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Evergestis extimalis  (Scopoli) is a pest insect present in spring rape fields of the Qinghai–Tibet plateau. A survey of its distribution and analysis of its physiological and biochemical variances of its overwintering larvae were conducted in this study. Prior to 2006, Evergestis extimalis Scopli appeared only sporadically at the east agricultural district of Qinghai Province at 2,100 m elevation; after 2006, there have been frequent outbreaks at 2,200 m or so height. The insect's distribution has extended continuously toward higher altitudes yearly, and the scope of its damage reached 2,800 m height in 2010. These changes indicate that the cold hardiness of E. extimalis is on the rise. Physiological and biochemical analyses were performed for the insect's overwintering larvae from November 2011 to March 2012. The supercooling point (SCP) and freezing point (FP) ranged from ?6.85°C to ?12.49°C and from ?6.23°C to ?8.17°C, respectively, and both were at their respective lowest points in January 2012; the lowest points of water and fat contents (which did not vary to any extreme degree throughout the test period) were also observed in January 2012. Glycogen content varied from 2.42 mg/g to 4.56 mg/g. Protein content increased gradually at the first two months and reached its peak in January 2012 before dropping slightly. The activity of protective enzymes POD, CAT, and SOD varied with changes in environmental temperature, and each was at its lowest point in January 2012. With the exception of protein and glycerol content, other physiological and biochemical variances were generally parallel with environmental temperature, strongly indicating that E. extimalis has indeed developed cold hardiness.  相似文献   
贺春玲  嵇保中  刘曙雯 《昆虫知识》2011,48(6):1751-1758
长木蜂Xylocopa tranquebarorum(Swederus)属于多访花性昆虫。本文报道了长木蜂的形态特征、生活史及幼虫和成虫的行为等生物学特性。该蜂在南京地区1年发生1代,以成虫在巢室内越冬。翌年的3月下旬成虫开始外出活动,主要是筑巢、采集粉蜜、酿贮蜂粮和产卵。6月中旬至7月下旬新一代成虫羽化,新羽化的成虫群集在蜜源植物青桐树上补充营养,并在青桐的附近空中婚飞、交配。室内观察长木蜂的卵期9~11d,平均(9.97±0.76)d;幼虫期19~22d,平均(20.30±1.18)d,预蛹期8~9d,平均(8.53±0.51)d,蛹期19~21d,平均(19.67±0.66)d。雌雄比为2.17∶1。雌蜂酿制蜂粮的盛期在5月上旬,采集蜂粮的最佳时期在5月上中旬。该蜂的卵产在块状的蜂粮上,卵长10.06~13.34mm,腊肠形或香蕉形,略弯曲,两端钝圆,头部略窄与尾部,尾部最宽,重(0.0438±0.0122)g。  相似文献   

The effects have been studied of different salinities on the early stages of development of the Turbellarian Polyclad Stylochus mediterraneus Galleni. Optimal salinities are about 30%o. Variation away from this value increases the incidence of unhatched embryos, even if development is not greatly altered. On the contrary, at the highest tested salinities (50%o; 60%o) and the lowest (18%o), embryos are affected by great alterations in their morphology.  相似文献   
Microtopography is one of several strategies used by marine organisms to inhibit colonization by fouling organisms. While replicates of natural microtextures discourage settlement, details of larval interactions with the structured surfaces remain scarce. Close-range microscopy was used to quantify the exploration of cyprids of Amphibalanus amphitrite on cylindrical micropillars with heights of 5 and 30 μm and diameters ranging from 5 to 100 μm. While 5 μm-high structures had little impact, 30 μm-high pillars significantly influenced cyprid exploration. An observed step length decrease and step duration increase on 5 μm diameter pillars is attributed to the small dimensions of the voids excluding the cyprid's attachment disc and consequently reducing the area of adhesive contact. When exploring larger diameter pillars, cyprids preferred using the voids to form temporary attachment points. This may enhance their resistance to flow. No-choice assay settlement patterns mirrored this exploration behaviour, albeit in a pattern counter to what was predicted.  相似文献   
