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Solution culture studies have shown that plant uptake of NH4 + and NO3 - can be improved by increasing the concentration of Ca2+ in the root environment: the same may be true for grass grown in soil culture. An experiment was set up to see whether gypsum (CaSO4 2H2O) increased the rate at which perennial ryegrass absorbed 15NH4 + and 15NO3 - from soil.The results demonstrated that gypsum increases the rates of uptake of both NH4 + and NO3 - by perennial ryegrass. However because there was little potential for mineral-N loss from the experimental system, either by gaseous emission or by N immobilization, long term improvements in fertilizer efficiency were not observed. Nitrogen cycling from shoots to roots commenced once net uptake of N into plants had ceased. Labelled N transferred thus to roots underwent isotopic exchange with unlabelled soil N. It was suggested that this exchange of N might constitute an energy drain from the plant, if plant organic N was exchanged for soil inorganic N. The fact that the exchange occurred at all cast doubt on the suitability of the 15N-isotope dilution technique for assessing fertilizer efficiency in medium to long term experiments. There was evidence that the extra NO3 --N taken up by plants on the all-nitrate treatments as a result of gypsum application, was reduced in root tissue rather than in shoots, but to the detriment of subsequent root growth and N uptake.  相似文献   
Microplot and greenhouse experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of soil incorporation of the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys conoides and green alfalfa mulch on the population dynamics of Meloidogyne incognita on corn. Reproduction of M. incognita and the incidence of root galling were reduced by the addition of A. conoides and/or green alfalfa in all tests. Numbers of juveniles were reduced by as much as 84%, and eggs were fewest in early to mid-season soil samples from microplots. Yields increased in treatments with A. conoides and/or green alfalfa in greenhouse tests and in the microplot tests in 1979. No interaction was found between the fungus and green alfalfa in the reduction of the nematode population.  相似文献   
The relative importance of respiration and organic carbon release to the efficiency of carbon specific growth of Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Clave was evaluated over a light range from 1500–15 μE · m?2· s?1. Net growth efficiency ranged from 0.45–0.69 with a maximum at 130 μE · m?2· s?1. Respiration was 93% or more of the variations in growth efficiency. Organic carbon release ranged from 0–7% of gross production and increased with light intensity. Carbon specific particulate production was a hyperbolic function of incident light intensity and was related exponentially to particulate carbon production per unit chlorophyll a. Full sunlight conditions, 1500 μE · m?2· s?1, did not induce photoinhibition of gross production. Variations in the efficiency of growth of S. costatum were minimized over a wide range of light intensities mainly because of variations in cellular pigments which permitted the efficient utilization of available light energy, and a reduction in the losses of carbon which increases the growth rate, possibly as a consequence of the recycling of respired carbon within the cell.  相似文献   
