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As an extension of our previous work we not only evaluated the relationship between acidosis and lipid peroxidation in rat's kidney homogenate, but also determined for the first time the potential anti-oxidant activity of diphenyl diselenide, diphenyl ditelluride and ebselen at a range of pH values (7.4–5.4). Because of the pH dependency of iron redox cycling, pH and iron need to be well controlled and for the reason we tested a number of pH values (from 7.4 to 5.4) to get a closer idea about the role of iron under various pathological conditions. Acidosis increased rate of lipid peroxidation in the absence Fe (II) in kidney homogenates especially at pH 5.4. This higher extent of lipid peroxidation can be explained by; the mobilized iron which may come from reserves where it is weakly bound. Addition of iron (Fe) chelator desferoxamine (DFO) to reaction medium completely inhibited the peroxidation processes at all studied pH values including acidic values (5.8–5.4). In the presence of Fe (II) acidosis also enhanced detrimental effect of Fe (II) especially at pH (6.4–5.4). Diphenyl diselenide significantly protected lipid peroxidation at all studied pH values, while ebselen offered only a small statistically non-significant protection. The highest anti-oxidant potency was observed for diphenyl ditelluride. These differences in potencies were explained by the mode of action of these compounds using their catalytic anti-oxidant cycles. However, changing the pH of the reaction medium did not alter the anti-oxidant activity of the tested compounds. This study provides evidence for acidosis catalyzed oxidative stress in kidney homogenate and for the first time anti-oxidant potential of diphenyl diselenide and diphenyl ditelluride not only at physiological pH but also at a range of acidic values.  相似文献   
During action potentials triggered by electricity and light, measurements of intra- and extracellular pH in the liverwort Conocephalum conicum L. were carried out by the use of antimony-filled H+-sensitive microelectrodes. Intracellular pH increased transiently by about 0.05 unit in the course of an action potential, while extracellular pH, measured at the surface of the thallus, remained unchanged. Switching the light off caused a transient increase in intracellular pH by less than 0.1 unit. Turning the light on produced a fast pH decrease by about 0.15 unit followed by a slow increase. When the light was intensive enough, the action potential thus triggered caused a slight increase in intracellular pH superimposed on the phase of a slow pH increment.
The magnitude and time course of the intracellular pH changes seem insufficient for a role as messenger between action potential and the up to 100% increase in the rate of respiration that has been registered in Conocephalum conicum as a consequence of excitation.  相似文献   
A continuous-flow NMR culture system for mammalian cells has been developed on which 31P-NMR experiments under complete and strictly physiologic conditions have been performed. Observations on the response of the cellular metabolism to stresses such as starvation, low temperature and changes in environmental pH monitored by 31P-NMR are reported. The response of the intracellular pH relative to the external pH of the growth medium is studied. We find that under the experimental conditions used there exists a ΔpH varying between less than 0.2 and more than 0.6 pH units. These results are compatible with those obtained using other techniques.  相似文献   
During periods of high atmospheric humidity, twigs of Tamarix aphylla (L.) Karst. become covered by an alkaline solution. The pH of that solution fluctuates between 8.0 – 8.5 in the dark and 10.5 during the light hours. Such a solution, produced by the glands, constitutes an efficient trap for atmospheric CO2. Upon the periodic drop in pH, much of the preabsorbed carbon may gradually be released from the solution. This enriches the immediate surroundings of the twigs with CO2 for prolonged periods of time. The expected concentrations of CO2, at the boundary layer between the atmosphere and the surfaces of the twigs, are over 1 000 ppm. As net photosynthesis of T. aphylla reaches maximal rates only at CO2 concentrations of above 500 ppm, the plants may benefit from this extra source of carbon and may exploit it for maximal assimilation during the early morning hours. Thus, the "salt glands'of Tamarix , which are liable for the production of the alkaline recretum, may serve a triple purpose: (a) removal of excess salts out of the twigs, (b) provision of a cover of hygroscopic solutes that moistens the twigs and shortens the duration of transpiration, and (c) providing the plants with an environment enriched in CO2.  相似文献   
Metals such as Cu2+, Fe3+, and Zn2+ are major contributors to the biology of a brain in stages of health, aging, and disease because of their unique effects on both protein structures (misfolding) and oxidative stress. The relationship between metal ions and neurodegenerative diseases is very complicated. Our study highlights how metal ions influence amyloid formation at low pH and on preformed amyloid fibrils. By using thioflavin T assay, ANS fluorescence, Congo red assay, circular dichroism, and microscopy to elucidate the effects of Cu2+, Fe3+, and Zn2+ on goat brain cystatin (GBC) aggregation at low pH. Results showed that Cu2+ and Fe3+ inhibit fibril formation of GBC by promoting amorphous aggregates. However, Zn2+ exclusively promotes fibril formation at low pH, leading to the formation of more ordered aggregates. Furthermore, the combined results of these complementary methods also suggested that Cu2+ and Fe3+ destabilize the β-sheet secondary structure of preformed amyloid fibrils of GBC.  相似文献   
