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Sexual reproduction is the main reproduction mechanism among the 14 wild Iberian taxa ofLactuca, Prenanthes, Cicerbita, andMycelis. High levels of self-fertilization occur inLactuca, as well as facultative and obligate xenogamy. Xenogamy is strongly correlated with large capitula having blue or bright yellow colouration, high P/O ratios, and long anthesis, whereas self-fertilization is correlated with smaller capitula having pale yellow colouration, small P/O ratios, and short anthesis. Large variations occur in P/O index among taxa showing similar fertilization mechanism, probably in relation to the number of florets included in flower heads. Interesting differences in reproductive systems have been detected between subspecies ofLactuca viminea.  相似文献   
Susan M. House 《Oecologia》1993,96(4):555-561
Pollination success in female trees was determined for a population of Neolitsea dealbata (R. Br.) Merr., a locally abundant dioecious tree pollinated by small, unspecialized insects in northern Queensland rain forest, Australia. The population consisted of a clustered group of trees with a mean male-to-female distance of 4.5 m and more isolated individuals, including females more than 90 m away from the nearest pollen source. A map of all reproductive trees was produced to determine accurate male-to-female distances. The size of the pollen source available to females was defined as a function of the distance to the nearest ten male trees and their sizes (male neighbourhood index). The rate of pollen movement to females was measured by counting pollen tubes (and the number of tubes per style) in female trees 6 days after the commencement of population flowering. The pollination rate decreased steeply to less than half when the nearest male was only 6.5 m away. Although pollen reached a female 330 m away from the nearest pollen source, only 10% of receptive flowers had been pollinated. The short flowering period (2–3 weeks) combined with the the slow rate of pollen movement means that a large proportion of flowers in isolated trees are unpollinated, confirming an earlier finding that isolated females set fewer fruits than gregarious females. The reliability of pollen transfer to females was determined by quantifying insects and their pollen loads trapped at female trees with a range of male neighbourhood indices. Quantities of insects and pollen were significantly correlated with the size of the male neighbourhood index, indicating a strong density-dependent response by vectors to flowering. Pollen was also collected from insect visitors to non-flowering trees. Females with large male neighbourhood indices received more pollen than non-flowering trees with equivalent male neighbourhood indices. However, when the male neighbourhood indices were small for both female and non-flowering trees, the changces of pollinators encountering female and non-flowering trees were similar, suggesting random movements of pollinators in sparse-flowering sub-populations. The dioecious breeding system, brief, synchronous flowering period, clustered population structure and random, opportunistic foraging behaviour of vectors interacted in a way that reduced reproduction in relatively isolated trees. These results demonstrate a mechanism for differential breeding success between trees in natural populations and emphasize the possible impact of logging regimes on pollen flow between trees. Large interconspecific distances in species-rich environments may have been a factor in the selection for synchronous flowering between trees in outcrossing tree species with generalist insect pollinators.  相似文献   
