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ABSTRACT. A new type of airflow olfactometer is described, and results given of experiments using it to measure behavioural olfactory responses of hymenopterous parasitoids. Compared with Y-tube olfactometers it shows several advantages. In its exposure chamber four separate abutting odour fields are presented so that the test insect can readily enter and re-enter them. More than one odour (or different concentrations of one odour) can be tested at the same time, thereby providing complex preference test situations. The various behavioural measures that can be assessed in the apparatus are examined and discussed.  相似文献   
T.D. Giles  G.E. Sander 《Peptides》1983,4(2):171-175
Leucine-enkephalin (Leu5-ENK) (35 μg/kg) increased heart rate and mean systemic arterial blood pressure following intravenous injection into chronically-instrumented, conscious dogs. Repeated injections at five-minute intervals were not associated with a diminished response. Naloxone (1 mg/kg) pre-treatment inhibited both heart rate and blood pressure increases. Prazosin (1 mg/kg) attenuated the increase in blood pressure but did not influence the heart rate response. Propranolol (1 mg/kg) attenuated the heart rate response but not the pressor response. Clonidine (30 μg/kg) attenuated the positive chronotropic effect of Leu5-ENK. Atropine (1 mg/kg) plus propranolol (1 mg/kg) blocked the heart rate response but the pressor effect was still present. The attenuation of the heart rate response by propranolol and the pressor response by prazosin suggests an adrenergic component to the enkephalin response; the reduction in the heart rate response by clonidine and atropine-propranolol indicates a role for cholinergic mechanisms in the chronotropic response. Hexamethonium (10 mg/kg) blocked the heart rate response and markedly inhibited the pressor response. Vagal interruption attenuated both heart rate and blood pressure responses. It is concluded that intravenous Leu5-ENK stimulates afferent pathways located in fibers which are contained in the vagosympathetic trunk to reflexly increase heart rate and blood pressure.  相似文献   
Summary Centaurea maculosa seedlings were grown in pots to study the effects of root herbivory by Agapeta zoegana L. (Lep.: Cochylidae) and Cyphocleonus achates Fahr. (Col.: Curculionidae), grass competition and nitrogen shortage (each present or absent), using a full factorial design. The aims of the study were to analyse the impact of root herbivory on plant growth, resource allocation and physiological processes, and to test if these plant responses to herbivory were influenced by plant competition and nitrogen availability. The two root herbivores differed markedly in their impact on plant growth. While feeding by the moth A. zoegana in the root cortex had no effect on shoot and root mass, feeding by the weevil C. achates in the central vascular tissue greatly reduced shoot mass, but not root mass, leading to a reduced shoot/root ratio. The absence of significant effects of the two herbivores on root biomass, despite considerable consumption, indicates that compensatory root growth occurred. Competition with grass affected plant growth more than herbivory and nutrient status, resulting in reduced shoot and root growth, and number of leaves. Nitrogen shortage did not affect plant growth directly but greatly influenced the compensatory capacity of Centaurea maculosa to root herbivory. Under high nitrogen conditions, shoot biomass of plants infested by the weevil was reduced by 30% compared with uninfested plants. However, under poor nitrogen conditions a 63% reduction was observed compared with corresponding controls. Root herbivory was the most important stress factor affecting plant physiology. Besides a relative increase in biomass allocation to the roots, infested plants also showed a significant increase in nitrogen concentration in the roots and a concomitant reduction in leaf nitrogen concentration, reflecting a redirection of the nitrogen to the stronger sink. The level of fructans was greatly reduced in the roots after herbivore feeding. This is thought to be a consequence of their mobilisation to support compensatory root growth. A preliminary model linking the effects of these root herbivores to the physiological processes of C. maculosa is presented.  相似文献   
S. Hanhimäki  J. Senn 《Oecologia》1992,91(3):318-331
Summary Studies on rapidly inducible resistance in trees against insect herbivores show substantial variation in the strength of responses. Here we report the results of a study which examined causes of this variation. We bioassayed the quality of leaves of two developmental phases (young vs. mature) of the mountain birch Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa by measuring the growth of two instars of Epirrita autumnata larvae. We used only short shoot leaves from trees of a natural stand, uniform in size and age. Damage was caused by larvae and artificial tearing of leaf lamina, varying the scale and time. We separated seasonal changes in plants from instar-dependent effects of the animals by testing experimental larvae in two subsequent growth trials. We found that only larval-made damage induced responses in leaves that made the leaves significantly poorer quality for the test larvae. Artificial damage induced only weak responses, and artificial canopy-wide damage even caused slight improvement of leaf quality. Cumulative leaf damage did not strengthen birch responses. Leaves that were in the expansion phase responded to damage while fully-expanded, mature leaves showed no response. The pattern of responses indicated that there might be physiological constraints: small-scale damage induced resistance against the larvae but largescale damage did not. Prevalent weather conditions might have modified these responses. Larvae of two instars and sexes, of low- and high-density populations responded to leaf damage similarly. However, prior experience of larvae with the host plant may have affected subsequent larval performance. Variation in rapidly inducible responses in birches was caused by plant characters rather than by test animals.