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Maemonstrilla gen. nov. , known exclusively from females, is proposed for Monstrilla longipes A. Scott, 1909, M. turgida A. Scott, 1909, and five new species from coral reef plankton in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan: Maemonstrilla hyottoko sp. nov. (type species), M. polka sp. nov. , M. spinicoxa sp. nov. , M. simplex sp. nov. and M. okame sp. nov. A syntype of M. turgida was examined, but the holotype of M. longipes is lost; the latter species, being similar to several of the new species, is regarded as unidentifiable, and the identity of specimens assigned to it by several authors is put in doubt. Until now, all known female monstrilloids have had posteriorly trailing ovigerous spines, but in Maemonstrilla gen. nov. these spines point anteriorly and hold the egg mass between the legs beneath the thorax. This is the first known instance of subthoracic brooding in a planktonic copepod; its functional significance is discussed, and brooding habits of non‐planktonic copepods are briefly reviewed. The intercoxal sclerites of legs 1–4 in Maemonstrilla gen. nov. are very wide, making room for the eggs. In all species except M. turgida comb. nov. , the inner seta of the proximal segment of each leg ramus is either absent or reduced to a nub; this may lessen interference of the egg mass with leg movement. All species have a uniramous leg 5 with two setae, except M. turgida comb. nov. (biramous with setae on both rami); M. turgida comb. nov. is evidently the sister‐group of its congeners, each sister‐group in the genus being defined by additional autapomorphies. Scanning electron micrographs of all the Ryukyuan species except M. simplex sp. nov. are provided; these constitute a preliminary survey of monstrilloid integumental organs and cuticular ornamentation. Among the unusual features are two lobes at the base of the coxa in legs 1–4 of M. polka sp. nov. and M. spinicoxa sp. nov. and two pairs of posterodorsal spine‐like scales on the first and second free pedigers of M. turgida comb. nov. Newly hatched nauplii of M. okame sp. nov. , examined by scanning electron microscopy, are generally similar to those of Monstrilla hamatapex Grygier & Ohtsuka, 1995, but with a different mandibular structure in which the distal hook and seta clearly represent the endopod, not enditic armament of the basis. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 152 , 459–506.  相似文献   
