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Summary The -crystallin proteins consist of two topologically equivalent domains, each built up out of two similar motifs. They are encoded by a gene family, which already contained five members before the divergence of rodents and primates. A further gene duplication took place in each lineage. To analyze the pattern of evolution within this gene family, the coding sequences of six human genes, six rat genes, and four mouse genes were compared. Between species, a uniform rate of evolution of all regions of the protein is seen. The ratio of synonymous to nonsynonymous substitution in the human/rat or human/mouse comparison is much lower than the ratio when rat and mouse are compared indicating that the -crystallin proteins are better conserved in the rodent lineage. Within species, the regions encoding the two external motifs I and III of the protein show a greater extent of nonsynonymous substitution than the regions encoding the two internal protein motifs II and IV. The low extent of synonymous substitution between the second exons (encoding motifs I and II) of the rat -crystallin genes suggests the frequent occurrence of gene conversion. In contrast, a high extent of synonymous substitution is found in exon 3 (encoding motifs III and IV) of the rat genes. The same phenomenon is seen within the human gene family. The frequencies of occurrence of the various dinucleotides deviate less from those predicted from the frequencies of occurrence of each individual nucleotide in the second exons than in the third exons. The sequences of the third exons are significantly depleted in CpG, ApA, and GpT and enriched in CpT and GpA.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of monensin on polysaccharide slime secretion by root tips of corn (Zea mays) was studied. Various treatment times and ionophore concentrations were tested: none resulted in inhibition of slime secretion. Because monensin changes the pH of the medium, its effect was also monitored in strongly buffered media and at different pH's. Even in such media, monensin did not inhibit slime secretion. We also measured the effect of the drug after a pulse with [3H]fucose or a pulse followed by a chase. The amount of labeled slimed secreted was not altered by the ionophore. However, 10M monensin affected the development of root tips and drastically reduced their growth. We showed that monensin inhibits the secretion of -amylase by the scutellum of the same plantlet. The importance of the nature of the secretory compound in relation to monensin inhibition of its secretion is discussed.Abbrevations Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane-sul-fonic acid - Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethane-sulfonic acid  相似文献   
A 12-week-old fetus and one 17-week-old fetus + placenta were obtained after spontaneous abortions from two women of blood group p. The 17-week-old fetus was dissected into intestine, liver, brain and residual tissue. Nonacid glycosphingolipid fractions were prepared from the tissues. Glycolipid characterization was carried out using thin layer chromatography immunostained with monoclonal antibodies and bacteria and by1H NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. In the placental fraction substantial amounts of globotetraosylceramide (P-antigen) and globotriaosylceramide (Pk-antigen) were identified. In contrast, the fetuses contained only trace amounts of these structures, as revealed by immunostaining. These results indicate that the primary target for the antibodies of the anti-Tja serum is the placenta tissue, resulting in termination of the pregnancy.  相似文献   
It is well established that normal patterns of epithelial cell proliferation and metabolism, and of fiber cell differentiation and maturation are essential for the maintenance of transparency in the ocular lens. Several factors, including exposure to high levels of sugars, have been known to result in the compromise of lens transparency. For example, initiation of lens cell damage by galactose induces lens epithelial cells to proliferate. Elevated levels of c-myc mRNA have usually been correlated with rapid cell growth and increased entry of cells into the S phase. Therefore, changes in c-myc mRNA levels may provide an early indication of the stimulation of lens epithelial cells to proliferate and differentiate, which has been postulated to be an early and important event in response to lens cell injury by galactose. By Northern blot hybridization analysis we quantitated c-myc mRNA levels in the lens capsule epithelia of rats (1) exposed to galactose, and (2) undergoing a partial recovery from the galactose-induced cell damage. At the onset of lens cell damage, we find c-myc mRNA to elevate to 6-fold by 24 hr, and by 48 hr decreases to about 3-fold the normal levels. During recovery, c-myc mRNA continues to be expressed at high levels approaching a 10-fold increase by day 12, then decreasing to levels of about 8-fold the control by day 30. The 24 h transitory elevation in c-myc mRNA in lens epithelial cells is in accord with our previous observations on the 24 h increase in MP26, crystallin and aldose reductase mRNAs following a high influx of galactose. Therefore, the elevation in c-myc mRNA as well suggest that galactose appears to cause lens cells to undergo an early transitory period of gene induction following the exposure of lens cells to galactose.  相似文献   
