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Seston in the impounded North Anna River (NAR) was analyzed and compared to that in the free-flowing South Anna River (SAR) in Virginia, U.S.A. A wet filtration technique was used to separate seston into five size classes. The overall quantity of organic seston was much lower in the NAR than in the SAR. The seston in the NAR was composed of more living organisms, in particular zooplankters in the medium large (234–864 µm) and small (105–234 µm) size classes and diatoms and other algae in the fine (43–105 µm) and very fine (25–43 µm) size classes. The percentage of zooplankton declined sharply before reaching the downstream study site (32 km). The seston in the NAR tended to consist of slightly larger particles, but 80–85% of the seston in both rivers was in the ultrafine (0.45–25 µm) size class, which was almost entirely composed of detritus. One indication of seston food quality, the organic/inorganic ratio, was considerably higher for the medium large and small size classes in the NAR immediately below the dam and for the fine and very fine size classes farther downstream. Another indication of food quality, the usable caloric content, showed that the seston in the NAR contained considerably less total assimilable energy as far as 32 km downstream from the dam, but that the medium large and small size classes were rich in assimilable energy immediately below the dam because of zooplankton released from the reservoir. Thus, the overall quantity and quality of seston was lower in the NAR, but the quality of the seston, for at least a short distance below the dam, was higher in a well-defined size range that can be effectively utilized by certain filter feeders.  相似文献   
Sulphate reduction in oxic and sub-oxic North-East Atlantic sediments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract Oxic and sub-oxic N.-E. Atlantic sediments were examined for sulphate-reducing activity. Oxygen and/or nitrate reduction are probably the dominant mineralisation processes in the abyssal plain sediment studied. A low rate of sulphate reduction (0.1 nmol SO2−4/ml/day) was recorded in the surface 5 cm of the continental slope sediment, together with the presence of a range of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). A higher activity of sulphate reduction (2.2 nmol SO2−4/ml/day) occurred in the continental shelf sediment which led to a small decrease in pore water sulphate and an increase in titration alkalinity. This sediment contained approx. 102–103 acetate, lactate and propionate oxidising SRB/ml. No low- M r organic acids were detected in these sediments. However, amendment with 75 μM acetate stimulated sulphate-reducing activity in the shelf sediment.  相似文献   
The nephrotoxicity of chlorotrifluoroethylene (CTFE) was examined using isolated rabbit renal tubules suspensions. Exposure of the tubules to CTFE resulted in consumption of CTFE, formation of a glutathione conjugate and inhibition of active organic acid transport. Synthetic cysteine, N-acetylcysteine or glutathione conjugates of CTFE inhibited transport indicating S-conjugation as a possible toxic pathway. 1,2-dichlorovinyl glutathione (DCVG), a model synthetic glutathione conjugate, was used to examine the degradation and toxicity of these conjugates. DCVG inhibited rabbit renal tubule transport in vivo and in vitro. The DCVG was found to be degraded with the evolution of glutamine and glycine to produce the ultimate nephrotoxicant, dichlorovinyl cysteine. Dichlorovinyl cysteine is then bioactivated with the release of ammonia. This sequential degradation explains the latency of DCVG-induced renal transport inhibition relative to dichlorovinyl cysteine. It is now evident that certain halogenated ethylenes are capable of being biotransformed to glutathione conjugates in the kidney with their subsequent hydrolysis to nephrotoxic cysteine conjugates.  相似文献   
The effects of a paper mill effluent on the macroinvertebrate community were assessed for the riffle areas of a large fast-flowing stream, the lower reaches of the Saranac River of northern New York State, U.S.A. The effluent caused few changes in dissolved oxygen concentration, pH, biochemical oxygen demand, temperature or nutrient content; however, significant differences in transmitted light, concentrations of particulates and accumulated debris on the substrate were observed. A moderate decrease in invertebrate diversity correlated with increased levels of particulates and substrate debris. An analysis of the response of invertebrate functional groups revealed the effluent had little effect on the density of gathering collector organisms. The functional groups most severely reduced in density were the filtering collectors and scrapers. Predators showed a moderate reduction in density in response to the effluent. The alterations in invertebrate densities were attributed largely to the alterations in seston and substrate caused by the introduction of particulates composed mainly of paper fiber and inert dye.  相似文献   
Germination studies were carried out with seeds of Spergularia marina L. Griseb produced over an interval of six months (June-November). The response of the seeds to light and dark, various constant and alternating temperature regimes, and salinity were determined. In addition, the effects of soil moisture status at the time of seed production on the subsequent germination response of seeds were also determined. Light was an absolute requirement for germination. While a constant temperature regime did not generally favour germination of seed of any month, alternating temperature greatly enhanced germination with an optimum at 5/15°C in all seeds. When imbibed in solutions of different salinities, seeds collected in July and October behaved like true halophyte seeds whereas those collected in June. August, September and November behaved like glycophyte seeds.
High concentration of gibberellic acid (3 000 μ M ) stimulated dark germination in the June and November seed lots, but in light, low GA3 concentration (300 μ M ) stimulated germination most. The addition of kinetin (30 μ M ) plus gibberellic acid enhanced germination in the dark in contrast to GA3 alone; kinetin alone stimulated a very low percentage germination.