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments tested whether two economically-important sibling species of tephritid fruit flies have evolved distinct egg-laying responses to chemical stimuli on the fruits of their respective hostplants. The egg-laying preferences displayed by apple maggot flies, R. pomonella, and blueberry maggot flies, R. mendax, on artificial fruits treated with apple and blueberry extract paralleled their egg-laying responses to whole apples and blueberries. R. pomonella flies laid more eggs than R. mendax flies in artificial fruits treated with extract from ripe McIntosh apples, and vice versa for artificial fruits treated with extract from ripe Bluehaven blueberries. Furthermore, both species laid more eggs in artificial fruits treated with extract from their respective host fruits than control artificial fruits which were not treated with fruit extract. Prior electroantennogram recordings from R. mendax and R. pomonella flies exposed to volatiles from pentane extracts of apples and blueberries indicate that the antennal sensitivity of both species is selectively tuned to their respective host fruit odors. This differentiation in their olfactory responses to fruit odors could be important in mediating their distinct ovipositional responses to blueberry and apple fruits. Extract from unripe McIntosh apples also elicited egg laying by R. pomonella flies, however, artificial fruits treated with unripe apple extract received 1.9 times fewer eggs than those treated with ripe apple extract. Moreover, the numbers of R. pomonella ovipositor punctures and eggs placed in wax artificial fruits were increased when the artificial fruits were treated with a blend of 7 identified apple esters. Black coloration on these artificial fruits and the presence of apple esters had a synergistic effect on the egg-laying behavior of R. pomonella flies, which caused them to lay substantially more eggs per black fruit than white fruit treated with the same concentration of apple esters. In summary, our results indicate that the egg-laying responses of R. pomonella flies are mediated by the integration of information from fruit chemical and visual cues, and that R. mendax and R. pomonella flies have evolved divergent egg-laying responses to chemical stimuli on the fruits of their respective hostplants. These findings are discussed in the context of other studies on plant compounds which influence the ovipositional behavior of phytophagous Diptera.
Stimuli chimiques des pommes et des myrtilles induisant la ponte des espèces jumelles, Rhagoletis pomonella et R. mendax
Résumé Des fruits artificiels en cire traités avec des extraits de fruits ont provoqué chez les espèces jumelles de R. mendax (Curran) et R. pomonella (Walsh) des réactions de ponte différentes suivant les stimulations chimiques par les fruits. Le comportement de ponte sur des fruits artificiels traités avec des extraits au pentane des myrtilles mûres (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) et de pommes mûres (Malus pumila Miller = Pyrus malus L.), est le même que sur des fruits naturels, ce qui montre que la réponse aux stimulations chimiques provenant du fruit constitue un aspect important de la reconnaissance de l'hôte. R. pomonella pond plus d'ufs que R. mendax sur les fruits artificiels traités à l'extrait de pommes mûres; c'est l'inverse pour les fruits traités aux extraits de myrtille. Les fruits artificiels traités avec des pommes ou des myrtilles provoquent la ponte de R. pomonella, tandis que les myrtilles mûres seules provoquent la ponte de R. mendax. Les extraits de pommes vertes stimulent la ponte de R. pomonella mais elle est alors 2 fois plus faible qu'avec des extraits de pommes mûres. Un mélange de 7 esters identifiés dans l'extrait de pomme induit aussi la ponte de R. pomonella. Le nombre de piqûres de tarièresfli dans les fruits artificiels en cire et le nombre d'ufs par fruit ont été augmentés par addition d'esters de pommes à des fruits blancs ou noirs. La couleur des fruits artificiels influence aussi la réaction de ponte de R. pomonella; la fréquence des piqûres de tarière contenant un uf et le nombre d'ufs par fruit étaient significativement plus élevés sur les fruits noirs que sur les fruits blancs traités avec la même concentration d'esters de pomme. Les fruits artificiels noirs traités avec la concentration la plus stimulante d'esters de pommes ont reçu 2, 3 fois plus d'ufs que les fruits blancs avec les mêmes concentrations en esters. Ces résultats montrent que les esters de pomme et la couleur noire stimulent synergiquement la ponte de R. pomonella sur des fruits artificiels.