The exchange of ammonia between the atmosphere and the canopy of spring barley crops growing at three levels of nitrogen application (medium N, high N and excessive N) was studied over two consecutive growing seasons by use of micrometeorological techniques. In most cases, ammonia was emitted from the canopy to the atmosphere. The emission started around 2 weeks before anthesis, and peaked about or shortly after anthesis. The volatilization of ammonia only took place in the daytime. During the night-time, atmospheric ammonia was frequently aborbed by the canopy. Occasionally, plants in the medium and high N treatments also absorbed ammonia from the atmosphere during the daytime. Daytime absorption of ammonia never occurred in the excessive N canopy. The loss of ammonia from the canopy amounted in both years to 0.5–1.5 kg NH3-N ha?1 and increased with the N status of the canopy. In agreement with the small losses of ammonia, the content of 15N-labelled nitrogen in the plants did not decline during the grain-filling period. The experimental years were characterized by very favourable conditions for grain dry matter formation, and for re-utilization of nitrogen mobilized from leaves and stems. Consequently, a very high part of the nitrogen in the mature plants was located in grain dry matter (80–84% in 1989; 74–80% in 1990). The efficient re-utilization of nitrogen may have reduced the volatilization of ammonia.  相似文献   
零下低温对杂交杨树皮层膜脂组成的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以不耐寒的美洲黑杨(Populusdeltoidescv.“Lux”I-69/55,父本)和耐寒性较强的欧美杨(P.euramericanaclcv.I-45/51,母本)的4个杂交F_1代无性系(95杨、559杨、600杨和1381杨)为材料,分析了零下低温寒潮前后枝条皮层的脂质组成。结果表明,寒潮影响下,皮层中磷脂含量增加而组成基本不变,膜脂脂肪酸组成的变化规律是:寒潮前脂肪酸不饱和指数(IUFA)值大的无性系,寒潮前后的IUFA值变化量小;寒潮前IUFA值较小的无性系,寒潮前后IUFA值变化量较大。本文借用力学概念,提出相对抗性概念,给出杨树无性系的相对抗性序列。序列表明F_1代无性系的耐寒性已较不耐寒的父本提高,这与田间观察基本一致。  相似文献   
A simplified and non-destructive method using starch gel electrophoresis has been developed on seeds to identify inbred lines of Vicia faba and assess outcrossing rates and gene dispersal in pollination experiments. Six enzyme systems (Alcohol dehydrogenase, Aspartate aminotransferase, Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, Isocitrate dehydrogenase, Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and Shikimate dehydrogenase) were analysed from parental lines, crosses performed between lines bearing dissimilar isozyme patterns in pollination cages with Bombus and F2 progenies obtained from manual selfing of F1 hybrids. The allozymes at each of the seven studied loci segregated in the expected Mendelian fashion and behaved in a co-dominant manner except for the Adh-2 locus where the only variant was a null allele. No evidence of genetic linkage was observed between at least 13 of the 15 pairs of the studied loci. Percentage of cross fertilisation by Bombus between seven pairs of inbred lines ranged between 1.7% and 28.3%. Pollen transfer between a donor line and a recipient line by two species of Bombus did not lead to differences in outcrossing rates (both about 8%). The new PGD marker with two loci at three alleles each is particularly discriminating and valuable in pollination studies and breeding of V. faba.  相似文献   
In mixed-mating plant populations, one can estimate the relative fitness of selfed progeny w by measuring the inbreeding coefficient F and selfing rate s of adults of one generation, together with F of adults in the following generation (after selection). In the first application of this multigenerational method, we estimated F and s for adults over three consecutive generations in adjacent populations of two annual Mimulus taxa: the outbreeding M. guttatus and the inbreeding M. platycalyx. This gave estimates of w for the last two generations. Although average multilocus selfing rates were high in both taxa (0.63 in M. guttatus; 0.84 in M. platycalyx), the relative fitness of selfed progeny averaged only 0.19 in M. guttatus and 0.32 in M. platycalyx. An alternative estimator for w that incorporates biparental inbreeding gave even lower estimates of w. These values are significantly below the 0.5 threshold thought to favor selfing, and show that partially selfing populations can harbor substantial genetic load. In accordance with the purging hypothesis, the more highly selfing M. platycalyx showed marginally lower inbreeding depression than M. guttatus in both years (P = 0.08). Inbreeding depression and selfing rates also varied among years in concert among taxa. Several sources of bias are discussed, but computer simulations indicate it is unlikely that w is biased downwards by linkage of marker loci to load loci.  相似文献   