The moisture status of the soil at the time seeds were produced did not affect the germination response of an early seed crop (July) but affected that of the later seeds (August).
Judging from the different germination responses, it appears that the seeds belong to at least two physiological groups, one which appears to need either a dark-wet or cold-wet pretreatmem for high germination to occur; and the other group which does not need pretreatmem. The ecological significance of these varied responses is discussed in relation to the survival of the species in its habitat.  相似文献   
Bragg soybeans were planted in nematicide-treated and nontreated plots on 15 May, 15 June, 1 July, and 15 July in 1980 and 1981 to determine the influence of planting date on damage caused by H. glycines. Although earlier studies showed the nematode was sensitive to high soil temperatures (> 34 C), late planting did not reduce damage caused by the nematode. Yields from plots treated with 1, 2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (57.5 kg a.i./ha) were 48, 118, 395, and 403% higher than yields from nontreated plots with planting dates of 15 May, 15 June, 1 July, and 15 July, respectively, when data were averaged over the 2 years. Increase in both seed size and number accounted for the yield increases in treated plots. Soil temperatures were highest during July in 1980, averaging 8.9 and 6.5 hours per day above 34 C at 10- and 20-cm depths, respectively. Larvae populations of H. glycines were reduced by the nematicide but not by late planting. These results indicate that damage caused by H. glycines may actually increase with later planting and that nematicides may be more beneficial when soybeans are planted late in a double-cropped production system.  相似文献   
The plant-communities from habitats of the metallophyte species Minuartia verna and Thlaspi alpestre (T. caerulescens) at sites disturbed and undisturbed by mining are described. Four communities were delineated by cluster and principal component analysis. Group 1 comprised species-poor communities on disturbed non-calcareous soils; group 2, relatively species-rich communities on disturbed calcareous soils; group 3, species-rich communities in the main on undisturbed calcareous soils. Group 4 consisted of species-rich communities with an alpine element, in damp habitats on base-rich soils derived from igneous rocks. Total and exchangeable elements As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined for the soils of these sites. Levels of soil Ca, Cd, Pb and Zn accounted for most of the variation along the first axis of the PCA and soil nutrient levels were probably the main predictor along the second.Abbreviations PCA Principal Component Analysis  相似文献   
The influence of soil temperature and moisture on Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood was examined in relation to hatching and survival of second-stage juveniles (J2). Nematodes were cultured on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Acala SJ2) under field conditions to provide populations similar to those found in the field in late autumn. Egg masses were placed in a temperature range (9-12 C and 21 C), and hatch was measured over a period equivalent to 20 degree days > 10 C (DD10). Hatch occurred below the reported 18 C activity threshold, was restricted below 12 C, and was inhibited below 10 C. Soil moisture influence on hatch was measured by placing egg masses in Hesperia sandy loam and subjecting them to suction pressures ranging from -1.1 bars to -4 .5 bars. Suction potentials of less than -2 bars reduced hatch and less than -3 bars inhibited hatch. J2 were placed in sandy loam soil with soil moisture near field capacity, and their motility was measured over a period of 500 DD10. In the absence of a host, more than 90% of J2 became nonmotile over this period.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to identify lines of subterranean clover (Trifolium spp.) with resistance to Meloidogyne arenaria (Neal, 1989) Chitwood, 1949, race 1; M. incognita (Kofoid and White, 1919) Chitwood, 1949, race 3; and M. javanica (Treub, 1885) Chitwood, 1949. A collection of 134 subterranean clover lines was evaluated and all had intermediate to high susceptibility. Root galling was negatively correlated with both seed and dry matter yields. Soil fumigation significantly reduced the nematode population in the field. Results indicate there is limited genetic resistance to root-knot nematodes among subterranean clover lines. Alternative sources of variation for this trait should be investigated.  相似文献   
The effects of supplied ammonium and nitrate on the amino and organic acid contents and enzyme activities of cell suspension cultures of Acer pseudoplatanus L. were examined. Regardless of nitrogen source the pH of the culture medium strongly affected the malate and citrate contents of the cells; these organic acid pools declined at pH 5, but increased at pH 7 and 8. Over a period of two days, ammonium had little effect on the responses of the organic acid pool sizes to the pH of the medium. In contrast, ammonium had a strong influence on amino acid pool sizes, and this effect was dependent on the pH of the medium. At pH 5 there was no increase in cell ammonium or amino acid contents, but at higher pH values cellular ammonium content rose, accompanied by accumulation of glutamine, glutamate and asparagine. Over several days, supplied ammonium led to an increase in activity of glutamate dehydrogenase irrespective of any changes in internal ammonium and amino acid contents. If the pH of the medium was allowed to fall below pH 4 in the presence of ammonium, phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase activity declined to a very low value over several days; at higher pH, the activity of this enzyme, and that of NAD malic enzyme and NAD malate dehydrogenase, remained substantial irrespective of whether the nitrogen source was NH+4 or NO-3.  相似文献   
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