Some insect species are thought to grow quickly, even in low temperatures under natural conditions, presumably by conducting basking behaviors to use sunlight. However, whether basking behavior in fact enhances developmental speed and shortens the larval period in the field has not been determined. Moreover, few studies have examined whether basking is behavioral thermoregulation or simply the result of highly‐heterogeneous heat environments in the field. To examine these issues, we conducted field observations and laboratory experiments using larvae of Parnassius citrinarius Motschulsky, which mature within a short period after the thaw in early spring. First, body temperatures of larvae were measured under sunny and cloudy conditions. Second, larval preference for warmer locations was examined. Finally, we compared the developmental speed of larvae when they basked under field conditions and when did not bask in laboratory conditions under different air temperature regimes. Under sunny conditions, larval body temperature was substantially higher than either the temperature of the host plant or the air temperature, and was equivalent to the temperature of dead leaves, which the larvae used as basking sites. In contrast, no such tendency was observed under cloudy conditions. Larvae exhibited an exclusive preference for warmer locations. Moreover, in the field, despite the low ambient temperature, larvae grew much faster than those reared in the laboratory. These results imply that the basking behavior of P. citrinarius larvae is active thermoregulation to maintain high body temperatures in the cold season.  相似文献   
测定和分析了具钩竖毛螯石蛾成虫和幼虫及黄氏竖毛螯石蛾成虫的mtDNA-COⅠ、Ⅱ及tRNA-Leu基因序列,发现具钩竖毛螯石蛾成虫与幼虫的序列歧异度为1%,而具钩竖毛螯石蛾的成、幼虫与黄氏竖毛螯石蛾成虫的序列歧异度为14%和13%.对我国特有种具钩竖毛螯石蛾幼虫的形态特征进行了描述.  相似文献   
对棉大卷叶螟Sylepta derogata Fabricius第5代、第6代室内种群饲养结果显示,该虫的有效越冬虫源为第5代滞育的老熟幼虫,滞育率24.4%~33.1%,第6代棉大卷叶螟的发生对第2年的种群基数影响不大。滞育老熟幼虫的越冬存活率为60.0%~71.9%。次年越冬代羽化的成虫雌虫少,雄虫多,单雌产卵量平均为163.4~198.8粒。  相似文献   
Filtration rates of fourth instars of Aedes aegypti L., Anopheles albimanus Wiedemann, Anopheles quadrimaculatus Say and Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae) were determined by quantifying removal rates of suspended latex microspheres or yeast cells. Average filtration rates were 33–34 l/larva/h (An. quadrimaculatus), 49–55 (An. albimanus), 490–590 (C. quinquefasciatus) or 590–690 l/larva/h (Ae. aegypti) for larvae exposed to latex beads suspended in phagostimulant yeast extract solutions. In suspensions of yeast cells, filtration rates of Ae. aegypti and C. quinquefasciatus were not significantly different from filtration rates in latex bead suspensions. Larval density, ranging from 0.3 to 2.4 individuals/ml in tests with Ae. aegypti and C. quinquefasciatus and up to 4.8 larvae/ml in tests with Anopheles, did not influence filtration rates.
