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社鼠(Niviventer confucianus)属于啮齿目(Rodentia)、鼠科(Muridae)、白腹鼠属(Niviventer),关于该物种的分子系统学研究极少。为获取社鼠线粒体基因组全序列,提取其基因组总DNA,参照近缘物种线粒体基因组全序列设计34对特异性引物,利用PCR扩增全部片段后进行测序,之后对其基因组组成及结构特点进行了初步分析。结果表明,社鼠线粒体基因组全序列长16 281 bp(GenBank收录号:KJ152220),包含22个tRNA基因、13个蛋白质编码基因、2个rRNA基因和1个非编码控制区;基因组核苷酸组成为34.0%A、28.6%T、24.9%C、12.5%G。将所得序列与社鼠近缘物种(川西白腹鼠、小家鼠、褐家鼠)的线粒体全基因组进行比较,结果显示,四个物种的线粒体基因组虽然在基因组大小、部分tRNA二级结构、部分蛋白质编码基因的起始或终止密码子及控制区长度和碱基组成上有差异,但基因组结构和序列特征方面都具有较高的相似性。四个物种线粒体全基因组间的遗传距离显示,社鼠与川西白腹鼠距离最近,而与小家鼠距离最远。该研究为利用线粒体全基因组信息进行啮齿类分子系统学研究提供了有价值的资料。  相似文献   
Converting land to biofuel feedstock production incurs changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) that can influence biofuel life‐cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Estimates of these land use change (LUC) and life‐cycle GHG emissions affect biofuels' attractiveness and eligibility under a number of renewable fuel policies in the USA and abroad. Modeling was used to refine the spatial resolution and depth extent of domestic estimates of SOC change for land (cropland, cropland pasture, grassland, and forest) conversion scenarios to biofuel crops (corn, corn stover, switchgrass, Miscanthus, poplar, and willow) at the county level in the USA. Results show that in most regions, conversions from cropland and cropland pasture to biofuel crops led to neutral or small levels of SOC sequestration, while conversion of grassland and forest generally caused net SOC loss. SOC change results were incorporated into the Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation (GREET) model to assess their influence on life‐cycle GHG emissions of corn and cellulosic ethanol. Total LUC GHG emissions (g CO2eq MJ?1) were 2.1–9.3 for corn‐, ?0.7 for corn stover‐, ?3.4 to 12.9 for switchgrass‐, and ?20.1 to ?6.2 for Miscanthus ethanol; these varied with SOC modeling assumptions applied. Extending the soil depth from 30 to 100 cm affected spatially explicit SOC change and overall LUC GHG emissions; however, the influence on LUC GHG emission estimates was less significant in corn and corn stover than cellulosic feedstocks. Total life‐cycle GHG emissions (g CO2eq MJ?1, 100 cm) were estimated to be 59–66 for corn ethanol, 14 for stover ethanol, 18–26 for switchgrass ethanol, and ?7 to ?0.6 for Miscanthus ethanol. The LUC GHG emissions associated with poplar‐ and willow‐derived ethanol may be higher than that for switchgrass ethanol due to lower biomass yield.  相似文献   
An improved analysis of forest carbon dynamics using data assimilation   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
There are two broad approaches to quantifying landscape C dynamics – by measuring changes in C stocks over time, or by measuring fluxes of C directly. However, these data may be patchy, and have gaps or biases. An alternative approach to generating C budgets has been to use process‐based models, constructed to simulate the key processes involved in C exchange. However, the process of model building is arguably subjective, and parameters may be poorly defined. This paper demonstrates why data assimilation (DA) techniques – which combine stock and flux observations with a dynamic model – improve estimates of, and provide insights into, ecosystem carbon (C) exchanges. We use an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) to link a series of measurements with a simple box model of C transformations. Measurements were collected at a young ponderosa pine stand in central Oregon over a 3‐year period, and include eddy flux and soil CO2 efflux data, litterfall collections, stem surveys, root and soil cores, and leaf area index data. The simple C model is a mass balance model with nine unknown parameters, tracking changes in C storage among five pools; foliar, wood and fine root pools in vegetation, and also fresh litter and soil organic matter (SOM) plus coarse woody debris pools. We nested the EnKF within an optimization routine to generate estimates from the data of the unknown parameters and the five initial conditions for the pools. The efficacy of the DA process can be judged by comparing the probability distributions of estimates produced with the EnKF analysis vs. those produced with reduced data or model alone. Using the model alone, estimated net ecosystem exchange of C (NEE)=?251±197 g C m?2 over the 3 years, compared with an estimate of ?419±29 g C m?2 when all observations were assimilated into the model. The uncertainty on daily measurements of NEE via eddy fluxes was estimated at 0.5 g C m?2 day?1, but the uncertainty on assimilated estimates averaged 0.47 g C m?2 day?1, and only exceeded 0.5 g C m?2 day?1 on days where neither eddy flux nor soil efflux data were available. In generating C budgets, the assimilation process reduced the uncertainties associated with using data or model alone and the forecasts of NEE were statistically unbiased estimates. The results of the analysis emphasize the importance of time series as constraints. Occasional, rare measurements of stocks have limited use in constraining the estimates of other components of the C cycle. Long time series are particularly crucial for improving the analysis of pools with long time constants, such as SOM, woody biomass, and woody debris. Long‐running forest stem surveys, and tree ring data, offer a rich resource that could be assimilated to provide an important constraint on C cycling of slow pools. For extending estimates of NEE across regions, DA can play a further important role, by assimilating remote‐sensing data into the analysis of C cycles. We show, via sensitivity analysis, how assimilating an estimate of photosynthesis – which might be provided indirectly by remotely sensed data – improves the analysis of NEE.  相似文献   
为探究中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana dynactin p62基因的表达特性, 本研究克隆了中华蜜蜂dynactin p62的基因组DNA序列(GenBank登录号: JX101463) 和mRNA序列(GenBank登录号: JX101464); 采用荧光定量PCR检测了中华蜜蜂dynactin p62在不同发育时期(3日龄和6日龄幼虫、 刚羽化出房蜜蜂)三型蜂中mRNA的表达量。结果表明: 该基因基因组DNA序列全长为2 403 bp, mRNA序列全长为1 491 bp, 编码496个氨基酸残基, 预测的蛋白分子量为56.49 kD, 等电点为8.31。系统发育分析表明中华蜜蜂dynactin p62与西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera dynactin p62聚成一支。该基因在不同发育时期均有表达, 在雌性蜜蜂(蜂王和工蜂)中, 刚羽化成虫期的表达量显著高于幼虫期(P<0.05), 并且同一发育时期相比, 工蜂的表达量显著高于蜂王(P<0.05); 而该基因在雄蜂中表达量没有明显的规律性。这些结果提示该基因可能与中华蜜蜂级型分化有关。  相似文献   
濒危植物香果树(Emmenopterys henryi)种群结构与动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