Erythematous skin lesions occurred in rabbits 2 days after being fed upon by larvae or nymphs of the tick, Ixodes dammini. Similar lesions occurred in guinea pigs 7 days after a primary infestation with either larvae or nymphs. Host resistance to secondary feeding by larvae was demonstrated in guinea pigs and rabbits. Host resistance to secondary feeding by nymphs was seen in guinea pigs, but not in rabbits. Guinea pigs developed resistance to nymphs after being previously fed upon twice by larvae. All skin lesions in resistant guinea pigs contained large accumulations of basophils (49–76% of cells) with smaller (20–33%), but significant, numbers of eosinophils. These responses were characteristic of strong cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity reactions. Primary and secondary lesions in rabbits fed upon by larvae contained mostly mononuclear cells (46–52%) and moderate numbers (16–30%) of basophils and eosinophils. Primary and secondary lesions in rabbits fed upon by nymphs had few (3–11%) basophils and eosinophils and were dominated by mononuclear cells (73–86%). Thus, acquired resistance in guinea pigs and rabbits was associated with cutaneous basophil and eosinophil responses and the lack of resistance of rabbits to nymphs was associated with erythematous lesions dominated by mononuclear cells. The mononuclear nature of rabbit lesions induced by nymphal feeding was similar to that seen in erythema chronicum migrans in Lyme arthritis patients who are thought to have been fed upon by I. dammini nymphs. This study confirms the cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity characteristics of lesions in guinea pigs resistant to ticks and demonstrates a relationship between the mononuclear cell response of rabbits to nymphal I. dammini and the cellular response seen in patients with erythema chronicum migrans and Lyme arthritis.  相似文献   
Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti) preparations are widely used for culicid larvae. There is no suitable commercially available analytical method for Cry4 toxin as active ingredient in Bti preparations. To overcome this limitation, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for quantitative determination of Cry4 toxin allowing a limit of detection (LOD) of ~2 ng ml?1 in water. Preconcentration of aqueous samples by lyophilisation resulted in low but reproducible recoveries (25.7±6.8%), and the practical LODs for Bti preparations VECTOBAC WDG granulate and VECTOBAC 12 AS suspension were found to be ~170 ng ml?1 and ~900 ng ml?1, respectively. ELISA determinations indicated a rapid decay in detectable concentrations of VECTOBAC WDG applied at 400 ng ml?1 concentration in surface water: detected concentrations decreased by 18% and 44% in 4 days in water collected from two locations, and dropped below LOD afterwards. Larval mortality of Aedes aegypti indicated a continuous decrease even thereafter. Thus, quantitative Cry4 toxin detection facilitates proper timing and frequency of treatments to achieve optimal efficacy.  相似文献   