Zusammenfassung Die Filtrierraten von Viertlarven der Stechmückenarten Aedes aegypti, Anopheles albimanus, Anopheles quadrimaculatus und Culex quinquefasciatus wurden in Laborversuchen bestimmt. Dabei wurde die Filtrierrate definiert als ein Wasservolumen, welches pro Stunde von einer Larve von den Testpartikeln (Hefezellen oder Latexkugeln mit einem Durchmesser von 2 m) befreit wurde. Nach Exposition der Larven in Dichten zwischen 0.15 und 2.4 Larven/ml (Ae. aegypti und C. quinquefasciatus), oder zwischen 0.6 und 4.8 Larven/ml (Anopheles) wurde der Partikelgehalt der Suspensionen in einem elektronischen Partikelzähler bestimmt. Die Filtrierraten wurden über die Verringerung der Partikeldichte mit zunehmender Larvendichte entsprechend einer in der Literatur angegebenen Formel berechnet.Suspensionen von Hefezellen wurden von Ae. aegypti Larven mit einer Leistung von 680±220 l/Larve/h gefiltert. Bei Larven von C. quinquefasciatus wurden Filtrierraten von 600±120 l/Larve/h gemessen. Die Filtrierraten beider Arten waren unabhängig von der Larvendichte. In Suspensionen von Latexpartikeln (zur Phagostimulation der Larven wurden diese Partikel in Lösungen von Hefeextrakt angeboten) wurden die folgenden Filtrierraten festgestellt: An quadrimaculatus: 33–34, An. albimanus: 49–55, C. quinquefasciatus: 490–590, und Ae. aegypti: 560–690 l/Larve/h. Die Larvendichte hatte auch hier keinen Einfluss auf die Filtrierrate. Hefezellen und Latexpartikel wurden von Ae. aegypti und C. quinquefasciatus mit statistisch nicht signifikant verschiedenen Filtrierraten aufgenommen. Die Filtrierraten der Anopheles Larven waren um mehr als eine Zehnerpotenz kleiner als die Filtrierraten von Culex und Aedes, und auch untereinander signifikant verschieden. Der Einfluss der Filtrierraktivität von Stechmückenlarven auf das Seston der Brutgewässer wird diskutiert.
通过采用GC/MS法研究了条石鲷(Oplegnathus fasciatus)仔鱼、稚鱼及幼鱼阶段的脂肪酸组成和变化特点。共检测到28种脂肪酸,其中饱和脂肪酸(SFA)13种,单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)7种,多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)8种。结果表明:条石鲷鱼苗内源性营养阶段以饱和脂肪酸C16∶0、C20∶0及单不饱和脂肪酸C16∶1、C18∶1作为能量代谢的主要来源;必需脂肪酸C20∶4(n-6)(AA)、C22∶5(n-3)(DPA)和C22∶6(n-3)(DHA)在稚鱼期含量较低,∑EPA+DHA仅为6.89%,认为是发生稚鱼"胀鳔病"的主要原因;仔鱼开口前体内的DHA和EPA是由母体卵黄提供的。  相似文献   
花绒寄甲Dastarcus helophoroides Fairmaire以幼虫寄生松褐天牛Monochamus alternatus等天牛类害虫,掌握其幼虫时空动态和空间分布格局,有助于制定花绒寄甲的生物防治利用策略。通过对江西马尾松林花绒寄甲幼虫种群数量的调查,应用聚集度指标和回归分析等,对林间花绒寄甲幼虫种群动态、水平分布和垂直分布进行了研究。结果表明,林间花绒寄甲幼虫种群动态呈现极明显的波动性,全年数量动态有2个高峰期,其中主高峰期是4月份,占全年幼虫总数量的30%左右,是幼虫的主要寄生期,次高峰期是8月份。花绒寄甲幼虫水平空间分布为聚集分布,分布的基本成分是个体群,聚集的原因可能是花绒寄甲自身习性或与寄主天牛、环境因素共同作用所致。不同时间段,花绒寄甲幼虫的垂直分布情况不同,3-7月,花绒寄甲幼虫主要分布在枯死木的中上部,其中上段幼虫数占总数的50%以上,而在8-12月,花绒寄甲幼虫主要分布在枯死木的中段,占总数的50%左右。另外,调查显示,花绒寄甲幼虫寄生数量在释放过该天敌的松林要远高于未释放过的松林,特别是在马尾松纯林,其幼虫种群数量更高,这说明通过人工释放(江西在3月释放成虫),能增加林间天敌花绒寄甲种群数量、降低松褐天牛种群数量,有助于松材线虫病的控制。花绒寄甲幼虫种群时空、水平、垂直三维空间分布结果可为该天敌的保护、人工释放和有效利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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