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为揭示金属冶炼废渣堆场生态修复多年后,废渣-植物-凋落物系统中养分循环和系统维持机制。该研究以实现生态修复6 a的黔西北铅锌冶炼废渣堆场上土荆芥(Dysphania ambrosioides)、芦竹(Arundo donax)、刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)、构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)和柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)五种优势修复植物为对象,分析它们的主要营养器官(细根、粗根、茎/干、枝、叶片)、地表凋落物、植被下方表层废渣(0~10 cm)中碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及化学计量特征,探讨它们之间的相互关系。结果表明:不同植物、不同营养器官间C、N、P的含量具有显著差异(P<0.05),C平均含量在两种草本植物中为茎>叶片>根>凋落物,在三种乔木中为干>枝>细根>粗根>叶片>凋落物; N和P的分布在草本植物中分别为叶片>凋落物>根>茎和叶片>根>凋落物>茎,在三种乔木中均为叶片>细根>凋落物>粗根>枝>...  相似文献   
树麻雀代谢率和器官重量在光周期驯化中的变化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为探讨光周期对树麻雀代谢产热和代谢器官变化的影响,对成年树麻雀 Passer montanus 进行温度为25℃、两种光周期16 L:8 D(LD组)和8 L:16 D(SD组)4周的气候箱驯化后,测定其体重、基础代谢率(BMR)、体脂和水分含量,以及各器官、组织的鲜重和干重.结果 显示,SD组麻雀BMR显著大于LD组,作为代谢活性器官的消化道显著增生是其BMR显著增加的主要原因之一;麻雀通过增加体重和能量储备物脂肪来实现对较长黑暗环境的适应是其成功的生存策略.SD组麻雀体重的显著增加和水分含量显著降低,说明短光照的刺激引起麻雀能量储备的增加和代谢活性器官消化道增生.光周期驯化的结果验证了"中心限制假说",即麻雀体内存在着与BMR相关的"代谢机器",中心器官(消化道)是改变麻雀BMR的基础之一.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of the retrocerebral endocrine-aortal complex of the earwig, Euborellia annulipes has been studied. The space between the inner and outer stromal layers of the aorta is occupied by numerous axon terminals and pre-terminals containing large electron dense granules (NS-I) of approximately 100 to 220 nm and a few axon terminals having small granules (NS-II) of approximately 40 to 90 nm; the former appear to belong to medial neurosecretory A-cells, and the latter to the B-cells of the brain. The corpora cardiaca consist of intrinsic cells with mitochondria and multivesicular bodies. Granules of type NS-II and NS-III are observed in the axon terminals and pre-terminals in the corpora cardiaca. The NS-II are identical to those found in the aorta and are probably the secretions of the lateral B-cells. Granules of type NS-III are 40 to 120 nm and electron dense, and are intrinsic in origin. Similar granules occur in the intrinsic cells of the corpora cardiaca. E M studies have confirmed the rôle of the aorta as a neurohaemal organ for the medial neurosecretory cells, and the corpora cardiaca for the lateral neurosecretory cells of the brain. The corpora cardiaca also act as a reservoir for the intrinsic secretion. The corpus allatum is a solid body consisting of parenchymal cells with prominent nuclei, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum. In between its cells are occasional glial cells and also neurosecretory as well as non-neurosecretory axons. The gland is devoid of A-cell NSM.  相似文献   
Stem cell therapy holds great promises in medical treatment by, e.g., replacing lost cells, re-constitute healthy cell populations and also in the use of stem cells as vehicles for factor and gene delivery. Embryonic stem cells have rightfully attracted a large interest due to their proven capacity of differentiating into any cell type in the embryo in vivo. Tissue-specific stem ceils are however already in use in medical practice, and recently the first systematic medical trials involving human neural stem cell (NSC) therapy have been launched. There are yet many obstacles to overcome and procedures to improve. To ensure progress in the medical use of stem cells increased basic knowledge of the molecular mechanisms that govern stem cell characteristics is necessary. Here we provide a review of the literature on NSCs in various aspects of cell therapy, with the main focus on the potential of using biomaterials to control NSC characteristics, differentiation, and delivery. We summarize results from studies on the characteristics of endogenous and transplanted NSCs in rodent models of neurological and cancer diseases, and highlight recent advancements in polymer compatibility and applicability in regulating NSC state and fate. We suggest that the development of specially designed polymers, such as hydrogels, is a crucial issue to improve the outcome of stem cell therapy in the central nervous system.  相似文献   
