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In the present study, the effect of constituting amino acid residue numbers of oligopeptide derivatives, which are candidate materials to construct molecular recognition sites, on chiral recognition ability was investigated. Chiral recognition sites were formed from oligopeptide derivatives, of which constituting amino acid residue numbers were three to six, by adopting an alternative molecular imprinting. It was made clear that the number four, in other words, the tetrapeptide derivative, is the best candidate material to form a chiral recognition site.  相似文献   
海马脑片盲法膜片钳全细胞记录技术   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Liu ZW  Li LJ  Liu CG 《生理学报》2001,53(5):405-408
本文较为详细地介绍了海马脑片盲法膜片钳全细胞记录技术,对其关键步骤和需要注意的问题进行了重点说明,同时对CA1区锥体神经元突触活动的特点,电压门控性Ca^2 通道以及谷氨酸(glutamate,Glu)γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)受体通道电流性质等进行了观察和分析,实验结果为采用海马脑片盲法膜片钳全细胞记录技术研究海马神经元离子通道动力学性质和中枢神经系统药物对突触活动的影响提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   
Chlorosomes of green photosynthetic bacteria constitute the most efficient light harvesting complexes found in nature. In addition, the chlorosome is the only known photosynthetic system where the majority of pigments (BChl) is not organized in pigment-protein complexes but instead is assembled into aggregates. Because of the unusual organization, the chlorosome structure has not been resolved and only models, in which BChl pigments were organized into large rods, were proposed on the basis of freeze-fracture electron microscopy and spectroscopic constraints. We have obtained the first high-resolution images of chlorosomes from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum by cryoelectron microscopy. Cryoelectron microscopy images revealed dense striations approximately 20 A apart. X-ray scattering from chlorosomes exhibited a feature with the same approximately 20 A spacing. No evidence for the rod models was obtained. The observed spacing and tilt-series cryoelectron microscopy projections are compatible with a lamellar model, in which BChl molecules aggregate into semicrystalline lateral arrays. The diffraction data further indicate that arrays are built from BChl dimers. The arrays form undulating lamellae, which, in turn, are held together by interdigitated esterifying alcohol tails, carotenoids, and lipids. The lamellar model is consistent with earlier spectroscopic data and provides insight into chlorosome self-assembly.  相似文献   
The rate of vegetation recovery from boreal wildfire influences terrestrial carbon cycle processes and climate feedbacks by affecting the surface energy budget and land‐atmosphere carbon exchange. Previous forest recovery assessments using satellite optical‐infrared normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and tower CO2 eddy covariance techniques indicate rapid vegetation recovery within 5–10 years, but these techniques are not directly sensitive to changes in vegetation biomass. Alternatively, the vegetation optical depth (VOD) parameter from satellite passive microwave remote sensing can detect changes in canopy biomass structure and may provide a useful metric of post‐fire vegetation response to inform regional recovery assessments. We analyzed a multi‐year (2003–2010) satellite VOD record from the NASA AMSR‐E (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS) sensor to estimate forest recovery trajectories for 14 large boreal fires from 2004 in Alaska and Canada. The VOD record indicated initial post‐fire canopy biomass recovery within 3–7 years, lagging NDVI recovery by 1–5 years. The VOD lag was attributed to slower non‐photosynthetic (woody) and photosynthetic (foliar) canopy biomass recovery, relative to the faster canopy greenness response indicated from the NDVI. The duration of VOD recovery to pre‐burn conditions was also directly proportional (P < 0.01) to satellite (moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer) estimated tree cover loss used as a metric of fire severity. Our results indicate that vegetation biomass recovery from boreal fire disturbance is generally slower than reported from previous assessments based solely on satellite optical‐infrared remote sensing, while the VOD parameter enables more comprehensive assessments of boreal forest recovery.  相似文献   
The structural conversion of the prion protein PrP into a transmissible, misfolded form is the central element of prion disease, yet there is little consensus as to how it occurs. Key aspects of conversion into the diseased state remain unsettled, from details about the earliest stages of misfolding such as the involvement of partially- or fully-unfolded intermediates to the structure of the infectious state. Part of the difficulty in understanding the structural conversion arises from the complexity of the underlying energy landscapes. Single molecule methods provide a powerful tool for probing complex folding pathways as in prion misfolding, because they allow rare and transient events to be observed directly. We discuss recent work applying single-molecule probes to study misfolding in prion proteins, and what it has revealed about the folding dynamics of PrP that may underlie its unique behavior. We also discuss single-molecule studies probing the interactions that stabilize non-native structures within aggregates, pointing the way to future work that may help identify the microscopic events triggering pathogenic conversion. Although single-molecule approaches to misfolding are relatively young, they have a promising future in prion science.  相似文献   