Using rat hepatocytes we confirmed our previous results that glucagon and -adrenergic agonists increased the enzyme activity of alanine aminotransferase (AAT) and propranolol abolished their effects. Only the enzyme activity was measured and other parameters like quantity of the enzyme or activation due to modification were not looked for. As in perfusion experiment phenylephrine and phenoxybenzamine (-agonist and -antagonist respectively) also increased the AAT activity in isolated rat hepatocytes and propranolol reversed these effects. The additive effect of glucagon and phenoxybenzamine on AAT was also persistant in hepatocyte system.Fructose- 1:6-bisphosphatase (Fru-P2ase), another key enzyme in gluconeogenic pathway, was elevated by glucagon and other -adrenergic agonists both in liver perfusion and isolated hepatocyte experiments and was brought back to the normal level by propranolol. In this case also only the enzyme activity was measured and no other parameters were looked for. Unlike AAT this enzyme was not stimulated by phenylephrine or phenoxybenzamine. But AAT and Fru-P2-ase activities were increased significantly by adenylate cyclase activators like fluoride or forskolin. Thus, it appears that the regulation of fru-P2-ase by glucagon is purely a -receptor mediated process whereas AAT activation shows a mixed type of regulation where some well known -agonist and antagonists are behaving as -agonists.Results further indicate the presence of phosphodiesterase in hepatocyte membrane which was stimulated by glucagon and brought back to the normal level by propranolol.The different adrenergic compounds stated above, not only modified the activity of the above two enzymes but also stimulated glucose production by hepatocytes from alanine which was in turn abolished by propranolol as well as amino oxyacetate (AOA), a highly specified inhibitor of AAT. This confirm the participation of AAT in gluconeogenesis from alanine in liver. Forskolin and fluoride also increased the glucose production from alanine and showed additive effects with glucagon, phenylephrine and phenoxybenzamine.  相似文献   
Summary Mapping of monoaminergic systems in the brain of the newt Triturus alpestris was achieved with antisera against (1) thyrosine hydroxylase (TH), (2) formaldehyde-conjugated dopamine (DA), and (3) formaldehyde-conjugated serotonin (5-HT). In the telencephalon, the striatum was densely innervated by a large number of 5-HT-, DA-and TH-immunoreactive (IR) fibers; IR fibers were more scattered in the amygdala, the medial and lateral forebrain bundles, and the anterior commissure. In the anterior and medial diencephalon, TH-IR perikarya contacting the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF-C perikarya) were located in the preoptic recess organ (PRO), the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis and the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Numerous TH-IR perikarya, not contacting the CSF, were present in the posterior preoptic nucleus and the ventral thalamus. At this level, DA-IR CSF-C neurons were only located in the PRO. In the posterior diencephalon, large populations of 5-HT-IR and DA-IR CSF-C perikarya were found in the paraventricular organ (PVO) and the nucleus infundibularis dorsalis (NID); the dorsal part of the NID additionally presented TH-IR CSF-C perikarya. Most regions of the diencephalon showed an intense monoaminergic innervation. In addition, numerous TH-IR, DA-IR and 5-HT-IR fibers, orginating from the anterior and posterior hypothalamic nuclei, extended ventrally and reached the median eminence and the pars intermedia of the pituitary gland. In the midbrain, TH-IR perikarya were located dorsally in the pretectal area. Ventrally, a large group of TH-IR cell bodies and some weakly stained DA-IR and 5-HT-IR neurons were observed in the posterior tuberculum. No dopaminergic system equivalent to the substantia nigra was revealed. The possible significance of the differences in the distribution of TH-IR and DA-IR neurons is discussed, with special reference to the CSF-C neurons.Abbreviations AM amygdala - CAnt commissura anterior - CH commissura hippocampi - CP commissura posterior - Ctm commissura tecti mesencephali - DH dorsal hypothalamus - DTh dorsal thalamus - FLM fasciculus longitudinalis medialis - Fsol fasciculus solitarius - H habenula - LFB lateral forebrain bundle - ME median eminence - MFB medial forebrain bundle - NID nucleus infundibularis dorsalis - nIP neuropil of nucleus interpeduncularis - NPOP nucleus preopticus posterior - NS nucleus septi - OVLT organum vasculosum laminae terminalis - PD pars distalis - Pdo dorsal pallium - PHi primordium hippocampi - PI pars intermedia - Pl lateral pallium - PN pars nervosa - PRO preoptic recess organ - Ptec pretectal area - PVO paraventricular organ - Ra nucleus raphe - Rm nucleus reticularis medius - SCO subcommisural organ - ST striatum; strm stria medullaris thalami - strt stria terminalis thalami - TM tegmentum mesencephali - TO tectum opticum - TP tuberculum posterius - trch tractus cortico-habenularis - trmp tractus mamillopeduncularis - VH ventral hypothalamus - Vm nucleus motorius nervi trigemini - VTh ventral thalamus - II optic nerve  相似文献   
