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Estrogen, as an aromatized metabolite of testosterone, has a facilitatory effect on male aggressive behavior in mice. Two subtypes of estrogen receptors, alpha (ER-alpha) and beta (ER-beta), in the brain are known to bind estrogen. Previous studies revealed that the lack of ER-alpha gene severely reduced the induction of male aggressive behavior. In contrast, mice that lacked the ER-beta gene tended to be more aggressive than wild type (WT) control mice, although the behavioral effects of ER-beta gene disruption were dependent on their social experience. These findings lead us to hypothesize that estrogen may facilitate aggression via ER-alpha whereas it may inhibit aggression via ER-beta. In the present study, we further investigated the role of ER-beta in the regulation of aggressive behavior by examining developmental changes starting at the time of first onset, around the age of puberty. Aggressive behaviors of ER-beta gene knockout (betaERKO) mice were examined in three different age groups, puberty, young-adult, and adult. Each mouse was tested every other day for three times in a resident-intruder paradigm against olfactory bulbectomized intruder mice and their trunk blood was collected for measurements of serum testosterone after the completion of the study. Overall, betaERKO mice were significantly more aggressive than WT. These genotype differences were more pronounced in puberty and young adult age groups, but not apparent in the adult age group, in which betaERKO mice were less aggressive than those in two younger age groups. Serum testosterone levels of betaERKO mice were significantly higher than those of WT mice only in the pubertal age group, but not in young adult (when betaERKO mice were still significantly more aggressive than WT mice) and adult (when no genotype differences in aggression were found) age groups. These results suggest that ER-beta mediated actions of gonadal steroids may more profoundly be involved in the inhibitory regulation of aggressive behavior in pubertal and young adult mice.  相似文献   
Benzimidazole resistance has evolved in a variety of organisms and typically results from mutations in the beta-tubulin locus at specific amino acid sites. Despite widespread treatment of human intestinal nematodes with benzimidazole drugs, there have been no unambiguous reports of resistance. However, since beta-tubulin mutations conferring resistance are generally recessive, frequencies of resistance alleles less than 30% would be difficult to detect on the basis of drug treatment failures. Here we investigate sequence variation in a 1079 bp segment of the beta-tubulin locus in the human whipworm Trichuris trichiura from 72 individual nematodes from seven countries. We did not observe any alleles with amino acid mutations indicative of resistance, and of 40 point mutations there were only four non-synonymous mutations all of which were singletons. Estimated effective population sizes are an order of magnitude lower than those from another nematode species in which benzimidazole resistance has developed (Haemonchus contortus). Both the lower diversity and reduced population sizes suggest that benzimidazole resistance is likely to evolve less rapidly in Trichuris than in trichostrongyle parasites of livestock. We observed moderate levels of population subdivision (Phi(ST)=0.26) comparable with that previously observed in Ascaris lumbricoides, and identical alleles were frequently found in parasites from different continents, suggestive of recent admixture. A particularly interesting feature of the data is the high nucleotide diversities observed in nematodes from the Caribbean. This genetic complexity may be a direct result of extensive admixture and complex history of human populations in this region of the world. These data should encourage (but not make complacent) those involved in large-scale benzimidazole treatment of human intestinal nematodes.  相似文献   
Presenilin-1 (PS1) is a causative gene in early onset familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD). FAD-linked mutant PS1s significantly increased Abeta40 and Abeta42(43) levels (P < 0.001) and decreased the production of an 11.4 kD (beta-stub) and an 8.7 kD (alpha-stub) carboxyl-terminal fragment of amyloid beta precursor protein (betaAPP-CTFs) (P < 0.01). In the 2% CHAPS extracted lysates, the complex containing the amino-terminal fragment of PS1 (PS1-NTF), the carboxyl-terminal fragments of PS1 (PS1-CTF), and betaAPP-CTFs was identified. Incubation of this isolated complex at pH 6.4 showed the direct generation of Abeta40 and gamma-stub from this complex. This reaction was inhibited by a gamma-secretase inhibitor. The degrading rate of a co-precipitated beta-stub was facilitated under the presence of FAD-linked mutant PS1s. This findings suggest that the direct generation of Abeta from the complex may play an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   
We have established a new method to purify Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) with higher purity and recovery over existing procedures. Recombinant human MIS was expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells and secreted into chemically defined serum-free media. The secreted products were concentrated by either precipitation with ammonium sulfate or lectin-affinity chromatography, each of which was followed by anion-exchange chromatography. Further separation of the active carboxy-terminal domain of MIS was achieved after cleavage by plasmin followed by lectin-affinity chromatography. This method may be applicable to other members of the transforming growth factor beta family with which MIS shares sequence homology.  相似文献   