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were biosynthesized using fungal extract of Trametes trogii, a white rot basidiomycete involved in wood decay worldwide, which produces several ligninolytic enzymes. According to previous studies using fungi, enzymes are involved in nanoparticles synthesis, through the so-called green synthesis process, acting as reducing and capping agents. Understanding which factors could modify nanoparticles’ shape, size and production efficiency is relevant. The results showed that under the protocol used in this work, this strain of Trametes trogii is able to synthesize silver nanoparticles with the addition of silver nitrate (AgNO3) to the fungal extract obtained with an optimal incubation time of 72 h and pH 13, using NaOH to adjust pH. The progress of the reaction was monitored using UV–visible spectroscopy and synthesized AgNPs was characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), through in-lens and QBDS detectors, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Additionally, SPR absorption was modeled using Mie theory and simple nanoparticles and core-shell configurations were studied, to understand the morphology and environment of the nanoparticles. This protocol represents a simple and cheap synthesis in the absence of toxic reagents and under an environmentally friendly condition.  相似文献   
Abstract Energy-coupling sites in the electron transport chain of the obligately fermentative aerotolerant bacterium Zymomonas mobilis were examined. The H+ /O stoichiometry of the electron transport chain in intact bacteria oxidizing ethanol was close to 3.3. Cytoplasmic membrane vesicles coupled NADH oxidation to ATP synthesis. With ascorbate/phenazine methosulfate they showed oxygen uptake which was sensitive to antimycin A, but no significant ATP synthesis could be detected. Cells with a defective coupling site I, prepared by cultivation on a sulfate-deficient medium, showed a decreased rotenone sensitivity of respiration, and they lacked almost all the respiration-driven proton translocation and ATP synthesis. We conclude that, despite the reported composition of the electron transport chain, only energy coupling site 1 was functional in Z. mobilis .  相似文献   
Adventitious bud formation on Sitka spruce [ Picca sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.] needle explants was strongly dependent upon the rigidity of the culture medium. In general, of organogenesis was greatest on weak gels and poorest on more rigid gels resulting from increased medium pH or agar strength. There was a significant interaction between agar strength and pH, with the optimum pH for organogenesis declining with increasing agar strength. Poor organogenesis at high agar concentrations was not due to toxic impurities since increased adventitious bud production could be stimulated by decreasing the medium pH whilst maintaining a high agar strength and an agar washing treatment had no significant effect. Although high levels of organogenesis could be sustained on weak gels the resultant adventitious shoots often showed severe vitrification. The frequency of shoots showing vitrification could be reduced by growing the tissues on harder media but this resulted in reduced shoot elongation. Vitrification of needle tissues did not stimulate the formation of adventitious buds in the absence of cytokinins.  相似文献   
Current agronomic cultivars of white lupin (Lupinus albus) are intolerant of calcareous or limed soils. In these soils, high pH, bicarbonate (HCO3?), and calcium (Ca) concentrations are the major chemical stresses to the root system. To determine the responses of the root system to these factors, evaluate root architecture, and compare genotypes for tolerance, a series of liquid culture experiments was completed using root chambers that allowed the study of the root system in two dimensions. Each stress condition caused changes in different parts of the root system and there was no generalised stress response. HCO3? (5 mM) had the greatest effect on cultivars intolerant of calcareous soil; it decreased the dry weight of the shoot and caused the highest percentage of tap root deaths. HCO3? also discriminated between short (determinate) and long (indeterminate) roots, as it decreased the number and density of the determinate roots only. Calcium (3 mM) affected all parts of the root system. The tap root was shortened and showed an increased tortuousness in its path compared with 1 mM Ca, although no plants suffered tap root death. The numbers and densities of the two lateral root forms were also decreased, as were the lengths of the indeterminate roots. Stress from alkaline pH (7.5) media caused a lower number and density of determinate lateral roots to be produced than at pH 6.5. The experiments demonstrated that each culture condition elicited a definable stress response. Stress conditions altered the root architecture of genotypes reported to be tolerant of calcareous soil less than in intolerant genotypes. Although soil is more complex than liquid culture, it is possible that in a calcareous or limed soil each stress condition examined may affect the overall stress of the plant, and increased tolerance may result from tolerance to a single stress.  相似文献   
The sucrose content of acid lime [ Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swing.] juice tissue was measured at time 0 and at various times following incubation at 15.5, 26.6 and 37.7°C. The decline in sucrose content in fruit stored at 15.5°C paralleled the expected values for a sucrose solution at pH 2.1. At higher temperatures, the in vivo sucrose content decreased at significantly lower rates than the expected values. In fruit stored at 26.6 and 37.7°C, the vacuolar pH increased 0.11 and 0.23 units, respectively. When sucrose hydrolysis was recalculated at the increased vacuolar pH of juice cells stored at 26.6 and 37.7°C, the calculated values were similar to the measured values obtained in vivo. It is concluded that within the limits of the experimental conditions, the rates of sucrose acid hydrolysis are regulated by changes in the vacuolar H+ concentration.  相似文献   
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