Summary The effectiveness of two way selection for plasma alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was investigated in order to determine its influences on growth traits through thirteen generations. The responses of the two lines selected for high (HP) and low (LP) ALP at 45 days of age were compared to that of the mice selected for large (L) and small (SM) body size. The selection responses of plasma ALP were very effective for both HP and LP lines, with average responses per generation calculated from linear regressions of 0.227±0.037 and –0.088±0.022 respectively. The final levels of ALP in HP and LP were 5.54±0.71 and 1.27±0.20 in the thirtheenth generation, while the SM, L and base population had levels of 3.49±0.08, 0.86±0.55 and 2.77±0.56 respectively. The body weight at 45 days of age in LP (31.4±1.4 g) as a correlated response was significantly higher than HP (23.4±1.8 g) at generation 10. The correlated response of milk yield, measured by weight gain up to 12 days of age, was significantly greater in the LP line than in HP, but the correlated response of gains after weaning was not so different as the response of milk yield. The response of litter size and weight in LP showed significant higher levels than that of HP, but pups' birth weight did not differ between LP and HP. It is suggested that the correlated response of milk yield contributed more to the divergence of body size between HP and LP than the gain after weaning.Realized heritabilities of ALP were 0.335±0.059 (HP) and 0.279±0.051 (LP). Realized genetic correlations between ALP and 45 days' body weight were –0.27±0.13 (HP with SM) and –0.52±0.19 (LP with L). Realized genetic correlations between ALP and milk yield were –0.95±0.03 (HP) and –0.37±0.29 (LP). Correlations between ALP and postweaning gains were fairly low.  相似文献   
To assess the role of the hypothalamo-hypophysial complex in the control of photoperiodically induced vernal premigratory responses in the White-crowned Sparrow, the effects of hypothalamic lesions and systemic administration of several hormones on these responses were investigated. Lesions that destroyed the posterior median eminence (PME) or the entire median eminence (ME) inhibited photoperiodically induced testicular growth, premigratory fattening and Zugunruhe. Lesions in the basal infundibular nucleus (IN) that resulted in complete inhibition of testicular growth abolished Zugunruhe, but allowed varying degrees of fattening. The systemic administration of prolactin, testosterone propionate (TP) or the combination thereof in the PME-lesioned birds induced fattening similar to that observed in photostimulated controls but did not induce Zugunruhe. It is concluded that testosterone and prolactin are the most important hormones involved in the control of vernal premigratory fattening. The role of these hormones in the induction of vernal Zugunruhe is not positively proven.  相似文献   
This is the ninth installment of our annual review of research involving the endogenous opiate peptides. It is restricted to the non-analgesic and behavioral studies of the opiate peptides published in 1986. The specific topics this year include stress; tolerance and dependence; eating; drinking; gastrointestinal, renal, and hepatic processes; mental illness; learning, memory, and reward; cardiovascular responses; respiration and thermoregulation; seizures and other neurological disorders; activity; sex, pregnancy, and development; and some other behaviors.  相似文献   
在实验室条件下,研究了草间钻头蛛Hylyphantes graminicola对果蝇Drosophila melanogaster的捕食功能反应.结果表明,在一定范围内,草间钻头蛛捕食效应随猎物密度增加而增加;随自身密度增加而减小;随着蜘蛛和果蝇密度的增加,相互干扰明显,捕食效率下降;雌蛛比雄蛛捕食量大.  相似文献   
乳酸菌酸胁迫反应机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乳酸菌可发酵糖类产生乳酸,并广泛应用于食品、药物和饲料等工业。由于有机酸的积累,乳酸菌大部分的生长代谢都在低pH的酸性环境中进行,具有酸胁迫反应。pH的自我平衡、ATR反应机制、对大分子的保护和修复作用及细胞膜的变化等是乳酸菌酸胁迫反应的主要机制,其中,pH自我平衡包括F0F1-ATPase质子泵、精氨酸脱氨酶途径(ADI)和谷氨酸脱羧酶途径(GAD)等。由此可见,乳酸菌酸胁迫反应机制涉及到基因和蛋白的表达调控等,是非常复杂的网络调控体系。  相似文献   
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