BACE1 interacts with nicastrin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Beta-amyloid peptide (Abeta) is generated through the proteolytic cleavage of beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) by beta- and gamma-secretases. The beta-secretase, BACE1, initiates Abeta formation followed by gamma-cleavage within the APP transmembrane domain. Although BACE1 localizes in the transGolgi network (TGN), its physiological substrates and modulators are not known. In addition, the relationship to other secretase(s) also remains unidentified. Here, we demonstrate that BACE1 binds to nicastrin, a component of gamma-secretase complexes, in vitro, and that nicastrin activates beta-secretase activity in COS-7 cells.  相似文献   
Aggregation of the amyloid beta peptides (A beta 1-42 and A beta 1-40) plays a pivotal role in pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Although it is widely accepted that the aggregates of A betas mainly consist of beta-sheet structure, the precise aggregation mechanism remains unclear. To identify amino acid residues that are important for the beta-sheet formation, a series of proline-substituted mutants of A beta 1-42 peptides at positions 19-26 was synthesized in a highly pure form and their aggregation ability and neurotoxicity on PC12 cells were investigated. All proline-substituted A beta 1-42 mutants except for 22P- and 23P-A beta 1-42 were hard to aggregate and showed weaker cytotoxicity than wild-type A beta 1-42, suggesting that the residues at positions 19-21 and 24-26 are important for the beta-sheet formation. In contrast, 22P-A beta 1-42 extensively aggregated with stronger cytotoxicity than wild-type A beta 1-42. Since proline has a propensity for beta-turn structure as a Pro-X corner, these data implicate that beta-turn formation at positions 22 and 23 plays a crucial role in the aggregation and neurotoxicity of A beta peptides.  相似文献   
This study compared the effects of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), two aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists, on cell attachment and adherens junction proteins in RL95-2 human uterine endometrial cells. Exposure to 10 microM BaP significantly decreased cell attachment to Matrigel, whereas 10 nM TCDD had no effect. Immunocytochemistry and Western immunoblot analysis showed that BaP, but not TCDD, produced a marked loss of plasma membrane epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) localized along intercellular boundaries. BaP-treated cells exhibited significant decreases in beta-catenin and cadherin protein levels, while vinculin levels remained unchanged relative to control. In contrast, TCDD treatment had no effect on the levels of beta-catenin, cadherin, or vinculin. Further studies using the fluorescein labeled peptide phalloidin showed the presence of continuous subcortical actin filaments in control cells, whereas BaP-treated cells had subcortical actin aggregates. Thus, in contrast to TCDD, BaP produces a loss of cell attachment involving decreased localization of molecules important for cell-cell interactions in RL95-2 cells.  相似文献   
Malaria pigment, or beta-hematin, the insoluble heme detoxification product resulting from the intraerythrocitic digestion of hemoglobin by young malaria trophozoites has been structurally characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and shown to contain chains of propionic acid linked dimers. Although there is considerable spectroscopic evidence for a monodentate propionate-iron interaction in this crystalline material, the spectroscopic characterization of the propionic acid dimer is limited. Herein we demonstrate the presence of the propionic acid dimer unit by H/D isotope substitution in carboxylic acid dimer. In the Raman spectrum of the deuterium substituted compound there is a circa 12 cm(-1) shift, H: 1629 cm(-1) vs. D: 1617 cm(-1) in the symmetric ring breathing mode for the propionic acid dimer. On the other hand, the IR active asymmetric stretch has a very small shift, <3 cm(-1), upon deuteration. These, and other vibrational data, are consistent with the presence of a planar carboxylic acid dimer in the structure of beta-hematin.  相似文献   
Brain hydrogen sulfide is severely decreased in Alzheimer's disease   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Although hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is generally thought of in terms of a poisonous gas, it is endogenously produced in the brain from cysteine by cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS). H2S functions as a neuromodulator as well as a smooth muscle relaxant. Here we show that the levels of H2S are severely decreased in the brains of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients compared with the brains of the age matched normal individuals. In addition to H2S production CBS also catalyzes another metabolic pathway in which cystathionine is produced from the substrate homocysteine. Previous findings, which showed that S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM), a CBS activator, is much reduced in AD brain and that homocysteine accumulates in the serum of AD patients, were confirmed. These observations suggest that CBS activity is reduced in AD brains and the decrease in H2S may be involved in some aspects of the cognitive decline in AD.  相似文献   
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