香果树(Emmenopterys henryi)为我国特有种,属国家Ⅱ级重点保护植物。主要分布于江西、安徽等地亚热带中山或低山区的森林中。文中对武夷山自然保护区4个群落类型的香果树种群数量动态进行了系统研究,统计其径级结构、建立生命表,应用谱分析方法分析种群数量的动态变化,并对影响该种群结构的环境因子进行了分析。结果表明:(1)武夷山自然保护区香果树种群基本属于衰退型,幼苗少,中树、大树个体丰富。不同生境的种群密度存在差异,其中香果树纯林密度较大(8.45±0.818株·100 m^-2),幼苗数量较多,更新较好(幼苗密度1.05±0.326株·100 m^-2),针阔混交林中香果树密度较小(6.58±0.76株·100 m^-2),无幼苗;(2)香果树种群中树死亡率较高,其他各级死亡率较低;(3)香果树种群自然更新过程存在明显的周期。(4)对影响香果树种群结构的13个环境因子通过主成分分析(PCA)发现,较高的光强、土壤含水量、弱酸性土壤、土壤有机质、大气湿度、大气温度和适量的人为干扰对种群增长发挥有利影响,而高海拔、阴坡、陡坡度和大的乔灌层盖度对香果树种群增长则发挥不利影响。(5)充分利用香果树幼树喜荫、大树喜光的特点,加强现有林分的就地保护,特别是具有结实能力的母树,并就地采种育苗,扩大人工种群数量。  相似文献   
Arabinoxylans in crop plants are the major sugar components of the cell walls, and UDP-xylose is a key substrate in the biosynthesis of xylans. In this study, the six putative UDP-D-glucuronic acid decarboxylase genes from rice (Oryza sativa UDP-xylose synthase; OsUXS) were cloned. Except for the soluble form of OsUXS3 (GenBank Accession No. \AB079064), the remaining five OsUXS enzymes contain a putative membrane-bound region. The six OsUXS genes were classified into three types by phylogenetic analysis and were expressed during the development of rice seeds. The HPLC retention times of the enzyme products and NMR data, indicate that the recombinant OsUXS2 enzyme catalyzes the conversion of UDP-D-glucuronic acid to UDP-D-xylose. Interestingly, the reactions catalyzed by the recombinant OsUXS2 and OsUXS3 enzymes were inhibited by NADP+, and accelerated by NADPH. The catalytic activities of the recombinant OsUXS2 and OsUXS3 enzymes were strongly inhibited by UDP, UTP, TDP, and TTP. The expression levels of OsUXS genes changed in different manners during the development of rice seeds, suggesting that each corresponding OsUXS enzyme plays a significant role in rice seed development at a certain stage. In the present study, we report that the UXS2-type enzyme of rice is not only characterized for the first time but also show significant findings involved in the gene expression of OsUXSs.  相似文献   
中国猕猴桃属植物叶表皮毛策形态特征及数量分类分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
选取国产猕猴桃35个分类群的代表植株,应用光学显微对其新鲜叶表皮毛的微形态特征,形体大小、细胞结构、分布和密度等多态性状和数量性状进行了观察和测量,该属植物的叶表皮毛微形态特征可归纳为6个类型:1)单细胞毛;2)单列多细胞毛,每形单列毛、泡状单列毛、扭曲毛、直壁单列毛、曲壁单列毛;3)多列渐尖毛和急尖毛,包括多列曲壁渐尖毛和急尖毛,多列直壁渐尖毛和急尖毛;4)多列粗毛,包括柱状毛,多列渐尖粗毛,多  相似文献   
猪瘟病毒强弱毒株和野毒株E2全基因序列测定及比较分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为了比较猪瘟病毒 (HCV)野毒株、疫苗株及标准株之间E2基因抗原区域的差异 ,采用RT PCR扩增了HCV石门株、兔化弱毒疫苗株、野毒 0 3及 0 7株的囊膜糖蛋白E2 (gp55)全基因的cDNA片段 ,分别克隆于pGEM T载体中并对其进行了核苷酸序列测定及氨基酸序列的推导 ,同时进行了同源性比较及E2结构与功能的分析。所测 4株HCVE2基因的长度均为1 2 73bp,所编码的氨基酸序列均包括部分信号肽序列和完整的跨膜区序列 ,共由 381个氨基酸组成 ;4个毒株E2蛋白N末端的 683位至 690位信号肽序列 (WLLLVTGA)和C末端 1 0 30~1 0 63位跨膜区均为保守序列 ,而且具疏水性 ;N末端抗原功能区中 ,4个E2蛋白与其它所比较序列在位于第 753位至 759位氨基酸处 ,均有一段保守序列RYLASLH ,无一氨基酸发生变异 ,为亲水性 ,在整个E2蛋白抗原谱中抗原性峰值为最高 ,推测对抗原性产生起重要作用 ;4个E2蛋白的氨基酸序列中均含有 1 5个半胱氨酸 (Cys)残基 ,其数量及位置与国外五株HCV(Brescia ,C ,Alfort.ALD和GPE)完全一致。表明…  相似文献   
景观生态网络研究进展   总被引:14,自引:19,他引:14  
作为生态学重要的概念与方法,生态网络是景观生态学研究的热点问题,也是耦合景观结构、生态过程和功能的重要途径。景观生态网络对于保护生物多样性、维持生态平衡、增加景观连接度具有重要意义。从景观生态网络的相关理论、研究进展、研究方法模型等进行分析,并对其应用前景进行展望,主要介绍了传统景观格局分析、网络分析、模型模拟等方法的适用性与特点,并分析了景观生态网络在城市景观格局优化、自然保护区规划、生物多样性保护、土地规划等领域的应用,最后提出了研究的主要问题。  相似文献   
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