从73个尖孢镰孢(Fusarium oxysporum)不同专化型菌株上获得684个硝酸盐营养突变株(nit mutant)。作相关氮源利用试验及亚硝酸反应后,鉴定出一新硝酸盐营养突变类型:亚硝酸盐还原酶结构基因类型,命名为nit8,占总突变株的6.7%。同时被鉴别的还有nit1、nit3和Nit M三种突变类型,它们分别占突变株总数的81.0%,3.8%和8.5%。此外,首次引入一种亚硝酸反应在这类研究中的应用,还提出了互补指数概念与公式来表示nit突变株营养体之间亲和的能力。  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨游离睾酮指数(FAI)联合血清促性腺激素平抑因子(GnSAF)、性激素结合球蛋白(SHBG)对多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)不孕患者体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)治疗妊娠结局的预测价值。方法:选取2020年1月~2022年6月湖南省妇幼保健院生殖医学中心收治的197例PCOS不孕患者为PCOS组,根据IVF-ET治疗妊娠结局分为妊娠失败组和妊娠成功组,另选取同期68名体检健康妇女为对照组。收集PCOS不孕患者临床资料,计算FAI并检测血清GnSAF、SHBG水平。采用单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析PCOS不孕患者IVF-ET治疗妊娠结局的影响因素,采用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析FAI和血清GnSAF、SHBG对PCOS不孕患者IVF-ET治疗妊娠结局的预测价值。结果:PCOS组FAI和血清GnSAF水平高于对照组,SHBG水平低于对照组(P<0.05)。197例PCOS不孕患者IVF-ET治疗妊娠成功率为51.27%(101/197)。单因素分析显示,妊娠失败组体质指数、黄体生成素(LH)、LH/促卵泡生成素(FSH)、睾酮、抗苗勒管激素(AMH)、FAI、GnSAF高于妊娠成功组,FSH、受精率、优胚率、SHBG低于妊娠成功组(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,体质指数增加和LH、LH/FSH、AMH、FAI、GnSAF升高为PCOS不孕患者IVF-ET治疗妊娠失败的独立危险因素,SHBG升高为其独立保护因素(P<0.05)。ROC曲线分析显示,FAI和血清GnSAF、SHBG联合预测PCOS不孕患者IVF-ET治疗妊娠结局的曲线下面积大于FAI、GnSAF、SHBG单独预测。结论:FAI和血清GnSAF、SHBG水平联合预测PCOS不孕患者IVF-ET治疗妊娠结局的价值较高。  相似文献   
The aim of this study is built in two phases: to quantify the ability of novel milk metabolites to measure between-animal variability in response and recovery profiles to a short-term nutritional challenge, then to derive a resilience index from the relationship between these individual variations. At two different stages of lactation, sixteen lactating dairy goats were exposed to a 2-d underfeeding challenge. The first challenge was in late lactation, and the second was carried out on the same goats early in the following lactation. During the entire experiment period, samples were taken at each milking for milk metabolite measures. For each metabolite, the response profile of each goat was characterised using a piecewise model for describing the dynamic pattern of response and recovery profiles after the challenge relative to the start of the nutritional challenge. Cluster Analysis identified three types of response/recovery profiles per metabolite. Using cluster membership, multiple correspondence analyses (MCAs) were performed to further characterise response profile types across animals and metabolites. This MCA analysis identified three groups of animals. Further, discriminant path analysis was able to separate these groups of multivariate response/recovery profile type based on threshold levels of three milk metabolites: β-hydroxybutyrate, free glucose and uric acid. Further analyses were done to explore the possibility of developing an index of resilience from milk metabolite measures. Different types of performance response to short-term nutritional challenge can be distinguished using multivariate analyses of a panel of milk metabolites.  相似文献   
Abstract Since 1990 under the Eastern Habitat Joint Venture over 100 small wetlands have been restored in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Wetlands were restored by means of dredging accumulated sediment from erosion to emulate pre‐disturbance conditions (i.e., open water and extended hydroperiod). In 1998 and 1999 we compared waterfowl pair and brood use on 22 restored and 24 reference wetlands. More pairs and broods of Ring‐necked Ducks, Gadwall, Green‐winged Teal, and American Black Ducks used restored versus reference wetlands. In restored wetlands waterfowl pair density and species richness were positively correlated with wetland/cattail area, percent cattail cover, and close proximity to freshwater rivers. In addition, a waterfowl reproductive index was positively correlated with percent cattail cover. Green‐winged Teal pair occurrence in restored wetlands was positively correlated with greater amounts of open water and water depths. American Black Duck pairs occurred on most (86%) restored wetlands. Restored small wetlands likely served as stopover points for American Black Duck broods during overland or stream movements, whereas they likely served as a final brood‐rearing destination for Green‐winged Teal broods. We suggest that wetland restoration is a good management tool for increasing populations of Green‐winged Teal and American Black Ducks in Prince Edward Island.  相似文献   
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