stria in the perineum, indistinct lateral lines, many broken discontinuous striae on both sides of the arch, and the excretory pore being located posterior to stylet base. Second-stage juveniles 448-628 μm long, stylet length 11-13 μm, styler delicate, with small knobs sloping posteriorly, cephalic region with 2 or 3 annuli, and inflated rectum. Males vary greatly in size (712-1,952 μm), stylet length 18-28 μm (mean 22 μm), cephalic region slightly set off the body with two or three annuli, spear heavy with massive rounded knobs, lateral field marked by four areolated incisures as seen by SEM.  相似文献   
A total of 66 plants in 50 species were inoculated with eggs and juveniles of soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines. Roots were stained and observed for penetration and development of the nematode. Twenty-six plants were not penetrated; twenty-three were penetrated, but there was no development of the nematode; eight were penetrated with some nematode development; two were penetrated and had considerable nematode development, but few nematodes, if any, matured; and seven were penetrated with many nematodes maturing. The penetration of nonhosts may imply some susceptibility and that populations eventually would build up on the penetrated plants. Plants not penetrated may be useful as rotation plants because no reproduction would occur.  相似文献   
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