Increased excitability of principal excitatory neurons is one of the hallmarks of aging in the hippocampus, signifying a diminution in the number and/or function of inhibitory interneurons with aging. To elucidate this, we performed comprehensive GABA-ergic interneuron cell counts in all layers of the dentate gyrus and the CA1 and CA3 subfields, using serial sections from adult, middle-aged and aged Fischer 344 rats. Sections were immunostained for glutamate decarboxylase-67 (GAD-67, a synthesizing enzyme of GABA) and GAD-67 immunopositive interneurons were counted using an unbiased cell counting method, the optical fractionator. Substantial declines in the absolute number of GAD-67 immunopositive interneurons were found in all hippocampal layers/subfields of middle-aged and aged animals, in comparison with the adult animals. However, the counts were comparable between the middle-aged and aged groups for all regions. Interestingly, determination of the absolute number of interneurons using neuron-specific nuclear antigen (NeuN) expression in the strata oriens and radiatum of CA1 and CA3 subfields revealed an analogous number of interneurons across the three age groups. Furthermore, the ratio of GAD-67 immunopositive and NeuN positive interneurons decreased from adult age to middle age but remained relatively static between middle age and old age. Collectively, the results underscore that aging in the hippocampus is associated with wide-ranging decreases in the number of GAD-67 immunopositive interneurons and most of the age-related changes in GAD-67 immunopositive interneuron numbers transpire by middle age. Additionally, this study provides novel evidence that age-related reductions in hippocampal GAD-67 immunopositive interneuron numbers are due to loss of GAD-67 expression in interneurons rather than interneuron degeneration.  相似文献   
从光动力治疗癌症的疗效着眼研究酞菁配合物的三阶非线性光学性能。用时间分辨简并四波混频方法测量苯硫基钛菁锌(C56H32S4Zn),苯硫基铝酞菁(C56H32AlN8O4)以及烷氧基铝酞菁(C56H32AlN8O4)的三阶非线性光极化率;测量四波混频响应的衰减过程;研究时间响应的超快过程和慢过程及其动力学机制,它们分别对应于单态和三线态的寿命。在荧光显微成像系统中观察三种酞菁光敏剂对人肝癌细胞杀伤的形态变化,并用MTT方法检测细胞存活率。对三种酞菁配合物的三线态量子产率和寿命进行测定,结果与它们对人肝癌细胞的光动力杀伤作用相关联。  相似文献   
Current trends in the development of methods for monitoring, modeling and controlling biological production systems are reviewed from a bioengineering perspective. The ability to measure intracellular conditions in bioprocesses using genomics and other bioinformatics tools is addressed. Devices provided via micromachining techniques and new real-time optical technology are other novel methods that may facilitate biosystem engineering. Mathematical modeling of data obtained from bioinformatics or real-time monitoring methods are necessary in order to handle the dense flows of data that are generated. Furthermore, control methods must be able to cope with these data flows in efficient ways that can be implemented in plant-wide computer communication systems.Mini-review for the proceedings of the M3C conference  相似文献   
The procerebrum (PC) of the terrestrial mollusk Limax is a highly developed second‐order olfactory center consisting of two electrophysiologically distinct populations of neurons: nonbursting (NB) and bursting (B). NB neurons are by far the more numerous of the two cell types. They receive direct synaptic inputs from afferent fibers from the tentacle ganglion, the primary olfactory center, and also receive periodic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) from B neurons. Odor‐evoked activity in the NB neurons was examined using perforated patch recordings. Stimulation of the superior tentacle with odorants resulted in inhibitory responses in 45% of NB neurons, while 11% of NB neurons showed an excitatory response. The specific response was reproducible in each neuron to the same odorant, suggesting the possibility that activity of NB neurons may encode odor identity. Analysis of the cycle‐averaged membrane potential of NB neurons revealed a correlation between the firing rate and the membrane potential at the plateau phase between IPSPs. Also, the firing rate of NB neurons was affected by the frequency of the IPSPs. These results indicate the existence of two distinct mechanisms for the regulation of NB neuron activity. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 58: 369–378, 2004  相似文献   
To explore the biochemical differences between brain cancer cells Astrocytoma and normal cells Astrocyte, we investigated the Raman spectra of single cell from these two cell types and analyzed the difference in spectra and intensity. Raman spectrum shows the banding pattern of different compounds as detected by the laser. Raman intensity measures the intensity of these individual bands. The Raman spectra of brain cancer cells was similar to those of normal cells, but the Raman intensity of cancer cells was much higher than that of normal cells. The Raman spectra of brain cancer Astrocytoma shows that the structural changes of cancer cells happen so that many biological functions of these cells are lost. The results indicate that Raman spectra can offer the experimental basis for the cancer diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   
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