肝细胞核因子4α(hepatic nuclear factor 4 alpha,HNF4α)属于细胞核受体超家族成员,它在肝脏的发育、肝细胞分化成熟过程中起重要调控作用。HNF4α有阻断肝纤维化、肝硬化、肝癌的疾病进程,改善肝脏功能的作用。另外,HNF4α在肝干细胞移植方面也发挥重要作用,提高肝细胞移植的成功率。本文就HNF4α在肝细胞中的表达、作用及其相关疾病的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   
海房沟异羽叶的新联合(Anomozamites haifanggouensis (Kimura et al.) comb. nov.)是辽西和内蒙古东部中侏罗统海房沟组一种特有的本内苏铁类植物.仅发现一块标本(正、反面印痕).标本上保存3枚营养羽叶,它们同几个苞片状的小叶和一些小孢子叶联合在一起,但球果的雌蕊群部分未被保存.标本被收集于内蒙古东部的宁城县山头乡道虎村附近,产于中侏罗统海房沟组.以往在辽西葫芦岛市的南票和白马石乡上三角城等地的同一层位中也曾发现过很多分散保存的苞片状小叶和相似的小孢子叶.它们最初被潘广(1983)认为是一种双子叶的半被子植物(Cycadicotis),并将小孢子叶视为"具皱纹的雌性种囊".后来,又经Kimura等(1994)详细研究,因未找到任何与被子植物有关的证据,将它们归入一个分类位置不明的形态属Pankuangia,并被描述在P. haifanggouensis种名之下.研究结果表明,本文中被研究的标本是同本内苏铁类的Anomozamites异羽叶相连,从而为这些分散保存的生殖器官的确切分类位置的确定提供了有力的证据.  相似文献   
Review: Tissue engineering in the nervous system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The nervous system presents a challenge to the field of tissue engineering because some of its complex neurochemical and neuroanatomical architecture is just beginning to be understood. A combination of advances in molecular neurobiology, gene transfer techniques, and the concomitant advances in the engineering of biomaterials at a molecular level, are making tissue engineering in the nervous system possible. Due to the vast range of fields that this highly interdisciplinary task spans, any review is bound to be somewhat limited. Given that, this review attempts to cover some solutions engineered for: (a) the functional replacement of a missing neuroactive component; (b) the rescue or regeneration of degenerated neural tissue; and (c) the building of intelligent neural cell-based biosensors and simple in vitro neural circuits based on controlled neural cell attachment to electrically relevant substrates. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Lipopolysaccharide is strongly associated with septic shock, leading to multiple organ failure. It can activate monocytes and macrophages to release proinflammatory mediators such as tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-), interleukin-1 (IL-1), and nitric oxide (NO). The present experiments were designed to induce endotoxin shock by an intravenous injection ofKlebsiella pneumoniae lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 10 mg/kg) in conscious rats. Arterial pressure and heart rate (HR) were continuously monitored for 48 h after LPS administration. N-Acetyl-cysteine was used to study its effects on organ damage. Biochemical substances were measured to reflect organ functions. Biochemical factors included blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (Cre), lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine phosphokinase (CPK), aspartate transferase (GOT), alanine transferase (GPT), TNF-, IL-1, methyl guanidine (MG), and nitrites/nitrates. LPS caused significant increases in blood BUN, Cre, LDH, CPK, GOT, GPT, TNF-, IL-1, MG levels, and HR, as well as a decrease in mean arterial pressure and an elevation of nitrites/nitrates. N-Acetylcysteine suppressed the release of TNF-, IL-1, and MG, but enhanced NO production. These actions ameliorate LPS-induced organ damage in conscious rats. The beneficial effects may suggest a potential chemopreventive effect of this compound in sepsis prevention and treatment.  相似文献   
以交通繁忙区(污染点)和相对清洁区(对照点)道路两侧的二球悬铃木〔Platanus acerifolia ( Ait.) Willd.〕为研究对象,测定了不同器官(包括主干、老树皮、2年生枝条、1年生枝条、腋芽、叶片和果实)中Cu、Ni、Pb和Zn的含量,并对污染点二球悬铃木各器官中4种重金属元素的累积量和污染指数及二者的分布比例进行分析。结果表明:二球悬铃木体内重金属元素的含量因样点、器官及元素的不同而呈现不同的变化规律,污染点4种重金属元素的累积量及其分布比例、污染指数及其分布比例则因器官和元素的不同而有明显差异。总体上看,污染点各器官的Cu、Ni、Pb和Zn的含量均高于对照点且差异显著(P<0.05);4种重金属元素相比较,均以Zn含量最高,Cu含量次之,而Ni和Pb含量则较低;在不同器官中同一重金属元素的含量也有明显差异,其中,Cu、Ni和Zn含量均在腋芽中最高,Pb含量在2年生枝条中最高。4种重金属元素的累积量及其分布比例均在叶片中最高,在老树皮中次之,在1年生枝条、2年生枝条和腋芽中均较低;而4种重金属元素的污染指数及其分布比例则在老树皮中最高,在叶片中次之。研究结果显示:二球悬铃木各器官对空气中的重金属元素均有一定的吸滞能力,并且叶片和老树皮的吸滞能力明显优于其他器官。  相似文献   
郑重 《生态学杂志》1989,8(4):35-39
随着化学生态学(chemical ecology)和行为生态学(behavioral ecology)的蓬勃发展,近年来信息素(pheromone)研究进展较快,发表的论文与日俱增,但研究的进度很不平衡——脊椎动物以哺乳类研究较多,而无脊椎动物则以昆虫类研究较多。后者是可以理解的,一因昆虫的种类多、数量大,易于取材;二因昆虫具有重大经济意义,特别是有害昆虫的防治(利用性信息素作为诱捕剂),对农业丰收与森林保护关系极大。值得注意的是,近年来甲壳动物的信息素研究也日益受到重视,论文也日益增多。但和昆虫比较起来,它仍处于萌芽状态。作者深信,随着虾、蟹类养殖业和捕捞业的蓬勃发展,这类高等甲壳动物的  相似文献   
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