河鲈胚胎及卵黄囊期仔鱼发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究河鲈(Perca fluviatilis)早期生活史和发育生物学,采用体视解剖镜、显微镜仔细观察、测量、描述、绘图的方法,连续观察了6个批次河鲈胚胎及卵黄囊期仔鱼发育状况,进行比较分析。结果显示:(1)在水温8~13℃时,胚胎期约需265h,有效积温2540~2880℃.h;水温11~13℃时,卵黄囊期约需6d,有效积温1750~2120℃.h;(2)辐射状次级卵膜将受精卵连成长带形单层网片状,每个胚胎周围有6个胚胎,排列很有规则。胚胎卵黄囊表面有一个大圆形油球。出膜前期可见眼球色素、胸鳍突起;(3)胚胎出膜的不同步主要是由于出膜前期长短不一和孵化水温较低所致。  相似文献   
邓盼  马伟华  李国清 《昆虫学报》2015,58(2):175-180
【目的】 昆虫自相残杀行为可以促进特定病原体的传播,这在利用昆虫病原体防治害虫方面有潜在的应用价值。本研究旨在探究棉铃虫 Helicoverpa armigera 幼虫自相残杀习性与其龄期及食物营养之间的相关性。【方法】 分别饲喂室内品系和野外品系的棉铃虫幼虫含不同Na+浓度的人工饲料,并在饲养至3龄、4龄、5龄和6龄时,将取食相同饲料的10头幼虫为一群组移入同一培养皿中,通过测定各处理幼虫存活率,评估幼虫龄期和饲料中的Na+含量对自相残杀行为的影响。【结果】 当以3龄和4龄为群组的起始龄期时,棉铃虫幼虫存活率显著低于起始龄期为5龄和6龄的群组。此外,取食正常人工饲料的幼虫存活率最高,取食缺钠饲料时,幼虫存活率明显下降。最后,幼虫群组起始龄期和食物Na+含量对幼虫化蛹率无明显影响。【结论】结果说明,棉铃虫4和5龄幼虫与3和6龄幼虫相比,自相残杀行为发生的概率更大,而Na+含量较低的食物在一定程度上促进自相残杀行为发生的可能性。本研究为在这一领域的进一步工作提供了基础。  相似文献   
褐梗天牛(Arhopalus rusticus Linnaeus)是一种对松、杉、柏等林木危害非常严重的蛀干害虫,主要危害针叶树的衰弱木以及火灾后的枯立木,是继松褐天牛之后携带拟松材线虫能力最强的蛀干害虫。为了更好地控制其危害,深入地研究其种群空间格局,运用地统计学方法分析了3块受害程度不同的油松林内褐梗天牛幼虫和成虫的空间分布特性。结果表明:3种受害程度不同的林分内,褐梗天牛的危害具有显著差异,轻度受害林分内有虫株率为30.8%,中度受害林分内有虫株率为44.3%,而重度受害林分内高达78.3%。根据变异函数曲线图分析得知:轻度受害林、中度受害林和重度受害林内褐梗天牛幼虫种群空间分布最优拟合模型分别为高斯模型、高斯模型和指数模型,成虫的种群空间分布最优拟合模型均为线性模型。在3种林分中褐梗天牛幼虫数量具有明显的空间依赖性,轻度受害林、中度受害林和重度受害林内幼虫数量的空间依赖范围分别是19.10、11.97、61.98m,其空间连续性强度分别是0.646、0.784和0.500;成虫的空间依赖范围分别是43.08、43.23、44.17m,其空间连续性强度分别是0.044、0.021和0.171,但其成虫的数量在空间呈随机分布,没有表现出空间依赖性。根据垂直分布图分析得出:褐梗天牛幼虫和成虫在油松上主要集中聚集在某个高,然后随着高度增加密度降低,随着高度接近地面密度也降低。用Kriging插值法生成的空间分布图显示幼虫在空间分布上具有明显的聚集性,其聚集中心主要集中在林地中心,由林地中心株向整个林地扩散,而成虫则表现为随机分布。  相似文献   
【目的】为明确梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)幼虫的发育状况,以便进行预测预报及采取防治措施。【方法】试验对幼虫头壳宽、上颚宽、体长和体宽4项指标进行测量。【结果】头壳宽和上颚宽符合Dyar法则和Crosby法则并呈现明显的线性回归关系,可作为龄期划分的重要指标,确定其龄期为5龄。室内26℃温度下饲养幼虫历期约为15 d,1~4 d为1龄期、4~7 d为2龄期、6~10 d为3龄期、8~12 d为4龄期、11~15 d为5龄期。【结论】幼虫刚毛、体色、斑纹也可作为龄期划分辅助参考方法,体长和体宽变异性较大,不宜作为幼虫龄数划分的标准。  相似文献   
广布种昆虫可调节其生活史以适应栖息地的条件变化,如可以通过调节自身的生长发育和繁殖期,使其发生与栖息地的物候(如食料、气温和降雨等)同步,这对昆虫在栖息地的繁衍具有十分重要的意义。亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis为玉米主要害虫,在中国从南到北都有分布,栖息地气候也不同,不同地理种群生活史发生了分化,如化性、临界光周期、滞育后羽化时间、体重和体型、繁殖力和抗寒力等均不同。然而该虫发育历期的地理变异尚未见系统报道。为此,详细比较了来自5个亚洲玉米螟不同地理种群即广西阳朔(YS)、江西南昌(NC)、山东泰安(TA)、河北廊坊(LF)和黑龙江哈尔滨(HEB)在20—31℃下卵、幼虫、蛹发育历期及其与栖息地纬度的关系。结果表明:不同温度下的不同地理种群的卵期不存在显著差异,在20、22和25℃下,卵期从南到北稍有延长,卵期与其栖息地纬度呈正相关;但在28℃下,不同地理种群的卵期基本相等,与纬度相关性不显著。在31℃下,不同地理种群的幼虫期不存在显著差异,而在其他温度下,不同地理种群的幼虫期存在显著差异;在22、25和28℃下,幼虫期与其栖息地纬度呈正相关,而在20和31℃下,幼虫期与其栖息地纬度呈负相关,在20、22和25℃下,最北的哈尔滨种群的幼虫期变幅不大,而其他4个种群的幼虫期随着温度的升高明显缩短。各地理种群20℃下的雌蛹、28℃下的雄蛹和31℃下的雌雄蛹期差异均不显著,其他雌或雄蛹期差异显著;各温度下的雌雄蛹期与其栖息地纬度存在正相关关系。这些研究结果揭示了广布种昆虫可以调节其自身发育历期以适应栖息地环境条件。  相似文献   
本文测定了不同时期松阿扁叶蜂Acantholyda posticalis Matsumura越冬幼虫虫体、血淋。巴内氨基酸含量,并对影响幼虫抗寒的氨基酸进行了探讨。对越冬幼虫体内17种氨基酸的研究结果表明,从越冬初期至越冬期,氨基酸种类并没有发生变化,但各种氨基酸含量变化不同,丙氨酸、谷氨酸、脯氨酸、精氨酸和胱氨酸随着温度的下降呈增加趋势。幼虫虫体总氨基酸含量增幅最大的为丙氨酸,比越冬初期增加了28.8%,其次是脯氨酸、酪氨酸、苯丙氨酸,分别比越冬初期增加了9.4%、6.4%和5.4%,其他氨基酸增加不明显;幼虫血淋巴内游离氨基酸中的丙氨酸、胱氨酸和谷氨酸含量分别比越冬初期增加了94.6%、80.2%和19.6%。因此认为体内这些氨基酸含量的变化可能与低温抗寒密切相关。  相似文献   
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