Summary The ontogeny of substance P, CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide), and VIP (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide) containing nerve fibers in the carotid labyrinth of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, was examined by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. The time of appearance of these three peptides was different for each. First, CGRP fibers appeared in the wall of the carotid arch and external carotid arteries, and in a thin septum between these two arteries at an early stage of larval development (stage III). At stage V, substance P immunoreactive fibers appeared, and VIP fibers were detected at the early metamorphic stage (stage XXII). Up to the completion of metamorphosis, the number of these fibers remained low. From 1 to 5 weeks after metamorphosis, substance P, CGRP, and VIP fibers increased in number to varying degrees. By 8 weeks after metamorphosis, the distribution and abundance of these fibers closely resembled those of the adults. Some CGRP and VIP immunoreactive glomus cells were found at the stages immediately before and after the completion of metamorphosis. These findings suggest that substance P, CGRP, and VIP fibers during larval development and metamorphosis may be nonfunctional, and start to participate in vascular regulation only after metamorphosis. The transient CGRP and VIP in some glomus cells may be important for the development of the labyrinth, or may take part in vascular regulation through the close apposition of the glomus and smooth muscle cells (g-s connection).  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of natriuretic peptide immunoreactivity was determined in the heart and brain of the gulf toadfish Opsanus beta using the avidin-biotin peroxidase technique. Four antisera were used: the first raised against porcine brain natriuretic peptide which cross-reacts with atrial natriuretic and C-type natriuretic peptides (termed natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactivity); the second raised against porcine brain natriuretic peptide which cross-reacts with C-type natriuretic peptide but not with atrial natriuretic peptide (termed porcine brain natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactivity); the third raised against rat atrial natriuretic peptide; and the fourth raised against eel atrial natriuretic peptide. Natriuretic peptide- and porcine brain natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactivity was observed in all cardiac muscle cells of the atrium. In the ventricle, natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactivity was found in all cardiac muscle cells, however porcine brain natriuretic peptidelike immunoreactivity was confined to muscle cells adjacent to the epicardium. There was no discernible difference in the distribution of natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactivity and porcine brain natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactivity in the brain. Immunoreactive perikarya were observed only in the preoptic region of the diencephalon, and many immunoreactive fibres were found in the telencephalon, preoptic area, and rostral hypothalamus, lateral to the thalamic region. There was no immunoreactivity in any region of the hypophysis. A pair of distinct immunoreactive fibre tracts ran caudally from the preoptic area to the thalamic region, from which fibres extended to the posterior commissure, area praetectalis, dorsolateral regions of the midbrain tegmentum, and tectum. Many immunoreactive fibres were present in the rostral regions of the inferior lobes of the hypothalamus and in the dorsolateral and ventrolateral aspects of the rhombencephalon. No immunoreactivity was observed in the heart and brain using rat atrial natriuretic and eel natriuretic peptide antisera. Although the chemical structure of natriuretic peptides in the heart and brain of toadfish is unknown, these observations show that a component of the natriuretic peptide complement is similar to porcine brain natriuretic and/or porcine C-type natriuretic peptides. The presence of natriuretic peptides in the brain suggests that they could be important neuromodulators and/or neurotransmitters.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of fibronectin mRNA and fibronectin in adult human retina and epiretinal membranes was investigated by in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemical techniques. The cells in normal adult retina contained little or no fibronectin mRNA and the retina only showed fibronectin immunoreactivity in retinal vessels. The cells in detached neuroretina did not contain fibronectin message but the vitreoretinal interface of the detached retina exhibited variable fibronectin immunoreactivity. Retinal glia, retinal pigment epithelium and fibroblast-like cells in membranes at the vitreoretinal juncture (epiretinal membranes) showed variable labelling with the fibronectin mRNA probe and all the membranes immunostained for fibronectin. No difference could be detected between membrane cell types in the intensity of labelling with the mRNA probe or for fibronectin immunoreactivity. The results indicate that cells in situ in attached and detached adult human retina do not produce fibronectin. Although fibronectin at the vitreoretinal juncture in retinal detachment is probably partly derived from plasma fibronectin resulting from breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier, ectopic retinal cells produce fibronectin and contribute to the glycoprotein in epiretinal membranes.  相似文献   
Summary Serial sections of resting porcine endometrium were analyzed with the monoclonal antibody 13H2 using goat antimouse IgG/5 nm gold as secondary reagent or with either polyclonal antibodies from goat #402 or the rat monoclonal antibody H222, both in combination with protein G/12 nm gold. A modestly higher labelling of nuclei than of cytoplasm was seen only with the monoclonal antibody H222. Polyclonal #402 and monoclonal 13H2 showed fewer attachments over nuclear than over cytoplasmic areas. The highest densities of attachment and of predominantly cytoplasmic labelling were obtained with the monoclonal antibody 13H2. The results confirm the earlier assumption of a restricted accessiblity of estradiol receptor in the cytoplasm of resting cells for immunoreagents.  相似文献   
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