Abstract: A frozen mixture of solubilized brain proteolipid proteins in chloroform-methanol is not sublimable in a vacuum. However, when 7 to 10 volumes of benzene were added to a chloroform-methanol solution containing 5 mg of proteolipid protein per ml, the proteolipid proteins remained in solution for a while and the frozen mixture was easily sublimated at 2 mm Hg. Before the addition of benzene, higher concentrations of protein required the acidification of the medium to avoid precipitation of proteolipid proteins. In contrast to what happens when proteolipid proteins are obtained by the evaporation of the organic mixture at room temperature, the protein obtained by lyophilization was soluble in aqueous solutions of ionic and nonionic detergents. Sodium dodecyl sulfate at 0.6 to 0.7% concentration completely solubilized the proteolipid protein obtained by lyophilization. With the nonionic detergents Lubrol WX and Triton X-100, a solubilization between 50 and 65% was achieved. Sodium deoxycholate was practically ineffective. Triton X-100 showed selectivity in solubilizing certain proteins. The role of lipids in the solubilization of proteolipid proteins with detergents is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary In an incubation study addition of green manure caused a reduction in the ammonia volatilized initially from both sodic and reclaimed soils but extensive volatilization occurred from the sodic soil, amended with green manure, after the tenth day till the conclusion of the experiment after 9 weeks. Volatilization from the reclaimed soil was much less. There was a slight build up of organic carbon and ammoniacal nitrogen in both the soils though greater in the reclaimed soil. More of nitrate and nitrite accumulated in the sodic soil.  相似文献   
The biological oxygen demand (BOD) of filtered water from Lake Wingra, Wisconsin is significantly higher in the littoral zone than in the pelagial zone. Laboratory experiments indicate that BOD is not influenced by water temperature at the time of sampling or by enrichment with nitrate or ammonia. Rather, enrichment with macrophyte leachate sharply increases BOD, and enrichment with phosphate produces a small but significant increase in BOD. We conclude that high BOD in littoral waters of the lake is an indication of production of labile organic matter in the water by dense beds of the macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum.  相似文献   
Bacterial periphyton formed during 48 hours was studied by glass slide method and direct counting in Vltava River in Praha, Czechoslovakia. At water temperatures 8–11°C the numbers of rods ranged between 24,000 and 336,000 per 1 cm2 and those of cocci between 30,000 and 228,000. The relation rods: cocci ranged between 0,9 and 2,4 with an average value of 1,7, whereas in a fishpond this average was 0,5. Among the periphyton 81,3% bacterial cells were active. The rods: cocci relation seems to be a good indicator of water pollution by organic matter, but numbers distinguishing the individual saprobic levels cannot be given yet.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde der bakterielle Bewuchs von Glassplatten im Vltava-Fluss in Praha untersucht. Zweitägige Exposition erwies sich als am meisten geeignet, um den Bewuchs mikroskopisch durch direkte Zählung quantitativ zu erfassen. In Abhängigkeit von der Tiefe, Wassertemperatur, Verunreinigungsgrad, Sonnenstrahlung u.a. entwickelte sich der Bewuchs quantitativ unterschiedlich und zeigte auch eine unterschiedliche Relation von Stäbchen zu Kokken. Im beta-mesosaproben Bereich wurden im Herbst (Wassertemperaturen 8–11 °C) 24.000 bis 336.000 Stäbchen und 30.000 bis 228.000 Kokken per 1 cm2 gefunden, mit den Mittelwerten 163.100 Stäbchen und 104.100 Kokken. Die Vergleichswerte von einem Fischteich in Motol lagen für Stäbchen im gleichen Bereich, während die Kokken, bis 254.000 erreichten.Die Relation Stäbchen: Kokken variierte im Vltava-Fluss zwischen 0,9 (nur einmal) und 2,4 mit dem Mittelwert 1,7, im Fischteich zwischen 0,4 ufnd 0,7 mit dem Mittelwert 0,5. Es hat sich erwiesen, dass diese Relation brauchbare Angaben über die organische Verunreinigung gibt. Leider liegen bisher zu wenige Ergebnisse vor, um eine Skale gegenüber den Saprobitätsstufen zu errichten.Unter den Bewuchsbakterien gab es in der Vltava durchschnittlich 81,3% aktive Zellen, wie durch Fluoreszenzanalyse festgestellt wurde.Fast alle Daten indizieren eine schwächere Verunreinigung des Wassers am linken Ufer als am rechten.
