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The effects on mitochondrial respiratory parameters of heavy metals, such as Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, Zn, Ag, Hg, were recorded by using thein vitro response of submitochondrial particles (SMP) from beef heart mitochondria.The toxicity of these elements was estimated by determining their effects on the energy-coupled reverse electron transfer (RET), which is induced by ATP and succinate at first site level of the respiratory chain in SMP.The RET rate was easily monitored by recording spectrophotometrically at 340 nm the production of NADH, arising from the reduction of exogenous NAD+ by RET.The toxicity values were expressed as the toxicant molar concentration which decreases the rate of reduction of NAD+ to an extent of 50 percent (EC50). The toxicity increased in the following order: Ni2+2+2+< Cd2+2+2++.The SMP data were compared with the toxicity values obtained from a variety of biological systems currently used for toxicity testing. The results obtained demonstrate that the SMP test generally provides a good estimate of metal toxicity for several fish and invertebrate species. This is demonstrated by the statistical parameters obtained in the regression analysis. The broadened 95% confidence intervals and, in particular, the poor correlations obtained for some aquatic organisms can be ascribed to the more complex metabolic interactions and competing toxic pathways in aquatic organisms, when compared to SMP.  相似文献   
A simple and rapid quantitative method for 13C-labelled urea ([13C]urea) in human serum was developed by using high-performance liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (HPLC-APCI-MS). This method is used to establish and normalize the [13C]urea breath test, which is considered as an effective diagnostic method for Helicobacter pylori infection. HPLC-APCI-MS, involving a simple pretreatment process such as diluting serum with water, was shown to be able to discriminate the extrinsic [13C]urea from intrinsic urea present at high concentration in serum. In addition, a 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic quantitative method for [13C]urea in human urine is also described. The precision and accuracy of measured concentrations in these two methods were found to be within the acceptable limit. An application of these methods to investigate the pharmacokinetic profile of orally administered [13C]urea in human serum and urine is also presented.  相似文献   
Abstract We have evaluated the use of an improved direct agglutination test (DAT) based on stable, freeze-dried antigen for the detection of anti- Leishmania antibodies in canine serum samples. With a cut-off value of 1:640, the sensitivity of the DAT was shown to be 100% and the specificity of the test was 98.8%.  相似文献   
印产毛喉鞘蕊花的引种栽培研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李景秀  李运昌  孔繁才   《广西植物》1996,16(3):273-277
本文报道印产毛喉鞘蕊花肉质根稳定性状的分离及栽培技术路线.肉质根株提纯到99.5%;求得了露地最佳效益种植法,最优水平搭配是:30d、15株/m2、高垄、覆膜、底肥、整枝、去花穗,产鲜根8700kg/hm2.  相似文献   
人体超微弱发光图像中的信号检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用近期研制的具有单光子探测能力的超高灵敏度成像系统获得了人体体表生物超微弱发光的强度数据。为分析图像中的信号检验,二项分布被用于人手不同时间累积发光图像中的信号显著性检验,证实人手存在超微弱生物发光,手指的发光强度在300~550photons/s范围内,全手的发光强度在850~1200photons/s范围内。  相似文献   
为了提高原生质体的再生率,用正交实验筛选了制备营养缺陷型酿酒酵母PW208菌株原生质体的条件。最佳条件为用柠檬酸缓冲液配制1%蜗牛酶,在30℃酶解60min后再经后处理可得99%的形成率和43%的再生率。  相似文献   
双单抗的免疫层析一步法用于早妊诊断的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在试管式、微孔式和斑点式的酶免测定法测定人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)的基础上,发展了应用双单克隆抗体的免疫层析一步法测定HCG。此法用胶体金标记抗βHCG单克隆抗体,将抗αHCG单克隆抗体包被在硝酸纤维素膜上。无需分离步骤,特别是在进行测定时除加入样品外无需再加任何试剂,此方法特别迅速、简便,2~5min即可得结果。凡HCG浓度>25IU/L的样品可得到阳性结果。在人体血或尿中可能出现的高浓度的干扰物质,如抗坏血酸、乙酰水杨酸、雌二醇、蛋白质、胆红素、甘油三酯等对本测定均无干扰作用,在促黄体激素(LH)浓度高达500IU/L时仍与HCG没有交叉反应。能进行测定的最高值大于300IU/ml,这表示,当HCG浓度达到妊娠期的最高值时仍不会有假阴性结果。  相似文献   
本项研究的目的:是在一系列毒性试验的基础上进一步观察大鼠皮下给予由枯草芽孢杆菌BS224菌株制成的抑菌生后,对机体产生毒性反应的情况。结果表明:给药组大鼠饮食、活动正常。各项检测指标及病理组织学检查未发现异常,与对照组比较均无差异(P>0.05),说明抑菌生无毒性反应。  相似文献   