袁冬海  王家元  王昊天 《生态学报》2019,39(22):8404-8415
地表径流污染已经逐渐成为城市面源污染的重要组成部分。其中溶解性有机质DOM (Dissolved organic matter)是有机污染物的主要组成部分。DOM中因为含有大量不饱和结构、官能团,其中包括羟基、羧基、羰基、胺基等,这些结构容易与径流中重金属结合发生络合反应,改变重金属的赋存形态,从而对其迁移转化及其生物有效性产生很大的影响。本文以北京市地表径流为研究对象,研究城市地表径流在冬、夏季不同功能区不同下垫面中溶解性有机质特征及其与典型重金属的作用机制,通过荧光淬灭滴定实验,研究夏季径流雨水中DOM的不同组分与重金属Cu~(2+)、Pb~(2+)、Zn~(2+)之间的结合机制。研究结果显示PARAFAC将获得的样品都分解成2类6个不同的组分,1种腐殖酸,1种类蛋白;类蛋白物质的荧光强度与Cu~(2+)、Pb~(2+)的淬灭率要强于腐殖酸,而Zn~(2+)则呈现相反趋势;通过使用二维相关同步光谱发现DOM对重金属Cu~(2+)、Pb~(2+)、Zn~(2+)的敏感性呈现递减趋势,二维相关异步光谱发现Cu~(2+)、Pb~(2+)会先与位于270—300nm附近类蛋白光谱带反应,Zn~(2+)则会先与330nm附近的腐殖酸光谱带反应。  相似文献   
北京市平原区土壤有机碳垂直分布特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
研究土壤有机碳垂直分布特征规律对精确测算土壤有机碳储量具有重要意义。通过野外调查实地挖取北京市平原区40个典型土壤剖面共169个样品数据,研究土壤有机碳垂直分布特征。结果表明:1)北京市平原区0—150 cm土壤平均有机碳含量为(5.98±2.62) g/kg,垂直分布上,随剖面深度增加土壤有机碳含量逐渐降低,且在浅层(≤60 cm)下降速度显著快于深层(60 cm); 2)各发生层次不同土壤质地的有机碳含量差异整体上均表现为粉粒及黏粒含量比例越高,即质地越黏重,土壤有机碳含量越高; 3)不同土体构型的平均土壤有机碳含量大小关系为通体砂通体壤上壤下黏夹黏,通体砂型土壤有机碳含量垂直变化相对平缓,上壤下黏型土壤有机碳含量在垂直方向呈"降-升-降"趋势,通体壤及夹黏型则均呈先快速下降后缓慢下降趋势; 4)耕地和园地土壤平均有机碳含量高于荒草地,耕地在整个剖面中土壤有机碳含量均居于三种土地利用类型之首,耕地和园地的土壤有机碳含量在0—20 cm和40—60 cm之间下降速度高达40.10%和55.92%,剖面深度超过60 cm后下降速度显著放缓,受人类活动直接影响相对较少的荒草地在垂直方向上变化相对平缓。  相似文献   
Soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics is regulated by a complex interplay of factors such as climate and potential anthropogenic activities. Livestocks play a key role in regulating the C cycle in grasslands. However, the interrelationship between SOC and these drivers remains unclear at different soil layers, and their potential relationships network have rarely been quantitatively assessed. Here, we completed a six‐year manipulation experiment of grazing exclusion (no grazing: NG) and increasing grazing intensity (light grazing: LG, medium grazing: MG, heavy grazing: HG). We tested light fraction organic carbon (LFOC) and heavy fraction organic carbon (HFOC) in 12 plots along grazing intensity in three soil layers (topsoil: 0–10 cm, mid‐soil: 10–30 cm, subsoil: 30–50 cm) to assess the drivers of SOC. Grazing significantly reduced SOC of the soil profile, but with significant depth and time dependencies. (1) SOC and SOC stability of the topsoil is primarily regulated by grazing duration (years). Specifically, grazing duration and grazing intensity increased the SOC lability of topsoil due to an increase in LFOC. (2) Grazing intensity was the major factor affecting the mid‐soil SOC dynamics, among which MG had significantly lower SOC than did NG. (3) Subsoil organic carbon dynamics were mainly regulated by climatic factors. The increase in mean annual temperature (MAT) may have promoted the turnover of LFOC to HFOC in the subsoil. Synthesis and applications. When evaluating the impacts of grazing on soil organic fraction, we need to consider the differences in sampling depth and the duration of grazing years. Our results highlight that the key factors influencing SOC dynamics differ among soil layers. Climatic and grazing factors have different roles in determining SOC in each soil layer.  相似文献   
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