Alkylation-induced germ cell mutagenesis in the mouse versus Drosophila is compared based on data from forward mutation assays (specific-locus tests in the mouse and in Drosophila and multiple-locus assays in the latter species) but not including assays for structural chromosome aberrations. To facilitate comparisons between mouse and Drosophila, forward mutation test results have been grouped into three categories. Representatives of the first category are MMS (methyl methanesulfonate) and EO (ethylene oxide), alkylating agents with a high s value which predominantly react with ring nitrogens in DNA. ENU (N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea), MNU (N-methyl-N-nitrosourea), PRC (procarbazine), DEN (N-nitrosodiethylamine), and DMN (N-nitrosodimethylamine) belong to the second category. These agents have in common a considerable ability for modification at oxygens in DNA. Cross-linking agents (melphalan, chlorambucil, hexamethylphosphoramide) from the third category.The most unexpected, but encouraging outcome of this study is the identification of common features for three vastly different experimental indicators of genotoxicity: hereditary damage in Drosophila males, genetic damage in male mice, and tumors (TD50 estimates) in rodents. Based on the above three category classification scheme the following tentative conclusions are drawn. Monofunctional agents belonging to category 1, typified by MMS and EO, display genotoxic effects in male germ cell stages that have passed meiotic division. This phenomenon seems to be the consequence of a repair deficiency during spermiogenesis for a period of 3–4 days in Drosophila and 14 days in the mouse. We suggest that the reason for the high resistance of premeiotic stages, and the generally high TD50 estimates observed for this class in rodents, is the efficient error-free repair of N-alkylation damage. If we accept this hypothesis, then the increased carcinogenic potential in rodents, seen when comparing category 2 (ENU-type mutagens) to category 1 (MMS-type mutagens), along with the ability of category 2 genotoxins to induce genetic damage in premeiotic stages, must presumably be due to their enhanced ability for alkylations at oxygens in DNA; it is this property that actually distinguishes the two groups from each other. In contrast to category 1, examination of class 2 genotoxins (ENU and DEN) in premeiotic cells of Drosophila gave no indication for a significant role of germinal selection, and also removal by DNA repair was less dramatic compared to MMS. Thus category 2 mutagens are expected to display activity in a wide range of both post- and premeiotic germ cell stages. A number of these agents have been demonstrated to be among the most potent carcinogens in rodents. In terms of both hereditary damage and the initiation of cancers (low TD50), cross-linking agents (category 3) comprise a considerable genotoxic hazard. Doubling doses for the mouse SLT have been determined for four cross-linking agents not requiring metabolic conversion and in all four cases the doubling doses for these agents were lower than those for MMS, DES and EMS. In support of this conclusion, two of 10 genotoxic agents, for which data on chromosomal aberrations were available for both somatic cells and germ cells in mice, were cross-linking agents and again the doubling dose estimates are lower than for monofunctional agents. Four cross-linking agents induced mutations in stem cell spermatogonia indicating that this type of agent can be active in a wide range of germ cell stages.Quite in contrast to what is generally observed in unicellular systems and in mammalian cells in culture, both cross-linking agents and MMS-type mutagens (high s value) predominantly produce deletion mutations in postmeiotic male germ cell stages. This is the uniform picture found for both Drosophila and the mouse. It is concluded that in vitro systems, in contrast to Drosophila germ cells, fail to predict this very intriguing feature of mouse germ line mutagenesis. In addition to their potential for induction of deletions and other rearrangements, cross-linking agents are among the most efficient inducers of mitotic recombination in Drosophila. Thus there are several mechanisms by which cross-linking agents may cause loss of heterozygosity for long stretches of DNA sequences, leading to expression of recessive genes. Since a substantial portion of agents used in the chemotherapy of cancers have cross-linking potential, the potential hazards of hereditary damage and cancers associated with this class of genotoxins should, in our opinion, receive more attention than they have in the past.  相似文献   
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